What is it about Kamala Harris that is so disconcerting ?

It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.

All poison in my opinion. And not a whit of difference. The wealthy have formed a coalition with the underclass to milk the middle and working classes. A recipe for socialism. But marxism is always more, much more, than economics. It always has to call for the destruction of cultures. Its a foreign idea to Americans and thus th liberal attack on everything from patriarchy to religion to gender to families.
That party represents foreign interests and they arent even embarrassed to shut down the pay of our military men in order to advance the interests of a foreign rabble at the gate. Nothing to do with economics *except* that third world migrants are almost always steeped in marxism/socialism/communism. Its why they had to flee their shitholes in the first place.
These are barbarians who can point to slums for their voting base and Silicon Valley and The Hamptons for their money base.
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.

How long will you deny what the wont deny?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was at a loss for words Thursday night after MSNBC’s Chris Matthews pressed her on the differences between Democrats and socialists.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked the Florida congresswoman.

“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?” he asked again after Ms. Wasserman Schultz laughed.

“The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican,” she responded.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Ms. Wasserman Schultz responded: “The relevant debate that we’ll be having over the course of this campaign is what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chair, can’t name differences between Democrats, socialists
I won’t defend Deb, she is useless in my opinion but she also doesn’t represent all Dems

Who does represent all "dems?" Che Guevara Barbie (AOC)? Bernie? Shitting Bull? Mayor Buttplug? Beta the Dork? Willie Brown's little love muffin? Every one of them an avowed Communist.

The democrat party is a Stalinist organization, no way to deny it.

Actually she did represent all Democrats. She was chairman of the party.
Thank you for that history lesson, Joe. I hadn't realized that parents on both sides opposed it. But I don't think that Trump is capable of leaving Harris as a greasy smear on the highway. She similarly demoloshed William Barr in Senate hearings.

Trump doesn't' prepare for anything, and he'll under-estimate Harris simply because she's a woman. He'll use that intimmidation thing he used with Hillary, wandering around behind her glowering because she's not only a woman, but a black woman. She'll excoriate him.

I think we should never underestimate Trump.

Everyone thought that he was done when the "Pussy-Grabbing" tape came out. Instead he lined up Bill Clinton's primary accusers and paraded them out for the world to see.

She might have "Demolished" Barr, but Barr is still the AG right now, running interference for Trump.

Now, all of this works on the assumption that the economy is still doing well. If the economy is in the tank, Harris or anyone else the Democrats put up will demolish Trump. But if the economy is doing well, then the only issue becomes Trump's fitness for office. I'm not sure Harris is the one that can make that case.

I don't know how anyone believes trump is fit to be POTUS. Some argue that he keeps his promises, and some forget Mussolini promised to keep the trains running on time, by killing anyone who reported a late train. Does "fake news" ring a bell?
It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.

Ohh, "democratic socialists?" Or in Russian, "Bolshevik?"

Interesting that you chose the same name that Lenin called his followers, fitting though.

The truth is though, regardless of what bullshit moniker you adopt, you're Communists.
Yeah I’m a commie and your an idiot. Glad we got that figured out
It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.

All poison in my opinion. And not a whit of difference. The wealthy have formed a coalition with the underclass to milk the middle and working classes. A recipe for socialism. But marxism is always more, much more, than economics. It always has to call for the destruction of cultures. Its a foreign idea to Americans and thus th liberal attack on everything from patriarchy to religion to gender to families.
That party represents foreign interests and they arent even embarrassed to shut down the pay of our military men in order to advance the interests of a foreign rabble at the gate. Nothing to do with economics *except* that third world migrants are almost always steeped in marxism/socialism/communism. Its why they had to flee their shitholes in the first place.
These are barbarians who can point to slums for their voting base and Silicon Valley and The Hamptons for their money base.
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.

How long will you deny what the wont deny?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was at a loss for words Thursday night after MSNBC’s Chris Matthews pressed her on the differences between Democrats and socialists.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked the Florida congresswoman.

“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?” he asked again after Ms. Wasserman Schultz laughed.

“The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican,” she responded.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Ms. Wasserman Schultz responded: “The relevant debate that we’ll be having over the course of this campaign is what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chair, can’t name differences between Democrats, socialists
I won’t defend Deb, she is useless in my opinion but she also doesn’t represent all Dems

Who does represent all "dems?" Che Guevara Barbie (AOC)? Bernie? Shitting Bull? Mayor Buttplug? Beta the Dork? Willie Brown's little love muffin? Every one of them an avowed Communist.

