What is lifting Trumps eo on Iran accomplish

America needs and wants a one-to-one relationship with Iran. To do this we must lift restrictions now. The ball is in our court.

We should also offer to buy the enriched uranium they now have. This will give Iran the needed cash$$$ while giving us the enriched uranium we can use to fuel electric generation plants that is in great need worldwide.

Ya, cutting off your nose to spite your face will make america safe
11 Iranians were caught last month trying to cross the border.
They shoulda drove drunk across.
Donald never should have walked away from
The deal. They were abiding by it. Now grown ups are in charge again and not insane ignorant impulsive twits who run foreign policy based on who sucks up to them.
I hope that helps
You think the Mullahs were abiding by the agreement? Aren't you cute! (eye roll)
Grownups know when to trust people and when not to. The Mullahs have never been trustworthy so any deal with them they will cheat on. We're the Great Satan! They hate us. Kissing their asses isn't going to change that...something that Trump grasped and Biden obviously doesn't!

Ya, cutting off your nose to spite your face will make america safe
11 Iranians were caught last month trying to cross the border.
They shoulda drove drunk across.
Donald never should have walked away from
The deal. They were abiding by it. Now grown ups are in charge again and not insane ignorant impulsive twits who run foreign policy based on who sucks up to them.
I hope that helps

Trump said he would negotiate a better deal. He never even tried.

Biden will negotiate a deal that will make the world safer
The biggest idiot this nation has ever had when it comes to foreign policy is going to negotiate something for us? Be afraid, people! Be very afraid!

Ya, cutting off your nose to spite your face will make america safe
11 Iranians were caught last month trying to cross the border.
They shoulda drove drunk across.
Donald never should have walked away from
The deal. They were abiding by it. Now grown ups are in charge again and not insane ignorant impulsive twits who run foreign policy based on who sucks up to them.
I hope that helps

Trump said he would negotiate a better deal. He never even tried.

Biden will negotiate a deal that will make the world safer
The biggest idiot this nation has ever had when it comes to foreign policy is going to negotiate something for us? Be afraid, people! Be very afraid!

What happened to Donnie Dealmaker?
He promised a better deal and came up with nothing.

Thankfully, President Biden will fix Trumps blunder
Perhaps Biden wants to see if we can get our allies to agree to sanctions requireing Iran do more than just not build a nuke?
Thanks for an honest answer.

I stand behind my original post

Iran will try to cheat, and imo we'll never get china to go along with us evne if its in their interest. And that's not all Trump's fault.
Nothing changed with Iran under Trump. Nothing is going to change with Iran. They will become nuclear and no one is going to stop them.

I say that is good. Either we get rid of all nukes or everyone should have them. That's the best way to keep them from being used.

Iran is one of the few countries who would look to use their nuclear weapons in a offensive attack.

Only the U.S. has used them and only the U.S. is invading countries.

Since the advent of nuclear weapons the world has had much less war. The liberal crusade to get rid of all nukes is perhaps the dumbest thing in the world.

Odd how people refuse to call war, war. It's rare when we are not at war.

Not all countries are created equally. It’s okay when the U.S. has nuclear weapon. When crazy countries like Iran have them it’s not ok.

your narrative is the furthest thing from the truth. Nuclear weapons has been a great deterrent to war.
Nothing changed with Iran under Trump. Nothing is going to change with Iran. They will become nuclear and no one is going to stop them.

I say that is good. Either we get rid of all nukes or everyone should have them. That's the best way to keep them from being used.

Iran is one of the few countries who would look to use their nuclear weapons in a offensive attack.

Only the U.S. has used them and only the U.S. is invading countries.

Since the advent of nuclear weapons the world has had much less war. The liberal crusade to get rid of all nukes is perhaps the dumbest thing in the world.

Odd how people refuse to call war, war. It's rare when we are not at war.

Not all countries are created equally. It’s okay when the U.S. has nuclear weapon. When crazy countries like Iran have them it’s not ok.

your narrative is the furthest thing from the truth. Nuclear weapons has been a great deterrent to war.

