What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.
"White, straight, Christian males"? "Identity politics"? This is irony at it's best folks.
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.

Lefty women are super weird and kinda scary, when you really think about it.

Like Hysteria here.
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.
You're defending the wrong woman.
View attachment 266067
And what is the
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.
You're defending the wrong woman.
View attachment 266067

Just who is the "right woman"? Now we women have to slam down hard and not back down. We didn't start this fight. But this is what it takes.
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.
You're defending the wrong woman.
View attachment 266067
And what is the
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.
You're defending the wrong woman.
View attachment 266067

Just who is the "right woman"? Now we women have to slam down hard and not back down. We didn't start this fight. But this is what it takes.

Oooooo look out for the elderly liberal women in D.C. I guess!!! They're gonna "slam down hard". Whatever that means
Really was a piss poor showing by Harris. Mostly gotcha questions that are perfectly normal. She knows damn well that Barr did not review the underlying evidence because no one ever would review the underlying evidence - that was what Muller was there for.

Didn't really see it as disrespectful - more like dishonest. Most questions in a format like this are dishonest bullshit though. That is the real purpose of these hearings, grandstanding.
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.

Lefty women are super weird and kinda scary, when you really think about it.

Like Hysteria here.

Why do you hate being a woman so much? Does he screw you so good? What do you get out of this??? I can say other things, which I have typed and then deleted, but just what is your fascination with men's genitals?

Just today, I broke open an old steamer trunk, intending to throw it out as we are having an annual throw-out day. In the bottom I found an old love letter, post-marked from Zermatt, Switzerland, to me, that ended. in his most neat handwriting," I really miss you and could only really enjoy it if you were here with me. I love you." I love a man, and have loved a man. You perplex me with your hatred of both your own sex and the opposite sex. Why is heterosexuality so scary to you?
Lefty women are super weird and kinda scary, when you really think about it.

Like Hysteria here.
If this doesn't prove that opposites attract, I don't know what will. In 1987, when my wife and I met in Atlanta, Georgia, she was conservative and I was liberal. ( and we met by sheer accident at a club on Peachtree Street that neither of us had ever been to on Valentine's day...) Now almost 32 years later we're still together only she's more liberal and I'm relatively conservative now ( not so much socially ) mainly in defending Trump against the shadow government and exposing the corruption in the DNC and the intelligence agencies.
Really was a piss poor showing by Harris. Mostly gotcha questions that are perfectly normal. She knows damn well that Barr did not review the underlying evidence because no one ever would review the underlying evidence - that was what Muller was there for.

Didn't really see it as disrespectful - more like dishonest. Most questions in a format like this are dishonest bullshit though. That is the real purpose of these hearings, grandstanding.

@1 hr and 50 min, check out some of Ms Norton trying to question the Judicial Watch guys.
Lay off the Newports girl. (from Dec 2018)
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.

Lefty women are super weird and kinda scary, when you really think about it.

Like Hysteria here.

Why do you hate being a woman so much? Does he screw you so good? What do you get out of this??? I can say other things, which I have typed and then deleted, but just what is your fascination with men's genitals?

Just today, I broke open an old steamer trunk, intending to throw it out as we are having an annual throw-out day. In the bottom I found an old love letter, post-marked from Zermatt, Switzerland, to me, that ended. in his most neat handwriting," I really miss you and could only really enjoy it if you were here with me. I love you." I love a man, and have loved a man. You perplex me with your hatred of both your own sex and the opposite sex. Why is heterosexuality so scary to you?

In the same post you said I have a "fascination with men's genitals" and also I hate women and hate men.

You are unhinged and remain unhinged. But it's interesting to get you going and see what happens. Like this. Also, you haven't the first clue about my life, but imagine a lot of things in whatever you have going on upstairs.
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.

Lefty women are super weird and kinda scary, when you really think about it.

Like Hysteria here.

Why do you hate being a woman so much? Does he screw you so good? What do you get out of this??? I can say other things, which I have typed and then deleted, but just what is your fascination with men's genitals?