The democrat party is a Stalinist organization, no way to deny it.
Nobody represents all dems just as nobody represents all repubs. People have diverse viewpoints. I shouldn’t need to explain that to you
All poison in my opinion. And not a whit of difference. The wealthy have formed a coalition with the underclass to milk the middle and working classes. A recipe for socialism. But marxism is always more, much more, than economics. It always has to call for the destruction of cultures. Its a foreign idea to Americans and thus th liberal attack on everything from patriarchy to religion to gender to families.
That party represents foreign interests and they arent even embarrassed to shut down the pay of our military men in order to advance the interests of a foreign rabble at the gate. Nothing to do with economics *except* that third world migrants are almost always steeped in marxism/socialism/communism. Its why they had to flee their shitholes in the first place.
These are barbarians who can point to slums for their voting base and Silicon Valley and The Hamptons for their money base.
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.

How long will you deny what the wont deny?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was at a loss for words Thursday night after MSNBC’s Chris Matthews pressed her on the differences between Democrats and socialists.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked the Florida congresswoman.

“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?” he asked again after Ms. Wasserman Schultz laughed.

“The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican,” she responded.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Ms. Wasserman Schultz responded: “The relevant debate that we’ll be having over the course of this campaign is what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chair, can’t name differences between Democrats, socialists
I won’t defend Deb, she is useless in my opinion but she also doesn’t represent all Dems

Who does represent all "dems?" Che Guevara Barbie (AOC)? Bernie? Shitting Bull? Mayor Buttplug? Beta the Dork? Willie Brown's little love muffin? Every one of them an avowed Communist.

The democrat party is a Stalinist organization, no way to deny it.
Nobody represents all dems just as nobody represents all repubs. People have diverse viewpoints. I shouldn’t need to explain that to you

You know..this "not always" gets old. Have you ever really looked at your reliance on making the exception the rule?
Either <<<Blabbermouth Shultz>>> was the elected representative of the opposition or the party is deeply flawed and unrepresentative of its membership. Which is it?
All poison in my opinion. And not a whit of difference. The wealthy have formed a coalition with the underclass to milk the middle and working classes. A recipe for socialism. But marxism is always more, much more, than economics. It always has to call for the destruction of cultures. Its a foreign idea to Americans and thus th liberal attack on everything from patriarchy to religion to gender to families.
That party represents foreign interests and they arent even embarrassed to shut down the pay of our military men in order to advance the interests of a foreign rabble at the gate. Nothing to do with economics *except* that third world migrants are almost always steeped in marxism/socialism/communism. Its why they had to flee their shitholes in the first place.
These are barbarians who can point to slums for their voting base and Silicon Valley and The Hamptons for their money base.
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.

How long will you deny what the wont deny?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was at a loss for words Thursday night after MSNBC’s Chris Matthews pressed her on the differences between Democrats and socialists.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked the Florida congresswoman.

“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?” he asked again after Ms. Wasserman Schultz laughed.

“The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican,” she responded.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Ms. Wasserman Schultz responded: “The relevant debate that we’ll be having over the course of this campaign is what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chair, can’t name differences between Democrats, socialists
I won’t defend Deb, she is useless in my opinion but she also doesn’t represent all Dems

Who does represent all "dems?" Che Guevara Barbie (AOC)? Bernie? Shitting Bull? Mayor Buttplug? Beta the Dork? Willie Brown's little love muffin? Every one of them an avowed Communist.

The democrat party is a Stalinist organization, no way to deny it.

Actually she did represent all Democrats. She was chairman of the party.

DWS was, she isn't on my list. She isn't nearly far enough left for the new batch.
I don't know how anyone believes trump is fit to be POTUS.

But then you have an IQ in the low teens.

Some argue that he keeps his promises, and some forget Mussolini promised to keep the trains running on time, by killing anyone who reported a late train. Does "fake news" ring a bell?

So Trump is killing people, huh STASI fuck? :rolleyes:
It sounds like you are talking about socialists and they are talking about democratic socialists.

Ohh, "democratic socialists?" Or in Russian, "Bolshevik?"

Interesting that you chose the same name that Lenin called his followers, fitting though.

The truth is though, regardless of what bullshit moniker you adopt, you're Communists.
Yeah I’m a commie and your an idiot. Glad we got that figured out

The American democrat party of 2019 is a Communist party. A party seeking to nationalize industry starting with the medical and health fields and distribute wealth from the central authority. You are also a party that is dedicated to ending civil rights as defined in the United States Constitution through the bill of rights.

