What Is It With Blacks And Loud Music??

"A Black man on his way to visit his niece and nephew was fatally shot by a security guard in Memphis, Tennessee, Saturday evening over an argument about loud music, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by ABC News. Alvin Motley Jr. was pronounced dead at the scene. He was at a Kroger fuel center with his girlfriend, Pia Foster, when he and the security guard, Gregory Livingston, got into a verbal altercation over the volume of music coming from their car, according to police.

Foster told authorities she saw Motley walking toward Livingston after the initial altercation and asked him, "Let's talk like men," according to the affidavit. The surveillance footage, which has not been released to the public, showed Motley approaching Livingston while holding a beer can and a lit cigarette, according to the affidavit. Livingston drew his weapon and shot Motley in the chest. Livingston has been charged with second-degree murder and is currently being held in the Shelby County Jail on a $1.8 million bond."

The guy who was arrested was a former police officer so he would know more than anyone how to access imminent danger and threats of harm -- so there was something this Motley guy did that justified him being shot. This case is similar to Jordan Davis; a teen who was playing loud music in a car with his friends; refused to turn it down when a man named Michael Dunn asked him to.... this left Mr. Dunn no other choice but to fear for his life and shoot into the vehicle multiple times, killing Jordan.....Livingston is charged with murder now but people need to understand that playing loud black music by the likes of people like Public Enemy, Kanye, Drake or even Bob Marley -- this is very dangerous and you are basically giving people no other choice but to defend themselves against it. Just turn your music down or listen to more appropriate music or at least more American music.

A very good question.

I think it is a matter of dominance.

They play very loud and generally vulgar and inappropriate music, marking any place that can hear it, as their territory.

You can't have a nice middle class life or community, when a family going to the gas station has to put up with some "music" blaring about "*******" and "hoes" and such shit.

The white family in question has to either avoid the area like the plague, or learn to keep their heads down, and be quiet, because if they say anything, they will be wacist and possibly attacked and/or killed.

This leads to either white flight or the next generation learning that they don't have a right to complain or have their feelings or culture respected.

The security guard, wanting to "Talk to him like men" was purely this. He wanted the kids to show some respect for the other people around them.

What seems to be a clash between a bunch of kids and a wacist asshole was actually an attempt by a white guy to come to some level of common respect and tolerance.

But the kids, being blacks raised in a culture where they were told they are superior, insisted on their Privilege, and refused to give an inch.

There was a dominance fight and the white guy lost. The black group lost a member but won the battle. THe guard is going away and no one else in the area will ever dare to try to test the dominance of blacks again.
A very good question.

I think it is a matter of dominance.

They play very loud and generally vulgar and inappropriate music, marking any place that can hear it, as their territory.

You can't have a nice middle class life or community, when a family going to the gas station has to put up with some "music" blaring about "*******" and "hoes" and such shit.

The white family in question has to either avoid the area like the plague, or learn to keep their heads down, and be quiet, because if they say anything, they will be wacist and possibly attacked and/or killed.

This leads to either white flight or the next generation learning that they don't have a right to complain or have their feelings or culture respected.

The security guard, wanting to "Talk to him like men" was purely this. He wanted the kids to show some respect for the other people around them.

What seems to be a clash between a bunch of kids and a wacist asshole was actually an attempt by a white guy to come to some level of common respect and tolerance.

But the kids, being blacks raised in a culture where they were told they are superior, insisted on their Privilege, and refused to give an inch.

There was a dominance fight and the white guy lost. The black group lost a member but won the battle. THe guard is going away and no one else in the area will ever dare to try to test the dominance of blacks again.
The fragility in this emo-graph.....

By the way....the guy who was shot is the guy that asked to talk like men.....

The fragile guy (you know, like you) -- was the one who was panicked by this "black dominance" and shot an unarmed man
Loud music in public spaces isn't a black people thing. It's just an asshole thing.

From my experince atleast where I live the majority of the time it's a black person. Plenty of white people play loud music in their cars, but never to the volume that blacks do.

Around blacks never turn it down either. If a white guy is in a neighborhood, or in a parking lot, basically anywhere that isn't a big main road they turn it down. But blacks never turn that shit down, it could be 1am and their car is sitting in a driveway running with no one on it and it's still loud as hell.

