What is happening to Trump's "best economy in history"?

Both the CBO and Goldman Sachs are among others, that are predicting the economy will continue to slow down as the growth tapering down from 4.2 to 3.5 from the last quarter.
"The bank sees the economy expanding at 2.5 percent in the fourth quarter of this year, down from 3.5 percent last quarter. Real GDP growth will come in at 2.5 percent again in the first quarter of 2019, but then will slow to 2.2 percent, 1.8 percent and 1.6 percent in the next three quarters, respectively."
Goldman Sachs believes the US economy will slow to a crawl next year
Not for the year it isn't. It's a loss for the year.

The Dow was up 43 percent by this point in Obama's tenure. It's up only 23 percent for Trump in the same amount of time.

I didnt say "for the year" now did I dumbass?

And no it wasnt up "43%" under Barry Soweto...unless you use some artifical date. Your discretion I suppose. At this point it was still down 26% from its peak in 2008. Its why you people shouldnt be allowed anywhere around where you most desire to be..other people's money.

So his market rise..get this..his market rise *started* here...lol...

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Of course it recovered. In the history of the United States *every* market recovered. But this one did it with TARP, big bank bailouts, ZIRP, QE1-4, big auto bailouts...you name the corporate handout and it was handed out. Even, God help us, "Cash for Clunkers".

In addition people and business had no choice but to put money in the stock market as Barrack Hussein started a program of "financial repression" which destroyed pension funds all over the country. Interest rates were held at zero per cent..again to make it so painful on prudent savers that they would pile money into housing and the stock market.

And we do know the theory of "Excess Returns" over the riskless rate right? Even a liberal may have heard of it? Excess Returns

These have to be unwound. I know you are not real bright, as a liberal, and think handouts never have to be unwound. But they do. The market we see today is in the face of interest rates rising from .05% to 2.2%. A 65% rise in this year alone. We faced not only ending almost a decade of handouts to corporations with "Quantitative Easing" but in fact for over a year now the Fed has been *reducing* its balance sheet.

And still the market is up almost 40%. Unbelievable. The prognosticators..and no I'm not talking about the anti-Trump press...the real brains of investing all expected such strong headwinds that we would enter into a "secular stagnation" for the next decade. Reasonable enough prediction based on secular reasoning..not TDS like yours.

But so far it isnt true., Trumps economy is booming even into tremendous headwinds. And without having to have had a "reset" and basically starting at zero.

Now i dont expect you to understand any of that. Its ok. Its written for anyone else who may have an interest in how silly your "calendar year only" analysis was.

And I want to remind you that all stock markets "crash"...and all markets then "recover". So predict whichever one you like as you foam at the mouth. Sooner or later you will always be correct.
”And no it wasnt up "43%" under Barry Soweto...unless you use some artifical date. Your discretion I suppose. At this point it was still down 26% from its peak in 2008.”

Dumbfuck, Obama wasn’t president in 2008. The Dow closed at 7949 on January 20th, 2009 and 11092 on November 26th, 2010.

That’s a 40% increase; and during a massive recession which drove the Dow down considerably during the first couple of months Obama was in Office. Compared to Trump, who inherited a strong and growing market, who’s seen it go from 19827 to 24613 over that same period.

Still very good, but trump’s 24% increase is not as good as Obama’s.

Yes..unbelievable!. But look it does have to be done.I agree maybe it shouldnt have been done that rapidly but these handouts of the last decade do have to be reversed or we will end up like Japan. A secular stagnation. Its pissing the hell out of Trump though :)
Its a moral dilemma I suppose. The money was stolen to prop up Obama and the Deep State and now it has to be payed back. But how much are American families expected to suffer to pay back the handouts to big corporations and international banks that they made in those years?
Even against these hurricane force headwinds the economy kicks ass though. Thank God for Trump..and the 2016 election in general. Or, as the Democrats secretly call it among themselves, "The Great Ass Whipping of '16" :)

Hey heres a thought..why not just get rid of the Federal Reserve and let the chips fall where they may?

What the hell, the elites all have jobs, homes, and investments right? Who cares if they increase unemployment, hunger, and homelessness, we have too many jobs now. . . .

We certainly can't have that wealth gap start to disappear, can we now?

That is how these pricks actually think, it doesn't matter their political affiliation.

I agree Misterbeale. The ruling elites are concerned with power mostly. Wealth is assured already. They literally have more money than they know what to do with. And they dont care. They have a privileged position and little worries about wealth. It is power itself that they believe is rightfully theirs and was stolen by rubes.

And yes they will work through any political party. It just so happens that the Republicans were appointed to nominally oppose them...so long as they agreed to lose in the end. This is why you see the elites, and their servile followers here, keep repeating the charge "but..but...but...republicans/christians/conservatives are supposed to hold x/y/z position..no fair not following our rules!"

The problem with Republicans though is that their base is harder to fool yet at the same time more patient and docile if they perceive good intentions. The Democrat base is pathological and amoral. So there is never a problem there for the elites. But there is always the danger that Republican voters will get out of hand and actually demand reforms. That was the gift of Trump..to go around the deep state/managerial state and defy the media to actually try and address the demands American have been making for years.

The hatred for Trump..the seething irrational raw hatred...stems from the elite view that he is traitor to his class first of all and secondly that he defies their usual means of control. Never has there been a president or politician the press and corporations couldn't break before Trump.

