What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

White straight, Christian males INVENTED identity politics, from the colonists to the 'Founding Fathers" on in.
Yet it is you who are engaging in it right now.

No it's not. Look at the Republican Party - the Last Bastion of White People. Pretending that America's problems are because minorities and women have TOO much power. Republicans have been playing "identity politics" since Reagan called out "Welfare Queens", when he cut food stamps. And when he spend vast amounts of money investigating a handful of Legionaire's Disease deaths, and almost nothing investigating AID's deaths.

Middle America is being taxed into poverty to support an artificially low minimum wage for corporate America, with food stamps and MedicAid. Republicans tell them it's because the poor are stupid and lazy. Liberals call it a transfer of wealth to rich people.

Poor, uneducated, white people believe the Republicans. To their own detriment. But they're not stupid enough to fall for Trumps lies again.
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There are obviously still racial issues festering in this country

More precisely, there are so many "affirmative action" types who see "race" in everything, and talk about nothing but race, and only are fluent talking about race, because as "affirmative action" folks, they aren't any good at anything else.

Race baiting and hate hoaxes = what we get from "affirmative action"

There are so many dog whistles in your post, you must have every racist on the forum racing to your defense.

In reality, what we have is that loser white males who cannot compete with other white males, are resentful of Affirmative Action because they know they're the guys who won't be getting the jobs in future. They may be dull, stupid and lazy, but they're smart enough to know that they'll be the first white guys replaced with a minority or a woman, or a two-fer, a minority woman. And if things are bad for uneducated, low skill white guys now, having to compete against minorities who are smarter, have more skills, and are harder working than they are, they have no hope.

So many racists are just total loser looking for someone to look down on.
Maybe I'm colorblind, but I was never aware that Kamala Harris was black or 'half-black' from her appearance or anything else about her--she doesn't sound at all African American . So it's a little disappointing that 2/3 of this thread was derailed into the racial issue, when it should be more about her and the Democrats weak attempt to ride out the Trump-Russia collusion hoax/attempted coup or whatever you call it as long as possible.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

Questioning, matter-of-factly, whether or not the highest law enforcement officer in the land followed proper procedures in a high-profile criminal case, and the officers involved in decision-making were free of conflicts of interest, by a woman, and a woman of color, no less, that really demonstrates some heretofore unknown arrogance.

Mind boggling.
Bullshit. She and her worthless cohorts slandered the man repeated .
Who was it she slandered and how did she slander them?
Which affirmative action law in this country do you object to?


There should be EQUALITY. People should be treated EQUALLY under the law, including for job application and college admission.

YOUR SIDE HATES EQUALITY, which is why it has NEVER supported it.

With Democrats, there must be legal discrimination under law, or they will call you names and assert falsehoods.
Poverty, unemployment, crime rates are all not looking good for black Americans as they still experience discrimination and hate in this country.

That is THE BIGGEST LIE of all.

Black Americans get PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT for

1. higher education admissions
2. job applications
3. use of certain words

Obama is classic. His ancestors were white Confederate slave owners, and Africans who rounded up other Africans and sold them to Jewish owned slave ships. My ancestors fought for the Union Army. Obama never experienced any discrimination, and is the source of tons of hate because he lies and HATE HOAXES, as he did with SMOLLETT and FERGUSON.

Obama did not deserve any preferential treatment, but has experienced a lifetime of it, and is still race baiting, whining, and....


There are obviously still racial issues festering in this country

More precisely, there are so many "affirmative action" types who see "race" in everything, and talk about nothing but race, and only are fluent talking about race, because as "affirmative action" folks, they aren't any good at anything else.

Race baiting and hate hoaxes = what we get from "affirmative action"

There are so many dog whistles in your post, you must have every racist on the forum racing to your defense.

In reality, what we have is that loser white males who cannot compete with other white males, are resentful of Affirmative Action because they know they're the guys who won't be getting the jobs in future. They may be dull, stupid and lazy, but they're smart enough to know that they'll be the first white guys replaced with a minority or a woman, or a two-fer, a minority woman. And if things are bad for uneducated, low skill white guys now, having to compete against minorities who are smarter, have more skills, and are harder working than they are, they have no hope.

So many racists are just total loser looking for someone to look down on.
Maybe I'm colorblind, but I was never aware that Kamala Harris was black or 'half-black' from her appearance or anything else about her--she doesn't sound at all African American . So it's a little disappointing that 2/3 of this thread was derailed into the racial issue, when it should be more about her and the Democrats weak attempt to ride out the Trump-Russia collusion hoax/attempted coup or whatever you call it as long as possible.
Good point. Why do you think the thread got derailed into the race realm?
Poverty, unemployment, crime rates are all not looking good for black Americans as they still experience discrimination and hate in this country.

That is THE BIGGEST LIE of all.

