What is feminism today?


Oh, you ignorant nitwit ... You want to see projection.

Put your garb on and sacrifice a few more babies on the altar of your Religion.​

wtf are you even talking about? make some friggin' sense.

Then go unto the masses and preach the Word as you have always been instructed.​

^^^ more nonsensical gibberish ^^^

I know you believe it in your heart and mind ... It's burned into your very soul.​

lol ... it is? guess i didn't get the memo of whatever the fuck you're rambling on about.

When you are ready to fight your Holy Crusade ... I'll be right here waiting for your sorry ass.​

was that cliff you fell off of into cray cray world slippery, or did you jump in voluntarily?

Let's get it on and you can stop talking your nonsense Sista Playtime... :thup:


oh that's projection ^^^ right there ^^^ for sure!

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wtf are you even talking about? make some friggin' sense.
^^^ more nonsensical gibberish ^^^
lol ... it is? guess i didn't get the memo of whatever the fuck you're rambling on about.
was that cliff into cray cray world slippery, ir did you jump in volunteerily?
oh that's projection ^^^ right there ^^^ for sure!

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You still don't have anything to say and don't even understand the concepts you are miserably trying to express.
I thought it would be impossible for you stack failure any higher.

You impress me with your perseverance, no matter how foolish it may be ... :thup:
I guess I can just look forward to hearing from you once more.
You forgot to tell me again about all the fucks you don't give.

Furthermore, women RELENTLESSLY cry "victim" and "abused" status when charged with crimes.
Men can't and don't do that. If women were as "equal" as they're always screaming so shrilly, they wouldn't whine in court about being "abused." All men can do is say "I didn't do it." But Leftists have already convicted all white men of every charge.
African American and Native American men get even more time for the same offense.

You still don't have anything to say and don't even understand the concepts you are miserably trying to express.
I thought it would be impossible for you stack failure any higher.

You impress me with your perseverance, no matter how foolish it may be ... :thup:
I guess I can just look forward to hearing from you once more.
You forgot to tell me again about all the fucks you don't give.


okey dokey. i'm not really expressing anything to you cause you're not worth my time 'cept when i feel like giving you a nod for yer ridiculousness. remember the only thing you responded to me was about another poster - other than that has been pure trolling AND some childish crap about boogers.

how old are you, exactly? never mind - carry on with yer bad self. maybe i'll respond, maybe not... seems though within just a few minutes of my posting, you are right there.

you got me on speed dial? lol ...

He doesn't even have to be a cop, fireman or soldier in service of protecting others ... He will risk his life just to put food on the table.
He is expendable ... If she is smart, she knows that ... And it has been that way since the first man and woman ever walked the Earth.

It doesn't mean a woman cannot do it if she doesn't have a choice, but she isn't expendable in that circumstance either.

Miners, oil field trash and railroads to name a few. Are there differences in men and women? Absolutely. Should they be treated as if they are expendable? No.

My son is not expendable simply because he is male. I can't accept that.
okey dokey. i'm not really expressing anything to you cause you're not worth my time 'cept when i feel like giving you a nod for yer ridiculousness. remember the only thing you responded to me was about another poster - other than that has been pure trolling AND some childish crap about boogers.

how old are you, exactly? never mind - carry on with yer bad self. maybe i'll respond, maybe not... seems though within just a few minutes of my posting, you are right there.

you got me on speed dial? lol ...

If I am not worth your time, then shut the fuck up dumbass.
I have no idea where you would get the stupid idea I value your opinion enough to care if you nod.

If you could remember anything, I made a comment, you responded and I flat out told you I was going to sell you a ticket on this train,
I even told you to pack a fucking lunch because it was going to be a long ride.

However ... I did continuously make the suggestion that you actually attempt to discuss something of substance.
I openly invited you to engage in conversation, and I am willing to entertain whatever you feel necessary to discuss.

Bring It Sista Playtime ... :thup:
No, I think we need to widen our scope over what is considered to be women’s issues and not exclude them because they don’t fit the mold. Black women are stopill black women. Why do they to form a separate group for women’s issues? Marching lockstep is at the heart of the problem with feminism today.
They don't need to form a separate group and shouldn't. I'm not in favor of segregation, unless blacks become too dangerous, even more than now. But I do think black women had better work on what they need themselves, not suppose white women will work for them!! That seems to be what you are proposing. They need to do the work themselves, no one will do it for them.

I think it's premature, anyway. Black women have such serious problems with their catastrophic culture that feminist issues are surely the last thing in line! This reminds me of the book I just finished, on the 1904 genocide of the Herero tribe in Namibia by Germany. When the Germans had them all herded together to drive them into the huge sandy desert where the few waterholes were guarded by German troops with artillery, this was not the time to be worrying about feminism. Same now with the self-inflicted disasters of the whole black community -- fix that first!
Miners, oil field trash and railroads to name a few. Are there differences in men and women? Absolutely. Should they be treated as if they are expendable? No.

