What is feminism today?


I don't need a cheerleader ...​


You failed to debate or argue with anything I have posted ...​

exactly what would that be again?

And make empty claims as to the validity of what you have already posted.​

okey dokey

Yet again ... You still don't have anything you would like to ask or an actual point you would like to discuss ...​

meh - just not with you ... i have, with other people. sorry 'bout that....

So here's a simple question nitwit ... What do you think I meant when I posted:

"You might want to pack a lunch"


oh i see, you didn't pick up all the fucks about how much i don't care about any of that....
exactly what would that be again?
okey dokey
meh - just not with you ... i have, with other people. sorry 'bout that....
oh i see, you didn't pick up all the fucks about how much i don't care about any of that....

If you don't give a fuck then feel free to shut the fuck up ... :auiqs.jpg:

Otherwise, you pick the ground, choose your weapons (figuratively speaking of course) ...
And I'll give you a head start.

In today's America, discrimination against women is illegal (14th Amendment). I doubt there are many businesses that allow that discrimination either, cuz once it becomes publicly known they are fucked. Private entities I guess can, but I would hazard a guess that the number of such is diminishing due to political pressure. IOW, at least systemically it isn't allowed. Which basically means women's rights has already been achieved. But I'm sure we all know sexism is not dead; just like racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, etc., we still have these problems.

Part of the problem is enforcement, when and wherever it happens, the offenders face the consequences as they should. Part of the problem is that women do not report it or take any action due to fear of losing their job or worse. And it may be that in the workplace some women just aren't as qualified as some men are, so are they denied a job or advancement due to sexism or was it a decision based on merit? Nobody should be denied opportunities based on a discriminating factor but neither should a more qualified individual be denied an opportunity either, in favor of another person who happens to be female.

... despite the constant drumming of 77 cents women earn on the dollar compared to men, when you factor in the fact that men work longer hours, more dangerous jobs, and retire later, the wage gap today is actually only something like 93 to 95 cents for every dollar a man earns.

IMHO, much of the sexism that used to exist has to some extent been expunged, but not eliminated. It's more covert I think, guys are getting fired for saying the wrong thing these days, or in some cases crossing the line and inappropriately touching somebody and suchlike. Feminism has won it's war to achieve women's rights, but now they have to change the long-standing attitudes and beliefs about women, and that takes time. I think that battle has to start almost from the cradle, both boys and girls have to be raised to believe they are different in some ways but the same in others. NOT less than, just different.

... For centuries, women were marginalized and discounted by men. One of the many stereotypes that men ascribed to women when doing this was that women were overly concerned with their feelings and the ways others perceived them.

This is where modern feminism needs to go - changing hearts and minds. I think it's already happening, maybe not fast enough for some but IMHO it's a different world now from what it used to be when I was a kid. You go, girl.
In today's America, discrimination against women is illegal (14th Amendment). I doubt there are many businesses that allow that discrimination either, cuz once it becomes publicly known they are fucked. Private entities I guess can, but I would hazard a guess that the number of such is diminishing due to political pressure. IOW, at least systemically it isn't allowed. Which basically means women's rights has already been achieved.
Sadly, discrimination against men is legal and allowed. Australian Laws mandate that male victims of Domestic Violence must be treated as perpetrators. Here. The law mandates that any man who has experienced abuse must be asked several questions including the following:

Were you at fault, in any way in causing her violence? This question serves two purposes. First, to assess whether he did anything that caused her to act in self-defence, or to retaliate. Second, people who are genuinely the victims often excuse the perpetrator to some degree and blame themselves for the violence.

Liberals support these laws. Conservatives are indifferent.


There's also another Unconscious Bias ... The bias of low expectations and outright failure to recognize potential.

A smart woman who can at least look professional and is articulate with some people skills ...
Can have a senior board room full of men eating out her hand like pigeons at the park soaking up everything she is saying ...
Just because she can keep their attention long enough to get her point across before they start arguing with her.

She can pretty much write her own check ... And if she is smart enough, it won't be long until she is writing her own checks.
You have to dream the dream before you will ever make the money.

When it comes to women who want to fight over the bottom of the barrel ...
I tend to tell my friends they may want to aim a little higher ... :thup:

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That is what makes it a difficult problem to resolve.

