What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

She is more a follower than a leader. "I say impeach. I say green new deal. I say reparations. I say medicare for all". Sure, after someone else said it.
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Did you see her angry rant yesterday and how she used the southern black accent like Hillary tried when addressing the Democrat Convention? Well if you're going to speak like that when addressing a large percentage black audience, and you don't speak like that when you're asking questions in a Senate hearing, then you deserve to be called out for your blatant pandering.

You mean like your very rich President with the Ivy League education who talks like a 4th grader, and makes up words like "bigly"? That kind of pandering?
Why do you hate being a woman so much? Does he screw you so good? What do you get out of this??? I can say other things, which I have typed and then deleted, but just what is your fascination with men's genitals?

Just today, I broke open an old steamer trunk, intending to throw it out as we are having an annual throw-out day. In the bottom I found an old love letter, post-marked from Zermatt, Switzerland, to me, that ended. in his most neat handwriting," I really miss you and could only really enjoy it if you were here with me. I love you." I love a man, and have loved a man. You perplex me with your hatred of both your own sex and the opposite sex. Why is heterosexuality so scary to you?

In the same post you said I have a "fascination with men's genitals" and also I hate women and hate men.

You are unhinged and remain unhinged. But it's interesting to get you going and see what happens. Like this. Also, you haven't the first clue about my life, but imagine a lot of things in whatever you have going on upstairs.

I know that you hate what you are and simply apologize for having a vagina and worship a penis. You have said this in dozens of your posts. Please get over your hatred of yourself.

That's a bald-faced lie. Retract or find where I have said or even IMPLIED that I "hate what I am", "apologize for having a vagina", or "worship a penis".

Find it or be laughed at AGAIN for being a hysterical fool.

In every post that you have ever posted, you have shamed yourself for being a woman and have stood at the side of those who have a penis. I don't know who did this to you to make you hate yourself this much.

Hysteria thinks if I don't subscribe to left wing politics I must "hate being a woman".

Hysteria thinks if you're a warbling banshee you "stand at the side of those who have a penis".

I'm sorry, Hysteria, but I don't think it's possible for you to expand your mind enough to think the things I think. I mean that. You are incapable of imagining my life.

You don't even ask; you're totally incurious. You don't ask, you proclaim what you don't know. That is ignorance. Sorry to be so blunt but there it is--you just project utter ignorance here.

Hint: listen more. Blabber less.

It's not that you don't subscribe to liberal policies that makes you an self-hating, it's supporting the anti-woman, anti-family policies of the Republican Party that shows that you are self-hating. You support policies that actively harm women and their families.

Closing Planned Parenthood offices HARMS women. Banning abortion HARMS women - causing their deaths. Removing the reproductive care mandate from the ACA HARMS women.

The Republican Party has policies that are causing the deaths of women in childbirth. The US has the highest rate of maternal deaths and infant deaths in the first world, and this is HARMING WOMEN, and you don't speak out for your sisters, you daughters or your friends. You allow it to happen and encourage it.

So yes, you are full of self-loathing. You've sold yourself to people who are harming women and their children. Hope it's worth it.
Democrats have this thing about lying, Super Dupe.

Indeed....They lie out their asses, even when the truth does them no harm.

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Yea, the wacko left are obsessed with who Donald Trump may have banged a decade ago as a private citizen. But Kamala Harris gets a pass for sleeping her way up the ladder for her career.
Their private lives are not even close

Did I say they were?

Harris actually slept with men to advance her career. No one has ever made the claim that President Trump ever did that in his life.
In the same post you said I have a "fascination with men's genitals" and also I hate women and hate men.

You are unhinged and remain unhinged. But it's interesting to get you going and see what happens. Like this. Also, you haven't the first clue about my life, but imagine a lot of things in whatever you have going on upstairs.

I know that you hate what you are and simply apologize for having a vagina and worship a penis. You have said this in dozens of your posts. Please get over your hatred of yourself.

That's a bald-faced lie. Retract or find where I have said or even IMPLIED that I "hate what I am", "apologize for having a vagina", or "worship a penis".

Find it or be laughed at AGAIN for being a hysterical fool.

In every post that you have ever posted, you have shamed yourself for being a woman and have stood at the side of those who have a penis. I don't know who did this to you to make you hate yourself this much.

Hysteria thinks if I don't subscribe to left wing politics I must "hate being a woman".

Hysteria thinks if you're a warbling banshee you "stand at the side of those who have a penis".

I'm sorry, Hysteria, but I don't think it's possible for you to expand your mind enough to think the things I think. I mean that. You are incapable of imagining my life.

You don't even ask; you're totally incurious. You don't ask, you proclaim what you don't know. That is ignorance. Sorry to be so blunt but there it is--you just project utter ignorance here.

Hint: listen more. Blabber less.

It's not that you don't subscribe to liberal policies that makes you an self-hating, it's supporting the anti-woman, anti-family policies of the Republican Party that shows that you are self-hating. You support policies that actively harm women and their families.

