What is courage?


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
On Piers Morgan Anti-Gun Show, a descendent of JFK (cute little girl) quotes a teacher as saying that...

courage is standing in a classroom, knowing there's a shooter in the school and wondering what is going to happen to you.

Piers said he couldn't have put it better.

I contend they confuse courage with surviving a frightful ordeal.

What a crock is this!
Hero is another word that is over used. A teacher standing in front of her class wondering anything is not a hero. A teacher found dead with the bodies of her students under her, is.

Dying requires no bravery
On Piers Morgan Anti-Gun Show, a descendent of JFK (cute little girl) quotes a teacher as saying that...

courage is standing in a classroom, knowing there's a shooter in the school and wondering what is going to happen to you.

Piers said he couldn't have put it better.

I contend they confuse courage with surviving a frightful ordeal.

What a crock is this!

in that situation... courage would have been going out into the hallway and trying to take the shooter out with a pencil.
Can you blame Piers? He's never been courageous in his life. How would he know what it is?
No Sy. Stupidity doesn't equal bravery either. Bravery is doing what needs to be done despite the fact that your actions will put you in harms way. Facing a shooter with a pencil, unless you are Bruce Willis, is simply suicide.
No Sy. Stupidity doesn't equal bravery either. Bravery is doing what needs to be done despite the fact that your actions will put you in harms way. Facing a shooter with a pencil, unless you are Bruce Willis, is simply suicide.

better then doing nothing......

and sometimes.... bravery is very stupid.
Courage isn't always some death defying act. Courage can be a defying "public opinion" act. I have always believed that our greatest enemy is public opinion. More people have gotten on the wrong side of a thing for fear of public opinion than this world could possibly imagine.

When people cower to public opinion for fear of standing out, up, whatever you wish to call it, they lose part of themselves. They will never know how far, how high, how vast their accomplishments could have been because they backed out ----> due to their fear of man.

Fear of man is a snare of the devil, King Solomon said and my! my! my! Was he right about that! You simply cannot reach your destiny while hanging onto your own self preservation. It may be a greater act of courage to stand up against a liberal marxist professor in front of the entire class and speak the truth ( example: be an advocate for Israel) boldly knowing you have to walk back into that classroom tomorrow. Courage is not the absence of fear as someone here stated. It is doing what is right in spite of that fear. It is knowing that if the entire world bows down to some false system, you never will. Courage is acquired through firmly rejecting any compromise with truth, intimidation, flattery, bribery, or accolades this world offers you. It is a daily walk and when the big test comes? You'll find yourself ready for it.
No Sy. Stupidity doesn't equal bravery either. Bravery is doing what needs to be done despite the fact that your actions will put you in harms way. Facing a shooter with a pencil, unless you are Bruce Willis, is simply suicide.

better then doing nothing......

and sometimes.... bravery is very stupid.

I thought her answer had alot of heart in it! It was huge! What I heard was, I'm unarmed but this pencil is sharp and I might be able to get close enough to him if I ....... to me that isn't stupid. That is someone who is thinking & planning on taking action and beating the odds here. With whatever they have available. Very resourceful.

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