What is causing the sudden spike in Jewish hate?

I don't get it.

You allow lots of arab muslim filth into a country - that's what happens.

You allow arab muslim filth to take over college mideast studies programs to indoctrinate the young and lie about the history of the mideast - that's what happens.

You allow ignorant college students to be useful idiots for the arab muslims on campuses promoting absolute garbage like "apartheid week" - that's what happens.

You allow the far left dogshit media like the NYT to relentlessly press an anti-Israel agenda unopposed in the media - that's what happens.

You tolerate arab muslim filth protesting every time there is an Israeli war to defend itself, who remain incredibly silent during muslim terrorist attacks against Westerners or arab muslim atrocities like the syrian civil war - that's what happens.

You allow hate campaigns like "bds" pushed by arab muslims with an agenda and their useful idiot western trash - that's what happens.

There's others but I think you get the point.
obama and the dimshitscum are planning and carrying out raids on Jewish citizens because they are the reincarnation of the Nazi party. It was evident in all of his actions against The true owners of the state of Israel.
Yea poor Jews it's the worlds fault...

At some point as a person or a group you may have to accept you have some traits that piss people off...lol

If every Indian who came to the west acted like Jews do we'd be the second most hated group in America....only behind Jews

Granted some of us do. Caste is bad

Someone explain to me what a piece of shit like this (a likely sock puppet of a banned poster) is doing in this forum?
Yea poor Jews it's the worlds fault...

At some point as a person or a group you may have to accept you have some traits that piss people off...lol

If every Indian who came to the west acted like Jews do we'd be the second most hated group in America....only behind Jews

Granted some of us do. Caste is bad

Fuck off.
Jews kicked out of Jerusalem? lol when did this happen

And you do understand Israelis have whole organizations of their citizens commenting in English to sway our opinion, right? THere is a video of Naftali Bennet organizing a bunch of the bastards to comment in our english media. Because they want to affect our policy.

The sooner we squash the little fuckers the better. Acting like parasites

Actually, the sooner the forum expels ignorant dogshit like you, the better.

Fucking trash like this adds NOTHING to the discussion, and is a black mark on the forum as a whole.
Some anti's listed in those rising hate groups too...Active Hate Groups 2016

Definitely hate Jews and Christians Jamaat al-Muslimeen has a Baltimore branch of its International sect
Jamaat Al-Muslimeen International | Facebook

From their FB page;
Dear Muslims, asalamu alaikum.
Let us focus on our own agenda. Let the Republicans and Democrats fight each other. Dont get involved. If a woman puts on a headcover and supports the Democrats and has been doing it for years, don't be fooled. Notice that Obama did not release Dr. Aafia. Nor did he close Gtmo. Till his last day, he was dropping bombs on Muslims in Libya and Syria and helping puppet regimes. Israel was his most beloved.
Notice the Islamic agenda proposed by Jamaat al Muslimeen:'
1. Free Muslim political prisoners.
2. Stop police brutalities. Remove the mayor of Chicago & stop the killings in Chicago.
3. Stop the bombing of Muslim countries
4. Stop the occupation of Muslim countries.
5. Israel is an illegetimate, terrorist entity. Stop US aid to Israel.
6. Spend money being given to Israel in depressed areas of American cities.
7. Boycott businesses which support Israel. Nestle, Home Depot, etc.
8. Support oppressed people. Do not support homos. Their ideology is a direct attack on Islam.

It's not true that Trump is different from Obama. Both are oppressors of Muslims. One already proven. The other promising to be. As the Qur'an points out, Allah smashes such forces by hurling them against each other. Don't get influenced by either one. Our Guidance is the Qur'an. Our example is the Prophret, pbuh.

Interesting read for those interested... Khutba on Abraham+Repel evil with good+'Gays" & Blacks+"his husband???+Syria in flames again+Mosul week 12: Amazing+Porno undermining Muslims+ Israeli Soldiers 4 K 15 w+Moving to Ethiopia

November 2016 & article December 2016 Bangladesh violence against Hindi's and "Since 2013, Bangladesh has experienced a series of violent attacks by extremists. The victims have included besides atheists, secular bloggers, liberals and foreigners -- many Buddhists, Christians and Hindus as well as Ahmadis and Shia Muslims." — Minority Rights Group" International. A must read for those interested in who really gets their feewings hurt over distaste for their religion.
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If they're Muslims, the Right will scream Terrorism!!!

If they are Muslims, you'll be defending them.

If they are an unjustly attacked and oppressed minority, we'll be defending them. That's what liberals do.

So, if Muslims are responsible for this (and I highly doubt it, for the record), you're saying you'll defend them for vandalizing Jewish cemeteries and terrorizing Jewish-Americans?


So when a guy sets off a bomb at a Planned Parenthood center, you'll blame Christianity and not the individual?


When has a bomb gone off at planned parenthood?

June 11, 2001: An unsolved bombing at a clinic in Tacoma, Washington, destroyed a wall, resulting in $6,000 in damages.

April 25, 2007: A package left at a women's health clinic in Austin, Texas, contained an explosive device capable of inflicting serious injury or death. A bomb squad detonated the device after evacuating the building. Paul Ross Evans (who had a criminal record for armed robbery and theft) was found guilty of the crime.

January 1, 2012: Bobby Joe Rogers, 41, firebombed the American Family Planning Clinic in Pensacola, Florida, with a Molotov cocktail; the fire gutted the building. Rogers told investigators that he was motivated to commit the crime by his opposition to abortion, and that what more directly prompted the act was seeing a patient enter the clinic during one of the frequent anti-abortion protests there. The clinic had previously been bombed at Christmas in 1984 and was the site of the murder of Dr. John Britton and James Barrett in 1994.

