What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Did you see her angry rant yesterday and how she used the southern black accent like Hillary tried when addressing the Democrat Convention? Well if you're going to speak like that when addressing a large percentage black audience, and you don't speak like that when you're asking questions in a Senate hearing, then you deserve to be called out for your blatant pandering.

You mean like your very rich President with the Ivy League education who talks like a 4th grader, and makes up words like "bigly"? That kind of pandering?
And yet he beat HRC who pissed away 1.2 BILLION donor dollars.
Go figure.
You only have about six more years to be reminded everyday what a bunch of fuck ups the DNC were/are.
Look at who they are running against President Trump.
Most of them to dunces.

I always scratch my head over these kinds of posts. It's not about what's doing the best thing for the country. Politics is all about "sticking it to the other guy". What a stupid, stupid attitude!!! You have a President who is a lying, incompetent, and who is has brought the world to the brink of war twice in the past 2 years, and all you care about is sticking it to liberals.

These are the people who claim to be "patriots". People like Mitch McConnell who told his caucus to vote against anything Obama put forward, even if it would help the American people. Conservatives opposed ANYTHING liberals are in favour of, not because it's a good idea or a bad idea, but because liberals propose it. This is stupidity on the hoof.
Do you admit that President Trump's domestic policies have improved the economy? Or are you going to claim the booming economy is actually all b/c of the wonderful job Obama did?
Don't bother answering. We all know what you'll post.
Sorry about reality, super duper. LOL
So, are you saying you don't believe Trump is a racist?
Thank you. I'll look forward to seeing you defend him in the future when that charge is leveled against him.
No problem. Call me whenever you want back up. But don’t expect me to defend the idiotic things that he says. He may not be a racist but he definitely likes to stir up racial controversy. He is a troll and I don’t defend trolling.
See? Right when I start to think you're different, you say some shit like that. What does Trump do to stir up racial controversy? And don't give me some fake news quote.
Everything from “they’re sending rapist and murders” to “good people on both sides” I realize these quote were taken out of context and spun by the media but the reaction would have been quite different from anybody who cared that millions of people were offended. But Trumps ego would never let him apologize. He’s gotta be the tough guy. He just attacks back and allows these divisive wars to perpetuate. He doesn’t have an interest in being a true leader and bringing the temp down. He likes it hot. He trolls to make it hot.
I asked you not to give me fake news quotes and you gave me two of them. Out of context is an understatement. You know damn well the "rapist and murderers" comment was directed at Mexico's policies. He was absolutely right, Mexico is corrupt as shit. They're controlled by drug lords and human traffickers. They let violent gang members come here instead of putting them in prison there.
The "good people on both sides" was an out and out lie. It was not a "white supremacist rally" as the media keeps repeating. They just showed up to start trouble and so did Antifa, who showed up ARMED. And Trump clearly said the white supremacists should be condemned. There were "good people" on both sides, the two extreme groups ruined it but the media saw it as an opportunity to once again slander the President. He SHOULD attack back. I guess you think he should just let the media get away with smearing him and say nothing when they do it? That's gonna bring the temp down? Fuck that.
I told you the statements were taken out of context to make him look bad but it is very easy to shut that down by going on camera and making a strong statement clarifying the messaging. Showing care and concern for those who are offended and scared. He didn’t do that this perpetuating the problem
Thank you. I'll look forward to seeing you defend him in the future when that charge is leveled against him.
No problem. Call me whenever you want back up. But don’t expect me to defend the idiotic things that he says. He may not be a racist but he definitely likes to stir up racial controversy. He is a troll and I don’t defend trolling.
See? Right when I start to think you're different, you say some shit like that. What does Trump do to stir up racial controversy? And don't give me some fake news quote.
Everything from “they’re sending rapist and murders” to “good people on both sides” I realize these quote were taken out of context and spun by the media but the reaction would have been quite different from anybody who cared that millions of people were offended. But Trumps ego would never let him apologize. He’s gotta be the tough guy. He just attacks back and allows these divisive wars to perpetuate. He doesn’t have an interest in being a true leader and bringing the temp down. He likes it hot. He trolls to make it hot.
Your a mental case.
He thinks Trump should apologize for statements he never made..."just to bring the temp down".
I never said apologize. I said clarify
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Did you see her angry rant yesterday and how she used the southern black accent like Hillary tried when addressing the Democrat Convention? Well if you're going to speak like that when addressing a large percentage black audience, and you don't speak like that when you're asking questions in a Senate hearing, then you deserve to be called out for your blatant pandering.

You mean like your very rich President with the Ivy League education who talks like a 4th grader, and makes up words like "bigly"? That kind of pandering?
And yet he beat HRC who pissed away 1.2 BILLION donor dollars.
Go figure.
You only have about six more years to be reminded everyday what a bunch of fuck ups the DNC were/are.
Look at who they are running against President Trump.
Most of them to dunces.

