what is next usa war?

what is next usa war?

  • north korea

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • iran

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • syria

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • other

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
I like Toro's and Mac1958's way of thinking. I'll take Venezuela.
Venezuela is actually very interesting.

But DJ Trump does not have his sights set on Latin America at all.

They are set on N.Korea and the fat boy Kim.
We need a win.

I'm voting for Switzerland.
Switzerland, Israel, and the USA are the 3 most pro gun nations in the world.

WHY are you picking on Switzerland ???

There is more Nazi gold in Switzerland than anywhere else on Earth.
Our next war will be internal when the US and its citizens will have to go war with the neo-fascist alt right's armed revolution.

Yeah right.

First off, it's liberal ideology that has attacked this country, and the proof is from men are women to the 2nd amendment, to God, to people aren't responsible, corp. and govt. are responsible for the people. You're projecting.

Second, the left is made-up of unwise, excuse seeking, fragile snowflakes. Consider this:

1. Conservatives. Not quick to protest shit because of someone else's political agenda. Conservatives by nature are more prone to doing as opposed talking. Conservatives make up our military, police, fire and generally business ownership. They're more practical.

2. Liberals. Artists, LGBT, feminists, Hollywood, govt. bureaucrats who turn a man hour to 100 and still do it wrong. Media and a whole lot of talking. Primarily emotionally charged and lots of propoganda. Pampered educators washing ultra-pampered students who think they know something, but their "safe spaces" alone tell what they're made of, and it sure as fuck isn't brass.
Our next war will be internal when the US and its citizens will have to go war with the neo-fascist alt right's armed revolution.

Yeah right.

First off, it's liberal ideology that has attacked this country, and the proof is from men are women to the 2nd amendment, to God, to people aren't responsible, corp. and govt. are responsible for the people. You're projecting.

Second, the left is made-up of unwise, excuse seeking, fragile snowflakes. Consider this:

1. Conservatives. Not quick to protest shit because of someone else's political agenda. Conservatives by nature are more prone to doing as opposed talking. Conservatives make up our military, police, fire and generally business ownership. They're more practical.

2. Liberals. Artists, LGBT, feminists, Hollywood, govt. bureaucrats who turn a man hour to 100 and still do it wrong. Media and a whole lot of talking. Primarily emotionally charged and lots of propoganda. Pampered educators washing ultra-pampered students who think they know something, but their "safe spaces" alone tell what they're made of, and it sure as fuck isn't brass.
^^^ Super dudefake nonsense.

Hey, alt right: don't hit, you don't get stomped.

Hey, far left: don't hit, you don't get stomped.
It's interesting that the left still doesn't concede that Harry Truman's adventure in Korea was a war. They called it a "police action" at the time and when things started going badly the media called it the "forgotten war" because they didn't want to cover the incompetence of the Truman administration. Harry Truman's hand picked WW1 Veteran, the Old Soldier, General MacArthur was in his 70's and possibly mentally impaired at the time. Even though it seems that MacArthur was blissfully ignorant of the impending threat, Truman should have and must have known that Mao's Red Chinese army would enter the conflict if the U.S. forces approached the Yalu river border between China and Korea and yet Truman allowed his General to order Americans into the biggest ambush in history. A military adventure that should have lasted less than a year turned into a meat grinding three year quagmire at the cost of 50,000 U.S. lives and the liberal media gave Truman and MacArthur a ticker tape parade.
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Truman was as possibly as uneducated by the geographical and political situation as you seem to be, whitehall.

McArthur's G-2 kept ignoring the threat assessments sent in by subordinate intelligence officers that Red Chinese forces could not be accounted for that should have been north of the river. These misesitmates were done to please Dougout Doug and make him seem invincible.

The Chinese infiltrated several hundred thousand troops over several weeks into the gap between Eighth Army and Tenth Corps.

My stepfather was part of the 1st Marine Division that had to fight its way around Chosin Reservoir and to the coast, bringing its dead with them. He would not talk about that though he had quite a bit to say about General McArthur.
Even though Red China made it clear that they would enter the war MacArthur was blissfully in his own world is Di-Ichi of Japan. Mac even took classically stupid members of the liberal U.S. media on a plane trip along the Yalu while the Red Chinese army was camouflaged in the snow. MacArthur never spent a single night in Korea and instead depended on "intelligence reports" from a racist aid, General Ned Almond who blamed Black Troops for his own incompetence in WW2. Ironically while Harry Truman vowed to reduce the United States Marine Corps to a single ceremonial detachment after all the Marines gave in WW2 it was the Marines who bailed him out of the mess he created in Korea.
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Andorra is a very dangerous place! paura.gif :D

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