What is feminism today?

Except that women are taxpayers. They have the same right as anyone else to make a case for where their tax money goes.
I don't think that the tax system was ever set up to allow individual's to decide where "their" tax dollars would be spent. That is why we have a representative government. Also, our form of government was designed to use those funds for the collective good--not individual.
That is very true and IMO does not make those entities very charitable. That being said, I don't think our government was ever designed to be all things to all people, nor was it designed to provide relief to constituents at all. Safety nets should be part of community, not government.
I support the right of private charities to make their own rules, but safety nets should also have a federal aspect. Partly, because while communities can best identify the ways in which financial assistance can most help their people, they can't fund it. And, there have been many cases where they might have the money but divert it or refuse to use it on safety nets. Another aspect is simple human dignity. Poverty is not a moral failing and poor people shouldn't be treated as subhuman, or generalized as lazy. It's complex. But it also gets beyond women's issues except as single parents. A large proportion of single mothers do not make a living wage or are on some form of assistance.
Feminism is in the dust bin of history. It got killed by wokism and Baskin Robbins 57 gender flavors.

White women are now the enemy. You are all Karens. You must be destroyed along with all white men.

And Coyote, I am not kidding.
You might not be kidding but you also aren't accurate.
I don't think that the tax system was ever set up to allow individual's to decide where "their" tax dollars would be spent. That is why we have a representative government. Also, our form of government was designed to use those funds for the collective good--not individual.

No, of course it isn't - but it doesn't stop people from making demands on where taxpayer money should and should not go through their representatives or lobbyists. I totally agree with you. Collective good - though, sometimes what is determined to be "collective good" has more to do with the lobbying power and financial backing of a special interest than any real "collective good".
A large proportion of single mothers do not make a living wage or are on some form of assistance.
In this regard, you are preaching to the choir. I am fully aware of the challenges that single mothers are faced with, being the product of such a home. Personal experience has shown me that a single mother with four children can survive. She was thrown into the workplace with no experience in her 40s. She was determined and tenacious. The family pulled together. Meager resources were pooled and we all survived--without one dime of government or public assistance. I am not denying that there are cases that are the exception but certainly not the rule.
In this regard, you are preaching to the choir. I am fully aware of the challenges that single mothers are faced with, being the product of such a home. Personal experience has shown me that a single mother with four children can survive. She was thrown into the workplace with no experience in her 40s. She was determined and tenacious. The family pulled together. Meager resources were pooled and we all survived--without one dime of government or public assistance. I am not denying that there are cases that are the exception but certainly not the rule.
I think it really depends - I don't know how old you are (if we're the same generation) - but I know things were different when I was a kid than families face now. I think when a single parent has family and community support that can help. Like I mentioned in the OP...the grandmother who babysat a single mother's child for free, because she had an erratic work schedule. That helped her stay in a job and the grandmother also encouraged her to get her education. Support structures like that matter. (And this example and much of what I was thinking of was stimulated by a radio show I was listening to - where traditional feminism doesn't place value on that grandmother as a woman).
Why? What have they done to you personally?
They're making my side look ridiculous. Trans insanity is becoming associated with left wing politics. We should separate ourselves from it.

I'm also just tired of listening to their bullshit. It's not the responsibility of other people to accommodate their insecurity and mental illness.
They're making my side look ridiculous. Trans insanity is becoming associated with left wing politics. We should separate ourselves from it.

I'm also just tired of listening to their bullshit. It's not the responsibility of other people to accommodate their insecurity and mental illness.
I think there is an element of "fad" about it now...and within that fad there is a small percentage who truly are. I think it will die down and we will move on to other things. At least I hope so.

But within that group are people who truly are trans, so we be unnecessarily cruel? They have it hard enough don't they? If consider it a mental illness...well, do you treat other mentally ill people rudely?
I think there is an element of "fad" about it now...and within that fad there is a small percentage who truly are. I think it will die down and we will move on to other things. At least I hope so.

But within that group are people who truly are trans, so we be unnecessarily cruel? They have it hard enough don't they? If consider it a mental illness...well, do you treat other mentally ill people rudely?
I didn't say to be cruel, but the truth is not always polite. I don't want to harass or bully anybody. I want to tell men that they can't compete in female sports and take the spotlight away from the actual women that deserve it, no matter how much it hurts their feelings.

It's also insane that Democrats are endorsing this shit. It's making the left look crazy.
Feminism is defined as the advocacy of women's rights based on equality of the sexes. What the hell happened to feminism when girls are abused and raped in their own locker rooms by confused boys in dresses and young women who have trained as athletes for most of their lives are beaten in competition by men who pretend to be women? The short answer is that the minority of honest women (and men) who advocated for feminist rights were used by the gender gestapo and feminism today has surrendered to the radical sodomite agenda.
I don't owe you more effort than I gave you Karen.

i never said you should. i made a point of saying you lacked the cohesive point you were trying to CONvey in the way you phrased it.

You're the one making assumptions.

okey dokey...............

Maybe if you weren't so defensive that wouldn't have happened.

oh dear - that's yer non assumptions acting up again.

Definitely triggered.

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You made numerous statements about the gender gap in pay.
Then you made a statement that very well could lead someone to an assumption.

The poster that triggered you didn't assume anything and asked you for clarification.
Then you went off on them like they had done something wrong and accused them doing what you failed to avoid directing them towards.

You both sold and bought that ticket, and at no consequence to the other poster ... :thup:


righty -O.......... :113:
Parties pretend to be "pro-family"...well what exactly does that mean? IMO it means the types of things I discuss above.

suzy Q is a hypocrite of the worst order - she pretends to be a chistian who's really only pro birth.

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