What is feminism today?

never said it was, jethro. but what DOES happen to all them thar precious little post born babies?

uh-huh.... hypocrite.
Again, you are looking for a scapegoat to shed YOUR responsibility on. It is inevitable, but there are myriad choices available for an irresponsible slug to deliver the innocent to where they will be loved, cherished and not treated like so much sewage. Try again slug.
Again, you are looking for a scapegoat to shed YOUR responsibility on. It is inevitable, but there are myriad choices available for an irresponsible slug to deliver the innocent to where they will be loved, cherished and not treated like so much sewage. Try again slug.

i am a feminist & guess what?

i've been a homemaker since 1987, who raised my son with only my husbands income - - - at the time was only 25K. we struggled, but made it work because we thought one parent should have been home for at least the first 5 years. it was me, because my earning power was way less than his even at that time. BUT, had i been able to earn more than him ... he woulda been the one to stay home.
Do you think the government should provide tax cuts for women who choose to raise their kids?

Some feminists would oppose such cuts.
I am not a part of that so I can not tell you what their goals should be. Having said that this video is a PRIME EXAMPLE of where it's gone wrong.
Well, imo...goals need to change because it's risking becoming both out of touch with real issues or ridiculous as some have pointed out. The big deal over pronouns is symbolic of that. Rather than being an inclusive movement it's excluding.
I didn't say to be cruel, but the truth is not always polite. I don't want to harass or bully anybody. I want to tell men that they can't compete in female sports and take the spotlight away from the actual women that deserve it, no matter how much it hurts their feelings.

It's also insane that Democrats are endorsing this shit. It's making the left look crazy.

Agree. And there are respectful ways of saying you don't feel trans women should compete in women's sports. I'm sure we can come up with alternatives if people try.
Do you think the government should provide tax cuts for women who choose to raise their kids?

Some feminists would oppose such cuts.

Yes...it's not much different than supporting public education. It's good for all of us in the long run.

Who opposes it?
i am a feminist & guess what?

i've been a homemaker since 1987, who raised my son with only my husbands income - - - at the time was only 25K. we struggled, but made it work because we thought one parent should have been home for at least the first 5 years. it was me, because my earning power was way less than his even at that time. BUT, had i been able to earn more than him ... he woulda been the one to stay home.
You're a slug that has lived off of the fruits of other's labor, constantly looking for somewhere to shirk your responsibility. If the slime fits, wear it.
Yes...it's not much different than supporting public education. It's good for all of us in the long run.

Who opposes it?

Existing Child Tax Credits are determined by combined household income and if the woman is not working
that is already accounted for in the determination.

Is it society's fault that your earning power was less?
Sometimes...why do many traditionally women's jobs pay less then traditionally male jobs? That's remained unchanged for years.
Yes...it's not much different than supporting public education. It's good for all of us in the long run.

Who opposes it?
Do we really need to create special competitions so men can compete as women? I'm sorry but that's ridiculous to me. The alternative is they go compete in a male league.
Do we really need to create special competitions so men can compete ad women?
That depends on what people want in sports. At one time, the question would have been "do we really need to create special competitions so women can compete"?
Well, imo...goals need to change because it's risking becoming both out of touch with real issues or ridiculous as some have pointed out. The big deal over pronouns is symbolic of that. Rather than being an inclusive movement it's excluding.
Want to watch a good movie that promotes women without denigrating others? It's based on a true story as well

The mud pit we find ourselves in now is because the ones taking over the movement think that the only way to raise their stature is to put their boots on the necks of others.

Women are equally as important in history as well as to our future. The problem has become the sole focus of promoting their causes AT ANY COST.
your first mistake is equating non viable human DNA with a child.

if a female cannot have complete autonomy over her body, then she is nothing more than a slave.
You have complete autonomy over YOUR body until you have another body with a beating heart in it. When you chose to have unprotected sex you gave up that autonomy. Slug.

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