What is happening to Trump's "best economy in history"?

GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
Funny, one would think the Democrats taking back the House wouldn't cause all this.
But it has.
If it causes trump to go even more crazy than he already is ,it'd be worth it
Pissing off Trump is worth ruining the economy on purpose.
Trump is always pissed at something and when he leaves dems off the bus he takes all the crap that falls ,on himself
Well why don't you cry about it.
You can tell by the ambient anger of Trump’s enablers that things are starting to come apart.

Exactly. See Clodette's silly post.
Trump rode in on a wave of prosperity that had been in the making for several years, gave his rich friends a tax cut and they think he's an economic genius.

As the sentient among us warned this board three years ago ---- Rump will do for the country exactly what he did for Atlantic City. All glitz and glamour and media noise at the beginning, then the investors lose their shirts and Rump is suing to get his name taken off the whole project and denying he was ever there.

Same shit, different day.

You nailed it.
I've said the same thing.
I've wondered why anyone would put a six-time-bankruptcy filing loser into the Oval Office.
The only reason he has money is because he doesn't pay taxes. (Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father)
That's why he won't release his returns.

True but far beyond that it's unfathomable that anyone anywhere would vote for a sleazeball who has literally never held a job or taken any kind of responsibility for anything, financial or otherwise, in his life, and send him into the most responsible job in the world. Boggles the fucking mind.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
The right wing alleges to be for Capitalism but only uses socialism on a national basis for "gunboat diplomacy" along with "your guy", talking smack to all of our allies. Trade wars are not Capitalism.

Not necessarily the "right wing". For instance Steve Bannon and his followers "self-described economic nationalist, Bannon advocates... restrictions on free trade with China and Mexico...and an increased federal income tax for those earning incomes of over $5 million a year."
Many on the right despise capitalism.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

Actually those without a savings cushion are lucky in that they're avoiding taking the losses that those of us with investments have been suffering.

Yep. 2018 is the year that never happened for investors. A lost year.

Hasn't the overall drop been around 2000 points?

I gave you the chart shit for brains. You didnt even have to read it...its a picture!
Its up over 6000 points.

I didn't see any chart, it's not in this thread, sewage for brains.
But I don't have to post a chart here to show that the Dow was at 7900 when Bush left office. It went up 300% under Obama.
FACT CHECK: Did The Stock Market ‘Nearly Triple’ Under Obama?

Thanks, Trump!
Definitely some troubling signs, particularly in real estate, but not catastrophic at this point. Yet.

Since I hope for the best regardless of the party affiliation of the current temporary White House occupant, please forgive me if I choose not to participate in the celebration.

What celebration?
I posted links to four different news items about energy, housing, the stock market and employment.
And juxtaposed them against Trump's very own words.
Where's the celebration?
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
Funny, one would think the Democrats taking back the House wouldn't cause all this.
But it has.
If it causes trump to go even more crazy than he already is ,it'd be worth it
Pissing off Trump is worth ruining the economy on purpose.
Trump is always pissed at something and when he leaves dems off the bus he takes all the crap that falls ,on himself
Well why don't you cry about it.
Be well told muddy that whatever goes wrong Trump will blame some one else Already the head of the SC Roberts The fed , Munchin who gave him Powell etc etc etc have been blamed for one thing or another
Trump owns every penny of debt that is run up on his watch now. You pseudocons are going to be bitch slapped by your own benchmarks.

Karma's a bitch, baby!

No somehow I am sure it will be your benchmarks..as in "the market is down over the last 17 hours and 23 minutes" :)

I am not a pseudo conservative. I am not a conservative. I am not even a Republican. What I am Madonna and Cher never discussed so you wouldnt be familiar with it.
I am so not in your little box that I never denied who owned what debt. I dont care. I dont see the President passing budgets in the Constitution but whatever. Lets pretend he does. Somebody mentioned the deficit. That is easily handled. EASY!. The Democrats control Congress. Our Constitution says the popular house is the purse strings house. Lets see what they do. The Republicans were too weak to fix it and the Democrats bitch about it. Well..get to fixing.
Oh? How does the Democrat-led House next year get anything passed the Republican-led Senate or the Republican president?
Democrats control the House now...the purse strings. I am sure they will cut spending and fix this? "First thing" maybe? I loved how they scratched and clawed to cut the deficit...these last two years.
Or will they have another agenda?