I always scratch my head over these kinds of posts. It's not about what's doing the best thing for the country. Politics is all about "sticking it to the other guy". What a stupid, stupid attitude!!! You have a President who is a lying, incompetent, and who is has brought the world to the brink of war twice in the past 2 years, and all you care about is sticking it to liberals.

These are the people who claim to be "patriots". People like Mitch McConnell who told his caucus to vote against anything Obama put forward, even if it would help the American people. Conservatives opposed ANYTHING liberals are in favour of, not because it's a good idea or a bad idea, but because liberals propose it. This is stupidity on the hoof.
Do you admit that President Trump's domestic policies have improved the economy? Or are you going to claim the booming economy is actually all b/c of the wonderful job Obama did?
Don't bother answering. We all know what you'll post.
The difference in the economy is that fox noise etc etc called Obama's economy horrible a thousand times a day and now say it is booming a thousand times a day. There is very little difference, even with Trump throwing a couple of trillion dollars in debt at the "problem"...and where do you think the corrupt GOP deregulation cronyism bubble will come from this time?
Harris supports Child Prostitution in California.

Someone should start calling her on this crap.

Somebody should start calling YOU on your bullshit and lies.

Decriminalizing consenual adult prostitution is not supporting prostitution in any form. But when you talk about "consenual" sex, you are immediately eliminating underage sex from the equation. But you lying pieces of shit, twist perfectly logical ideas and twist them into something they're not.

Show me evidence of Harris supporting "child prostitution". Harris supports decriminalizing consenual prostitution. Big difference.

If Republicans told the truth about their policies and their programs, NO ONE would ever vote for them, so instead they twist things, and make up lies about their opposition. Trashing your opponents with lies, and bullshit is all you have. No policies, no programs, nothing to actually help the American people. Just lies piled on lies.
Only in America can a dumbass Neggra Ho think she has a chance to be President.
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

The fact that she's a socialist democrat pos.
The fact that she's a socialist democrat pos.
She says what her voters want to hear,..." however, her record as a district attorney and as attorney general in California stand in stark contrast to the progressive ideals she now claims to hold. As attorney general, Harris opposed a bill requiring her office to investigate shootings involving police officers and threatened to imprison the parents of truant children, who are disproportionately poor and non-white. Her office fought a proposed parole program that would release prisoners early if they served half their sentences, arguing that “prisons would lose an important labor pool.”
Deconstructed Podcast: Kamala Harris Wants to Be President. But What About Her Right-Wing Past?
Thank you. I'll look forward to seeing you defend him in the future when that charge is leveled against him.
No problem. Call me whenever you want back up. But don’t expect me to defend the idiotic things that he says. He may not be a racist but he definitely likes to stir up racial controversy. He is a troll and I don’t defend trolling.
See? Right when I start to think you're different, you say some shit like that. What does Trump do to stir up racial controversy? And don't give me some fake news quote.
Everything from “they’re sending rapist and murders” to “good people on both sides” I realize these quote were taken out of context and spun by the media but the reaction would have been quite different from anybody who cared that millions of people were offended. But Trumps ego would never let him apologize. He’s gotta be the tough guy. He just attacks back and allows these divisive wars to perpetuate. He doesn’t have an interest in being a true leader and bringing the temp down. He likes it hot. He trolls to make it hot.
I asked you not to give me fake news quotes and you gave me two of them. Out of context is an understatement. You know damn well the "rapist and murderers" comment was directed at Mexico's policies. He was absolutely right, Mexico is corrupt as shit. They're controlled by drug lords and human traffickers. They let violent gang members come here instead of putting them in prison there.
The "good people on both sides" was an out and out lie. It was not a "white supremacist rally" as the media keeps repeating. They just showed up to start trouble and so did Antifa, who showed up ARMED. And Trump clearly said the white supremacists should be condemned. There were "good people" on both sides, the two extreme groups ruined it but the media saw it as an opportunity to once again slander the President. He SHOULD attack back. I guess you think he should just let the media get away with smearing him and say nothing when they do it? That's gonna bring the temp down? Fuck that.
I told you the statements were taken out of context to make him look bad but it is very easy to shut that down by going on camera and making a strong statement clarifying the messaging. Showing care and concern for those who are offended and scared. He didn’t do that this perpetuating the problem
Where the hell do you get your information?

Was that a strong enough condemnation for you? Apparently it wasn't good enough for the msm. Here's the press conference that came later. Start at about 11.00.

Harris supports Child Prostitution in California.

Someone should start calling her on this crap.

Somebody should start calling YOU on your bullshit and lies.

Decriminalizing consenual adult prostitution is not supporting prostitution in any form. But when you talk about "consenual" sex, you are immediately eliminating underage sex from the equation. But you lying pieces of shit, twist perfectly logical ideas and twist them into something they're not.