It's mostly because most blacks have no common curitosy, lack manners or are considerate of others. Not all, but most of them.

It's the same reason they talk loud in public, yell a lot, and a lot of times ruin otherwise peaceful atmospheres.

But you're right it's still an asshole thing. Most blacks are just inconsiderate and have no manners. But whites that ride their bikes down small back roads or block up street traffic, or whites with their loud as fuck motorcycles, well they are really just assholes.
From my experince atleast where I live the majority of the time it's a black person. Plenty of white people play loud music in their cars, but never to the volume that blacks do.

Around blacks never turn it down either. If a white guy is in a neighborhood, or in a parking lot, basically anywhere that isn't a big main road they turn it down. But blacks never turn that shit down, it could be 1am and their car is sitting in a driveway running with no one on it and it's still loud as hell.

It's mostly because most blacks have no common curitosy, lack manners or are considerate of others. Not all, but most of them.

It's the same reason they talk loud in public, yell a lot, and a lot of times ruin otherwise peaceful atmospheres.

But you're right it's still an asshole thing. Most blacks are just inconsiderate and have no manners. But whites that ride their bikes down small back roads or block up street traffic, or whites with their loud as fuck motorcycles, well they are really just assholes.
We need to do something about these blacks....but what??

When you do what this guy did and put them in their place -- you get arrested.....it's outrageous
That is why babies adapt more to the mother than the father. It is because they grown accustomed to mother while in the womb. While the fathers are away at work.

Thanks, I was pretty much aware of that. I wanted a link to the facts on the ethnic stereotyping you indulged in. Do you have one ?

"A Black man on his way to visit his niece and nephew was fatally shot by a security guard in Memphis, Tennessee, Saturday evening over an argument about loud music, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by ABC News. Alvin Motley Jr. was pronounced dead at the scene. He was at a Kroger fuel center with his girlfriend, Pia Foster, when he and the security guard, Gregory Livingston, got into a verbal altercation over the volume of music coming from their car, according to police.

Foster told authorities she saw Motley walking toward Livingston after the initial altercation and asked him, "Let's talk like men," according to the affidavit. The surveillance footage, which has not been released to the public, showed Motley approaching Livingston while holding a beer can and a lit cigarette, according to the affidavit. Livingston drew his weapon and shot Motley in the chest. Livingston has been charged with second-degree murder and is currently being held in the Shelby County Jail on a $1.8 million bond."

The guy who was arrested was a former police officer so he would know more than anyone how to access imminent danger and threats of harm -- so there was something this Motley guy did that justified him being shot. This case is similar to Jordan Davis; a teen who was playing loud music in a car with his friends; refused to turn it down when a man named Michael Dunn asked him to.... this left Mr. Dunn no other choice but to fear for his life and shoot into the vehicle multiple times, killing Jordan.....Livingston is charged with murder now but people need to understand that playing loud black music by the likes of people like Public Enemy, Kanye, Drake or even Bob Marley -- this is very dangerous and you are basically giving people no other choice but to defend themselves against it. Just turn your music down or listen to more appropriate music or at least more American music.
This is the only shit I play loud in the car

Thanks, I was pretty much aware of that. I wanted a link to the facts on the ethnic stereotyping you indulged in. Do you have one ?
It is called observing. I know this family that are really loud and loves to play Bluegrass music all of the time. And I noticed that the newborn can sleep during all of this. Basically, the louder it is, the more the baby will be restful.

It is called observing. I know this family that are really loud and loves to play Bluegrass music all of the time. And I noticed that the newborn can sleep during all of this. Basically, the louder it is, the more the baby will be restful.

Maybe you should tag your views as based on anecdotal observation rather than actual fact ?

"A Black man on his way to visit his niece and nephew was fatally shot by a security guard in Memphis, Tennessee, Saturday evening over an argument about loud music, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by ABC News. Alvin Motley Jr. was pronounced dead at the scene. He was at a Kroger fuel center with his girlfriend, Pia Foster, when he and the security guard, Gregory Livingston, got into a verbal altercation over the volume of music coming from their car, according to police.

