What is likely the worst car ever made...

I always had great luck with Dodges, except for a few years in the 1980's, but then most American cars from that era sucked, which is why Toyota did so well. American auto makers preferred to make morons managers, while Toyota focused on letting the line workers build the cars and make the decisions. As usual the right wing loons make unions the scapegoats for bad management, but in real life the labor costs per car were around $600 per car difference between the Japs and Detroit, not enough to swing the sales of a big ticket item like a car; the big price difference was in overhead costs, some $2,800 more than the Japs spent per car. Naturally management can never ever be blamed for anything, like the Red Chinese Cadre can't be blamed, according to right wing mythology. They sped up the lines as if that would increase their profits, when all it did was put crap on the markets and customers fled in droves.
The 1974 Mustang hatchback.
When it ran and your tires were bald you could chirp the tires going into 2nd.
Worst car ever.
I mean who the fuck designed this thing!!!
They put the thermostat behind the fucking water pump fer fukes sake!!

That answer is simply too easy. The Trabant and the Yugo should be excluded from consideration.

Let's focus on "American" cars, built since 1950. I nominate the Chevy Vega. WIth an exterior made of compressed rust, and a self-destructive aluminum block engine, it has few real competitors in a competition of awfulness.
I owned a Vega. They weren’t that bad for an early seventies Detroit car. There wasn’t anything wrong with the engine, the problem was an inadequate cooling system.
That answer is simply too easy. The Trabant and the Yugo should be excluded from consideration.

Let's focus on "American" cars, built since 1950. I nominate the Chevy Vega. WIth an exterior made of compressed rust, and a self-destructive aluminum block engine, it has few real competitors in a competition of awfulness.

The Vega was a gem compared to the AMC vehicles that were built to compete with it. Further, the Vega looked like something- decent styling for a mini car.

The metal on pacers and gremlins was so thin and rust prone, that they were rusting out within just a couple of years.
I knew some of the guys who worked on the Vega, it was built not far from here in the tremendous city of Lordstown.
The Vega was a gem compared to the AMC vehicles that were built to compete with it. Further, the Vega looked like something- decent styling for a mini car.

The metal on pacers and gremlins was so thin and rust prone, that they were rusting out within just a couple of years.
I knew some of the guys who worked on the Vega, it was built not far from here in the tremendous city of Lordstown.
The Vega was a three quarter scale Camaro.

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