What is Christian Nationalism and is it a threat?

Christian Nationalism has evolved with Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and other televangelists until now we have Donald Trump.

Dominion theology, also known as dominionism, is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians and based on their understandings of biblical law. Extents of rule and ways of acquiring governing authority are varied.


Also a sign of stupidity to use that term since you can OBVIOUSLY be Christian and a Nationalist without in any way fitting what is called CN
That's some industrial strength projection, gaslighting, and IRONY in one post.

Jacob Shiff and Bernard Baruch two very powerful Zionist oligarchs were not only some of the ones who funded the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 they also funded C I Scofield's Reference 'bible'. This was the twenty year timeline with some very significant events.

Jacob Shiff and Bernard Baruch two very powerful Zionist oligarchs were not only some of the ones who funded the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 they also funded C I Scofield's Reference 'bible'. This was the twenty year timeline with some very significant events.
YOU are the NEW neo-Bolshevik COMMUNIST SCUM!
Thanks for the confession.

Jacob Shiff and Bernard Baruch two very powerful Zionist oligarchs were not only some of the ones who funded the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 they also funded C I Scofield's Reference 'bible'. This was the twenty year timeline with some very significant events.
Trump showed very little of what you type when President. In fact, he bent over backwards for rights and still got skewered for it as the cause of all of the riots. Are you getting into the Jewish bankers' mantra? We are heading more and more into dangerous territory. Where the Tower of babel is raising it head again. And a world of groups and subgroups where more of us are known in those groups can be blamed for the chaos, impoverishment and suffering of people. A small percentage of individuals of any group can make the rest of the group seem guilty.
Trump showed very little of what you type when President. In fact, he bent over backwards for rights and still got skewered for it as the cause of all of the riots. Are you getting into the Jewish bankers' mantra? We are heading more and more into dangerous territory. Where the Tower of babel is raising it head again. And a world of groups and subgroups where more of us are known in those groups can be blamed for the chaos, impoverishment and suffering of people. A small percentage of individuals of any group can make the rest of the group seem guilty.

No. Nothing about that Jewish banker garbage. This is about Scofield , Dominionism, Dispensationism and the Rapture.

Darby invented that stuff in 1830. Zionist oligarchs funded Scofield heresy in 1908-9 to promote Christian Zionism .
No. Nothing about that Jewish banker garbage. This is about Scofield , Dominionism, Dispensationism and the Rapture.

Darby invented that stuff in 1830. Zionist oligarchs funded Scofield heresy in 1908-9 to promote Christian Zionism .
Says the neo-Bolshevik Frankfurter.
A Christian based nation is what this country is founded on. A Christian based society is who turned this country from absolutely nothing into a hugely prosperous, free, strong, rich, independent country that sat at the head of the table for world super powers in record time.

Granted just because we were almost all Christians doesn't meant we were perfect, because we weren't. But our faith is what gave America it's morals, values and standards that made us what we are.

Why would you want to do away with what made us what we are? It obviously worked. Our country didn't begin it's decline until we started watering down and pushing out the things that made America what it is.

In the past 5 years every other religion (or lack of religion) that has been given a voice in America has done nothing but drag us down as a society and as a nation.

It's as stupid as if oreo said "we built a empire and billions of dollars on the oreo but you know what? We need to change the recipe".
Trump showed very little of what you type when President. In fact, he bent over backwards for rights and still got skewered for it as the cause of all of the riots. Are you getting into the Jewish bankers' mantra? We are heading more and more into dangerous territory. Where the Tower of babel is raising it head again. And a world of groups and subgroups where more of us are known in those groups can be blamed for the chaos, impoverishment and suffering of people. A small percentage of individuals of any group can make the rest of the group seem guilty.

She is a muslim that hates Jews and Christians, so that's what drives her posts. I never expect anything but her hate and bullshit claims against both groups.
But let's say CN is the majority. Would it then only be democratic to embrace it as a nation?

Absolutely not. The “Christian” part of white Christian Nationalism violates he establishment clause and basic freedom of conscience that were told by our founders come from Nature’s God who is not the God of Abraham in any sense.

Can a Progressive love America? 221019 {post•87}. Correll Oct’22 Scapla: Trump was/is a NATIONALIST, not a WHITE NATIONALISTS, so that doesn't make any sense.” cvrrvll 221019 Scaplo00087

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240523. {post•85}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpiwtt: Rated…in order from ..benign to destructive toward the institution of democracy

1. nationalism
2. white Christian nationalism
3. White Nationslism

Trump is all three.

Trump appeals to all three but his political existence and strength is entirely dependent on culture war, patriotic, working class voters obsessed in groupthink 2.

Unchurched Republicans desperately need groupthink 2 so they placate and defend the male dominance, the sexual aversions and the rejection of objective facts based reality or abandonment of truth/based material assessment of what is going on in the public square within the limits of groupthink 2.

nfbw 240523 Vpiwtt00085

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