What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

Criminal prosecutors and politicians all seem to have a few things in common. They're usually highly intelligent and have extensive knowledge of the law, they're fairly good speakers and communicators, and they're very good at lying when needed. But they're not always nasty like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and some of the other House Democrats were acting toward Attorney General Barr in their recent circus stunt on the Hill.

And it certainly doesn't seem to help their cause now that they've pissed him off, given the new investigation they're very much aware of,. ( although he never once showed it ) But back to Kamala --she definitely has the unnerving Clintonesque disingenuous characteristic that their voters seems to cling to, with a neoliberal corporate agenda that renders the Democratic party which is moving left more dysfunctional than ever.

I believe she's CIA too, but that's for another chapter.
I cannot believe the arrogance and utter disrespect she shows toward this man.

when she made the "no one is here to see a foodfight" comment i took note. great comment as they were breaking down faster than a 15 year old Hyundai. but she totally lost me with everything she said after that.

she's an idiot.


She clearly had the control that the others lacked but she never really hit it home. Bernie lost big time here too I think. He could only yell the same shit he has been yelling for years. None of the other candidates went there because it is an old message. That is not going to gain him the support he needs to gain.

Swalwell was a joke. The only thing he brought to the debate was attacking Biden on age. I expected more from Biden too.
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I know what your talking about but I’m trying to stay on point to this discussion. Criminal justice reform and institutional racism is a huge subject to tackle so I don’t know why you’re bringing into our discussion

You wondered why someone might associate civilized law and order with whites. Im pointing out that black groups pressure politicians who enforce the law..it seems to hit blacks hardest when you punish criminals. Or so blacks claim.
So maybe these people have a reason to associate white with civilized.
Wouldn’t that be the definition of racism?

Race doesn’t make one civilized... education, money, family environment, upbringing etc are much more influential wouldn’t you agree?

Yes more blacks and browns are effected by the criminal justice system but I bet they are mostly in the lower rung of the socioeconomic system.

And when you deal with inequity with how racial groups are treated, which get highlighted all the time. Then the racial issues just fester and grow.

By calling “civilized” a white thing, I’d argue you are fitting the definition of making a racist comment. Agree or disagree?

I dont really care about parsing the definitions. Call me and Kamala Harris both racists if you like. But I object to your claiming her racism shouldn't be discussed. Her entire campaign is built on her racial preferences.
And my point isnt to explain away black criminality. I simply pointed out that for blacks, as a political grouping, attacking police and law enforcement is SOP. So much so that a black who was a criminal prosecutor has to apologize for being on that side of the law.

I don't find Kamala Harris racist at all. I don't see her denigrating and lying about white people, the way you do about blacks and other minorities. And I object to your refusing to discuss your racism.

Your point is to blame criminality on race, rather than poverty, and a system which criminalizes blacks for the same behaviour that whites are given a pass for. Blacks and other minorities have good reason to discuss ill treatment at the hands of police. As Kamala Harris said, "She doesn't know a single young black man who has not been stopped by the police for "NO REASON".

I have lived in a city where white people are a minority, and I can honestly say that I have every black man I have ever known has had similar experiences. This has never happened to any of my family or my white friends. When they've been pulled over, it's been for a reason. Black man driving a really nice car - a Porche, BMW, Mercedes, is going to get pulled over weekly. That's racism.

Yes, as a black prosecutor, she has to apologize for participating in the "zero tolerance" minimum sentencing system which has seen black incarceration jump from 30,000 federal inmates when Reagan was elected, to over 300,000 black men in federal prisons today.
Kamala Harris is not from a poor black family. Her mother was a scientist who immigrated from Madras in India and whose father was a Stanford economic professor who immigrated from Jamaica. They were a middle to upper income family living in the Bay area. She grew up in the era of integration and she most certainly experience the bias that most black kids experience in white schools. Her father was a descendant of Jamaican slaves which probably had a great impact on her. She was certainly a brilliant prosecutor and although she may have been a champion for the poor mistreated blacks, she certain was not one of them.
I know what your talking about but I’m trying to stay on point to this discussion. Criminal justice reform and institutional racism is a huge subject to tackle so I don’t know why you’re bringing into our discussion

You wondered why someone might associate civilized law and order with whites. Im pointing out that black groups pressure politicians who enforce the law..it seems to hit blacks hardest when you punish criminals. Or so blacks claim.
So maybe these people have a reason to associate white with civilized.
Wouldn’t that be the definition of racism?