Foster told authorities she saw Motley walking toward Livingston after the initial altercation and asked him, "Let's talk like men," according to the affidavit. The surveillance footage, which has not been released to the public, showed Motley approaching Livingston while holding a beer can and a lit cigarette, according to the affidavit. Livingston drew his weapon and shot Motley in the chest. Livingston has been charged with second-degree murder and is currently being held in the Shelby County Jail on a $1.8 million bond."

The guy who was arrested was a former police officer so he would know more than anyone how to access imminent danger and threats of harm -- so there was something this Motley guy did that justified him being shot. This case is similar to Jordan Davis; a teen who was playing loud music in a car with his friends; refused to turn it down when a man named Michael Dunn asked him to.... this left Mr. Dunn no other choice but to fear for his life and shoot into the vehicle multiple times, killing Jordan.....Livingston is charged with murder now but people need to understand that playing loud black music by the likes of people like Public Enemy, Kanye, Drake or even Bob Marley -- this is very dangerous and you are basically giving people no other choice but to defend themselves against it. Just turn your music down or listen to more appropriate music or at least more American music.
i don’t think loud music is the issue here…or race…only a racist would think that

i like my music loud too…sometimes
Loud music is great in the right places. They made those stereo systems to be loud for a reason. A lot of white people lack something where music (especially beats) throws them off and irritates them.
Loud music is great in the right places. They made those stereo systems to be loud for a reason. A lot of white people lack something where music (especially beats) throws them off and irritates them.

There in lie your issues, no rhythm and a small penis. It explains your attitude. Me? I love loud music.

"A Black man on his way to visit his niece and nephew was fatally shot by a security guard in Memphis, Tennessee, Saturday evening over an argument about loud music, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by ABC News. Alvin Motley Jr. was pronounced dead at the scene. He was at a Kroger fuel center with his girlfriend, Pia Foster, when he and the security guard, Gregory Livingston, got into a verbal altercation over the volume of music coming from their car, according to police.

Foster told authorities she saw Motley walking toward Livingston after the initial altercation and asked him, "Let's talk like men," according to the affidavit. The surveillance footage, which has not been released to the public, showed Motley approaching Livingston while holding a beer can and a lit cigarette, according to the affidavit. Livingston drew his weapon and shot Motley in the chest. Livingston has been charged with second-degree murder and is currently being held in the Shelby County Jail on a $1.8 million bond."

The guy who was arrested was a former police officer so he would know more than anyone how to access imminent danger and threats of harm -- so there was something this Motley guy did that justified him being shot. This case is similar to Jordan Davis; a teen who was playing loud music in a car with his friends; refused to turn it down when a man named Michael Dunn asked him to.... this left Mr. Dunn no other choice but to fear for his life and shoot into the vehicle multiple times, killing Jordan.....Livingston is charged with murder now but people need to understand that playing loud black music by the likes of people like Public Enemy, Kanye, Drake or even Bob Marley -- this is very dangerous and you are basically giving people no other choice but to defend themselves against it. Just turn your music down or listen to more appropriate music or at least more American music.
SECOND DEGREE MURDER? Hell, manslaughter at most, and even then the jury should find it justifiable homocide. MAGA
I'm not a white guy so I dont suffer from any of the above ailments. You like everything loud because your old ass cant hear anything. :auiqs.jpg:
I CAIN'T hear nuthin in mah raht ear since the gun range. Mebbe it was Free Bird and Skynyrd tho.
Loud music is great in the right places. They made those stereo systems to be loud for a reason. A lot of white people lack something where music (especially beats) throws them off and irritates them.

It depends on who the people they have hang around with most of the time in their life. There are some Whites have soulful rhythm because they associated with rhythmist Black folks. But there are some Blacks who don't have any rhythm at. That they lived with White parents that had sex around their children.


It depends on who the people they have hang around with most of the time in their life. There are some Whites have soulful rhythm because they associated with rhythmist Black folks. But there are some Blacks who don't have any rhythm at. That they lived with White parents that had sex around their children.

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I thought that Melania for a moment. I remember her whore pictures from the first time Drumpf ran and won due to the electoral college.
I thought that Melania for a moment. I remember her whore pictures from the first time Drumpf ran and won due to the electoral college.
whore pics? do share

and don't all Presidents win due to the electoral college? like since Washington?

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