You are the party of Joseph Stalin, that is just the fact of the matter.
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.

How long will you deny what the wont deny?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was at a loss for words Thursday night after MSNBC’s Chris Matthews pressed her on the differences between Democrats and socialists.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked the Florida congresswoman.

“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?” he asked again after Ms. Wasserman Schultz laughed.

“The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican,” she responded.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Ms. Wasserman Schultz responded: “The relevant debate that we’ll be having over the course of this campaign is what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chair, can’t name differences between Democrats, socialists
I won’t defend Deb, she is useless in my opinion but she also doesn’t represent all Dems

Who does represent all "dems?" Che Guevara Barbie (AOC)? Bernie? Shitting Bull? Mayor Buttplug? Beta the Dork? Willie Brown's little love muffin? Every one of them an avowed Communist.

The democrat party is a Stalinist organization, no way to deny it.
Nobody represents all dems just as nobody represents all repubs. People have diverse viewpoints. I shouldn’t need to explain that to you

You know..this "not always" gets old. Have you ever really looked at your reliance on making the exception the rule?
Either <<<Blabbermouth Shultz>>> was the elected representative of the opposition or the party is deeply flawed and unrepresentative of its membership. Which is it?
It’s a diverse group of people voting for sometimes smart and qualified reps and sometimes corrupt idiots. Either way to look at somebody who is a dem or rep and assume they are a commie or nationalist is just short sighted and dumb
I don't know how anyone believes trump is fit to be POTUS.

But then you have an IQ in the low teens.

Some argue that he keeps his promises, and some forget Mussolini promised to keep the trains running on time, by killing anyone who reported a late train. Does "fake news" ring a bell?

So Trump is killing people, huh STASI fuck? :rolleyes:

I knew when I wrote this someone like you would not be able to understand it. Abstractions befuddle people like you.

trump attacks reporters character, metaphorically killing their credibility by his incessant "fake news", rhetoric which people like you believe.

Grow some brain cells, some say LSD opens the mind (I don't believe it ) but go ahead, it can't make you any dumber.
All poison in my opinion. And not a whit of difference. The wealthy have formed a coalition with the underclass to milk the middle and working classes. A recipe for socialism. But marxism is always more, much more, than economics. It always has to call for the destruction of cultures. Its a foreign idea to Americans and thus th liberal attack on everything from patriarchy to religion to gender to families.
That party represents foreign interests and they arent even embarrassed to shut down the pay of our military men in order to advance the interests of a foreign rabble at the gate. Nothing to do with economics *except* that third world migrants are almost always steeped in marxism/socialism/communism. Its why they had to flee their shitholes in the first place.
These are barbarians who can point to slums for their voting base and Silicon Valley and The Hamptons for their money base.
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.

How long will you deny what the wont deny?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was at a loss for words Thursday night after MSNBC’s Chris Matthews pressed her on the differences between Democrats and socialists.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked the Florida congresswoman.

“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?” he asked again after Ms. Wasserman Schultz laughed.

“The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican,” she responded.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Ms. Wasserman Schultz responded: “The relevant debate that we’ll be having over the course of this campaign is what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chair, can’t name differences between Democrats, socialists
I won’t defend Deb, she is useless in my opinion but she also doesn’t represent all Dems

Who does represent all "dems?" Che Guevara Barbie (AOC)? Bernie? Shitting Bull? Mayor Buttplug? Beta the Dork? Willie Brown's little love muffin? Every one of them an avowed Communist.

The democrat party is a Stalinist organization, no way to deny it.
Nobody represents all dems just as nobody represents all repubs. People have diverse viewpoints. I shouldn’t need to explain that to you

Which of the Bolsheviks running for the privilege of being trounced by Trump do you support?
I don't know how anyone believes trump is fit to be POTUS.

But then you have an IQ in the low teens.

Some argue that he keeps his promises, and some forget Mussolini promised to keep the trains running on time, by killing anyone who reported a late train. Does "fake news" ring a bell?

So Trump is killing people, huh STASI fuck? :rolleyes:

I knew when I wrote this someone like you would not be able to understand it. Abstractions befuddle people like you.

trump attacks reporters character, metaphorically killing their credibility by his incessant "fake news", rhetoric which people like you believe.

Grow some brain cells, some say LSD opens the mind (I don't believe it ) but go ahead, it can't make you any dumber.


Demagoguery is not that difficult to follow. All your years in the STASI trained you well, as a seal might be trained.

