What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

When you say Harris acts white... to me it sounds like you attributing civilized, articulate and intellectual actions as a “white” thing. It sounds textbook racist to me.

Yep. That's very well put. There is another side to it, as indicated by "act", which means that she, being black, isn't really "civilized, articulate and intellectual". That doesn't just "sound", it most definitely IS, racist. Textbook racism.
Agreed. I asked the poster twice to explain what he meant and he did cartwheels to wiggle away from an answer. Then he dodged again when I flat out told him it sounded racist. What a chickenshit

Then why is being harsh on crime painted as being racist?
When did I say being harsh on crime was racist? I don't know what you’re talking about?
What will be her strategy? Will she try to bed a few super delegates or target DNC leadership for bouncy bouncy?
So any person, or party, who made an appeal to a particular race for votes would be crossing the line right? What about if they established a committee aimed at increasing the turnout of one particular race? Would you have an opinion on that? Would you countenance a response to such actions or advocate a head in the sand approach to such racism?
Or how about gender? How about a man or party which said “we have to get more men voting and more men into positions of power”?
I never said any of that was crossing the line. It’s marketing 101. Target demographics with the most effective messaging. Racism is a completely different thing.

Ahhhh just marketing. Like a corporation. Could you point out some of her “marketing” aimed at whites? Or men?
I’m not a fan of Harris. I see her as an opportunist. I see her overplaying the race card as she attacks Biden. I don’t see her discriminating against whites because she feels like blacks are a superior race.

Why are you asking me to defend Harris btw. That has nothing to do with my initial comment that you engaged with.

Are you intentionally misreading me? And putting words in my mouth? I “engaged” with your attempt at gaslighting. A major political figure, with corporate, media and political class support, is running a racial campaign which you see as so sacrosanct that it can’t even be responded to.
What happened to your “marketing 101”?

And stop worrying about a trap. I’m just asking if you have ever seen this “marketing 101” applied to whites? Or to men? Or is that a code phrase for racial appeals to blacks only?
No I’m not intensionally trying to put words in your mouth. My original post about race had to do with a poster calling Harris an angry Black lady and then another poster saying that she acts white. I was saying that it was not productive to inject race into the conversation like they were doing.

I called Harris an opportunist which is why I’m not a fan of hers.

To answer your questions... the target marketing, I’m talking about is applied mostly to minorities and oppressed groups by the dems and to corporate 1%ers and evangelicals by the Reps.

Yes the GOP has been the only party Christians can turn to. Not the 1% though. I have proven time and again that the 1% are solidly Democrat.
But basically you used slight of hand there. Racial marketing is only approved as a euphemism for racist appeals to non-white groups. There is no allowable appeal to white interests...at least not one that could be labeled “just marketing”.
If you try an appeal to whites as a voting block you get banned from Twitter, cloudflare, Facebook, YouTube, google search results, tumbler, Reddit, godaddy, Apple Store and Google play. No newspaper or media outlet will sell time to you. The 1% will crush any such effort.
Suddenly it isn’t just “marketing”. This is demonstrable fact. So no the GOP doesn’t do the mirror image and there is no whataboutism counter here.
Harris is a racist. And it’s entirely reasonable to point it out.
Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

She's not alone, millions of us believe Barr is an ass kissing ambitious jerk who put himself first, and the truth last.

That said, Ms. Harris asked pointed questions, the real asshole was Grassley who committed malfeasance by withholding documents, and providing many less than requested the morning of the confirmation hearing.

Oh, you don't actually believe anything, you are just automatons promoting your party and the march of Socialism.

Lies are the same as truth to you, that which serves the party...

Your first paragraph is a lie, you have no evidence I support Socialism. You use the term as a pejorative and have no understanding of the different iterations of socialism in Asia, in Europe, in S & N. American and in history.

It's Trumpism 101; claim the Democrats are Socialists, Fear Socialism Hate Democrats and don't bother to think.

Rule #1 of the Conservative Wing of the Republican Party: FOLLOW THE LEADER, OR, BE TOSSED UNDER THE BUS AS A RINO/CINO.

Democrats are socialists. It’s that simple. They run socialist candidates. Socialist Party Senators and Congressmen caucus with Democrats in Congress.

There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

Every democrat ends up supporting Socialists though. It’s baked into the party.
When you say Harris acts white... to me it sounds like you attributing civilized, articulate and intellectual actions as a “white” thing. It sounds textbook racist to me.