A prediction I made before the mid-terms, which you are fulfilling:

When Trump breaks Obama's debt record, the tards will tell us Obama's debt was really $15 trillion.

Count on it.

Right now, they are willfully ignoring just how massive Trump's debts are. But if the Democrats win the House, these same tards will suddenly notice the deficit and will blame the Democrats.

And you can bet the farm on that.


Cognitive dissonance..again. A silly fellow Marxist of yours bitched about the debt above. Did you want a "taddaaa" that bad?

LOL. How do you people even manage to breath and ti your shoes with that kind of cognitive dissonance?
Pseudocons whined about the debt for eight years under Obama. Why have all of you gone completely radio silent since Trump and the GOP took power and DOUBLED the deficit?

You attempted to project your own hypocrisy onto others. I saw you coming from a mile away. That's why I made the prediction. You are just that transparent.

Pseudocons are literally unable to stop themselves from being hypocrites. And after being silent for the past two years about Trump's massive debts, they will be unable to stop themselves from trying to blame the Democratic House for Trump's future debts.

And I am going to have a lot of fun bitch slapping them with their own quotes attributing every penny of debt to Obama for the years 2009 - 2016. Like I just did to you.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
You won't get a lot of action in this thread, because it's a fact-based thread, and the Republicans don't have anything they can counter on this with.

In the next two years the Trump economy will be in full-effect and we'll see the results of his policies, which will be an economy in FREEFALL, damn near COLLAPSE, just like with Bush II, this time, it will be WORSE!!!


I responded. I like making Lefitsts look dumb. You're case in point.
Thanks, Trump!
Definitely some troubling signs, particularly in real estate, but not catastrophic at this point. Yet.

Since I hope for the best regardless of the party affiliation of the current temporary White House occupant, please forgive me if I choose not to participate in the celebration.

What celebration?
I posted links to four different news items about energy, housing, the stock market and employment.
And juxtaposed them against Trump's very own words.
Where's the celebration?

Now dont start your cowardly gaslighting. You have been miserable in anticipation waiting for something bad to happen to Americans. Now you hope it has (it hasnt) and you dont really grasp economics so you are celebrating.

And you are a coward for lying about it.
Actually, they kind of threw the blame into the article where it belongs-

“They could close or they could get different vehicles to build. They will be part of contract talks with the United Auto Workers union next year.”
OP, the
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!
You won't get a lot of action in this thread, because it's a fact-based thread, and the Republicans don't have anything they can counter on this with.

In the next two years the Trump economy will be in full-effect and we'll see the results of his policies, which will be an economy in FREEFALL, damn near COLLAPSE, just like with Bush II, this time, it will be WORSE!!!

Yes and guess who he'll blame The feds? Obama?? Hillary?? That damn Dem House ? Of course that pos is never responsible

They should have closed. Obama's working philosophy was "If you Americans wont spend money to buy crappy GM cars then the government will take your money and send it to GM anyhow"

I prefer closure.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

Actually those without a savings cushion are lucky in that they're avoiding taking the losses that those of us with investments have been suffering.

Yep. 2018 is the year that never happened for investors. A lost year.

Hasn't the overall drop been around 2000 points?

I gave you the chart shit for brains. You didnt even have to read it...its a picture!
Its up over 6000 points.
The Dow was about 19800 when Trump became president and it’s 24600 now.

Leave it to the retarded right to call a 4800 point increase, “6000.”
Democrats control the House now...the purse strings. I am sure they will cut spending and fix this? "First thing" maybe? I loved how they scratched and clawed to cut the deficit...these last two years.
Or will they have another agenda?

A prediction I made before the mid-terms, which you are fulfilling:

When Trump breaks Obama's debt record, the tards will tell us Obama's debt was really $15 trillion.

Count on it.

Right now, they are willfully ignoring just how massive Trump's debts are. But if the Democrats win the House, these same tards will suddenly notice the deficit and will blame the Democrats.

And you can bet the farm on that.


Cognitive dissonance..again. A silly fellow Marxist of yours bitched about the debt above. Did you want a "taddaaa" that bad?

LOL. How do you people even manage to breath and ti your shoes with that kind of cognitive dissonance?
Pseudocons whined about the debt for eight years under Obama. Why have all of you gone completely radio silent since Trump and the GOP took power and DOUBLED the deficit?

You attempted to project your own hypocrisy onto others. I saw you coming from a mile away. That's why I made the prediction. You are just that transparent.