Show me evidence of Harris supporting "child prostitution". Harris supports decriminalizing consenual prostitution. Big difference.

If Republicans told the truth about their policies and their programs, NO ONE would ever vote for them, so instead they twist things, and make up lies about their opposition. Trashing your opponents with lies, and bullshit is all you have. No policies, no programs, nothing to actually help the American people. Just lies piled on lies.
Why they lie about this seems a question. Trump obviously has no problem with frequenting Hookers. Personally, I have some moral qualms … not that I claim a spotless life. But, it seems to me that in a sex transaction even between adults, there is an inequality in bargaining positions.

But most of us don't have the power to fire our bosses either, but still selling sex seems more personal than just selling my time to process words or something.

But even assuming selling sex is different than selling other "labor," it seems to me that if it were legal then the sex worker would be less disadvantaged, in that there might be less forced prostitution and pimps.
No problem. Call me whenever you want back up. But don’t expect me to defend the idiotic things that he says. He may not be a racist but he definitely likes to stir up racial controversy. He is a troll and I don’t defend trolling.
See? Right when I start to think you're different, you say some shit like that. What does Trump do to stir up racial controversy? And don't give me some fake news quote.
Everything from “they’re sending rapist and murders” to “good people on both sides” I realize these quote were taken out of context and spun by the media but the reaction would have been quite different from anybody who cared that millions of people were offended. But Trumps ego would never let him apologize. He’s gotta be the tough guy. He just attacks back and allows these divisive wars to perpetuate. He doesn’t have an interest in being a true leader and bringing the temp down. He likes it hot. He trolls to make it hot.
I asked you not to give me fake news quotes and you gave me two of them. Out of context is an understatement. You know damn well the "rapist and murderers" comment was directed at Mexico's policies. He was absolutely right, Mexico is corrupt as shit. They're controlled by drug lords and human traffickers. They let violent gang members come here instead of putting them in prison there.
The "good people on both sides" was an out and out lie. It was not a "white supremacist rally" as the media keeps repeating. They just showed up to start trouble and so did Antifa, who showed up ARMED. And Trump clearly said the white supremacists should be condemned. There were "good people" on both sides, the two extreme groups ruined it but the media saw it as an opportunity to once again slander the President. He SHOULD attack back. I guess you think he should just let the media get away with smearing him and say nothing when they do it? That's gonna bring the temp down? Fuck that.
I told you the statements were taken out of context to make him look bad but it is very easy to shut that down by going on camera and making a strong statement clarifying the messaging. Showing care and concern for those who are offended and scared. He didn’t do that this perpetuating the problem
Where the hell do you get your information?

Was that a strong enough condemnation for you? Apparently it wasn't good enough for the msm. Here's the press conference that came later. Start at about 11.00.

I’ve seen them both and when compared to how he acts for every other subject that he cares about yes it is very weak and out of character. Where’s the outrage? Where’s the tweet storm? Where’s the trolling and none sense that he throws around every other subject that he finds important? Reading a promoter to cover up an add lib gaff is what happened... so yeah it’s no wonder people are scratching their heads and why others are politicizing it.
See? Right when I start to think you're different, you say some shit like that. What does Trump do to stir up racial controversy? And don't give me some fake news quote.
Everything from “they’re sending rapist and murders” to “good people on both sides” I realize these quote were taken out of context and spun by the media but the reaction would have been quite different from anybody who cared that millions of people were offended. But Trumps ego would never let him apologize. He’s gotta be the tough guy. He just attacks back and allows these divisive wars to perpetuate. He doesn’t have an interest in being a true leader and bringing the temp down. He likes it hot. He trolls to make it hot.
I asked you not to give me fake news quotes and you gave me two of them. Out of context is an understatement. You know damn well the "rapist and murderers" comment was directed at Mexico's policies. He was absolutely right, Mexico is corrupt as shit. They're controlled by drug lords and human traffickers. They let violent gang members come here instead of putting them in prison there.
The "good people on both sides" was an out and out lie. It was not a "white supremacist rally" as the media keeps repeating. They just showed up to start trouble and so did Antifa, who showed up ARMED. And Trump clearly said the white supremacists should be condemned. There were "good people" on both sides, the two extreme groups ruined it but the media saw it as an opportunity to once again slander the President. He SHOULD attack back. I guess you think he should just let the media get away with smearing him and say nothing when they do it? That's gonna bring the temp down? Fuck that.
I told you the statements were taken out of context to make him look bad but it is very easy to shut that down by going on camera and making a strong statement clarifying the messaging. Showing care and concern for those who are offended and scared. He didn’t do that this perpetuating the problem
Where the hell do you get your information?