Yes..unbelievable!. But look it does have to be done.I agree maybe it shouldnt have been done that rapidly but these handouts of the last decade do have to be reversed or we will end up like Japan. A secular stagnation. Its pissing the hell out of Trump though :)
Its a moral dilemma I suppose. The money was stolen to prop up Obama and the Deep State and now it has to be payed back. But how much are American families expected to suffer to pay back the handouts to big corporations and international banks that they made in those years?
Even against these hurricane force headwinds the economy kicks ass though. Thank God for Trump..and the 2016 election in general. Or, as the Democrats secretly call it among themselves, "The Great Ass Whipping of '16" :)

Hey heres a thought..why not just get rid of the Federal Reserve and let the chips fall where they may?

What the hell, the elites all have jobs, homes, and investments right? Who cares if they increase unemployment, hunger, and homelessness, we have too many jobs now. . . .

We certainly can't have that wealth gap start to disappear, can we now?

That is how these pricks actually think, it doesn't matter their political affiliation.

I agree Misterbeale. The ruling elites are concerned with power mostly. Wealth is assured already. They literally have more money than they know what to do with. And they dont care. They have a privileged position and little worries about wealth. It is power itself that they believe is rightfully theirs and was stolen by rubes.

And yes they will work through any political party. It just so happens that the Republicans were appointed to nominally oppose them...so long as they agreed to lose in the end. This is why you see the elites, and their servile followers here, keep repeating the charge "but..but...but...republicans/christians/conservatives are supposed to hold x/y/z position..no fair not following our rules!"

The problem with Republicans though is that their base is harder to fool yet at the same time more patient and docile if they perceive good intentions. The Democrat base is pathological and amoral. So there is never a problem there for the elites. But there is always the danger that Republican voters will get out of hand and actually demand reforms. That was the gift of Trump..to go around the deep state/managerial state and defy the media to actually try and address the demands American have been making for years.

The hatred for Trump..the seething irrational raw hatred...stems from the elite view that he is traitor to his class first of all and secondly that he defies their usual means of control. Never has there been a president or politician the press and corporations couldn't break before Trump.
Whose money was stolen by the orange moron to give billionaires tax cuts?
Oh? How many Americans got a $1,000 bonus from the tax cuts?
I'm sure by now everyone that got a tax cut has saved a $1000 dollars from going to the goverment.
All depends How much have prices risen to take that paltry sum away?? and the pos with his screwing with my tax deductions has taken far more than that
Well maybe you should live in a state that pays it's fair share in federal taxes.
Oh? How many Americans got a $1,000 bonus from the tax cuts?
I'm sure by now everyone that got a tax cut has saved a $1000 dollars from going to the goverment.
All depends How much have prices risen to take that paltry sum away?? and the pos with his screwing with my tax deductions has taken far more than that
Well maybe you should live in a state that pays it's fair share in federal taxes.
NY s taxes supports more than 1 of your red states
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
2 million jobs were created just today -- thanks Trump!!

Economy slowing, deficits growing. So republican...
Get ready for trump to blame everyone except himself

Yep, a 72-year tradition.

Rump casinos, vodka, steaks, pee-vitamins, water, travel site etc:
"I didn't run the company, I only licensed my name"

Rump economy:
"I didn't run the economy, I only ran the White House".

Always with the excuses. "Excuse me, three million illegals cost me the popular vote". "Excuse me, I wasn't mocking his disability, I always jerk around like that". "Excuse me this, excuse me that. I know nothing".
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
The right wing alleges to be for Capitalism but only uses socialism on a national basis for "gunboat diplomacy" along with "your guy", talking smack to all of our allies. Trade wars are not Capitalism.

Not necessarily the "right wing". For instance Steve Bannon and his followers "self-described economic nationalist, Bannon advocates... restrictions on free trade with China and Mexico...and an increased federal income tax for those earning incomes of over $5 million a year."
Many on the right despise capitalism.
sounds like democratic socialist girls may need to "fornicate" economic nationalist guys, "into submission".
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

With all due respect, what I don't understand is why his supporters lack every criticism of him.
They say he wasn't a politician, therefore less corrupt or something else along those lines.
And yet he plays politics, he is the most powerful man in the world, the more he needs to be watched and observed and criticized.
I don't understand this blind following. He is lying all day, all the time.
I still haven't figured out if he is really that clueless or just plays to his voters. Because he comes across as dangerously ignorant.

A collective IQ of 10 might be your answer.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

DETROIT (AP – UPDATE) – General Motors will lay off 14,700 factory and white-collar workers in North America and put five plants up for possible closure as it restructures to cut costs and focus more on autonomous and electric vehicles.

The reduction includes 8,100 white-collar workers, some of whom will take buyouts and others who will be laid off. Most of the affected factories build cars that won’t be sold in the U.S. after next year. They could close or they could get different vehicles to build. They will be part of contract talks with the United Auto Workers union next year.

Plants without products include assembly plants in Detroit; Lordstown, Ohio; and Oshawa, Ontario. Also affected are transmission factories in Warren, Michigan, as well as Baltimore.

About 6,000 factory workers could lose jobs in the U.S. and Canada, although some could transfer to truck plants.

So with so many jobs out there conceivably these persons could land elsewhere. The car industry is evolving. Are you going to blame Trump because there aren't anymore typewriter or encyclopedia sales people?

-- Housing boom --- with rates rising fewer people will qualify for mortgages it is basic math. Trump doesn't control the Fed.

-- Lower oil prices is great for everyday people who rely on it for gas in cars and to heat homes. Shale oil drillers do suffer but that is a minority compared to the majority that benefits.

-- Stocks and bonds have an inverse relationship. The market was over inflated. Rising interest rates will push investors towards bonds and away from equities. Under BHO the Fed never raised rates so to get their return investors had to put $$ into equities.

Not sure what the OP was trying to state but he just made himself look very uninformed.

Doesn't mention the little mom and pop factories that make parts.

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