The press lies - flat out and blatantly. Fake news is a rather kind term for the lying fuck little Goebbels of the DNC demagoguery corps. As Tokyo Rose was an enemy of America, so Joe Scarborough and Don Lemon are absolutely enemies of the American people. Propagandists seeking to end the American Republic.

I am sure you are quite the expert on LSD use. No doubt you are under the influence as we speak.
I don't know how anyone believes trump is fit to be POTUS.

But then you have an IQ in the low teens.

Some argue that he keeps his promises, and some forget Mussolini promised to keep the trains running on time, by killing anyone who reported a late train. Does "fake news" ring a bell?

So Trump is killing people, huh STASI fuck? :rolleyes:

I knew when I wrote this someone like you would not be able to understand it. Abstractions befuddle people like you.

trump attacks reporters character, metaphorically killing their credibility by his incessant "fake news", rhetoric which people like you believe.

Grow some brain cells, some say LSD opens the mind (I don't believe it ) but go ahead, it can't make you any dumber.


Demagoguery is not that difficult to follow. All your years in the STASI trained you well, as a seal might be trained.

The press lies - flat out and blatantly. Fake news is a rather kind term for the lying fuck little Goebbels of the DNC demagoguery corps. As Tokyo Rose was an enemy of America, so Joe Scarborough and Don Lemon are absolutely enemies of the American people. Propagandists seeking to end the American Republic.

I am sure you are quite the expert on LSD use. No doubt you are under the influence as we speak.

How much did you pay for the brainwash? Or was it free in one of Limbaugh's Letters?

Never did I try any illegal drug other than MJ during my years at the U. I never bought it, I used it socially when the J. was passed around.

The effect on me was pleasurable, but after a short while I had a need for a visit to Doggie Diner - an attack of the munchies and then an attack of lethargy and a good nights sleep.
I don't know how anyone believes trump is fit to be POTUS.

But then you have an IQ in the low teens.

Some argue that he keeps his promises, and some forget Mussolini promised to keep the trains running on time, by killing anyone who reported a late train. Does "fake news" ring a bell?

So Trump is killing people, huh STASI fuck? :rolleyes:

I knew when I wrote this someone like you would not be able to understand it. Abstractions befuddle people like you.

trump attacks reporters character, metaphorically killing their credibility by his incessant "fake news", rhetoric which people like you believe.

Grow some brain cells, some say LSD opens the mind (I don't believe it ) but go ahead, it can't make you any dumber.


Demagoguery is not that difficult to follow. All your years in the STASI trained you well, as a seal might be trained.

The press lies - flat out and blatantly. Fake news is a rather kind term for the lying fuck little Goebbels of the DNC demagoguery corps. As Tokyo Rose was an enemy of America, so Joe Scarborough and Don Lemon are absolutely enemies of the American people. Propagandists seeking to end the American Republic.

I am sure you are quite the expert on LSD use. No doubt you are under the influence as we speak.

How much did you pay for the brainwash? Or was it free in one of Limbaugh's Letters?

Never did I try any illegal drug other than MJ during my years at the U. I never bought it, I used it socially when the J. was passed around.

The effect on me was pleasurable, but after a short while I had a need for a visit to Doggie Diner - an attack of the munchies and then an attack of lethargy and a good nights sleep.


All those nights you spent "beating the shit out of scumbags in a 6 by 6 cell" (as you bragged) you weren't drunk and on drugs?

We should believe you because you're so very honorable...
It may be all poison in your opinion however that doesn’t make it honest to conflate the two. The fact that one involves everything and the other involves portions is a huge difference.

How long will you deny what the wont deny?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was at a loss for words Thursday night after MSNBC’s Chris Matthews pressed her on the differences between Democrats and socialists.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked the Florida congresswoman.

“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?” he asked again after Ms. Wasserman Schultz laughed.

“The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican,” she responded.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Ms. Wasserman Schultz responded: “The relevant debate that we’ll be having over the course of this campaign is what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chair, can’t name differences between Democrats, socialists
I won’t defend Deb, she is useless in my opinion but she also doesn’t represent all Dems

Who does represent all "dems?" Che Guevara Barbie (AOC)? Bernie? Shitting Bull? Mayor Buttplug? Beta the Dork? Willie Brown's little love muffin? Every one of them an avowed Communist.

The democrat party is a Stalinist organization, no way to deny it.
Nobody represents all dems just as nobody represents all repubs. People have diverse viewpoints. I shouldn’t need to explain that to you

Which of the Bolsheviks running for the privilege of being trounced by Trump do you support?
Biden would beat trump so he’s gonna be the nominee. I like Delancys ideas best but he would t win. And I think Mayor Pete gives the best presentation of ideas but we have way too many homophobs to vote him in.
I don't know how anyone believes trump is fit to be POTUS.

