What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

Krazy Kamala has called Trump a "racist" and was clearly INSIDE in the Smollett HATE HOAX.

Sorry if you don't like that TRUTH.

Kamala is a bigoted race baiting disciple of the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief....
That's all good Huckleberry.
So start a thread about it.
Good point. Why do you think the thread got derailed into the race realm?
I suppose because a black woman is an easier target for some people than women in general.
Or maybe that just womanizing has become so normalized , even though we've come a long way since
Ralph Cramden's famous "One of these days..." quote, threatening to knock his wife out. "To the moon Alice."
Agreed, we’ve come a long way but still have a long way to go. I’ve been a part of the derailment as it’s hard for me to let ignorant racial slurs go unchallenged. Apologies for that
Poverty, unemployment, crime rates are all not looking good for black Americans as they still experience discrimination and hate in this country.

That is THE BIGGEST LIE of all.

Black Americans get PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT for

1. higher education admissions
2. job applications
3. use of certain words

Obama is classic. His ancestors were white Confederate slave owners, and Africans who rounded up other Africans and sold them to Jewish owned slave ships. My ancestors fought for the Union Army. Obama never experienced any discrimination, and is the source of tons of hate because he lies and HATE HOAXES, as he did with SMOLLETT and FERGUSON.

Obama did not deserve any preferential treatment, but has experienced a lifetime of it, and is still race baiting, whining, and....


Obama never experienced discrimination? Are you joking? Yes he came from a good family with means, but just look how many reacted to his presidency? How many monkey references were made about he and Michelle? What about the birther conspiracy? You don’t think this type of stuff was thrown at him and other Black Americans rising in power? Get real

Good family with means? Didn't realize goat herding paid that well.
What about the birther conspiracy?

The "birther conspiracy" involves NOTICING what the COCKSUCKER HIMSELF did and wrote....

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

"He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said"

How many monkey references were made about he and Michelle?

Your side HATE HOAXES. Until it stops doing so, these "we don't know who did it but it proves...."


NO EVIDENCE of ANY discrimination, but plenty of PREFERENCES, in the life of the former Cocksucker in Chief....
She is a little bit of everything you hate and fear wrapped up in an attractive package and making entirely too much sense.

Yes, I hate corrupt politicians who have slept their way to their position. I do not fear her nor do I consider her to be an attractive package. Just another wannabe is desperate for their 15 minutes of fame.
Last edited:
You don’t think this type of stuff was thrown at him and other Black Americans rising in power?

If was never used against Colin Powell, because Colin Powell was a patriotic American with a documented history.

The Cocksucker in Chief has no transparency. He still won't tell us what he "organized" as a community HATE HOAX "organizer...."
Poverty, unemployment, crime rates are all not looking good for black Americans as they still experience discrimination and hate in this country.

That is THE BIGGEST LIE of all.

Black Americans get PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT for

1. higher education admissions
2. job applications
3. use of certain words

Obama is classic. His ancestors were white Confederate slave owners, and Africans who rounded up other Africans and sold them to Jewish owned slave ships. My ancestors fought for the Union Army. Obama never experienced any discrimination, and is the source of tons of hate because he lies and HATE HOAXES, as he did with SMOLLETT and FERGUSON.

Obama did not deserve any preferential treatment, but has experienced a lifetime of it, and is still race baiting, whining, and....


Obama never experienced discrimination? Are you joking? Yes he came from a good family with means, but just look how many reacted to his presidency? How many monkey references were made about he and Michelle? What about the birther conspiracy? You don’t think this type of stuff was thrown at him and other Black Americans rising in power? Get real
70% of America is White. Obama does not get elected without an overwhelming number of White Voters, voting for him.

Stop cherry picking boogey man stories from The Loon Pile, most of whom are Racists Democrats
Poverty, unemployment, crime rates are all not looking good for black Americans as they still experience discrimination and hate in this country.

That is THE BIGGEST LIE of all.

