What is happening to Trump's "best economy in history"?

Democrats control the House now...the purse strings. I am sure they will cut spending and fix this? "First thing" maybe? I loved how they scratched and clawed to cut the deficit...these last two years.
Or will they have another agenda?

A prediction I made before the mid-terms, which you are fulfilling:

When Trump breaks Obama's debt record, the tards will tell us Obama's debt was really $15 trillion.

Count on it.

Right now, they are willfully ignoring just how massive Trump's debts are. But if the Democrats win the House, these same tards will suddenly notice the deficit and will blame the Democrats.

And you can bet the farm on that.


Cognitive dissonance..again. A silly fellow Marxist of yours bitched about the debt above. Did you want a "taddaaa" that bad?

LOL. How do you people even manage to breath and ti your shoes with that kind of cognitive dissonance?
One question for the liberals on here. If the economy is fixing to crash, then why do you want to bring thousands more unskilled immigrants into the United States? Do you want to make more american lives worse?. This in itself shows your hatred for your fellow americans and america.
Actually GM shouldnt exist. It should have been allowed to fail.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
The right wing alleges to be for Capitalism but only uses socialism on a national basis for "gunboat diplomacy" along with "your guy", talking smack to all of our allies. Trade wars are not Capitalism.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

GM should have gone out of business decades ago, but politicians won't let that happen.

No, they will continue to bail out a failed corporation, full of ineptitude.

So be it.

As for the economy, Trump inherited an absolute mess. He inherited the most debt accumulated in human history, followed by a near dead GDP and exponentially mandated spending via entitlements.

No matter who would have taken over this train wreck of a situation, it would have ended badly. I'm just amazed it is still afloat.

You're parroting him on the "mess" comment. That's just his hype for his sheep.
And he is wrecking this economy.
He said he would lower the deficit.
He's doing just the opposite.

Budget deficit soars to 6-year high under Trump

Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin

Democrats control the House now...the purse strings. I am sure they will cut spending and fix this? "First thing" maybe? I loved how they scratched and clawed to cut the deficit...these last two years.
Or will they have another agenda?

View attachment 230964

Stop lying.

The democrats don't control the house right now. The republicans do.

The democrats will control the House in January when all of them are sworn in.

Seriously here. Either you're as bad a liar as trump or one of the most uninformed people on this board.

The bush boy took the Clinton deficit from Zero and surplus to 1.4 trillion. Which was a new historic high.

Obama took the bush boy's new historic high and slashed it by nearly 1 trillion dollars down to 400 and something billion.

trump has taken the 400 and something billion Obama handed him and has exploded it to more than double in less than 2 years.

The deficit is now around 1 trillion dollars again.

What is it with republicans? They explode deficit and debt every time they get any power. Then whine about that deficit and debt when the democrat doesn't clean their mess up fast enough for the republicans.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
The right wing alleges to be for Capitalism but only uses socialism on a national basis for "gunboat diplomacy" along with "your guy", talking smack to all of our allies. Trade wars are not Capitalism.

Trade wars have nothing to do with capitalism or socialism or any ism. When a country sets artificial barriers to entry then the offended country retaliates. The opposite of "trade war" isn't capitalism..it is surrender.

Why American credit card companies can't break into China
What is it with republicans? They explode deficit and debt every time they get any power. Then whine about that deficit and debt when the democrat doesn't clean their mess up fast enough for the republicans.

How slow a learner are you? What it is about Republicans is that they are huge spenders.

And rather than argue about which president did what Ill just leave this here. If you cant understand it then you should perhaps leave it to adults.

"All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills."
Article 1 section 7
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
Funny, one would think the Democrats taking back the House wouldn't cause all this.
But it has.
If it causes trump to go even more crazy than he already is ,it'd be worth it
Pissing off Trump is worth ruining the economy on purpose.
Thanks, Trump!
Definitely some troubling signs, particularly in real estate, but not catastrophic at this point. Yet.

Since I hope for the best regardless of the party affiliation of the current temporary White House occupant, please forgive me if I choose not to participate in the celebration.

There has been a huge amount of celebration but it is premature. Liberals are (1) short term thinkers and (2) desperate for any and all damage to the US.
It leads them to these embarrassingly early celebrations at any news which is bad for Americans on the surface.
Thanks, Trump!
Definitely some troubling signs, particularly in real estate, but not catastrophic at this point. Yet.

Since I hope for the best regardless of the party affiliation of the current temporary White House occupant, please forgive me if I choose not to participate in the celebration.

There has been a huge amount of celebration but it is premature. Liberals are (1) short term thinkers and (2) desperate for any and all damage to the US.
It leads them to these embarrassingly early celebrations at any news which is bad for Americans on the surface.
Such is the nature of political partisanship.

Party over country.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
The right wing alleges to be for Capitalism but only uses socialism on a national basis for "gunboat diplomacy" along with "your guy", talking smack to all of our allies. Trade wars are not Capitalism.

Trade wars have nothing to do with capitalism or socialism or any ism. When a country sets artificial barriers to entry then the offended country retaliates. The opposite of "trade war" isn't capitalism..it is surrender.

Why American credit card companies can't break into China
there is "quantum theory" to consider now. the simulations make take a little longer.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
Funny, one would think the Democrats taking back the House wouldn't cause all this.
But it has.

That's your bi-assed opinion.
And it's worthless.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
Funny, one would think the Democrats taking back the House wouldn't cause all this.
But it has.
If it causes trump to go even more crazy than he already is ,it'd be worth it
Pissing off Trump is worth ruining the economy on purpose.
Trump is always pissed at something and when he leaves dems off the bus he takes all the crap that falls ,on himself
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
Funny, one would think the Democrats taking back the House wouldn't cause all this.
But it has.

That's your bi-assed opinion.
And it's worthless.
Just a coincidence.
People were experiencing hope, and now that they Dems are getting the House back they're tightening their belts again.
Best way to ruin the economy I know of. Destroying consumer confidence.

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