My son is not expendable simply because he is male. I can't accept that.

Some jobs are simply inherently risky, and that is unavoidable.

What I was discussing, and in reference to a family unit, was the extent some men will go to in order to feed their family.
It doesn't have as much to do with the value of the individual as which one are you going to risk losing first.

You need meat ... There is a tiger hunting the same meat you are ... A man, a woman, two children and one of them breast feeding ...
Which one is expendable should things not go as planned?

I also stated that a woman can do it should she have to, but even in that case she wouldn't be expendable.
And there would be difficulties to overcome should anyone get injured or killed.

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If I am not worth your time, then shut the fuck up dumbass.
I have no idea where you would get the stupid idea I value your opinion enough to care if you nod.

If you could remember anything, I made a comment, you responded and I flat out told you I was going to sell you a ticket on this train,
I even told you to pack a fucking lunch because it was going to be a long ride.

However ... I did continuously make the suggestion that you actually attempt to discuss something of substance.
I openly invited you to engage in conversation, and I am willing to entertain whatever you feel necessary to discuss.

Bring It Sista Playtime ... :thup:

:blahblah: you're just a troll.

nothing more.
:blahblah: you're just a troll.

nothing more.

Yet you are the one that keeps coming back with nothing to offer but trolling.
I will still offer you the invitation to explore any topic you may want to discuss.

Come on ... You can do it ... I will even say "please".
For goodness sakes please say something worthwhile.


You still don't have anything to say and don't even understand the concepts you are miserably trying to express.
I thought it would be impossible for you stack failure any higher.

You impress me with your perseverance, no matter how foolish it may be ... :thup:
I guess I can just look forward to hearing from you once more.
You forgot to tell me again about all the fucks you don't give.


She barely passed her GED. I think it's pretty obvious she enjoys a very low order of sentience.

Some jobs are simply inherently risky, and that is unavoidable.

I once had to climb out of a 19th story window to stop the thing that was spinning on the low end of the line coming off the helicopter. And...on top of that, I had to hang kind of upside down for a little bit.

All the chicks on the 18th floor were looking at me out the windows. It was freakin legendary. Even though I did kind of sharted myself a little bit.

I could tell you what it was, but...you know.....
I wouldn’t assume this issue is over and done with, but it also isn’t the only issue facing us or even the most important. The right is blowing it up into the most important issue facing up women today when in reality you are talking a tiny subset (transgender athletes) of a tiny minority (transgenders).
I thought this was a very interesting point you made, and I've been thinking about it since you wrote it.

It's true the Right (men but also women) worry this issue. But people did last time, too: Phyllis Schafley and her bisex bathrooms threat. That stopped ERA cold, and I was one of those who turned right away. Men in women's public spaces where we are sexually vulnerable is something women simply won't put up with, and a lot of men support that. When Target came out with their crazy support for trannies in women's changing rooms and bathrooms, my husband and I joined the boycott the first day --- Target stock was down for months. I notice no other corporations have gone over to the trannies since then. I've never been back to Target, don't plan to, and it's been years now. Bathrooms and getting naked while changing clothes are transgressive situations and people are REAL interested in all this for the sex thrill of it, I'd say. And there is also a real crime problem.

And it's the only new issue to come along! Wow, what a spectacular one, too, after all that turgid Fourth Wave jargon that meant nothing and was unintelligible. Naturally it's attractive.

And that's what the trannies want, to be a spectacular issue --- I think the Democrats were badly blindsided by calling something "gender dysphoria" which turned out to be a Kardashian-level attention addiction so desperate that these men will mutiliate themselves in the hope it will get them attention and fame. The Left did not expect that, but that's what this is -- playing to a psychotic level of need for publicity, to focus the world on seeing them, seeing them.

I don't think this issue is stabilized at all either. Change will keep happening. But I am most worried by the cancelling of the category "women." Darn, I didn't see that coming! That is one way for men to win against women: obliterate the whole subset. Now when they say "men" INCLUDES women, as they used to when many of us were children, they'll really mean it! Today I saw a headline: "Pregnant persons not getting vaccinated." Persons? PERSONS?? And these female-obliterating euphemisms always go against women --- milk-producing people, child-birthing persons, all the other absurdities to avoid any word that means WOMEN. You never see this done with men, like "Penis-sporting persons in the Army get new uniforms." I think this disappearing of women as a category is a serious issue that is spreading, and it worries me. Worth feminist work, for sure, IMO.
I once had to climb out of a 19th story window to stop the thing that was spinning on the low end of the line coming off the helicopter. And...on top of that, I had to hang kind of upside down for a little bit.