April 1, 2012:
A bomb exploded on the windowsill of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Grand Chute, Wisconsin, resulting in a fire that damaged one of the clinic's examination rooms. No injuries were reported.

Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia

And that's just a few of the more recent bombings. Plenty of shootings and people driving their cars into clinics. Terrorists have so much in common.
They'll be Liberal Muslim Jihadists

The great Lefty Convergence of Terrorism and Liberalism
Has finally arrived!

The two have become one!

You'll know when they catch some of these people.

If they're Muslims, the Right will scream Terrorism!!!

If they're RW'ers, the Right will scream nothing.
Phuck allah the pedophile imposter god.

Some anti's listed in those rising hate groups too...Active Hate Groups 2016

Definitely hate Jews and Christians Jamaat al-Muslimeen has a Baltimore branch of its International sect
Jamaat Al-Muslimeen International | Facebook

From their FB page;
Dear Muslims, asalamu alaikum.
Let us focus on our own agenda. Let the Republicans and Democrats fight each other. Dont get involved. If a woman puts on a headcover and supports the Democrats and has been doing it for years, don't be fooled. Notice that Obama did not release Dr. Aafia. Nor did he close Gtmo. Till his last day, he was dropping bombs on Muslims in Libya and Syria and helping puppet regimes. Israel was his most beloved.
Notice the Islamic agenda proposed by Jamaat al Muslimeen:'
1. Free Muslim political prisoners.
2. Stop police brutalities. Remove the mayor of Chicago & stop the killings in Chicago.
3. Stop the bombing of Muslim countries
4. Stop the occupation of Muslim countries.
5. Israel is an illegetimate, terrorist entity. Stop US aid to Israel.
6. Spend money being given to Israel in depressed areas of American cities.
7. Boycott businesses which support Israel. Nestle, Home Depot, etc.
8. Support oppressed people. Do not support homos. Their ideology is a direct attack on Islam.

It's not true that Trump is different from Obama. Both are oppressors of Muslims. One already proven. The other promising to be. As the Qur'an points out, Allah smashes such forces by hurling them against each other. Don't get influenced by either one. Our Guidance is the Qur'an. Our example is the Prophret, pbuh.
Working my way through the hate groups listed at SPLC. I am still wondering if they have listed the rabid LGBT and ones like that. And where do the satanist and those who claim to be atheist pedophiles fit in with the hate groups or do they just consider those normal folks.
So when a guy sets off a bomb at a Planned Parenthood center, you'll blame Christianity and not the individual?

No, but liberals like you would have. You strike me as the type.

You know why I think that? Take gun violence for example. I hear less of liberals blaming the individual engaging in the violence and more the weapon he used to engage in it.

No, we want to better regulate the individual that wants to purchase the weapon and engage in violence with it. You know, maybe keep a few of them (like people too mentally disabled to handle their own Social Security benefits) from getting a weapon they shouldn't have.
I suspect that antisemitic groups are testing the Trump administration on a national scale.

They know they have allies in the administration, but they don't know how effective those allies will be in protecting them - or whether more people in the administration can be co-opted to their point of view or at least look the other way when it comes to investigating and prosecuting these crimes.

I doubt Trump is antisemitic, but he's Bannon's puppet.

There are no anti semites in the Trump administration...that is a left wing lie...the ones who hate Israel are democrats.....

Show us actual evidence that Bannon is an Anti-Semite asswipe......go on...show us.....moron.
Google "Bannon antisemitic" and you'll find plenty of articles.

Here's a start:

Stephen Bannon: 5 things Jews need to know about Trump’s chief strategist

Or do we have to wait until Bannon starts making lampshades before you'll admit he's antisemitic?

Do you realize the very first thing they ran in your link is the "renegade jew" stupidity...do you fucking know who actually wrote that article....David Horowitz, a Jew.....who is a former communist and left wing activist........moron.......

And the Alt-Right is a free speech movement......smeared by the left because it is a collection of everyone who is tired of politcal correctness and weak kneed establishment Rebuplicans...are there racists there...yes......just like there are racists on U.S.message...but the Alt-Right is a free speech movement, not a racist movement
The current political climate has made hate acceptable again.

I don't think that Donald Trump hates Jews - but his rhetoric speaks to those who hate - whether their target is illegal immigrants, Muslims or whatever, it doesn't matter.

Anti-Semitic groups and people are coming out of the woodwork not because Trump hates Jews, but because he's made hate OK.
Jews kicked out of Jerusalem? lol when did this happen

And you do understand Israelis have whole organizations of their citizens commenting in English to sway our opinion, right? THere is a video of Naftali Bennet organizing a bunch of the bastards to comment in our english media. Because they want to affect our policy.

The sooner we squash the little fuckers the better. Acting like parasites

Actually, the sooner the forum expels ignorant dogshit like you, the better.

Fucking trash like this adds NOTHING to the discussion, and is a black mark on the forum as a whole.

This is an AMerican forum

Going to start kicking brown members for not supporting Israel or jews? lolllll

I doubt it

And even if they did, not like it would change the reality of what I'm saying.
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Yea poor Jews it's the worlds fault...

At some point as a person or a group you may have to accept you have some traits that piss people off...lol

If every Indian who came to the west acted like Jews do we'd be the second most hated group in America....only behind Jews

Granted some of us do. Caste is bad

Fuck off.

lol some ones a little sensitive
The current political climate has made hate acceptable again.

I don't think that Donald Trump hates Jews - but his rhetoric speaks to those who hate - whether their target is illegal immigrants, Muslims or whatever, it doesn't matter.

Anti-Semitic groups and people are coming out of the woodwork not because Trump hates Jews, but because he's made hate OK.
Trump made hate ok? Enforcement of our laws is hate? Vetting Islamic terrorists is hate? How do you people dream this stuff up?

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