Which is why I'm good with Iran getting them. It will keep us from invading.
Donald never should have walked away from
The deal.
Trump is not a washington can kicker

the deal obama made was good for obama because it postponed Iran acquiring nukes till after he was out of office

but it did nothing to prevent a nuclear war in the middle east
It was a start and the idea was to go back to the table when the time was ripe.
To walk out before negotiating was a huge error. Now we have nothing.

We never had anything.
Sure we did. You let Trump rule your mind. The fact is that we had a break in the action which could lead to more negotiation as the agreement came to an end.
If you are not in the game, you can't get a hit.

I never mentioned Trump. Now I will. Bush did nothing. Obama did nothing. Trump did nothing. Biden will do nothing.
Why would you mention Trump? Biden is doing something as we speak.
Donald never should have walked away from
The deal.
Trump is not a washington can kicker

the deal obama made was good for obama because it postponed Iran acquiring nukes till after he was out of office

but it did nothing to prevent a nuclear war in the middle east
It was a start and the idea was to go back to the table when the time was ripe.
To walk out before negotiating was a huge error. Now we have nothing.

We never had anything.
Sure we did. You let Trump rule your mind. The fact is that we had a break in the action which could lead to more negotiation as the agreement came to an end.
If you are not in the game, you can't get a hit.

I never mentioned Trump. Now I will. Bush did nothing. Obama did nothing. Trump did nothing. Biden will do nothing.
Why would you mention Trump? Biden is doing something as we speak.

I suppose he is doing something but not anything that will stop Iran from pursuing becoming nuclear.
The Iranian economy was improving and the populace was happy.
Why should we want the Irainian economy to improve?

thats the stupid policy we adopted to deal with red china for 50 years and it clearly backfired on us

I don't think the Iranians are ever going to be able to project power out of the middle east. There aren't that many of them

China on the other hand with it's population was destined to become a competitor even a 1/3 per capita GDP. Really before that.

Same with India.

Hell even mexico is a much bigger threat than Iran they have over 300 million people. Brazil also more of a threat. They're already in the western hemisphere. Iran would have to control the middle east to be able to project power to the western hemisphere whic will never ever happen

Stop listening to Israeli talking points.

We have no reason to care about the iranians
I think we have every reason to care about the Iranians. The number of people is not as important as the trouble the country can instigate.
That Biden Crime Family can't survive on vaccine kickbacks alone... that barely keeps Hunted in ghetto-grade crack. It's time to get some serious money flowing into the syndicate.

And what better place to start the grifting than a terrorist shithole with few options. I'll bet Barry "Boy" Soetoro could set the deal up.... he just can't travel over there... that's a good way to get thrown off a roof.
The Iranian economy was improving and the populace was happy.
Why should we want the Irainian economy to improve?

thats the stupid policy we adopted to deal with red china for 50 years and it clearly backfired on us

I don't think the Iranians are ever going to be able to project power out of the middle east. There aren't that many of them

China on the other hand with it's population was destined to become a competitor even a 1/3 per capita GDP. Really before that.

Same with India.

Hell even mexico is a much bigger threat than Iran they have over 300 million people. Brazil also more of a threat. They're already in the western hemisphere. Iran would have to control the middle east to be able to project power to the western hemisphere whic will never ever happen

Stop listening to Israeli talking points.

We have no reason to care about the iranians
I think we have every reason to care about the Iranians. The number of people is not as important as the trouble the country can instigate.

That's not how a rational imperial power should think

Saudis cause a lot more trouble than Iranians anyway.
The Iranian economy was improving and the populace was happy.
Why should we want the Irainian economy to improve?

thats the stupid policy we adopted to deal with red china for 50 years and it clearly backfired on us
Of course, we want their economy to improve as long as the agreement is in effect. If they see good things happening, then maybe they would be open to negotiation as the agreement lapses and they find that we can be talked to. And then there is the Trump attitude, which gets us nowhere. The agreement was a start and something to build on.
The Iranian economy was improving and the populace was happy.
Why should we want the Irainian economy to improve?

thats the stupid policy we adopted to deal with red china for 50 years and it clearly backfired on us
Of course, we want their economy to improve as long as the agreement is in effect. If they see good things happening, then maybe they would be open to negotiation as the agreement lapses and they find that we can be talked to. And then there is the Trump attitude, which gets us nowhere. The agreement was a start and something to build on.
Right after they stop funding terrorist groups.

