What is feminism today?

That depends on what people want in sports. At one time, the question would have been "do we really need to create special competitions so women can compete"?

A trans league would be a joke that nobody takes seriously. It's just not practical. There aren't enough trans people, and normal people won't compete. It's not a solution that will work.
Sometimes...why do many traditionally women's jobs pay less then traditionally male jobs? That's remained unchanged for years.

The Equal Opportunity Employment Act specifically establishes that gender is not a qualifying aspect of an employment opportunity.
To suggest that any allowance should be made because you would like to classify any profession as gender specific would go against that principle.

To establish any allowance in law to balance what you describe as unfair compensation ...
Would in fact create a known division in labor based upon gender and grounded in a stereotype.

Something we should try to avoid.

Sometimes...why do many traditionally women's jobs pay less then traditionally male jobs? That's remained unchanged for years.

Because they don't fight for better wages. I agree that some medical related fields don't pay very well, but that has been changing. We have a lot of friends who are traveling nurses, they get paid very well.

That is not a societal issue, it is a women not speaking up for themselves.
You have complete autonomy over YOUR body until you have another body with a beating heart in it. When you chose to have unprotected sex you gave up that autonomy. Slug.

how many kids have you adopted & are willing to pay for thru higher taxes, 'eh hypocrite?
your first mistake is equating non viable human DNA with a child.

if a female cannot have complete autonomy over her body, then she is nothing more than a slave.
Infants need their parents’ help to survive. Infants, like unborn babies, are not independent. Should parents have the right to kill their infants if they become inconvenient?

Should people have the right to refuse the Covid vaccine?

Motherhood = slavery?! Is that an apt analogy? Being prevented from killing your baby = slavery?!
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Kind of similar to my view on where feminism needs to head. At one time we HAD to fight those stereotypes to get taken seriously at all, there is no question. But now we are coming to the point where we have made substantial gains in the workforce over all, but we are losing sight of our original message: freedom of choice. Choice being the right to work, to not be denied work or equal pay based on our gender, to not be fired for becoming pregnant - we need to realize what freedom of choice REALLY means - it can also mean the choice to not work outside the home and raise a family. It is and should be all about having that choice.

And, I'll add - many issues that are women's issues can also benefit men. Men should have the same rights to be a stay at home dad, to be the primary caretaker, to get paternity leave at the birth of a new child.
LGBTQ people represent 8% of the population (according to the last census) - out of which maybe 1% identify as transgender. It is not broken down further into trans men and trans women.

In 2000 they were 1%.

Recruitment efforts are highly successful.

With the massive push by the Reich and the education industrial complex to promote LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ - we could be looking at 50% or more within 20 years. That's the democrat goal.

You are obsessing over a miniscule proportion of a tiny proportion of American people. Other than the issue of sports, why should we care?

Nope, I'm highlighting your hypocrisy.

You don't give a damn about women's rights. The tranny issue is the most egregious assault on women's rights since they got the vote.

You care only about furthering the agenda of your Riech, even if it completely fucks women over.
Because they don't fight for better wages. I agree that some medical related fields don't pay very well, but that has been changing. We have a lot of friends who are traveling nurses, they get paid very well.

That is not a societal issue, it is a women not speaking up for themselves.
I would disagree with that. For a long time, that issue - equal pay for equal work, has been on the docket of women's issues. And little has changed. RN's are paid well but not so home health aids and personal care aids.

But...out of the 25 lowest paying jobs - 18 are primarily held by women.

The reason not much has advanced is not women not pushing for it, but it is a complex problem.
In 2000 they were 1%.

Recruitment efforts are highly successful.

With the massive push by the Reich and the education industrial complex to promote LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ - we could be looking at 50% or more within 20 years. That's the democrat goal.

Nope, I'm highlighting your hypocrisy.

You don't give a damn about women's rights. The tranny issue is the most egregious assault on women's rights since they got the vote.

You care only about furthering the agenda of your Riech, even if it completely fucks women over.
You're obsessed with trannies. Get help.
I would disagree with that. For a long time, that issue - equal pay for equal work, has been on the docket of women's issues. And little has changed. RN's are paid well but not so home health aids and personal care aids.

But...out of the 25 lowest paying jobs - 18 are primarily held by women.

The reason not much has advanced is not women not pushing for it, but it is a complex problem.

How do we force up wages for those jobs?
how many kids have you adopted & are willing to pay for thru higher taxes, 'eh hypocrite?

The poster would have had to abort a baby that resulted from unprotected sex to be a "hypocrite".
Any attempts by you to further mangle the concepts involved are a product of irresponsibility grounded firmly in the actions
of someone other than the poster.

If a woman wants to control her body and all aspects involved, then being a responsible human being may work out a little better.

Infants need their parents’ help to survive.

i never said otherwise.

Infants, like unborn babies, are not independent.

a zygote is not a baby ... an embryo is not a baby ... & an unviable fetus is not a 'baby'. but a pregnant female has independent autonomy over the decision to continue with that pregnancy.

Should parents have the right to kill their infants if they become inconvenient?

we have laws for that already. where you been?

Should people have the right to refuse the Covid vaccine?

yep, & if an employer requires you to be vaccinated, or a biz'nez says you cannpt enjoy what their biz'nez offers, due to yer lack of caring for yer fellow americans; & risk becoming more & more of a pariah ... then so be it.
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The poster would have had to abort a baby that resulted from unprotected sex to be a "hypocrite".​


Any attempts by you to further mangle the concepts involved are a product of irresponsibility grounded firmly in the actions
of someone other than the poster.​

lol .. i understood exactly what he was getting at.

If a woman wants to control her body and all aspects involved, then being a responsible human being may work out a little better.


really???? i would think that would be filed under DUH.

got anything else?
That is not a societal issue, it is a women not speaking up for themselves.

I tend to disagree that it is not at least partially a societal issue.

I think the social garbage that suggests anyone should pursue mediocrity is a social injustice ...
And attempts to establish an unworthy goal as acceptable, simply as a means to suggest society could, or should do something to fix it.

To me ... It's like creating a problem by how you view something and then trying to fix it with an inferior solution.

I would disagree with that. For a long time, that issue - equal pay for equal work, has been on the docket of women's issues. And little has changed. RN's are paid well but not so home health aids and personal care aids.

But...out of the 25 lowest paying jobs - 18 are primarily held by women.

The reason not much has advanced is not women not pushing for it, but it is a complex problem.

Kind of proving my point. Women need to stop working for shit wages.
Women's issues and feminism. Certain folks seem overly concerned with transgender people yet in the scheme of issues, it's minor.
How is it minor? If my daughter wants to be on the basketball team and two boys identify as girls and take two spots it’s not fair to her. Minor to you but not so to her, their teammates or their opponents.
I would disagree with that. For a long time, that issue - equal pay for equal work, has been on the docket of women's issues. And little has changed. RN's are paid well but not so home health aids and personal care aids.

But...out of the 25 lowest paying jobs - 18 are primarily held by women.

The reason not much has advanced is not women not pushing for it, but it is a complex problem.
Pay is equal. Women don’t want jobs on oil rigs or work as plumbers, brick layers, etc. Women on average work less as they bear children and such. The propaganda is ridiculous

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