what is gained by hating the rich and attacking the rich's prosperity?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In his book Why You're Dumb, Sick and Broke and How to Get Smart, Healthy and Rich, Gage asserts that many of us have prejudices about wealth and false beliefs about success that are holding us back.

Do any of these sound familiar?

• Money is bad.
• Rich people are evil.
• It is spiritual or noble to be poor.
• Underdogs and the little guys are good, big entities are bad.
• You have to sell your soul to get rich.
• Rich people have lots of money, but they also have many additional problems.
Being rich isn't worth it.
• Money causes good people to go bad.

Why Hating Rich People Is Making You Broke Lisa Earle McLeod

At first I read the above and thought...yea he is right.
BUT I have changed my opinion because of this:
The MSM is on purpose driving a wedge between people... and this wedge sells papers/advertising.

The FACTS that the MSM have NOT presented is that income inequality is decreasing!

Screen Shot 2015-06-17 at 11.28.29 AM.png

Stop Whining About The 1 Inequality Is Falling And Will Continue To Do So - Forbes

When will the majority of you LIPs realize YOU are being duped. Fooled. Laughed at
by the elitists that have put policies into place to continue to oppress opportunities
for the masses.

Finally... I at age 72 have an idea that can make all Americans millionaires with a catch.
The person that wants to be a millionaire will have to :
a) Stop complaining and do something about it.
b) Stop blaming others for your failures.
c) Stop acting like member of a pack of dogs...i.e. attacking a piece of meat as if there will never be any more...fighting others to get a small piece.

If you want to stop this destructive attitude and become a "constructive" person it takes guts and a lot of hard work....but it is the ONLY way that countries and people progress.
NOT one country ever progressed by tearing down their own people...these countries have disappeared.
By definition, the uber wealthy are selfish and self-centered. Makes them easy to resent if not also hate.

Obviously you don't know a single "Uber wealthy" person do you?
You and your ilk are truly to be pitied. Your ignorance of the truly wealthy comes only from the extremely jealous biased MSM.
You are part of the snarling pack of uncivilized animals that rather then wanting to become self-sufficient you think your only way is
to tear others down. The truly sad outcome is you will then ALWAYS be a part of snarling, selfish pack of animals. Instead of a life of
hope and happiness you can only hope you live one more day and then you will I am confident be completely satisfied with death.

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