What is Hitlery hiding? Where are her medical records?

2009 - Hitlery falls at the White House and breaks her elbow:

2011 - Hitlery falls boarding a plane

2012 - Hitlery falls at home and suffers a severe brain hemorrhage (putting her on blood thinners for life)

2016 - Hitlery suffers dizzy spells often (even causing her to return to the debate stage late). She suffers significant coughing fits during press conferences and debates. She has strange lesions on her tongue. And she needs assistance to walk up stairs.

View attachment 84945

This woman has never been intellectually, emotionally, or morally fit to hold office. But now, she is clearly also not physically fit to hold office. One of the primary requirements for holding office is transparency. Why won't Hitlery release her full medical history? Not some summary by a physician on her staff or one promised a significant position should she be elected - but her complete medical record history.

Er... FDR was in a WHEELCHAIR.....

Yeah...we know. And Dumbocrats lied about that back then as well. Your party has a long history of lying to the American people.


There it is. That appears to be the definitive answer.

Epilepsy. Dementia.

Now this needs to be made known to the voting public. Does America want a president who, at the very outset of her presidency, has been diagnosed as having progressive epileptic seizures (partial seizures means part of the brain, as distinguished from all of the brain, is firing randomly) (this is called Petit Mal Epilepsy) and progressive dementia?

Should such a person be making world-impacting decisions? Should such a person have her finger on the nuclear button?
If only you could prove that's authentic, eh.

Too bad.

Indeed, nothing about Hillary is authentic.
2009 - Hitlery falls at the White House and breaks her elbow:

2011 - Hitlery falls boarding a plane

2012 - Hitlery falls at home and suffers a severe brain hemorrhage (putting her on blood thinners for life)

2016 - Hitlery suffers dizzy spells often (even causing her to return to the debate stage late). She suffers significant coughing fits during press conferences and debates. She has strange lesions on her tongue. And she needs assistance to walk up stairs.

View attachment 84945

This woman has never been intellectually, emotionally, or morally fit to hold office. But now, she is clearly also not physically fit to hold office. One of the primary requirements for holding office is transparency. Why won't Hitlery release her full medical history? Not some summary by a physician on her staff or one promised a significant position should she be elected - but her complete medical record history.

Er... FDR was in a WHEELCHAIR.....

Yeah...we know. And Dumbocrats lied about that back then as well. Your party has a long history of lying to the American people.

My party?

As for "Dumbocrats", which school do you attend?


There it is. That appears to be the definitive answer.

Epilepsy. Dementia.

Now this needs to be made known to the voting public. Does America want a president who, at the very outset of her presidency, has been diagnosed as having progressive epileptic seizures (partial seizures means part of the brain, as distinguished from all of the brain, is firing randomly) (this is called Petit Mal Epilepsy) and progressive dementia?

Should such a person be making world-impacting decisions? Should such a person have her finger on the nuclear button?
If only you could prove that's authentic, eh.

Too bad.

Indeed, nothing about Hillary is authentic.

Well, that's most top end politicians.
She can't get through a press conference or debate without a coughing fit. What happens if she has one of these in a debate with Donald Trump and is unable to continue?

2009 - Hitlery falls at the White House and breaks her elbow:

2011 - Hitlery falls boarding a plane

2012 - Hitlery falls at home and suffers a severe brain hemorrhage (putting her on blood thinners for life)

2016 - Hitlery suffers dizzy spells often (even causing her to return to the debate stage late). She suffers significant coughing fits during press conferences and debates. She has strange lesions on her tongue. And she needs assistance to walk up stairs.

View attachment 84945

This woman has never been intellectually, emotionally, or morally fit to hold office. But now, she is clearly also not physically fit to hold office. One of the primary requirements for holding office is transparency. Why won't Hitlery release her full medical history? Not some summary by a physician on her staff or one promised a significant position should she be elected - but her complete medical record history.

Er... FDR was in a WHEELCHAIR.....

Yeah...we know. And Dumbocrats lied about that back then as well. Your party has a long history of lying to the American people.

My party?

As for "Dumbocrats", which school do you attend?

The school of liberty. Where the U.S. Constitution supersedes any and all things.
Well, if DJT has released his; the question is valid. If not, the question is less so.
Both candidates should release their full and accurate health records. Far more important than releasing tax returns (and for the record - I fully believe all candidates should also release their tax returns).
This woman should be retiring to spend whatever time she has left with her grandchild. It speaks volumes that someone with these kinds of health issues places power and money above time with their family...

2009 - Hitlery falls at the White House and breaks her elbow:

2011 - Hitlery falls boarding a plane

2012 - Hitlery falls at home and suffers a severe brain hemorrhage (putting her on blood thinners for life)

2016 - Hitlery suffers dizzy spells often (even causing her to return to the debate stage late). She suffers significant coughing fits during press conferences and debates. She has strange lesions on her tongue. And she needs assistance to walk up stairs.

View attachment 84945

This woman has never been intellectually, emotionally, or morally fit to hold office. But now, she is clearly also not physically fit to hold office. One of the primary requirements for holding office is transparency. Why won't Hitlery release her full medical history? Not some summary by a physician on her staff or one promised a significant position should she be elected - but her complete medical record history.

Er... FDR was in a WHEELCHAIR.....

Yeah...we know. And Dumbocrats lied about that back then as well. Your party has a long history of lying to the American people.

My party?

As for "Dumbocrats", which school do you attend?

The school of liberty. Where the U.S. Constitution supersedes any and all things.


There it is. That appears to be the definitive answer.

Epilepsy. Dementia.

Now this needs to be made known to the voting public. Does America want a president who, at the very outset of her presidency, has been diagnosed as having progressive epileptic seizures (partial seizures means part of the brain, as distinguished from all of the brain, is firing randomly) (this is called Petit Mal Epilepsy) and progressive dementia?

Should such a person be making world-impacting decisions? Should such a person have her finger on the nuclear button?
There is no denying the physician is real (a quick Google search proves that) - and there is no denying that she is in fact Hitlery's physician (see below). The only thing left is the authenticity of the document. I pray the truth comes out about this document either way. If it is forged - this is a massive injustice. If it is accurate, the American people deserve to know that Hitlery is simply not physically fit to serve as president of the United States.

Hillary Clinton's Doctor Says She's in "Excellent" Health
2009 - Hitlery falls at the White House and breaks her elbow:

2011 - Hitlery falls boarding a plane

2012 - Hitlery falls at home and suffers a severe brain hemorrhage (putting her on blood thinners for life)

2016 - Hitlery suffers dizzy spells often (even causing her to return to the debate stage late). She suffers significant coughing fits during press conferences and debates. She has strange lesions on her tongue. And she needs assistance to walk up stairs.

View attachment 84945

This woman has never been intellectually, emotionally, or morally fit to hold office. But now, she is clearly also not physically fit to hold office. One of the primary requirements for holding office is transparency. Why won't Hitlery release her full medical history? Not some summary by a physician on her staff or one promised a significant position should she be elected - but her complete medical record history.

Er... FDR was in a WHEELCHAIR.....

Yeah...we know. And Dumbocrats lied about that back then as well. Your party has a long history of lying to the American people.

My party?

As for "Dumbocrats", which school do you attend?

The school of liberty. Where the U.S. Constitution supersedes any and all things.


I rest my case...

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