What is righ, what is just - let us analyze what is welfare class and who contributes

What best describes welfare class of the world

  • Democrats

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  • Liberals

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  • Conservatives

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  • Republicans

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  • US military

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  • Old people

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  • Rich people

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  • Illegal immigrants

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VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Let me start out by stating a few facts so that we have something to stand on:

[ame=http://youtu.be/xptvK24usz4]Liberating Humanity - whats right, what is just - YouTube[/ame]

We can never agree on everything, but we can all agree, that our politicians, who make promises to get elected, can almost never keep those promises. On behalf of the New World Government, I am about to make some big promises, and before you ask me how will I get money to keep these promises, ask them - how they got trillions of dollars that they spent on wars for international bankers.

International bankers have SERVED their purpose, and like an old SHOE, it must be DISPOSED of. American MILITARY, with the right leader in FRONT of it, can EASILY liberate the entire world. The WORLD will NOT resist: Not Russia, Not China, not Iran - because the LEADER, of the PEOPLE, who has LIVED among the people, will have the moral AUTHORITY over any politician in any part of the world.

AS SOON, as the world is united, and not a day before, federal reserve and the international monetary fund, and ALL the banking cartel must be COMPLETELY abolished by the new world government. THE PEOPLE, who will elect their representatives, must control the money supply - NOT any private banks, under disguise of public names such as Federal Reserve: it is NOT a coincidence that WW1 started LESS THAN A YEAR after Federal reserve was enacted in America, at the time the greatest nation on earth, ENACTED during CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS when most of the congress was out of session. So they can blame Hitler, and the Nazis and the Communists and the Liberals and the Conservatives, but WE KNOW, that it was the welfare class of BILLIONAIRES who control the political INDUSTRY that WAS and IS to blame for ALL that is wrong with our world. it is NOT the creator of wealth, or democracy or food stamps or any kin of justice system.

- No household under public assistance shall have television service in their homes. INTERNET, is to be divided into 3 major categories - 1. jobs and education - 2. gaming - 3. movies and entertainment. No family on public assistance shall have access to entertainment and gaming in their homes.
- Every citizen of the world, over the age of 50, must receive a modest retirement, issued by their local government. Local governments will now be able to afford to DO this, because they will no longer be reliant on HANDOUTS of international BANKERS, to SUPPORT the welfare class of billionaires.

- Children who are gifted at studies, must AUTOMATICALLY qualify for higher education, without the need to go through the hassles of obtaining a STUDENT loan, or end up PROSTITUTING themselves just to pay for tuition.
- All convicted criminals must sustain themselves either by their own labor, be funded by their families, find a charity, or be put out of their misery.

If you disagree with some of the things I just said, REMEMBER - your ONLY alternative is BROKEN PROMISES from the politicians on television.
You realize what is right and what is just are the same things, right? They mean the same thing. One simply has a latin root and the other has a Germanic root. Sort of like Ghost and Spirit and countless other words.
You realize what is right and what is just are the same things, right? They mean the same thing. One simply has a latin root and the other has a Germanic root. Sort of like Ghost and Spirit and countless other words.
Before I even read your response I realized that you did not even read my post, because you replied too quickly, so I knew it will be some sort of criticism, because like many here your only interest is to appear smart

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