Pseudocons are literally unable to stop themselves from being hypocrites. And after being silent for the past two years about Trump's massive debts, they will be unable to stop themselves from trying to blame the Democratic House for Trump's future debts.

And I am going to have a lot of fun bitch slapping them with their own quotes attributing every penny of debt to Obama for the years 2009 - 2016. Like I just did to you.

That only works with subhumans such as yourself. And maybe these "pseudocons" whoever they are.

Your cognitive dissonance leads you to say "look at this bad debt..hey dont notice the debt you hypocrite!"
One thing I have learned from this hyper-partisan political insanity is that we all need to watch our own team. This deal of relaxing when blue or red team is in power has hurt us all. keep a close eye & a open mind, pretty sure the average American is not the priority of those who are suppose to work for us. lets hope some of the new entrances to congress will work for us more than there party. Mitch has found a new way to cheat, lets not hope for the same from Democrats.
Not for the year it isn't. It's a loss for the year.

The Dow was up 43 percent by this point in Obama's tenure. It's up only 23 percent for Trump in the same amount of time.

I didnt say "for the year" now did I dumbass?

And no it wasnt up "43%" under Barry Soweto...unless you use some artifical date. Your discretion I suppose. At this point it was still down 26% from its peak in 2008. Its why you people shouldnt be allowed anywhere around where you most desire to be..other people's money.

So his market rise..get this..his market rise *started* here...lol...

View attachment 230968

Of course it recovered. In the history of the United States *every* market recovered. But this one did it with TARP, big bank bailouts, ZIRP, QE1-4, big auto bailouts...you name the corporate handout and it was handed out. Even, God help us, "Cash for Clunkers".

In addition people and business had no choice but to put money in the stock market as Barrack Hussein started a program of "financial repression" which destroyed pension funds all over the country. Interest rates were held at zero per cent..again to make it so painful on prudent savers that they would pile money into housing and the stock market.

And we do know the theory of "Excess Returns" over the riskless rate right? Even a liberal may have heard of it? Excess Returns

These have to be unwound. I know you are not real bright, as a liberal, and think handouts never have to be unwound. But they do. The market we see today is in the face of interest rates rising from .05% to 2.2%. A 65% rise in this year alone. We faced not only ending almost a decade of handouts to corporations with "Quantitative Easing" but in fact for over a year now the Fed has been *reducing* its balance sheet.

And still the market is up almost 40%. Unbelievable. The prognosticators..and no I'm not talking about the anti-Trump press...the real brains of investing all expected such strong headwinds that we would enter into a "secular stagnation" for the next decade. Reasonable enough prediction based on secular reasoning..not TDS like yours.

But so far it isnt true., Trumps economy is booming even into tremendous headwinds. And without having to have had a "reset" and basically starting at zero.

Now i dont expect you to understand any of that. Its ok. Its written for anyone else who may have an interest in how silly your "calendar year only" analysis was.

And I want to remind you that all stock markets "crash"...and all markets then "recover". So predict whichever one you like as you foam at the mouth. Sooner or later you will always be correct.

Thank you.

I think this is the heart of the whole thread.

WE are comparing apples and oranges when we are comparing the past admin to this one.

Presidential administrations really don't have much affect over the economy. It is all about the laws passed by congress, the influence of the different interest groups and the Deep State, and how the FED and the Banking cartel manipulate the economy.

The best thing any one administration can do, is propose taxes, cut them, propose regulations on business, or cut them. Also, whether it brings stability to the economy, that is all.

It is congress that allocates spending priorities.

Most of the conversions in this thread really don't have a clue how presidential administrations affect the economy.

Why one economist says Trump is right about the Fed
Why one economist says Trump is right about the Fed

“. . . The Fed is doing what they think is necessary, but I don’t like what they are doing because we have inflation really in check,” Trump said. The president told reporters before he boarded Marine One that the Fed doesn’t need “to go as fast.”

The Fed has raised short-term interest rates eight times since December 2015 to a range between 2%-2.25%.

The central bank has penciled in four more rate hikes before the end of 2019, if you believe its dot plot of interest-rate forecasts. The strong job market has cemented views of many economists that the central bank will follow though on these plans. . . . "


What the hell, the elites all have jobs, homes, and investments right? Who cares if they increase unemployment, hunger, and homelessness, we have too many jobs now. . . .

We certainly can't have that wealth gap start to disappear, can we now?

That is how these pricks actually think, it doesn't matter their political affiliation.

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