What is happening to Trump's "best economy in history"?

As for the economy, Trump inherited an absolute mess. He inherited the most debt accumulated in human history, followed by a near dead GDP and exponentially mandated spending via entitlements.

No matter who would have taken over this train wreck of a situation, it would have ended badly. I'm just amazed it is still afloat.
"He inherited the most debt accumulated in human history". I guess that's why Trump has DOUBLED the federal deficit since taking office, eh? :lol:

Wow. I can't believe you said such a brain dead thing.

As for a "near dead GDP", Trump has yet to match Obama's best quarters. His GDP has been weak. The only reason it has been as high as it has been is because he has been artificially juicing it by massively increasing government spending!

Trump hasn't even matched the job growth of Obama's last five years. Today's low UE was built on the hard work of the previous years. Trump was elected on third base and you tards think he hit a triple.

The Dow grew 42 percent by this point in Obama's tenure, while it has only grown 23 percent in Trump's.

In short, Trump is less than impressive. It's pretty obvious who the train wreck is.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

Actually those without a savings cushion are lucky in that they're avoiding taking the losses that those of us with investments have been suffering.

Yep. 2018 is the year that never happened for investors. A lost year.

Hasn't the overall drop been around 2000 points?

I gave you the chart shit for brains. You didnt even have to read it...its a picture!
Its up over 6000 points.
Not for the year it isn't. It's a loss for the year.

The Dow was up 43 percent by this point in Obama's tenure. It's up only 23 percent for Trump in the same amount of time.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

GM should have gone out of business decades ago, but politicians won't let that happen.

No, they will continue to bail out a failed corporation, full of ineptitude.

So be it.

As for the economy, Trump inherited an absolute mess. He inherited the most debt accumulated in human history, followed by a near dead GDP and exponentially mandated spending via entitlements.

No matter who would have taken over this train wreck of a situation, it would have ended badly. I'm just amazed it is still afloat.

You're parroting him on the "mess" comment. That's just his hype for his sheep.
And he is wrecking this economy.
He said he would lower the deficit.
He's doing just the opposite.

Budget deficit soars to 6-year high under Trump

Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin

Democrats control the House now...the purse strings. I am sure they will cut spending and fix this? "First thing" maybe? I loved how they scratched and clawed to cut the deficit...these last two years.
Or will they have another agenda?

Hey what happened with Obama saving the car companies?




trump imposed tariffs on steel.

Ford Prepares for Mass Layoffs After Losing $1 Billion to Trump's Trade Tariffs, Report Says

Conservatives have been cheering on trump for nearly 2 years as he reverses everything that Obama did for this country.

trump is reversing the good economy that Obama handed him. Just as the bush boy destroyed the good economy Clinton handed him.

That link is a debunked lie and you know it.

GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
Funny, one would think the Democrats taking back the House wouldn't cause all this.
But it has.
If it causes trump to go even more crazy than he already is ,it'd be worth it
Democrats control the House now...the purse strings. I am sure they will cut spending and fix this? "First thing" maybe? I loved how they scratched and clawed to cut the deficit...these last two years.
Or will they have another agenda?

A prediction I made before the mid-terms, which you are fulfilling:

When Trump breaks Obama's debt record, the tards will tell us Obama's debt was really $15 trillion.

Count on it.

Right now, they are willfully ignoring just how massive Trump's debts are. But if the Democrats win the House, these same tards will suddenly notice the deficit and will blame the Democrats.

And you can bet the farm on that.

Not for the year it isn't. It's a loss for the year.

The Dow was up 43 percent by this point in Obama's tenure. It's up only 23 percent for Trump in the same amount of time.

I didnt say "for the year" now did I dumbass?

And no it wasnt up "43%" under Barry Soweto...unless you use some artifical date. Your discretion I suppose. At this point it was still down 26% from its peak in 2008. Its why you people shouldnt be allowed anywhere around where you most desire to be..other people's money.

So his market rise..get this..his market rise *started* here...lol...

fuckstick 2.png

Of course it recovered. In the history of the United States *every* market recovered. But this one did it with TARP, big bank bailouts, ZIRP, QE1-4, big auto bailouts...you name the corporate handout and it was handed out. Even, God help us, "Cash for Clunkers".

In addition people and business had no choice but to put money in the stock market as Barrack Hussein started a program of "financial repression" which destroyed pension funds all over the country. Interest rates were held at zero per cent..again to make it so painful on prudent savers that they would pile money into housing and the stock market.

And we do know the theory of "Excess Returns" over the riskless rate right? Even a liberal may have heard of it? Excess Returns

These have to be unwound. I know you are not real bright, as a liberal, and think handouts never have to be unwound. But they do. The market we see today is in the face of interest rates rising from .05% to 2.2%. A 65% rise in this year alone. We faced not only ending almost a decade of handouts to corporations with "Quantitative Easing" but in fact for over a year now the Fed has been *reducing* its balance sheet.

And still the market is up almost 40%. Unbelievable. The prognosticators..and no I'm not talking about the anti-Trump press...the real brains of investing all expected such strong headwinds that we would enter into a "secular stagnation" for the next decade. Reasonable enough prediction based on secular reasoning..not TDS like yours.