Just today, I broke open an old steamer trunk, intending to throw it out as we are having an annual throw-out day. In the bottom I found an old love letter, post-marked from Zermatt, Switzerland, to me, that ended. in his most neat handwriting," I really miss you and could only really enjoy it if you were here with me. I love you." I love a man, and have loved a man. You perplex me with your hatred of both your own sex and the opposite sex. Why is heterosexuality so scary to you?

In the same post you said I have a "fascination with men's genitals" and also I hate women and hate men.

You are unhinged and remain unhinged. But it's interesting to get you going and see what happens. Like this. Also, you haven't the first clue about my life, but imagine a lot of things in whatever you have going on upstairs.

I know that you hate what you are and simply apologize for having a vagina and worship a penis. You have said this in dozens of your posts. Please get over your hatred of yourself.
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.

Lefty women are super weird and kinda scary, when you really think about it.

Like Hysteria here.

Why do you hate being a woman so much? Does he screw you so good? What do you get out of this??? I can say other things, which I have typed and then deleted, but just what is your fascination with men's genitals?

Just today, I broke open an old steamer trunk, intending to throw it out as we are having an annual throw-out day. In the bottom I found an old love letter, post-marked from Zermatt, Switzerland, to me, that ended. in his most neat handwriting," I really miss you and could only really enjoy it if you were here with me. I love you." I love a man, and have loved a man. You perplex me with your hatred of both your own sex and the opposite sex. Why is heterosexuality so scary to you?

In the same post you said I have a "fascination with men's genitals" and also I hate women and hate men.

You are unhinged and remain unhinged. But it's interesting to get you going and see what happens. Like this. Also, you haven't the first clue about my life, but imagine a lot of things in whatever you have going on upstairs.

I know that you hate what you are and simply apologize for having a vagina and worship a penis. You have said this in dozens of your posts. Please get over your hatred of yourself.

That's a bald-faced lie. Retract or find where I have said or even IMPLIED that I "hate what I am", "apologize for having a vagina", or "worship a penis".

Find it or be laughed at AGAIN for being a hysterical fool.
No problem. Call me whenever you want back up. But don’t expect me to defend the idiotic things that he says. He may not be a racist but he definitely likes to stir up racial controversy. He is a troll and I don’t defend trolling.

But, of course he's a racist. Remember the racist slur directed at judge Gonzalo Curiel? Which would be “the textbook definition of a racist comment”? Sure you do.

Moreover, he who stirs up "racial controversy", he who panders to racists for votes, IS a racist. A non-racist would never do such a thing. Ever. And that's why, looking around on here, you find the racist bottom feeders gleefully and gloatingly supporting Trump, for he is one of their kind.

If all that still doesn't convince you, I have some reading for you, from discriminating against black would-be tenants right up to the obviously racist birther crap. And it worked like a charm with certain constituencies.
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Listen, any time you white mf's come across an articulate, intelligent black female with creds, we always get this angry black woman label. I see it all the time at work....The way we get fucked over and over AND looked OVER at work,gotta work twice as hard as white women and get nothing for our efforts, the way yall treated the first black first lady, the way our black men treat us by steppin up to Barbie instead, IF ANYBODY ON THIS PLANET NEED SOME SWAG AND ATTITUDE....IT SHOULD BE BLACK WOMEN, YA THINK???:2cents:
But like most people I'm not feeling Harris. I think she should stay in the senate and give it her best. No way in hell is this country ready for Harris.....and the fact she's a sell out, renders her to me a non factor
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.
"White, straight, Christian males"? "Identity politics"? This is irony at it's best folks.