Closing Planned Parenthood offices HARMS women. Banning abortion HARMS women - causing their deaths. Removing the reproductive care mandate from the ACA HARMS women.

The Republican Party has policies that are causing the deaths of women in childbirth. The US has the highest rate of maternal deaths and infant deaths in the first world, and this is HARMING WOMEN, and you don't speak out for your sisters, you daughters or your friends. You allow it to happen and encourage it.

So yes, you are full of self-loathing. You've sold yourself to people who are harming women and their children. Hope it's worth it.

Closing PP doesn’t harm anyone, in fact it will save millions of lives.
KamelToe Harris has no (zero) chance. Don't waste your time on that pile of garbage.

I'm more worried about Amy Klobuchar than any of them.

She's got the right mix of demagogue, radicalism, racial hatred, sexual bigotry and geography to make a very strong dimocrap scum candidacy.

Plus, she is relatively unscathed at this point.

dimocrap scum would LOVE to run a relative unknown. It's the only way they can win a presidential election sans an incumbent.

the Lying Cocksucker (1, because he is/was a pathological liar and 2, because he really does suck cocks. no secret) was totally unknown before the nominating process.

Bill The Rapist, a total unknown.

Jimmy Carter.... Even to this day people say, "Who?"

Losers...... ManBearPig, because people knew who he was and rejected him. The economy was good when he ran as the VP incumbent. We weren't at War. The Rapist had just emptied our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to lower gas prices.

Ubercunt.... People knew who that nasty piece of drunken, traitorous scabbiness was/is. Total rejection by The People.

The RNC needs to do some background on Klobuchar. Don't let the lying FILTH in the DNC make up shit about her and we don't have time to prove it to be what the DNC always is about -- Lies.
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Did you see her angry rant yesterday and how she used the southern black accent like Hillary tried when addressing the Democrat Convention? Well if you're going to speak like that when addressing a large percentage black audience, and you don't speak like that when you're asking questions in a Senate hearing, then you deserve to be called out for your blatant pandering.

You mean like your very rich President with the Ivy League education who talks like a 4th grader, and makes up words like "bigly"? That kind of pandering?
And yet he beat HRC who pissed away 1.2 BILLION donor dollars.
Go figure.
You only have about six more years to be reminded everyday what a bunch of fuck ups the DNC were/are.
Look at who they are running against President Trump.
Most of them are dunces. The others with a pinch of intelligence the DNC will shove off the cliff.
Today Bernie is going to announce that if he becomes the President he will wipe out over a trillion dollars in student debt.
That will be a huge benefit to tens of thousands of students who come from rich families. They took out student loans instead of Daddy paying the tuition costs.
Thanks Bernie.
Last edited:
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Did you see her angry rant yesterday and how she used the southern black accent like Hillary tried when addressing the Democrat Convention? Well if you're going to speak like that when addressing a large percentage black audience, and you don't speak like that when you're asking questions in a Senate hearing, then you deserve to be called out for your blatant pandering.

You mean like your very rich President with the Ivy League education who talks like a 4th grader, and makes up words like "bigly"? That kind of pandering?
And yet he beat HRC who pissed away 1.2 BILLION donor dollars.
Go figure.
You only have about six more years to be reminded everyday what a bunch of fuck ups the DNC were/are.
Look at who they are running against President Trump.
Most of them to dunces.

I always scratch my head over these kinds of posts. It's not about what's doing the best thing for the country. Politics is all about "sticking it to the other guy". What a stupid, stupid attitude!!! You have a President who is a lying, incompetent, and who is has brought the world to the brink of war twice in the past 2 years, and all you care about is sticking it to liberals.

These are the people who claim to be "patriots". People like Mitch McConnell who told his caucus to vote against anything Obama put forward, even if it would help the American people. Conservatives opposed ANYTHING liberals are in favour of, not because it's a good idea or a bad idea, but because liberals propose it. This is stupidity on the hoof.
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Did you see her angry rant yesterday and how she used the southern black accent like Hillary tried when addressing the Democrat Convention? Well if you're going to speak like that when addressing a large percentage black audience, and you don't speak like that when you're asking questions in a Senate hearing, then you deserve to be called out for your blatant pandering.

You mean like your very rich President with the Ivy League education who talks like a 4th grader, and makes up words like "bigly"? That kind of pandering?
And yet he beat HRC who pissed away 1.2 BILLION donor dollars.
Go figure.
You only have about six more years to be reminded everyday what a bunch of fuck ups the DNC were/are.
Look at who they are running against President Trump.
Most of them to dunces.

I always scratch my head over these kinds of posts. It's not about what's doing the best thing for the country. Politics is all about "sticking it to the other guy". What a stupid, stupid attitude!!! You have a President who is a lying, incompetent, and who is has brought the world to the brink of war twice in the past 2 years, and all you care about is sticking it to liberals.