Yep. That's very well put. There is another side to it, as indicated by "act", which means that she, being black, isn't really "civilized, articulate and intellectual". That doesn't just "sound", it most definitely IS, racist. Textbook racism.
Agreed. I asked the poster twice to explain what he meant and he did cartwheels to wiggle away from an answer. Then he dodged again when I flat out told him it sounded racist. What a chickenshit

Then why is being harsh on crime painted as being racist?
When did I say being harsh on crime was racist? I don't know what you’re talking about?

I didn’t say you said it. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then perhaps you should just cede the field to better informed and better read defenders of the status quo. Kamala Harris says herself that her time as a law and order prosecutor hurts her among black voters. They don’t like that sort.
I never said any of that was crossing the line. It’s marketing 101. Target demographics with the most effective messaging. Racism is a completely different thing.

Ahhhh just marketing. Like a corporation. Could you point out some of her “marketing” aimed at whites? Or men?
I’m not a fan of Harris. I see her as an opportunist. I see her overplaying the race card as she attacks Biden. I don’t see her discriminating against whites because she feels like blacks are a superior race.

Why are you asking me to defend Harris btw. That has nothing to do with my initial comment that you engaged with.

Are you intentionally misreading me? And putting words in my mouth? I “engaged” with your attempt at gaslighting. A major political figure, with corporate, media and political class support, is running a racial campaign which you see as so sacrosanct that it can’t even be responded to.
What happened to your “marketing 101”?

And stop worrying about a trap. I’m just asking if you have ever seen this “marketing 101” applied to whites? Or to men? Or is that a code phrase for racial appeals to blacks only?
No I’m not intensionally trying to put words in your mouth. My original post about race had to do with a poster calling Harris an angry Black lady and then another poster saying that she acts white. I was saying that it was not productive to inject race into the conversation like they were doing.

I called Harris an opportunist which is why I’m not a fan of hers.

To answer your questions... the target marketing, I’m talking about is applied mostly to minorities and oppressed groups by the dems and to corporate 1%ers and evangelicals by the Reps.

Yes the GOP has been the only party Christians can turn to. Not the 1% though. I have proven time and again that the 1% are solidly Democrat.
But basically you used slight of hand there. Racial marketing is only approved as a euphemism for racist appeals to non-white groups. There is no allowable appeal to white interests...at least not one that could be labeled “just marketing”.
If you try an appeal to whites as a voting block you get banned from Twitter, cloudflare, Facebook, YouTube, google search results, tumbler, Reddit, godaddy, Apple Store and Google play. No newspaper or media outlet will sell time to you. The 1% will crush any such effort.
Suddenly it isn’t just “marketing”. This is demonstrable fact. So no the GOP doesn’t do the mirror image and there is no whataboutism counter here.
Harris is a racist. And it’s entirely reasonable to point it out.
Well what exactly are “White interests”?
She's not alone, millions of us believe Barr is an ass kissing ambitious jerk who put himself first, and the truth last.

That said, Ms. Harris asked pointed questions, the real asshole was Grassley who committed malfeasance by withholding documents, and providing many less than requested the morning of the confirmation hearing.

Oh, you don't actually believe anything, you are just automatons promoting your party and the march of Socialism.

Lies are the same as truth to you, that which serves the party...

Your first paragraph is a lie, you have no evidence I support Socialism. You use the term as a pejorative and have no understanding of the different iterations of socialism in Asia, in Europe, in S & N. American and in history.

It's Trumpism 101; claim the Democrats are Socialists, Fear Socialism Hate Democrats and don't bother to think.

Rule #1 of the Conservative Wing of the Republican Party: FOLLOW THE LEADER, OR, BE TOSSED UNDER THE BUS AS A RINO/CINO.

Democrats are socialists. It’s that simple. They run socialist candidates. Socialist Party Senators and Congressmen caucus with Democrats in Congress.
There are definitely socialist that are Democrats but a democrat is not necessarily a socialist... in fact many of them are not

Every democrat ends up supporting Socialists though. It’s baked into the party.
Still not true. There are plenty of 2020 candidates that are not supporting the leftwing socialist agenda. You need to tighten up your talking points
When you say Harris acts white... to me it sounds like you attributing civilized, articulate and intellectual actions as a “white” thing. It sounds textbook racist to me.

Yep. That's very well put. There is another side to it, as indicated by "act", which means that she, being black, isn't really "civilized, articulate and intellectual". That doesn't just "sound", it most definitely IS, racist. Textbook racism.
Agreed. I asked the poster twice to explain what he meant and he did cartwheels to wiggle away from an answer. Then he dodged again when I flat out told him it sounded racist. What a chickenshit

Then why is being harsh on crime painted as being racist?
When did I say being harsh on crime was racist? I don't know what you’re talking about?

