What is 'Love'?


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Christ had two commandments:
Love God..... Love each other.......
Those are our requirements. Do that and you have kept His commandments, and the Law.

How? :dunno: What's the definition of 'Love'?

Is Love just a feeling we hold in our hearts, or is 'Love' a verb?

Is simple, silent, secret prayer good enough?
What actions can we take take to make Love happen?
Does praying in private and chastising in public equate to anything?

One of the Ancient Stories says:
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

John 15:13

How many of us are ever going to have that opportunity?
:eusa_think: Would I take advantage of such an opportunity?
Would my friends understand the sacrifice, or hate me for leaving them alone? :eusa_eh:

How can we 'Love' God, if that's the standard? :confused:

Love, for me at least, is the unconditional acceptance of another and the desire to see that their welfare is foremost in my mind. It is not selfless however, it is a state of soulfulness, care and a spiritual connection. I think about them during the time I am not with them and it brings a smile to my face or knowing that I would lay down my life to save theirs.
Someone I know once gave the most concise definition of love I have heard:

Love is when the other person's needs, wants and desires are as important, or more important, to you than your own.

So, without going into all the different types of love a person can experience, I think the above serves well for most of it, including discussions of God.

Love means looking out for number 1 second?

I can't honestly say I'm capable...

Why is it that falling on a grenade seems like it would an easier display of love than the hard work of actually spending years caring for someone who can't take care of themselves?

Is 'love' not true when it's easy to do?
Love means looking out for number 1 second?

I can't honestly say I'm capable...

When loving someone we are looking for number 1 by virtue of expressing or acting on our love which is something we have for another.

Why is it that falling on a grenade seems like it would an easier display of love than the hard work of actually spending years caring for someone who can't take care of themselves?

Is 'love' not true when it's easy to do?

A grenade, making soup when they are sick, cooking for them or just making their day nicer I do not see the difference...it is both sacrifice and fulfilling what our heart's desire.
This is a very good question. Currently, love is a 4 letter word for me.

But I would define it, in a broad sense, as the desire to be close to someone (or something). The stronger that feeling, the higher the desire.

As an example, a married couple, when apart, can say they love each other. But if each of them feels a little more "empty" because the other is not near them, that would define love for me. They feel their presence with each other makes them more than the sum of their individuality.

And it can be applied to other things as well. Take football. For some, it is a sport. For others, it is an important part of their lives, and they go to games, have sports packages so they never miss a game on TV, and so on. They simply cannot get enough of it, and wished the season lasted 12 months.They "love" football.

All that said, there is no one definition for love. It is something that is defined differently for each of us.
Christ had two commandments:
Love God..... Love each other.......
Those are our requirements. Do that and you have kept His commandments, and the Law.

How? :dunno: What's the definition of 'Love'?

Is Love just a feeling we hold in our hearts, or is 'Love' a verb?

Is simple, silent, secret prayer good enough?
What actions can we take take to make Love happen?
Does praying in private and chastising in public equate to anything?

One of the Ancient Stories says:
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

John 15:13

How many of us are ever going to have that opportunity?
:eusa_think: Would I take advantage of such an opportunity?
Would my friends understand the sacrifice, or hate me for leaving them alone? :eusa_eh:

How can we 'Love' God, if that's the standard? :confused:


After all the flesh of man has perished in this age, then man will know the love of God like us saints did during this first age. The love of God is not emotional love that man believes in. It's the hidden knowledge of God that frees man from this world and gives him eternal life in the next age.
Joe loves Irish. :)

Love is:
"Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love 'never' fails 1 Cor. 13:4-8

It is the difference between you and others and we.
What is love? If you are speaking of romantic love then I relate to this description:

Loving someone is not to find a perfect person, but to find an imperfect person who is perfect for you. –Asian proverb

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