But so far it isnt true., Trumps economy is booming even into tremendous headwinds. And without having to have had a "reset" and basically starting at zero.

Now i dont expect you to understand any of that. Its ok. Its written for anyone else who may have an interest in how silly your "calendar year only" analysis was.

And I want to remind you that all stock markets "crash"...and all markets then "recover". So predict whichever one you like as you foam at the mouth. Sooner or later you will always be correct.
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I shouldn't have said "first thing", otherwise my prediction is coming true.
And I know the stock market is not the economy, it is a major indicator.
And not all liberals think that. You're just so far up Trump's ass you could probably tell us what he had for breakfast.


ALL liberals do think that. Another sad fact...all liberals measure the stock market performance in days or weeks. While other people make fortunes over years and decades.

No you shouldn't have said "first thing"..or "will crash"...or really anything else. Nor should you use the word "prediction" in place of "hope".

So your prediction is coming true just not "first thing"? Then how am I up over 40% since your sad silly prediction?

Dow finishes down 550 points as stocks erase 2018 gains
Democrats control the House now...the purse strings.
Uh-uh-uh-uh! You don't get to do that. You NEVER blamed the Republican Congress for the debt while Obama was President.

You blamed EVERY PENNY on Obama:
Obama added 7.9 trillion to the national debt in the guise of recession relief.

Trump owns every penny of debt that is run up on his watch now. You pseudocons are going to be bitch slapped by your own benchmarks.

Karma's a bitch, baby!
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

With GM they realized the democrats own the house now .
The problems and reasons for GM laying off tens of thousands of workers may not have been avoidable. But the tax cuts that were passed last year were sold on the basis of retaining jobs in the United States, and creating more of them as well. Trump made a promise to these communities specifically that their jobs would be secure because of his tax cuts. In the end, that was a promise broken, and one that these workers shouldn’t forget any time soon.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

GM should have gone out of business decades ago, but politicians won't let that happen.

No, they will continue to bail out a failed corporation, full of ineptitude.

So be it.

As for the economy, Trump inherited an absolute mess. He inherited the most debt accumulated in human history, followed by a near dead GDP and exponentially mandated spending via entitlements.

No matter who would have taken over this train wreck of a situation, it would have ended badly. I'm just amazed it is still afloat.

You're parroting him on the "mess" comment. That's just his hype for his sheep.
And he is wrecking this economy.
He said he would lower the deficit.
He's doing just the opposite.

Budget deficit soars to 6-year high under Trump

Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin

Democrats control the House now...the purse strings. I am sure they will cut spending and fix this? "First thing" maybe? I loved how they scratched and clawed to cut the deficit...these last two years.
Or will they have another agenda?

View attachment 230964
”Democrats control the House now”


No, brain-dead con, they don’t. Democrats don’t take control of the House until next year.

But thanks for revealing how desperate the right is to blame Democrats for problems occurring under Republican leadership.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
Flee to Venezuela while you still can.
Fed rates are going up, borrowing isn't as appealing as it was during the Obama years when rates were near 0.
It's what happens when the Trump economy is so successful.
World economy is starting to slow.

And those of you that are predicting two years out are making yourself look like complete idiots.
Nobody with any knowledge predicts that far out. Lol
Today's Market Activity
NASDAQ 7031.94
92.96 ▲ 1.34%
DJIA 24512.43
226.48 ▲ 0.93%
S&P 500 2660.00
27.44 ▲ 1.04%

GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

Actually those without a savings cushion are lucky in that they're avoiding taking the losses that those of us with investments have been suffering.

Yep. 2018 is the year that never happened for investors. A lost year.

Hasn't the overall drop been around 2000 points?
Dow finishes down 550 points as stocks erase 2018 gains
Today's Market Activity
NASDAQ 7031.94
92.96 ▲ 1.34%
DJIA 24512.43
226.48 ▲ 0.93%
S&P 500 2660.00
27.44 ▲ 1.04%

GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

Actually those without a savings cushion are lucky in that they're avoiding taking the losses that those of us with investments have been suffering.

Yep. 2018 is the year that never happened for investors. A lost year.

Hasn't the overall drop been around 2000 points?
Dow finishes down 550 points as stocks erase 2018 gains

Your point?
Trump owns every penny of debt that is run up on his watch now. You pseudocons are going to be bitch slapped by your own benchmarks.

Karma's a bitch, baby!

No somehow I am sure it will be your benchmarks..as in "the market is down over the last 17 hours and 23 minutes" :)

I am not a pseudo conservative. I am not a conservative. I am not even a Republican. What I am Madonna and Cher never discussed so you wouldnt be familiar with it.
I am so not in your little box that I never denied who owned what debt. I dont care. I dont see the President passing budgets in the Constitution but whatever. Lets pretend he does. Somebody mentioned the deficit. That is easily handled. EASY!. The Democrats control Congress. Our Constitution says the popular house is the purse strings house. Lets see what they do. The Republicans were too weak to fix it and the Democrats bitch about it. Well..get to fixing.
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