What is feminism today?

i never said otherwise.

a zygote is not a baby ... an embryo is not a baby ... & an unviable fetus is not a 'baby'. but a pregnant female has independent autonomy over the decision to continues with that pregnancy.

we have laws for that already. where you been?

yep, & if an employer requires you to be vaccinated, or a biz'nez says you cannpt enjoy what their biz'nez offers, due to yer lack of caring for yer fellow americans; & risk becoming more & more of a pariah ... then so be it.
Should late term unborn babies be offered no protection?

By viable do you mean “able to survive on its own”?
lol .. i understood exactly what he was getting at.
really???? i would think that would be filed under DUH.
got anything else?

You can file it wherever you want to, and it was in your control as soon as I pushed the button and posted it.

If you would like to take a stab at asking a question that addresses anything worth talking about ...
Feel free to start for the first time today, and ask.


You can file it wherever you want to,​

gee thanx. thought i did.

and it was in your control as soon as I pushed the button and posted it.​



If you would like to take a stab at asking a question that addresses anything worth talking about ...​

i'll give yer opinion all the CONsideration it deserves.

Feel free to start for the first time today, and ask.


I absolutely do (though your list exagerates it somewhat) and make no bones about it. Unlike conservatives I don't consider it to be evil. I've said before (and yes, I am a taxpayer) that I support a strong family centered safety net. I wouldn't say just to women though because these issues support FAMILY and the economy in general by allowing women greater access to employment and thus they aren't on welfare as single mothers.

My list is not "free housing" but as we have it now, subsidized based on need. Child care is expensive. There are private companies that create corporate campus where child care and even an elementary school is located as part of the benefits of employment. It's been enormously successful. Childcare is expensive. A single parent, especially if she had to curtail her education, likely would have trouble getting a job that both meets that cost and the cost of housing etc. What she gets from assistance (when you factor in the costs of childcare, transportation etc) is probably more than wages would be.

Parties pretend to be "pro-family"...well what exactly does that mean? IMO it means the types of things I discuss above.

To me "pro family" means extoling and explaining all the benefits everyone gleans from children being raised in a household with their biological mother and father who are married.

This is "the science", as they say, and it is rock solid. Children do better in school; they make more money as adults; they have productive more fulfilled lives when the above has happened. And then their children, and their children. Poverty is generational when the above circumstances are lacking in generations. But so is success and abundance when they are in effect.

The govt can be a decent (not great) stopgap, and I'm okay with that. When the govt encourages single motherhood, they have done a great disservice to their own society. And though my conviction comes from my faith, it doesn't need to. God recommends what works. The family works, so God recommends it. The govt is a terrible substitute for that.

I agree that some things are just too expensive, but that's not a feminist issue per se.
Taxes do not support adopted kids, slug.

those that aren't adopted are paid for thru tax dollars. all them foster kiddies... taken away from parents who can't or won't take care of 'em properly 'cause they weren't really wanted in the first place but forced to be a parant... schooling, clothing, food, housing, medical care....

And in answer to your question, one. How many have you adopted.

i chose to have my kid. see how that works? but if a kid needs ro be fed etc... i have no problems having some of my taxes take care of that. i am pro life ... not just pro birth.

I won't ask how many you've aborted, you've already indicated you advocate for murder.

y'all making me gasp today fer sure!

Thanks for the heads up ...
I guess your answer to my suggesting that you finally ask a question, or make a statement
worth actually talking about ... Was "No".



you jump in ill informed of everything being said by me & to whom ...... but like i said- you go girl!
Maybe you should actually read what I write, what I oppose is broad brushing an entire faith or group. Islam, like any religion, has different levels of practice. What we see in Afghanistan, towards women but also men, is barbaric, extremist and brutal. But, also brutal is what we see in India (and in both cases I'll point out, there is a big difference in the rural/urban divide). On a personal level, these sorts of things and "doctrine" in general are why I don't care for organized religion at all.

Religion has been the genesis of much evil, but also much good. We must look as clear eyed as we can at what is happening around us NOW.
not just pro birth.
Can't claim both, moron. They are one and the same. Re: your faux concern for the use of tax dollars for raising unwanted foster children. You are the hypocrite. You advocate for irresponsible sex, tax payer funded murder, and free everything and then whine if some of that might be funneled to the vulnerable youth that are the result of your irresponsible sex. Keep talking out of your ample ass, it is clear that it is pure shit as you put no thought into what you say.

you jump in ill informed of everything being said by me & to whom ...... but like i said- you go girl!

I don't need a cheerleader ... You failed to debate or argue with anything I have posted ...
And make empty claims as to the validity of what you have already posted.

Yet again ... You still don't have anything you would like to ask or an actual point you would like to discuss ...
So here's a simple question nitwit ... What do you think I meant when I posted:

"You might want to pack a lunch"

not really snoops.

Yeah, really. I used to wonder how someone could be as ignorant as you, but your admission to barely getting your GED explains a lot.

So the question then becomes, are you just not very smart, or do you make consistently bad life choices because of mental issues.
I have no issue with transgender people though I do think there is a fad going on now with many more young people "discovering" they are trans but...might not really be. For those that are, their life is hard, and they don't deserve to have it made any harder than it is by us. They only area where I disagree is in adult sports.
Since when is it "hard". Transvestites are an object of amusement and "whatever rocks your boat". They have never been seen as a 'threat"; more to be pitied than censored springs to mind. Transgender is a different issue; THAT is a real psychological problem that needs to be dealt with professionally AND with love. It should not be some sort of political bludgeon/weapon. They are mentally in need; not in need of normalising a sad condition.

Can't claim both, moron. They are one and the same. Re: your faux concern for the use of tax dollars for raising unwanted foster children. You are the hypocrite. You advocate for irresponsible sex, tax payer funded murder, and free everything and then whine if some of that might be funneled to the vulnerable youth that are the result of your irresponsible sex. Keep talking out of your ample ass, it is clear that it is pure shit as you put no thought into what you say.

blah blah blah.gif

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