I didn’t say you said it. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then perhaps you should just cede the field to better informed and better read defenders of the status quo. Kamala Harris says herself that her time as a law and order prosecutor hurts her among black voters. They don’t like that sort.
I know what your talking about but I’m trying to stay on point to this discussion. Criminal justice reform and institutional racism is a huge subject to tackle so I don’t know why you’re bringing into our discussion
All Democrat Blacks are disconcerting. Come to think of it so are the White and Brown ones.
What could possibly be disconcerting about a stupid hate filled Moon Bat Neggra Ho?
She’s a stone cold racist who is married to a white guy? How does that work?

She’s married to a Jewish guy. Try again.
You’re right... totally not white. She’s a stone cold white hating racist... keep running with that :cuckoo:

Lemme guess, she has a white friend too?
I’m sure she has many of them
Trump has many black friends too but that doesn't stop you leftists from constantly calling him a racist, does it?
Nobody is lying, some people are duped by the GOP propaganda machine. Breaking for Chumps like you.... Everything you know is wrong.. Democrats and journalists are honest, your propaganda machine is pure garbage. None of your phony scandals go anywhere but never retracted, brainwashed functional moron. But at least you are in the racist party with your pals....

Well, you're lying. You're a pathological liar in fact.

For all of these reasons, PolitiFact has named "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," the Lie of the Year for 2013. Readers in a separate online poll overwhelmingly agreed with the choice. (PolitiFact first announced its selection on CNN's The Lead with Jake Tapper.)

For four of the past five years, PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year has revolved around the health care law, which has been subject to more erroneous attacks than any other piece of legislation PolitiFact has fact-checked.}

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Obama is a notorious liar - but then Stalinist democrats lie the way decent people breath.
She’s a stone cold racist who is married to a white guy? How does that work?

She’s married to a Jewish guy. Try again.
You’re right... totally not white. She’s a stone cold white hating racist... keep running with that :cuckoo:

Lemme guess, she has a white friend too?
I’m sure she has many of them
Trump has many black friends too but that doesn't stop you leftists from constantly calling him a racist, does it?
I’ve never called him a racist. He is an opportunist just like Harris.
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Because she relies on race to achieve power. She makes racist appeals and never fails to identify herself as “black” to promote her racist campaign.
Stop trying to gaslight Americans. You want unilateral disarmament.

Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, Courting Black Support, Pitch Differing Economic Plans

2020 candidates show unity in South Carolina, wooing black voters and easing up on Biden

Why Kamala Harris is glad people are asking if she's black enough

In all fairness, for most of her career Kamala has relied on her pussy to achieve power.
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Because she relies on race to achieve power. She makes racist appeals and never fails to identify herself as “black” to promote her racist campaign.
Stop trying to gaslight Americans. You want unilateral disarmament.

Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, Courting Black Support, Pitch Differing Economic Plans

2020 candidates show unity in South Carolina, wooing black voters and easing up on Biden

Why Kamala Harris is glad people are asking if she's black enough

In all fairness, for most of her career Kamala has relied on her pussy to achieve power.
And you know this how?
She appeals to Trump haters, freeloaders, illegals, race baiters, and criminals. Kinda like Hillary, only you might not throw up if you saw her naked (but I could be wrong).

Doesn't it strike you as preposterous that someone like you - in every respect repulsive, but particularly so once you open your fat mouth - muses about the looks of others?
What I find preposterous is people like you finding anyone who disagrees with you as being repulsive. As for musing about the looks of others, you're in no position to criticize anyone when you align yourself with people who attack women based on their looks regularly . I don't recall you commenting about anyone from the left musing about Sarah Sanders' looks. If you did, please show us your post, hypocrite.
She appeals to Trump haters, freeloaders, illegals, race baiters, and criminals. Kinda like Hillary, only you might not throw up if you saw her naked (but I could be wrong).

Doesn't it strike you as preposterous that someone like you - in every respect repulsive, but particularly so once you open your fat mouth - muses about the looks of others?
What I find preposterous is people like you finding anyone who disagrees with you as being repulsive. As for musing about the looks of others, you're in no position to criticize anyone when you align yourself with people who attack women based on their looks regularly . I don't recall you commenting about anyone from the left musing about Sarah Sanders' looks. If you did, please show us your post, hypocrite.
:clap: That’s great SJ, I love seeing you preaching tolerance for those with opposing views. I look forward to seeing you promoting understanding and compassion for the Left from now on. Well to the middle my friend, glad to see you finally turn the page! :11_2_1043:
What is it about Kamela Harris?

She's Black.

Wrong time in history for that.


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