White straight, Christian males INVENTED identity politics, from the colonists to the 'Founding Fathers" on in. They lived it at the expense of the rest of us. How does one found a nation in which only white Christian males with property could vote. Even a white woman with property could not vote. This was all identity politics. Even Abigail Adams wrote to her husband, while she was back tending to their farm holdings and their children,


Yeah. Identity politics. John Adams screwed his wife more than once.
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Listen, any time you white mf's come across an articulate, intelligent black female with creds, we always get this angry black woman label. I see it all the time at work....The way we get fucked over and over AND looked OVER at work,gotta work twice as hard as white women and get nothing for our efforts, the way yall treated the first black first lady, the way our black men treat us by steppin up to Barbie instead, IF ANYBODY ON THIS PLANET NEED SOME SWAG AND ATTITUDE....IT SHOULD BE BLACK WOMEN, YA THINK???:2cents:

Condoleezza Rice is an articulate intelligent black female with some real creds, not some bullshit affirmative action degree, and she was treated like shit by the libtarded jackasses. She wasn't railing at anyone. She has real class and isn't running around blaming whitey to stir up more racial tension.
We have reached an era of history, thanks for the most part to white, straight, "Christian" males playing identity politics, when women have to strike back and come down hard. When one is faced with hard-nosed identity politics, this is what has to happen. It's called fighting back, defending ourselves.

Lefty women are super weird and kinda scary, when you really think about it.

Like Hysteria here.

Why do you hate being a woman so much? Does he screw you so good? What do you get out of this??? I can say other things, which I have typed and then deleted, but just what is your fascination with men's genitals?

Just today, I broke open an old steamer trunk, intending to throw it out as we are having an annual throw-out day. In the bottom I found an old love letter, post-marked from Zermatt, Switzerland, to me, that ended. in his most neat handwriting," I really miss you and could only really enjoy it if you were here with me. I love you." I love a man, and have loved a man. You perplex me with your hatred of both your own sex and the opposite sex. Why is heterosexuality so scary to you?

In the same post you said I have a "fascination with men's genitals" and also I hate women and hate men.

You are unhinged and remain unhinged. But it's interesting to get you going and see what happens. Like this. Also, you haven't the first clue about my life, but imagine a lot of things in whatever you have going on upstairs.

I know that you hate what you are and simply apologize for having a vagina and worship a penis. You have said this in dozens of your posts. Please get over your hatred of yourself.

That's a bald-faced lie. Retract or find where I have said or even IMPLIED that I "hate what I am", "apologize for having a vagina", or "worship a penis".

Find it or be laughed at AGAIN for being a hysterical fool.

In every post that you have ever posted, you have shamed yourself for being a woman and have stood at the side of those who have a penis. I don't know who did this to you to make you hate yourself this much.
Lefty women are super weird and kinda scary, when you really think about it.

Like Hysteria here.

Why do you hate being a woman so much? Does he screw you so good? What do you get out of this??? I can say other things, which I have typed and then deleted, but just what is your fascination with men's genitals?

Just today, I broke open an old steamer trunk, intending to throw it out as we are having an annual throw-out day. In the bottom I found an old love letter, post-marked from Zermatt, Switzerland, to me, that ended. in his most neat handwriting," I really miss you and could only really enjoy it if you were here with me. I love you." I love a man, and have loved a man. You perplex me with your hatred of both your own sex and the opposite sex. Why is heterosexuality so scary to you?

In the same post you said I have a "fascination with men's genitals" and also I hate women and hate men.

You are unhinged and remain unhinged. But it's interesting to get you going and see what happens. Like this. Also, you haven't the first clue about my life, but imagine a lot of things in whatever you have going on upstairs.

I know that you hate what you are and simply apologize for having a vagina and worship a penis. You have said this in dozens of your posts. Please get over your hatred of yourself.

That's a bald-faced lie. Retract or find where I have said or even IMPLIED that I "hate what I am", "apologize for having a vagina", or "worship a penis".

Find it or be laughed at AGAIN for being a hysterical fool.

In every post that you have ever posted, you have shamed yourself for being a woman and have stood at the side of those who have a penis. I don't know who did this to you to make you hate yourself this much.

Hysteria thinks if I don't subscribe to left wing politics I must "hate being a woman".

Hysteria thinks if you're a warbling banshee you "stand at the side of those who have a penis".

I'm sorry, Hysteria, but I don't think it's possible for you to expand your mind enough to think the things I think. I mean that. You are incapable of imagining my life.

You don't even ask; you're totally incurious. You don't ask, you proclaim what you don't know. That is ignorance. Sorry to be so blunt but there it is--you just project utter ignorance here.

Hint: listen more. Blabber less.

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