Race doesn’t make one civilized... education, money, family environment, upbringing etc are much more influential wouldn’t you agree?

Yes more blacks and browns are effected by the criminal justice system but I bet they are mostly in the lower rung of the socioeconomic system.

And when you deal with inequity with how racial groups are treated, which get highlighted all the time. Then the racial issues just fester and grow.

By calling “civilized” a white thing, I’d argue you are fitting the definition of making a racist comment. Agree or disagree?

I dont really care about parsing the definitions. Call me and Kamala Harris both racists if you like. But I object to your claiming her racism shouldn't be discussed. Her entire campaign is built on her racial preferences.
And my point isnt to explain away black criminality. I simply pointed out that for blacks, as a political grouping, attacking police and law enforcement is SOP. So much so that a black who was a criminal prosecutor has to apologize for being on that side of the law.

I don't find Kamala Harris racist at all. I don't see her denigrating and lying about white people, the way you do about blacks and other minorities. And I object to your refusing to discuss your racism.

Your point is to blame criminality on race, rather than poverty, and a system which criminalizes blacks for the same behaviour that whites are given a pass for. Blacks and other minorities have good reason to discuss ill treatment at the hands of police. As Kamala Harris said, "She doesn't know a single young black man who has not been stopped by the police for "NO REASON".

I have lived in a city where white people are a minority, and I can honestly say that I have every black man I have ever known has had similar experiences. This has never happened to any of my family or my white friends. When they've been pulled over, it's been for a reason. Black man driving a really nice car - a Porche, BMW, Mercedes, is going to get pulled over weekly. That's racism.

Yes, as a black prosecutor, she has to apologize for participating in the "zero tolerance" minimum sentencing system which has seen black incarceration jump from 30,000 federal inmates when Reagan was elected, to over 300,000 black men in federal prisons today.
Kamala Harris is not from a poor black family. Her mother was a scientist who immigrated from Madras in India and whose father was a Stanford economic professor who immigrated from Jamaica. They were a middle to upper income family living in the Bay area. She grew up in the era of integration and she most certainly experience the bias that most black kids experience in white schools. Her father was a descendant of Jamaican slaves which probably had a great impact on her. She was certainly a brilliant prosecutor and although she may have been a champion for the poor mistreated blacks, she certain was not one of them.

Nowhere in my post did I comment on Ms Harris’ background or even imply she grew up poor. But you felt the need to manslain it for me.

I know her background and history very well. But growing up middle class didn’t shield her from discrimination. The minorities in my old neighbourhood weren’t poor either but they still got stopped by the cops a lot.
Here's the answer I wish Biden had given to Harris' mewling about busing.

"I'm glad you have happy childhood memories of that time, but as one of the adults who had to deal with the issue, this was the reality. Parents hated it. Not just white parents, but black parents as well. Not because they were racist, but because they didn't like their children being used as game pieces in an attempt to right past wrongs.

"Lest we forget, Brown v. Topeka as an anti-busing ruling. The children were being bused out of town so they could be in a separate school. People of all races wanted their neighborhood schools to reflect their neighborhoods. They didn't want millions in resources expended on the logistics of moving children around. A lot of them voted with their feet, and move to suburbs where this wasn't an issue, and this demographic shift had a negative effect on cities. Others put their kids in parochial or private schools, causing them to have less investment in public education as an institution.

"So I and other leaders from both parties at that time sought compromise. Maybe that's a dirty word now, and maybe I am an old man. I kind of hope not, though."

Harris might be able to roll Biden with this sort of thing. Trump will leave her as a greasy smear on the pavement if she tries that shit with him.
It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.

Ohh, "democratic socialists?" Or in Russian, "Bolshevik?"

Interesting that you chose the same name that Lenin called his followers, fitting though.

The truth is though, regardless of what bullshit moniker you adopt, you're Communists.
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Here's the answer I wish Biden had given to Harris' mewling about busing.

