What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

She’s married to a Jewish guy. Try again.
You’re right... totally not white. She’s a stone cold white hating racist... keep running with that :cuckoo:

Lemme guess, she has a white friend too?
I’m sure she has many of them
Trump has many black friends too but that doesn't stop you leftists from constantly calling him a racist, does it?
I’ve never called him a racist. He is an opportunist just like Harris.
You don't call him a racist, you just stand idly by while others do.
You’re right... totally not white. She’s a stone cold white hating racist... keep running with that :cuckoo:

Lemme guess, she has a white friend too?
I’m sure she has many of them
Trump has many black friends too but that doesn't stop you leftists from constantly calling him a racist, does it?
I’ve never called him a racist. He is an opportunist just like Harris.
You don't call him a racist, you just stand idly by while others do.
I’ve had many discussions with those calling him a racist challenging their position.
That’s great SJ, I love seeing you preaching tolerance for those with opposing views. I look forward to seeing you promoting understanding and compassion for the Left from now on. Well to the middle my friend, glad to see you finally turn the page!
I'm not preaching tolerance, and I'm not promoting compassion for the left. Why would I have compassion for people who are trying to turn my county into a third world shithole?
That’s great SJ, I love seeing you preaching tolerance for those with opposing views. I look forward to seeing you promoting understanding and compassion for the Left from now on. Well to the middle my friend, glad to see you finally turn the page!
I'm not preaching tolerance, and I'm not promoting compassion for the left. Why would I have compassion for people who are trying to turn my county into a third world shithole?
Well you just posted about how preposterous you find it when the Left finds those that they disagree with as repulsive. Yet that’s exactly how your describing the Left. When them are you acting preposterously and critiquing those doing exactly what you are doing?
Lemme guess, she has a white friend too?
I’m sure she has many of them
Trump has many black friends too but that doesn't stop you leftists from constantly calling him a racist, does it?
I’ve never called him a racist. He is an opportunist just like Harris.
You don't call him a racist, you just stand idly by while others do.
I’ve had many discussions with those calling him a racist challenging their position.
So, are you saying you don't believe Trump is a racist?
I’m sure she has many of them
Trump has many black friends too but that doesn't stop you leftists from constantly calling him a racist, does it?
I’ve never called him a racist. He is an opportunist just like Harris.
You don't call him a racist, you just stand idly by while others do.
I’ve had many discussions with those calling him a racist challenging their position.
So, are you saying you don't believe Trump is a racist?
No I don’t believe he is a racist. I think he is an egomaniac, elitist and an opportunist. I think he sees himself as superior to everybody but that’s different from how I view racism. So no I don’t think he is racist
That’s great SJ, I love seeing you preaching tolerance for those with opposing views. I look forward to seeing you promoting understanding and compassion for the Left from now on. Well to the middle my friend, glad to see you finally turn the page!
I'm not preaching tolerance, and I'm not promoting compassion for the left. Why would I have compassion for people who are trying to turn my county into a third world shithole?
Well you just posted about how preposterous you find it when the Left finds those that they disagree with as repulsive. Yet that’s exactly how your describing the Left. When them are you acting preposterously and critiquing those doing exactly what you are doing?
I don't necessarily find the left repulsive, although some of their views are repulsive (like partial birth abortion, etc.). And I don't think they're repulsive because they disagree with me. I.e. You and I disagree on most things but I don't find you repulsive, I just think you're misguided.
I’m sure she has many of them
Trump has many black friends too but that doesn't stop you leftists from constantly calling him a racist, does it?
I’ve never called him a racist. He is an opportunist just like Harris.
You don't call him a racist, you just stand idly by while others do.
I’ve had many discussions with those calling him a racist challenging their position.
So, are you saying you don't believe Trump is a racist?
Thank you. I'll look forward to seeing you defend him in the future when that charge is leveled against him.
That’s great SJ, I love seeing you preaching tolerance for those with opposing views. I look forward to seeing you promoting understanding and compassion for the Left from now on. Well to the middle my friend, glad to see you finally turn the page!
I'm not preaching tolerance, and I'm not promoting compassion for the left. Why would I have compassion for people who are trying to turn my county into a third world shithole?
Well you just posted about how preposterous you find it when the Left finds those that they disagree with as repulsive. Yet that’s exactly how your describing the Left. When them are you acting preposterously and critiquing those doing exactly what you are doing?
I don't necessarily find the left repulsive, although some of their views are repulsive (like partial birth abortion, etc.). And I don't think they're repulsive because they disagree with me. I.e. You and I disagree on most things but I don't find you repulsive, I just think you're misguided.
I don’t find those on the right repulsive. I actually have a lot of respect for true conservatives. You have a very nasty wing comprised of nationalists where there is a lot of racism and intolerance however I don’t attribute all of you with those views. Just as all of us liberals are not for the socialist extreme positions that the lefty wingnuts push
Trump has many black friends too but that doesn't stop you leftists from constantly calling him a racist, does it?
I’ve never called him a racist. He is an opportunist just like Harris.
You don't call him a racist, you just stand idly by while others do.
I’ve had many discussions with those calling him a racist challenging their position.
So, are you saying you don't believe Trump is a racist?
Thank you. I'll look forward to seeing you defend him in the future when that charge is leveled against him.
No problem. Call me whenever you want back up. But don’t expect me to defend the idiotic things that he says. He may not be a racist but he definitely likes to stir up racial controversy. He is a troll and I don’t defend trolling.
Kamala Harris will make a great president

Moron! A stupid worthless dumber than a doorknob Neggra Ho and you want her to be President of the US? LOL! I bet you also was glad when that worthless dumber than a doorknob Obama Muslin Neggra Obama was elected. Who is your second choice, Spartacus or the Queer?
Kamala Harris will make a great president

Moron! A stupid worthless dumber than a doorknob Neggra Ho and you want her to be President of the US? LOL! I bet you also was glad when that worthless dumber than a doorknob Obama Muslin Neggra Obama was elected. Who is your second choice, Spartacus or the Queer?
Reread your post. Read it out loud. Do you really think anything you say demands respect?! You’re a joke and your posts are going to be read as such
I’ve never called him a racist. He is an opportunist just like Harris.
You don't call him a racist, you just stand idly by while others do.
I’ve had many discussions with those calling him a racist challenging their position.
So, are you saying you don't believe Trump is a racist?
Thank you. I'll look forward to seeing you defend him in the future when that charge is leveled against him.
No problem. Call me whenever you want back up. But don’t expect me to defend the idiotic things that he says. He may not be a racist but he definitely likes to stir up racial controversy. He is a troll and I don’t defend trolling.
See? Right when I start to think you're different, you say some shit like that. What does Trump do to stir up racial controversy? And don't give me some fake news quote.
Of course a prosecutor is going to be hard-charging. This is what this position is meant to be. I don't think that there is anything wrong with Kamela Harris. If she were a white male republican and acted the same way as she has acted, she would have been fine. Barr is the one who has screwed up. Why aren't the questions directed at him? He has behaved rottenly during this whole Mueller thing, with his bogus summations of Mueller's findings for certain. Barr needs questioning as to whether he is a mere political operative for the trump-whore administration. That boy has trashed himself.

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