But then you have an IQ in the low teens.

Some argue that he keeps his promises, and some forget Mussolini promised to keep the trains running on time, by killing anyone who reported a late train. Does "fake news" ring a bell?

So Trump is killing people, huh STASI fuck? :rolleyes:

I knew when I wrote this someone like you would not be able to understand it. Abstractions befuddle people like you.

trump attacks reporters character, metaphorically killing their credibility by his incessant "fake news", rhetoric which people like you believe.

Grow some brain cells, some say LSD opens the mind (I don't believe it ) but go ahead, it can't make you any dumber.


Demagoguery is not that difficult to follow. All your years in the STASI trained you well, as a seal might be trained.

The press lies - flat out and blatantly. Fake news is a rather kind term for the lying fuck little Goebbels of the DNC demagoguery corps. As Tokyo Rose was an enemy of America, so Joe Scarborough and Don Lemon are absolutely enemies of the American people. Propagandists seeking to end the American Republic.

I am sure you are quite the expert on LSD use. No doubt you are under the influence as we speak.

How much did you pay for the brainwash? Or was it free in one of Limbaugh's Letters?

Never did I try any illegal drug other than MJ during my years at the U. I never bought it, I used it socially when the J. was passed around.

The effect on me was pleasurable, but after a short while I had a need for a visit to Doggie Diner - an attack of the munchies and then an attack of lethargy and a good nights sleep.


All those nights you spent "beating the shit out of scumbags in a 6 by 6 cell" (as you bragged) you weren't drunk and on drugs?

We should believe you because you're so very honorable...

None of that's true, the only truth in you post is you've proved you right wing Nazis' main tool is to attack the character of others with damn lies.

Even assholes like you were not abused physically or emotionally when I was on watch.
None of that's true, the only truth in you post is you've proved you right wing Nazis' main tool is to attack the character of others with damn lies.

Even assholes like you were not abused physically or emotionally when I was on watch.


So now you're lying about your claims that you were "beating the shit out of scumbags in a 6 by 6 cell" ? :rofl:

You're too much.

Oh, I doubt you actually did it. You were no doubt a clerical employee who never got near actual bad guys, but your bragging is what earned you the STASI title.

As we both know, and half ot the rest of the board knows.

The only thing you have less of than intelligence, is integrity.
None of that's true, the only truth in you post is you've proved you right wing Nazis' main tool is to attack the character of others with damn lies.

Even assholes like you were not abused physically or emotionally when I was on watch.


So now you're lying about your claims that you were "beating the shit out of scumbags in a 6 by 6 cell" ? :rofl:

You're too much.

Oh, I doubt you actually did it. You were no doubt a clerical employee who never got near actual bad guys, but your bragging is what earned you the STASI title.

As we both know, and half ot the rest of the board knows.

The only thing you have less of than intelligence, is integrity.

Keep on child, no one cares what you want others to believe - you're much like trump, mendacious and a man-child.
Keep on child, no one cares what you want others to believe - you're much like trump, mendacious and a man-child.

So, are you saying that you're a drunken, lying braggart who doesn't even remember the bullshit you spewed on this board? :lol:

The only thing you have less of than intelligence, is integrity.
Here's the answer I wish Biden had given to Harris' mewling about busing.

"I'm glad you have happy childhood memories of that time, but as one of the adults who had to deal with the issue, this was the reality. Parents hated it. Not just white parents, but black parents as well. Not because they were racist, but because they didn't like their children being used as game pieces in an attempt to right past wrongs.

"Lest we forget, Brown v. Topeka as an anti-busing ruling. The children were being bused out of town so they could be in a separate school. People of all races wanted their neighborhood schools to reflect their neighborhoods. They didn't want millions in resources expended on the logistics of moving children around. A lot of them voted with their feet, and move to suburbs where this wasn't an issue, and this demographic shift had a negative effect on cities. Others put their kids in parochial or private schools, causing them to have less investment in public education as an institution.

"So I and other leaders from both parties at that time sought compromise. Maybe that's a dirty word now, and maybe I am an old man. I kind of hope not, though."

Harris might be able to roll Biden with this sort of thing. Trump will leave her as a greasy smear on the pavement if she tries that shit with him.
Holy shit! I agree with Joe on something....

Twilight zone.

The worst part is that Biden knew for a fact that this would come up. There was zero chance it would not have been brought up. Any yet he was STILL unprepared.

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