These are the people who claim to be "patriots". People like Mitch McConnell who told his caucus to vote against anything Obama put forward, even if it would help the American people. Conservatives opposed ANYTHING liberals are in favour of, not because it's a good idea or a bad idea, but because liberals propose it. This is stupidity on the hoof.
Do you admit that President Trump's domestic policies have improved the economy? Or are you going to claim the booming economy is actually all b/c of the wonderful job Obama did?
Don't bother answering. We all know what you'll post.

Harris and Booker introduce "anti-lynching" legislation in the Senate, despite no lynchings in the US for the past four decades...

Obamas' butt buddy Jussie Smollett HATE HOAXES

Harris and Booker immediately each parrot Obama's talking point, that Smollett is a "modern day lynching..."

The Community HATE HOAX Organizer struck again, but this time he and his got busted.

Kamala Harris - Jussie Smollett's #1 fan
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Did you see her angry rant yesterday and how she used the southern black accent like Hillary tried when addressing the Democrat Convention? Well if you're going to speak like that when addressing a large percentage black audience, and you don't speak like that when you're asking questions in a Senate hearing, then you deserve to be called out for your blatant pandering.

You mean like your very rich President with the Ivy League education who talks like a 4th grader, and makes up words like "bigly"? That kind of pandering?
And yet he beat HRC who pissed away 1.2 BILLION donor dollars.
Go figure.
You only have about six more years to be reminded everyday what a bunch of fuck ups the DNC were/are.
Look at who they are running against President Trump.
Most of them to dunces.

I always scratch my head over these kinds of posts. It's not about what's doing the best thing for the country. Politics is all about "sticking it to the other guy". What a stupid, stupid attitude!!! You have a President who is a lying, incompetent, and who is has brought the world to the brink of war twice in the past 2 years, and all you care about is sticking it to liberals.

These are the people who claim to be "patriots". People like Mitch McConnell who told his caucus to vote against anything Obama put forward, even if it would help the American people. Conservatives opposed ANYTHING liberals are in favour of, not because it's a good idea or a bad idea, but because liberals propose it. This is stupidity on the hoof.
Do you admit that President Trump's domestic policies have improved the economy? Or are you going to claim the booming economy is actually all b/c of the wonderful job Obama did?
Don't bother answering. We all know what you'll post.

You make this general comment about the economy. Be specific. What is it about the economy that you think is better, under President Trump, that makes him a great President. Because when you say "great economy", I say, well, he took over a "great economy", so how did Trump make it better? I'm being genuine here.

In what way is Trump's economy better than the economy he took over?
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

That’s the number one issue the left care about. Identity politics is the name of the game.
Well look at how this discussion is going. There are obviously still racial issues festering in this country. We just had a guy say that she is acting white!! Come on people, grow up
There are obviously still racial issues festering in this country

More precisely, there are so many "affirmative action" types who see "race" in everything, and talk about nothing but race, and only are fluent talking about race, because as "affirmative action" folks, they aren't any good at anything else.

Race baiting and hate hoaxes = what we get from "affirmative action"
There are obviously still racial issues festering in this country

More precisely, there are so many "affirmative action" types who see "race" in everything, and talk about nothing but race, and only are fluent talking about race, because as "affirmative action" folks, they aren't any good at anything else.

Race baiting and hate hoaxes = what we get from "affirmative action"
Which affirmative action law in this country do you object to? Be specific. And can you really blame people who fight for a group that was historically oppressed for generations to catch up in our society? Poverty, unemployment, crime rates are all not looking good for black Americans as they still experience discrimination and hate in this country.

The words and attitude of many on this board who troll and minimize these issue only perpetuate the problem.
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

Because she relies on race to achieve power. Stop trying to gaslight Americans.

Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, Courting Black Support, Pitch Differing Economic Plans

2020 candidates show unity in South Carolina, wooing black voters and easing up on Biden

It's not only that. 2020 is the year of women (not men) marking the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage. It's twice as hard to remove an incumbent President, 3 times harder to remove an incumbent President who is riding a good economy. Democrats would be foolish not to play the women card, in the year of women. Senator Kamala Harris will most certainly bring out the women and minorities, and get excitement & enthusiasm moving into this race. A couple of 80 year old white guys (Bernie Sanders & Joe Biden) aren't going to do that.

Furthermore, I don't know how you would explain to women in the Democrat party--(by far the majority) that Democrats managed to nominate a male nominee in the year of women without leaving a scar that could last for decades. If the Democrats want to prove that the party is diversified there's not a more diverse origin candidate than Senator Kamala Harris.

You would have had to been blind not to notice this going on in Washington D.C. and every major city across this country on January 20th, for the last 3 consecutive years.


It's got to be a woman nominee. Right now, Kamala Harris is breaking viewership records on her televised town halls. More people watch her than any other candidate in this race & she is on fire in South Carolina.
Bernie Sanders No Kamala Harris But Bests Others In CNN Town Hall Ratings – Deadline!

On fire? I didn't know they were allowed to burn them down there anymore. They couldn't when I was going to HS and I'm pretty sure it's still against the law but in her case it would be no loss.

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