Black Americans get PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT for

1. higher education admissions
2. job applications
3. use of certain words

Obama is classic. His ancestors were white Confederate slave owners, and Africans who rounded up other Africans and sold them to Jewish owned slave ships. My ancestors fought for the Union Army. Obama never experienced any discrimination, and is the source of tons of hate because he lies and HATE HOAXES, as he did with SMOLLETT and FERGUSON.

Obama did not deserve any preferential treatment, but has experienced a lifetime of it, and is still race baiting, whining, and....


Obama never experienced discrimination? Are you joking? Yes he came from a good family with means, but just look how many reacted to his presidency? How many monkey references were made about he and Michelle? What about the birther conspiracy? You don’t think this type of stuff was thrown at him and other Black Americans rising in power? Get real

Good family with means? Didn't realize goat herding paid that well.
It doesn’t, but hard work and a supportive family created great opportunity for his child who became the first black president of the USA... living the dream
Agreed, we’ve come a long way but still have a long way to go. I’ve been a part of the derailment as it’s hard for me to let ignorant racial slurs go unchallenged. Apologies for that
No need to apologize but thanks,. Hey on a lighter side--I bet you a dollar Cory's hitting that booty all the time.
He's sitting there with a hard one right now...
What about the birther conspiracy?

The "birther conspiracy" involves NOTICING what the COCKSUCKER HIMSELF did and wrote....

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

"He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said"

How many monkey references were made about he and Michelle?

Your side HATE HOAXES. Until it stops doing so, these "we don't know who did it but it proves...."


NO EVIDENCE of ANY discrimination, but plenty of PREFERENCES, in the life of the former Cocksucker in Chief....
Believe whatever you want. I can tell by the way you present your arguments that you are driven by emotion and hate. I have no interest in engaging with people like you. It’s a waste of time.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

Questioning, matter-of-factly, whether or not the highest law enforcement officer in the land followed proper procedures in a high-profile criminal case, and the officers involved in decision-making were free of conflicts of interest, by a woman, and a woman of color, no less, that really demonstrates some heretofore unknown arrogance.

Mind boggling.
Bullshit. She and her worthless cohorts slandered the man repeated .
Who was it she slandered and how did she slander them?

Good luck trying to get an answer out of that one. He's seen the video of a black woman questioning Trump-sycophant Barr, and he's been running scared, wild-eyed ever since. As far as I've seen, there's no stopping him for so much as a moment's thought.

So, the solution is slanderously to impugn her character:

"I bet Cory's hitting that booty all the time.
He's sitting there with a hard one right now..."
You don’t think this type of stuff was thrown at him and other Black Americans rising in power?

If was never used against Colin Powell, because Colin Powell was a patriotic American with a documented history.

The Cocksucker in Chief has no transparency. He still won't tell us what he "organized" as a community HATE HOAX "organizer...."
Powell and Rice had a double whammy being Republicans. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Read a biography and learn something
Believe whatever you want. I can tell by the way you present your arguments that you are driven by emotion and hate. I have no interest in engaging with people like you. It’s a waste of time.

Translation = after getting destroyed with truth and facts, time to hide and continue tossing race cards....
Agreed, we’ve come a long way but still have a long way to go. I’ve been a part of the derailment as it’s hard for me to let ignorant racial slurs go unchallenged. Apologies for that
No need to apologize but thanks,. Hey on a lighter side--I bet you a dollar Cory's hitting that booty all the time.
He's sitting there with a hard one right now...
View attachment 266144
Haha... talk about derailing!!!
Believe whatever you want. I can tell by the way you present your arguments that you are driven by emotion and hate. I have no interest in engaging with people like you. It’s a waste of time.

Translation = after getting destroyed with truth and facts, time to hide and continue tossing race cards....
Yup you got me... destroyed. Go get yourself a cookie and then move on to your next victim... I can’t compete
Well look at how this discussion is going. There are obviously still racial issues festering in this country. We just had a guy say that she is acting white!! Come on people, grow up

How is saying "she is acting white", racist? Are you going to say that some white kids DON'T act black? So what?
Good luck trying to get an answer out of that one. He's seen the video of a black woman questioning Trump-sycophant Barr, and he's been running scared, wild-eyed ever since. As far as I've seen, there's no stopping him for so much as a moment's thought.


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