"I'm glad you have happy childhood memories of that time, but as one of the adults who had to deal with the issue, this was the reality. Parents hated it. Not just white parents, but black parents as well. Not because they were racist, but because they didn't like their children being used as game pieces in an attempt to right past wrongs.

"Lest we forget, Brown v. Topeka as an anti-busing ruling. The children were being bused out of town so they could be in a separate school. People of all races wanted their neighborhood schools to reflect their neighborhoods. They didn't want millions in resources expended on the logistics of moving children around. A lot of them voted with their feet, and move to suburbs where this wasn't an issue, and this demographic shift had a negative effect on cities. Others put their kids in parochial or private schools, causing them to have less investment in public education as an institution.

"So I and other leaders from both parties at that time sought compromise. Maybe that's a dirty word now, and maybe I am an old man. I kind of hope not, though."

Harris might be able to roll Biden with this sort of thing. Trump will leave her as a greasy smear on the pavement if she tries that shit with him.

Thank you for that history lesson, Joe. I hadn't realized that parents on both sides opposed it. But I don't think that Trump is capable of leaving Harris as a greasy smear on the highway. She similarly demoloshed William Barr in Senate hearings.

Trump doesn't' prepare for anything, and he'll under-estimate Harris simply because she's a woman. He'll use that intimmidation thing he used with Hillary, wandering around behind her glowering because she's not only a woman, but a black woman. She'll excoriate him.
Thank you for that history lesson, Joe. I hadn't realized that parents on both sides opposed it. But I don't think that Trump is capable of leaving Harris as a greasy smear on the highway. She similarly demoloshed William Barr in Senate hearings.

Trump doesn't' prepare for anything, and he'll under-estimate Harris simply because she's a woman. He'll use that intimmidation thing he used with Hillary, wandering around behind her glowering because she's not only a woman, but a black woman. She'll excoriate him.

I think we should never underestimate Trump.

Everyone thought that he was done when the "Pussy-Grabbing" tape came out. Instead he lined up Bill Clinton's primary accusers and paraded them out for the world to see.

She might have "Demolished" Barr, but Barr is still the AG right now, running interference for Trump.

Now, all of this works on the assumption that the economy is still doing well. If the economy is in the tank, Harris or anyone else the Democrats put up will demolish Trump. But if the economy is doing well, then the only issue becomes Trump's fitness for office. I'm not sure Harris is the one that can make that case.
It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.

All poison in my opinion. And not a whit of difference. The wealthy have formed a coalition with the underclass to milk the middle and working classes. A recipe for socialism. But marxism is always more, much more, than economics. It always has to call for the destruction of cultures. Its a foreign idea to Americans and thus th liberal attack on everything from patriarchy to religion to gender to families.
That party represents foreign interests and they arent even embarrassed to shut down the pay of our military men in order to advance the interests of a foreign rabble at the gate. Nothing to do with economics *except* that third world migrants are almost always steeped in marxism/socialism/communism. Its why they had to flee their shitholes in the first place.
These are barbarians who can point to slums for their voting base and Silicon Valley and The Hamptons for their money base.
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.

How long will you deny what the wont deny?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was at a loss for words Thursday night after MSNBC’s Chris Matthews pressed her on the differences between Democrats and socialists.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked the Florida congresswoman.

“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?” he asked again after Ms. Wasserman Schultz laughed.

“The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican,” she responded.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Ms. Wasserman Schultz responded: “The relevant debate that we’ll be having over the course of this campaign is what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chair, can’t name differences between Democrats, socialists
I won’t defend Deb, she is useless in my opinion but she also doesn’t represent all Dems

Who does represent all "dems?" Che Guevara Barbie (AOC)? Bernie? Shitting Bull? Mayor Buttplug? Beta the Dork? Willie Brown's little love muffin? Every one of them an avowed Communist.

The democrat party is a Stalinist organization, no way to deny it.
What we know is that polling didn't go the way the Marxist democrats first hoped. Socialism isn't embraced by the majority of America the way the coastal elites and entertainment Oligarchs embrace it. Silicone Valley LOVES Socialism, a nation of slaves who are chained to the desire of the ruling Oligarchs is exactly what they have built in California, enslaving the rest of the nation is a top priority.

