What is feminism today?

It's not really so difficult to understand the concept of ''from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.'' The philosophy as appealed to social justice warriors for years.

That's basically the philosophy she was promoting. Just not directly.

Of course what she left out of her logic was who exactly within the ''we'' determines need.

The presumably omniscient, benevolent State, I imagine.
While I have no issue with the concept I bolded, it is not what I was talking about. This is probably less to do with feminism and more with fundamental cultural values that place certain occupations (namely those involved with caring for and educating our young) at a lower level than traditionally male occupations (those involved with the machinery of war or the ritualized combat of male sports). It is interesting.
While I have no issue with the concept I bolded, it is not what I was talking about.

It is in scope.

Respectfully speaking, I think that you really just don't grasp the depth and scope of the ideology you're actually promoting.

Or maybe you do and just don't wanna come right out and say it.

To be fair, though, I think the former rather than the latter. Again, respectfully speaking.

Anyway. As I said, I just popped in to check to see if Clayton ever responded to my requests for support of his opinions/claims. As it is, opinions are effectively worthless absent any supporting evidence. So browsed through the thread for a bit after seeing that he did not.

Ah well. Have a good night, all.
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It is in scope.

Respectfully speaking, I think that you really just don't grasp the depth and scope of the ideololgy you're actually promoting.

Or maybe you do and just don't wanna come right out and say it.

To be fair, though, I think the former rather than the latter. Again, respectfully speaking.

Anyway. As I said, I just popped in to check to see if Clayton ever responded to my requests for support of his opinions/claims. As it is, opinions are effectively worthless absent any supporting evidence. So browsed through the thread for a bit after seeing that he did not.

Ah well. Have a good night, all.
I think you need to quit pretending you “respectfully speaking” since we both know you are lying. If placing an equal value on educators and carers as on soldiers and athletes is equivalent to some sort of subversive ideology, then I’m fine with that. Now go toodle off back to the rock you crawled out from. Maybe you will find Clayton in another thread.
Not sure I understand your last sentence.

It just means that to properly explain it to you, and for you to truly understand it ...
I would first have to unwind some of your core beliefs, values and concerns, because they are actually the problem.

Any attempt to place an artificial value on something is skewed.

Natural Citizen was correct ... Once you understand it, it's like riding a bicycle ...
And you can try to fight with the bicycle but you're just going to get a skinned knee ... :auiqs.jpg:

The closest I can come to explaining it without getting too deep, is that it is not an opinion based on a fairytale.
Again ... It's not meant to be ugly.

Maybe in popular media. In real life both transvestites and transgender people are more likely to be assaulted, murdered, or homeless. That is hard.

Other than that, if the prevailing medical treatment for transgenders, after lots of counseling is to support transition, then what is wrong with that?
Are you sure the facts of the matter re Transvestites and transgenders being homeless?? I know that after transitions the suicide rates for transgenders are basically the same. I checked out a few and MOTIVES were not identified. Even Chyna Carrillo was murdered by a guy who did time for murdering his wife. Do you have a link where they are?


It just means that to properly explain it to you, and for you to truly understand it ...
I would first have to unwind some of your core beliefs, values and concerns, because they are actually the problem.

Any attempt to place an artificial value on something is skewed.

Natural Citizen was correct ... Once you understand it, it's like riding a bicycle ...
And you can fight with the bicycle but you're just going to get a skinned knee ... :auiqs.jpg:

The closest I can come to explaining it without getting too deep, is that it is not an opinion based on a fairytale.
Again ... It's not meant to be ugly.

Ah. Well I agree, realistically you can’t place an artificial value on something, capitalism does not work that way. Though value might get changed when we find there is a shortage of people in certain occupations. I just think that what we place value is skewed and ultimately what could destroy is. Back to Idiocracy.
Ah. Well I agree, realistically you can’t place an artificial value on something, capitalism does not work that way. Though value might get changed when we find there is a shortage of people in certain occupations. I just think that what we place value is skewed and ultimately what could destroy is. Back to Idiocracy.

Yeah ... You're getting there.

Now think of it this way ...
To get what it is you are looking for you would have to do exactly what you are trying to defeat in doing so.
In other words, to actually be successful you would have to defeat yourself ... Which is a contradiction.

I think you need to quit pretending you “respectfully speaking” since we both know you are lying.

Of course I'm respectfully speaking. That's what adults do.

And from a rather knowledgeable point of view on the topic, at the risk of sounding prideful. Does that bother you? If so, then why?

Now go toodle off back to the rock you crawled out from.

Well that's not a very nice thing to say. It's certainly not very becoming. Do you have a personal issue with encouraging substantive debate by proponents of all points of view? Given your combative temperament, it certainly seems so. If so, then why? What if I don't comply with your attempt at bullying a fellow member of the board and choose to respectfully continue in the discussion? Are you going to thread ban me?

Maybe you will find Clayton in another thread.

Well why would I do that? I'd be off-topic if I went looking for him in another thread to ask him to support the claims he made with regard to topical content in this thread.
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Of course I'm respectfully speaking. That's what adults do.
Yes it is what adults do. However they don’t keep emphasizing it while mouthing something completely different. To put it bluntly, cut the crap and just say what you are going to say without the pretense. You have no problem with that in pm’s.
And from a rather knowledgeable point of view on the topic, at the risk of sounding prideful. Does that bother you?
No more than any annoying fly buzzing around looking for shit to stir.

Well that's not a very nice thing to say. It's certainly not very becoming.
If you looking for “becoming” USMB is certainly not the place.