This ain't rocket science, folks. Pretty simple.
The Iranian economy was improving and the populace was happy.
Why should we want the Irainian economy to improve?

thats the stupid policy we adopted to deal with red china for 50 years and it clearly backfired on us
Of course, we want their economy to improve as long as the agreement is in effect. If they see good things happening, then maybe they would be open to negotiation as the agreement lapses and they find that we can be talked to. And then there is the Trump attitude, which gets us nowhere. The agreement was a start and something to build on.
Right after they stop funding terrorist groups.

This ain't rocket science, folks. Pretty simple.
If you are not in the game, you can't get a hit. Theodore Roosevelt once said: "Speak softly and carry a big stick". Our big stick is the agreement that Iran's
citizens love because their lives had improved dramatically due to the agreement.
Now we have nothing, not even a twig. Not rocket science, folks. Pretty simple, yes?

Ya, cutting off your nose to spite your face will make america safe
11 Iranians were caught last month trying to cross the border.
They shoulda drove drunk across.

How many people have died as a result of Trump tearing up that treaty? You'd be at war with Iran right now if not for the sanity and forebearance of the Ayatollahs. When the Iranian Ayatollahs, the least sane and reasonable people in the world, behave more logically than the President of the United States of America, the world is in trouble.

When Trump took office, Iran was 10 years away from a nuclear weapon, and reducing that nuclear capability. As Trump leaves office, Iran has NOT made any overt moves to acquire a nuclear weapon, even though it could have. The other nations in the treaty, have encourage Iran to maintain compliance for the day that Trump was gone.

What most American fail to realize is that Iran was never YOUR enemy. YOU are their enemy - and with good reason. The USA imposed the Shah of Iran as the head of the Iranian government when Harry Truman was in office. The Shah of Iran makes Assad and Saddam Hussein look like a choir boy, in terms of the treatment of his own people. The term "reign of terror" comes to mind. All to keep Iran from becoming "communist".

The CIA worked to expose opposition to the Shah, and then turned "traitors" over to the Shah and his secret police for "final disposition". The American government kept the Shah's palace guard equipped with weapons, training, and logisitics support to keep the "communists" at bay. This Britannica piece on the Shah of Iran, focusses on his economic development and co-operation with the West. It hints at widespread opposition to his rule, without explaining why.

The Shah was personally pocketing most of that oil money. It was going to him, his family members, and the oligarchy. Much like the Saudi princes. Except that the Saudis have also ensured a good quality of life for their own people, while providing opulent lives for themselves. The Shah didn't do any of that. His people lived in abject poverty while he built lavish palaces and sat on the Peacock Throne. Note the lavishness of all of the backdrops in these photos. The furs, the jewels, gold everywhere:

The Shah of Iran killed nearly 100,000 Iranians to stifle dissent - with the full knowledge and support of the CIA and various American governments, from both sides of the aisle. They put him in office, and they kept him there, and they knew what he was doing. Better dead than red.

That's how you make an enemy of the Iranian people. The whole point of the Iranian Agreement was to try to bring Iran, back into basically, not supporting anti-Western terrorism. It was really fucking difficult to get them to the table in the first place because they don't trust the west - and who can blame them?

Donald Trump completely validated all of their beliefs that the West was not to be trusted. They could have built a nuclear weapon by now if they wanted one. So let's deal with reality, not the fairy tales the right tells you about Iran.

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.... You'd be at war with Iran right now if not for the sanity and forebearance of the Ayatollahs. ......


You mean if not for the fact that we would utterly annihilate that entire country if we decided to, and the theocratic sand fleas who have been holding the people of Iran hostage for so long damn well know it.

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