But most of America just isn't that keen on becoming slaves.

democrats are a Stalinist party dedicated to the destruction of individual civil rights, destruction of middle class, and rule under the iron fist of elitist Oligarchs. Mark Zuckerberg is a defacto king, the democrats are his army to solidify his rule.
The vast majority of dems don’t support socialism... plain and simple
In that, you are flatly incorrect.
Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
Did you see what question they were asked? Cause Medicare and Social Security are forms of socialism and most people support those... but that’s very different than Venezuela or Nazi Germany. I don't think the majority of Dems want the gov to take over the means and control of all industries. Not even close
Yes. Did you?

There is noting in there about social security or anything else. The question was pretty straight forward: Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of each of the following. How about ....

You may want to banter about definition but your claim was very straight forward:

vast majority of dems don’t support socialism

And there is no way around it Slade - that is factually and objectively false. The MAJORITY of dems, objectively, support socialism.

And they are talking about taking over and controlling industries. At the moment, they want government to take over the healthcare and higher education markets. It is getting damn close in the IT market from BOTH sides (why I can never be a republican). They have openly bantered about it in the oil markets before. Sanders is a MAJOR contender in this election and was in the last as well and to say he is not a socialist is just ignoring what sanders has been pushing for nigh on 30 years. You know, the rich guy that said it was immoral to be rich - that guy.

There is a significant portion of the democrat party that is hardcore socialist. This primary we will get to see if they really are in the drivers seat.
I don’t get that from the people I listen to on the Left. I don’t hear Biden talking about that or Delaney or Ryan or Klobachar.... year Sanders and OAC and other wingnuts are pushing for that stuff. I don’t support them nor do I think they represent most people on the left. People hear socialism and think Iceland and Denmark and Medicare and social security so they say they support it. Ask them if they want Venezuela and gov takeover of all industry and they'll say hell no... at least that’s my hope

You don't hear Biden what? Push Socialism? You're either lying of deliberately ignoring what Creepy Joe is saying.

RNC Research on Twitter
People hear socialism and think Iceland and Denmark and Medicare and social security so they say they support it. Ask them if they want Venezuela and gov takeover of all industry and they'll say hell no... at least that’s my hope

No One wants the Venezuela model of socialism

No, democrats promote the Soviet model of socialism. democrats are dedicated to recreating the USSR in America.
lol lol lol at the 'CIA' idiocy.

I love the "lolololol" ! My 4 year old niece's favorite Facebook expression.

Kamala was blowing Brennan when he was Obama's CIA director, if you need to know..

Kamaltoe figured out at a young age that she had a brain and a pussy, and that the pussy could get her a LOT further than the brain - so she built her career on it. In California we call her "Willie Brown's Little Love Muffin." She screwed her way from an office aid up to AG of the state.
Well let’s be fair, your offering what you found in a poll of 1000 people based on a general question... I have a pretty wide circle of friends. I live in Cali and Austin tx for parts of the year. Most my friends are pretty liberal. I can only think of only 1 person that supports open boarders and he’s a pretty whacky anarchist... and I can’t think of one person I know that supports full blown socialism. How many of your democratic friends support full socialism?

I call bullshit.

The Communist party in California DEMANDS open borders. Comrade Premier Gavin Newsom actively interferes with all actions to enforce immigration laws (an act of treason) and directed employees of the Peoples Republic to hamper the reinforcement of the wall in San Yisidro.
Did you see what question they were asked? Cause Medicare and Social Security are forms of socialism and most people support those... but that’s very different than Venezuela or Nazi Germany. I don't think the majority of Dems want the gov to take over the means and control of all industries. Not even close
Yes. Did you?

There is noting in there about social security or anything else. The question was pretty straight forward: Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of each of the following. How about ....

You may want to banter about definition but your claim was very straight forward:

vast majority of dems don’t support socialism

And there is no way around it Slade - that is factually and objectively false. The MAJORITY of dems, objectively, support socialism.

And they are talking about taking over and controlling industries. At the moment, they want government to take over the healthcare and higher education markets. It is getting damn close in the IT market from BOTH sides (why I can never be a republican). They have openly bantered about it in the oil markets before. Sanders is a MAJOR contender in this election and was in the last as well and to say he is not a socialist is just ignoring what sanders has been pushing for nigh on 30 years. You know, the rich guy that said it was immoral to be rich - that guy.