Black Americans get PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT for

1. higher education admissions
2. job applications
3. use of certain words

Obama is classic. His ancestors were white Confederate slave owners, and Africans who rounded up other Africans and sold them to Jewish owned slave ships. My ancestors fought for the Union Army. Obama never experienced any discrimination, and is the source of tons of hate because he lies and HATE HOAXES, as he did with SMOLLETT and FERGUSON.

Obama did not deserve any preferential treatment, but has experienced a lifetime of it, and is still race baiting, whining, and....


Excuse me, but can you guys take this race discussion somewhere else ? Thank you.
That's my polite side.
Which affirmative action law in this country do you object to?


There should be EQUALITY. People should be treated EQUALLY under the law, including for job application and college admission.

YOUR SIDE HATES EQUALITY, which is why it has NEVER supported it.

With Democrats, there must be legal discrimination under law, or they will call you names and assert falsehoods.
All? Name one specifically please. Just one.
Middle America is being taxed into poverty to support an artificially low minimum wage for corporate America,

This is standard left wing nutbagginess.

Explain how well America was when Gingrich and Clinton CUT TAXES AND SPENDING in the 1990s....


Big government is killing the middle class. The larger and more expensive government gets, the worse off the middle class is.
Excuse me, but can you guys take this race discussion somewhere else ?

Krazy Kamala has called Trump a "racist" and was clearly INSIDE in the Smollett HATE HOAX.

Sorry if you don't like that TRUTH.

Kamala is a bigoted race baiting disciple of the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief....
Harris supports Child Prostitution in California.

Someone should start calling her on this crap.

Somebody should start calling YOU on your bullshit and lies.

Decriminalizing consenual adult prostitution is not supporting prostitution in any form. But when you talk about "consenual" sex, you are immediately eliminating underage sex from the equation. But you lying pieces of shit, twist perfectly logical ideas and twist them into something they're not.

Show me evidence of Harris supporting "child prostitution". Harris supports decriminalizing consenual prostitution. Big difference.

If Republicans told the truth about their policies and their programs, NO ONE would ever vote for them, so instead they twist things, and make up lies about their opposition. Trashing your opponents with lies, and bullshit is all you have. No policies, no programs, nothing to actually help the American people. Just lies piled on lies.
California Decriminalizes Prostitution by Minors
Harris supports Child Prostitution in California.

Someone should start calling her on this crap.

Somebody should start calling YOU on your bullshit and lies.

Decriminalizing consenual adult prostitution is not supporting prostitution in any form. But when you talk about "consenual" sex, you are immediately eliminating underage sex from the equation. But you lying pieces of shit, twist perfectly logical ideas and twist them into something they're not.

Show me evidence of Harris supporting "child prostitution". Harris supports decriminalizing consenual prostitution. Big difference.

If Republicans told the truth about their policies and their programs, NO ONE would ever vote for them, so instead they twist things, and make up lies about their opposition. Trashing your opponents with lies, and bullshit is all you have. No policies, no programs, nothing to actually help the American people. Just lies piled on lies.
California law decriminalizing child prostitution puts children at greater risk
Poverty, unemployment, crime rates are all not looking good for black Americans as they still experience discrimination and hate in this country.

That is THE BIGGEST LIE of all.

Black Americans get PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT for

1. higher education admissions
2. job applications
3. use of certain words

Obama is classic. His ancestors were white Confederate slave owners, and Africans who rounded up other Africans and sold them to Jewish owned slave ships. My ancestors fought for the Union Army. Obama never experienced any discrimination, and is the source of tons of hate because he lies and HATE HOAXES, as he did with SMOLLETT and FERGUSON.

Obama did not deserve any preferential treatment, but has experienced a lifetime of it, and is still race baiting, whining, and....


Obama never experienced discrimination? Are you joking? Yes he came from a good family with means, but just look how many reacted to his presidency? How many monkey references were made about he and Michelle? What about the birther conspiracy? You don’t think this type of stuff was thrown at him and other Black Americans rising in power? Get real
you must have every racist on the forum racing to your defense

except you, apparently...

resentful of Affirmative Action because they know they're the guys who won't be getting the jobs in future

Read my lips... that was your side in the 2016 election.... making fun of the victims of the state sponsored discrimination you love.

having to compete against minorities who are smarter

Even with so called Affirmative Action, the TEST SCORES do not support your thesis here.


Even the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief is still TOO CHICKEN to show us his grades...
Angry Black Woman who thinks she has a chance in hell to be President.

Not going to happen.
Why even bring her race into the discussion? Are you trying to provoke?

She uses her race, how then is it not fair game?
Because it has nothing to do with the OP which is about policy. No reason to bring race into the discussion at all unless it is about a policy that involves race. That’s not how it is being discussed here.
Good point. Why do you think the thread got derailed into the race realm?
I suppose because a black woman is an easier target for some people than women in general.
Or maybe that just womanizing has become so normalized , even though we've come a long way since
Ralph Cramden's famous "One of these days..." quote, threatening to knock his wife out. "To the moon Alice."

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