It shows how skewed we value things.

Attaching value to something valuable is not skewed.

Attempting to attach value to something just because it exists in a certain social condition is skewed.
It's actually a major contributor to what defeats equity.

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Attaching value to something valuable is not skewed.

Attempting to attach value to something just because it exists in a certain social condition is skewed.
It's actually a major contributor to what defeats equity.


There's so much truth in this.

Unfortunately, any philosophy that begins by idealizing government for the purpose of placating group claims rather than protecting Individual liberties will end by idealizing subjugation.
Some folks tend to say ''we'' way too much, I've noticed. I've often thought of asking what they mean by that, precisely. Just never have.

Anyway. I just stopped by to see if Clayton ever responded to my questions.

It does not appear that he did.

Attaching value to something valuable is not skewed.

Attempting to attach value to something just because it exists in a certain social condition is skewed.
It's actually a major contributor to what defeats equity.

I think how we value things in and of itself is skewed.

An athlete or actor is valued higher than a teacher.

A truck driver is valued higher than a child care worker.

A trash collector is valued higher than a nursing home care attendent.
To me "pro family" means extoling and explaining all the benefits everyone gleans from children being raised in a household with their biological mother and father who are married.

I see it very differently in that I don’t care if the parents are biological, if it is two moms or two dads, of if it is an adoption or a single parent family. What matters is that the child is loved and cared for. I see being pro family as supporting policies that support families being able to work, raise and educate their kids, and keep their kids in bad economic times.

This is "the science", as they say, and it is rock solid. Children do better in school; they make more money as adults; they have productive more fulfilled lives when the above has happened. And then their children, and their children. Poverty is generational when the above circumstances are lacking in generations. But so is success and abundance when they are in effect.

The govt can be a decent (not great) stopgap, and I'm okay with that. When the govt encourages single motherhood, they have done a great disservice to their own society. And though my conviction comes from my faith, it doesn't need to. God recommends what works. The family works, so God recommends it. The govt is a terrible substitute for that.

I agree that some things are just too expensive, but that's not a feminist issue per se.
Well….I think it is better to be a single parent than a person forced into an abusive relationship…
I think how we value things in and of itself is skewed.

An athlete or actor is valued higher than a teacher.

A truck driver is valued higher than a child care worker.

A trash collector is valued higher than a nursing home care attendent.

I understand what you think and know why you think it.
That's why I posted what I did.

I am not giving you a hard time ... It's not an easy concept to wrap your mind around.
Especially if your core beliefs, values and concerns are dependent precisely on what is sinking your ship so to say.

Religion has been the genesis of much evil, but also much good. We must look as clear eyed as we can at what is happening around us NOW.
I agree. And we shouldn’t broadbrush in the process.
Since when is it "hard". Transvestites are an object of amusement and "whatever rocks your boat". They have never been seen as a 'threat"; more to be pitied than censored springs to mind. Transgender is a different issue; THAT is a real psychological problem that needs to be dealt with professionally AND with love. It should not be some sort of political bludgeon/weapon. They are mentally in need; not in need of normalising a sad condition.

Maybe in popular media. In real life both transvestites and transgender people are more likely to be assaulted, murdered, or homeless. That is hard.

Other than that, if the prevailing medical treatment for transgenders, after lots of counseling is to support transition, then what is wrong with that?

I understand what you think and know why you think it.
That's why I posted what I did.

I am not giving you a hard time ... It's not an easy concept to wrap your mind around.
Especially if your core beliefs, values and concerns are dependent precisely on what is sinking your ship so to say.


It's not really so difficult to understand the concept of ''from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.'' The philosophy has appealed to social justice warriors for years.

That's basically the philosophy she was promoting. Just not directly.

Of course what she left out of her logic was who exactly within the ''we'' determines need.

The presumably omniscient, benevolent State, I imagine.
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I understand what you think and know why you think it.
That's why I posted what I did.

I am not giving you a hard time ... It's not an easy concept to wrap your mind around.
Especially if your core beliefs, values and concerns are dependent precisely on what is sinking your ship so to say.

Not sure I understand your last sentence.

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