There is a significant portion of the democrat party that is hardcore socialist. This primary we will get to see if they really are in the drivers seat.
I don’t get that from the people I listen to on the Left. I don’t hear Biden talking about that or Delaney or Ryan or Klobachar.... year Sanders and OAC and other wingnuts are pushing for that stuff. I don’t support them nor do I think they represent most people on the left. People hear socialism and think Iceland and Denmark and Medicare and social security so they say they support it. Ask them if they want Venezuela and gov takeover of all industry and they'll say hell no... at least that’s my hope
Again slade, I am not offering what I feel, think or what happens when I talk with my circle of friends. I am offering you what democrats themselves say in an objective and factual format.

I know, you don't WANT to admit that a large portion of a major political party has lost their damn minds. Unfortunately they have. Now...

Now for my opinion on the lame defense of the left that has lost their minds:
'Democratic Socialism' is utter bullshit as well. There is no difference between this claptrap and 'Nationalists' telling us they really are not Nazis and are pushing white pride. Peterson has it right here, the problem is that we have no objective measure for when the left goes to far. It is painfully obvious on the right - you have gone to far when you start to talk about purity in any of its forms. With the left I think that line is damn clear as well, equality of outcome, but people have not woken up to the pure evil that is. Democratic socialism is a re-branding of the basis of socialism and most of the people shouting it have no idea what they actually are supporting it. They will support it all the way off the cliff though - the failure of the right to deal with its insanity should provide all the hard proof that you need.
Well let’s be fair, your offering what you found in a poll of 1000 people based on a general question... I have a pretty wide circle of friends. I live in Cali and Austin tx for parts of the year. Most my friends are pretty liberal. I can only think of only 1 person that supports open boarders and he’s a pretty whacky anarchist... and I can’t think of one person I know that supports full blown socialism. How many of your democratic friends support full socialism?
You either believe in building Trump’s “Great Wall”, believe in separating children from their parents at the U.S. border, believe in removing undocumented immigrants from the country who have lived here for decades and contributed to their community, or you believe in “open borders." It’s a blunt rhetorical trick. It’s crass. But it works. So it’s employed by everyone from the current president down to the many supporters and trolls who carry his water on social media.

The vast majority of Americans, including most Democrats don’t believe in so-called “open borders.” That’s not to say that no one believes in open borders. Certainly, there are people who do. But most don’t. And open borders is not a policy the Democratic party supports; it’s not part of their platform, and no democratic presidential candidate supports it. Regardless of how many times Trump and his supporters may claim otherwise.

Bullshit, and you know it.
Let me guess; The Democrats are going to beat Trump by putting all of the western hemisphere and most of Africa on free Medicare, because they all want open borders, and white people are going to pay for it all, except Canadians, and all of them vied with each other to say they would give away even more, free schools and free collage to all who make it over here, no restrictions on entry, nothing 'rayciss' like that. Harris the professional prostitute and descendant of slave owners, won because she was loud, obnoxious, 'black' and rude, like some the daytime talk show 'hostesses' that women love watch all day.

No surprise there. I bet the fag with the Talking Head show and sicko dyke Maddow really really asked them 'The Hard Questions', too.

You have proved here ^^^ that you are a racist, a misogynist, homophobic and proud of it. What or who or how did someone like you develop such hate for those you don't know and have (likely) never met?

Mr. STASI, you're dumb and a liar. Also, water is wet.

Healthcare for illegal immigrants? All 10 Democrats raise their hand
How about the all-pervading impression that she would quickly lift her skirt and spread her legs to get wherever it is she wants to go without a second thought. You can just smell it.


That's how she's gotten what she want's for the last 40 years. Kamala fucked her way to the top. I almost wondered if she gave the dyke Madcow a little taste to get the cameras on her during the clown show???
Harris blew Biden away in the debate. Yes, she can be disrespectful and downright nasty, but she's smart, you can't her shut up, and she will blow Trump away in the debates.

Not the first time she blew Biden, I'm sure...

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