Was that a strong enough condemnation for you? Apparently it wasn't good enough for the msm. Here's the press conference that came later. Start at about 11.00.

I’ve seen them both and when compared to how he acts for every other subject that he cares about yes it is very weak and out of character. Where’s the outrage? Where’s the tweet storm? Where’s the trolling and none sense that he throws around every other subject that he finds important? Reading a promoter to cover up an add lib gaff is what happened... so yeah it’s no wonder people are scratching their heads and why others are politicizing it.

You know, the more you talk, the more you reveal yourself as a leftist hack. You responded 3 minutes after I posted the videos, you didn't watch them and I don't believe you've EVER watched them as you claim. Nothing he does is ever gonna be good enough for you, is it? And you can't be honest. First you say he didn't condemn the white nationalists. Then I post a video of him condemning them and instead of acknowledging he in fact did, you complain it wasn't strong enough, you want a twitter storm too. I posted the press conference that the msm reported "out of context" (lied about). You heard him condemn the white nationalists again but THAT wasn't good enough for you either. I'm not wasting any more time with a dishonest hack. We're done.
Everything from “they’re sending rapist and murders” to “good people on both sides” I realize these quote were taken out of context and spun by the media but the reaction would have been quite different from anybody who cared that millions of people were offended. But Trumps ego would never let him apologize. He’s gotta be the tough guy. He just attacks back and allows these divisive wars to perpetuate. He doesn’t have an interest in being a true leader and bringing the temp down. He likes it hot. He trolls to make it hot.
I asked you not to give me fake news quotes and you gave me two of them. Out of context is an understatement. You know damn well the "rapist and murderers" comment was directed at Mexico's policies. He was absolutely right, Mexico is corrupt as shit. They're controlled by drug lords and human traffickers. They let violent gang members come here instead of putting them in prison there.
The "good people on both sides" was an out and out lie. It was not a "white supremacist rally" as the media keeps repeating. They just showed up to start trouble and so did Antifa, who showed up ARMED. And Trump clearly said the white supremacists should be condemned. There were "good people" on both sides, the two extreme groups ruined it but the media saw it as an opportunity to once again slander the President. He SHOULD attack back. I guess you think he should just let the media get away with smearing him and say nothing when they do it? That's gonna bring the temp down? Fuck that.
I told you the statements were taken out of context to make him look bad but it is very easy to shut that down by going on camera and making a strong statement clarifying the messaging. Showing care and concern for those who are offended and scared. He didn’t do that this perpetuating the problem
Where the hell do you get your information?

Was that a strong enough condemnation for you? Apparently it wasn't good enough for the msm. Here's the press conference that came later. Start at about 11.00.

I’ve seen them both and when compared to how he acts for every other subject that he cares about yes it is very weak and out of character. Where’s the outrage? Where’s the tweet storm? Where’s the trolling and none sense that he throws around every other subject that he finds important? Reading a promoter to cover up an add lib gaff is what happened... so yeah it’s no wonder people are scratching their heads and why others are politicizing it.

You know, the more you talk, the more you reveal yourself as a leftist hack. You responded 3 minutes after I posted the videos, you didn't watch them and I don't believe you've EVER watched them as you claim. Nothing he does is ever gonna be good enough for you, is it? And you can't be honest. First you say he didn't condemn the white nationalists. Then I post a video of him condemning them and instead of acknowledging he in fact did, you complain it wasn't strong enough, you want a twitter storm too. I posted the press conference that the msm reported "out of context" (lied about). You heard him condemn the white nationalists again but THAT wasn't good enough for you either. I'm not wasting any more time with a dishonest hack. We're done.

That’s because I’ve seen the videos. It’s not new news as I stated in my first sentence. I saw his original statements and how he handled the situations.

I never said he didn’t condemn them. Quote me when I said that. You’re putting words in my mouth and not really listening to what I’m saying. You don’t have to agree with me but it would do you some good to at least try and understand the other perspective that finds controversy in trumps actions. It’s not all made up in fairy dust.
There are obviously still racial issues festering in this country

More precisely, there are so many "affirmative action" types who see "race" in everything, and talk about nothing but race, and only are fluent talking about race, because as "affirmative action" folks, they aren't any good at anything else.

Race baiting and hate hoaxes = what we get from "affirmative action"

There are so many dog whistles in your post, you must have every racist on the forum racing to your defense.

In reality, what we have is that loser white males who cannot compete with other white males, are resentful of Affirmative Action because they know they're the guys who won't be getting the jobs in future. They may be dull, stupid and lazy, but they're smart enough to know that they'll be the first white guys replaced with a minority or a woman, or a two-fer, a minority woman. And if things are bad for uneducated, low skill white guys now, having to compete against minorities who are smarter, have more skills, and are harder working than they are, they have no hope.

So many racists are just total loser looking for someone to look down on.

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