Well why would I do that? I'd be off-topic if I went looking for him in another thread to ask him to support the claims he made with regard to topical content in this thread.
Your choice.
Are you sure the facts of the matter re Transvestites and transgenders being homeless?? I know that after transitions the suicide rates for transgenders are basically the same. I checked out a few and MOTIVES were not identified. Even Chyna Carrillo was murdered by a guy who did time for murdering his wife. Do you have a link where they are?


I just think that what we place value is skewed and ultimately what could destroy is. Back to Idiocracy.

Oh ... And that part right there specifically.

Truly understanding what we were talking about, in context, would require you to abandon some of what you think.
It doesn't have anything to do with how smart you are and has everything to do with what you believe.

It's Your Religion ... :thup:

Yes it is what adults do. However they don’t keep emphasizing it while mouthing something completely different. To put it bluntly, cut the crap and just say what you are going to say without the pretense. You have no problem with that in pm’s.

Ma'am, I've no problem saying what I have to say any place, whether it be public discourse, private pm, on television, on the radio, in a court room or any place else. That's what men do.

And I think I was rather clear in what I said, and hopefully clear enough for the benefit of the casual passer-by, so that they're able to understand what the ''pretense'' of this thread actually is. Because if there is anyone ''mouthing something completely different'' than what they actually mean, I assure you it is not me. Clearly. Observably.

No more than any annoying fly buzzing around looking for shit to stir.

Contributing relevant dialogue and context in a respectful manner certainly shouldn't be deemed ''shit stirring'' by anyone who is sincerely interested in lively, functional, fruitful, intellectually honest discussion/debate. If you believe that it is, then perhaps you might consider re-evaluating the nature of your association with the platform. I offer this advice as a courtesy, of course.

If you looking for “becoming” USMB is certainly not the place.

I dunno. Sometimes you just have to ask yourself what you can do better. One of my old bosses gave me that advice, many years ago. Best advice I ever got.

Of course, sometimes I guess there just aren't enough rocks, too. That, ma'am, is your choice. But nothing good can come from throwing rocks.

Anyway. It's late. Again, have a good night, all.
Feminism in America, a traditionally leftist view, has changed, a lot over the past 70 years, and I think it's time we women re-evaluate what it means to be a feminist TODAY and what are and are not doing or what we should be doing. It's been accused of being a white elitist movement, and I have to agree there is an element of truth in that statement. It's also been accused of being out of touch with many women in America and elsewhere. There is truth there as well, at least if you go by the most vocal and politically active elements.

What does feminism mean today? Acknowledging something that, decades ago would have been sacrilege. We, as women, really are the guardians of family, culture, education, community strength and, often unacknowledged - diplomacy over war. IMO (and this is controversial and maybe even sexist) - women are more invested in the long term than men: climate change, global health issues, long term consequences that shape the world their children will inhabit. Feminism needs to move beyond equal rights for largely white corporate American women and needs to recognize that women in all walks of life are part of the sisterhood, regardless of politics, ethnicity, race, religion, nationality. Our outlook needs to focus inward to the community level and outward on a global scale. What is happening to women elsewhere in the world?

We used to have to fight for recognition that we were the equal of men in any job because at the time that was a battle of fundamental rights (and by and large we are equal) but in doing so we also had to deny some fundamental differences and those differences are important in what we should imo be focusing on in feminism.

This is my list:

First off, the global view - supporting our women everywhere and it's fundamental underpinning, freedom of choice and individual autonomy, everywhere in the world. The right to safety from violence, the right to determine whether or not to bear children, the right to an education, the right to choose freely who they will partner with. The right to equal treatment under their justice system. The right to free movement. The right to medical care. All of these things are denied to women in various parts of the world, because they are women.

Second, the community level. What's the use of shattering the glass ceiling when you have to raise your children in a drug and violence infested neighborhood, always afraid the streets will seduce your child or he or she will become another random victim of violence? What's the point if you don't have clean drinking water, or your daughter gets married off at 14, or her denied an education beyond primary school? Feminism shouldn't be looking down on the grandmother who isn't out there in corporate America but is instead investing her energy in family, and maybe she is the primary force behind pushing for an education in her grandchildren so they can get out of the trap, and maybe she is the one providing free baby sitting for a single mother with an erratic schedule who is also trying to go to school. There are a lot of hidden things women do that get looked down upon but are in reality feminism and a quite strength.

Something to think about - what is feminism?

I would be curious to hear other points of view.

It's Your Religion ... :thup:


A lot of folks don't realize that statism has, itself, become a religion. Its trustees in particular.

Anyway. That's the final word for the night on my part.

You make some great points, BS. You're a pretty smart cookie.
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I see it very differently in that I don’t care if the parents are biological, if it is two moms or two dads, of if it is an adoption or a single parent family. What matters is that the child is loved and cared for. I see being pro family as supporting policies that support families being able to work, raise and educate their kids, and keep their kids in bad economic times.

Well….I think it is better to be a single parent than a person forced into an abusive relationship…

Right because you are not looking at it from the child's viewpoint which, if the child is a girl, is not very feminist of you, is it? You're looking at the child as wish fulfillment of the adults with the LESSER concern being the wellness of the child.

That answers the OP. This has messed up feminism.
What matters is that the child is loved and cared for. I see being pro family as supporting policies that support families being able to work, raise and educate their kids, and keep their kids in bad economic times.

exactly what a child needs to thrive.

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