All the chicks on the 18th floor were looking at me out the windows. It was freakin legendary. Even though I did kind of sharted myself a little bit.

I could tell you what it was, but...you know.....

Yeah ... I have seen some pretty wild stuff happen in a day's work.
Glad you made it ... :thup:

She barely passed her GED. I think it's pretty obvious she enjoys a very low order of sentience.

I might have been blessed with some pragmatism ...
But I'm also cursed with some very irrational intolerances.

It makes for an interesting ride sometimes.
Well ... Maybe not for y'all ... :auiqs.jpg:


Yeah ... I have seen some pretty wild stuff happen in a day's work.
Glad you made it ... :thup:

Thank You. Me, too. It was a heck of a time, lemme tell ya. Well, there was a hard hat rule, so. I guess it was safe. 🙄

Actually, I did tell the black fellar he was probably gonna have to go out there with a lanyard , since he was the foreman for the contracting company we hired, but he said, you know what, you can kiss my black ass, ya'll ain't paying me that much. I knew the guy for years, so that's just how we talked to each other. And I knew he wasn't gonna do it anyway. It was hilarious. So I was like, alright, fuck it, watch out, I'll do it.
I will also add - kudos to folks like AOC and other progressives who put front and center certain issues where our country lags behind others in terms of women. One of those is in childcare and paid family leave. Women were disproportionately hit by the job loss during the pandemic at many times the rate of men. With schools closed it fell on women primarily to educate and commit to in home childcare. They are still in the labor market at rates well below that of pre-pandemic levels. That actually has an effect on our overall economy.

Outside childcare is not back to the pre-pandemic levels. Long waiting lists, and in households now financially strapped - harder to afford.
Why are conservative females generally calm, cool, collective, measured, and very polite. Noem

On the other hand libturd woman are whacky, bitter, angry, self centered and just unhappy people. Kameltoe

One path clearly is superior in every possible way
Feminism in America, a traditionally leftist view, has changed, a lot over the past 70 years, and I think it's time we women re-evaluate what it means to be a feminist TODAY and what are and are not doing or what we should be doing. It's been accused of being a white elitist movement, and I have to agree there is an element of truth in that statement. It's also been accused of being out of touch with many women in America and elsewhere. There is truth there as well, at least if you go by the most vocal and politically active elements.

What does feminism mean today? Acknowledging something that, decades ago would have been sacrilege. We, as women, really are the guardians of family, culture, education, community strength and, often unacknowledged - diplomacy over war. IMO (and this is controversial and maybe even sexist) - women are more invested in the long term than men: climate change, global health issues, long term consequences that shape the world their children will inhabit. Feminism needs to move beyond equal rights for largely white corporate American women and needs to recognize that women in all walks of life are part of the sisterhood, regardless of politics, ethnicity, race, religion, nationality. Our outlook needs to focus inward to the community level and outward on a global scale. What is happening to women elsewhere in the world?

We used to have to fight for recognition that we were the equal of men in any job because at the time that was a battle of fundamental rights (and by and large we are equal) but in doing so we also had to deny some fundamental differences and those differences are important in what we should imo be focusing on in feminism.

This is my list:

First off, the global view - supporting our women everywhere and it's fundamental underpinning, freedom of choice and individual autonomy, everywhere in the world. The right to safety from violence, the right to determine whether or not to bear children, the right to an education, the right to choose freely who they will partner with. The right to equal treatment under their justice system. The right to free movement. The right to medical care. All of these things are denied to women in various parts of the world, because they are women.

Second, the community level. What's the use of shattering the glass ceiling when you have to raise your children in a drug and violence infested neighborhood, always afraid the streets will seduce your child or he or she will become another random victim of violence? What's the point if you don't have clean drinking water, or your daughter gets married off at 14, or her denied an education beyond primary school? Feminism shouldn't be looking down on the grandmother who isn't out there in corporate America but is instead investing her energy in family, and maybe she is the primary force behind pushing for an education in her grandchildren so they can get out of the trap, and maybe she is the one providing free baby sitting for a single mother with an erratic schedule who is also trying to go to school. There are a lot of hidden things women do that get looked down upon but are in reality feminism and a quite strength.

Something to think about - what is feminism?

I would be curious to hear other points of view.
Feminism died when women with penises were allowed to compete in sports with biological women
okey dokey. i'm not really expressing anything to you cause you're not worth my time 'cept when i feel like giving you a nod for yer ridiculousness. remember the only thing you responded to me was about another poster - other than that has been pure trolling AND some childish crap about boogers.

how old are you, exactly? never mind - carry on with yer bad self. maybe i'll respond, maybe not... seems though within just a few minutes of my posting, you are right there.

you got me on speed dial? lol ...
It's because you're female, playtime ----- I have to tell you that?

It's a big fan-getter, at least in your case. ;)

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