What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Romney's Current Greatest Liability

  • The tax havens

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Off of the list. Please don't be lying to yourself SO badly that you actually do not believe Romney has any liabilities. Ta.

in other words if we were so confident OBama can win we wouldnt be bashing Romney so much. Just the mere fact Palin scares these people so much and now Romney, im loving it just saying I love the USA scares the left.

From your article:

“Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony, or he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investment,” Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter asserted.
So which is it? Is he a felon or a liar? You're fucking lying post misrepresents what's at issue.

How can that be when Romney has shwon all he required to?

WHERE are the pending charges from the DOJ?

When is A Grand Jury Conviening?

YOU just don't think Tick Duck. Admit it.:eusa_hand:

^so much stoopit it huuuuurts

From your article:

“Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony, or he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investment,” Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter asserted.

So which is it? Is he a felon or a liar? You're fucking lying post misrepresents what's at issue.

How can that be when Romney has shwon all he required to?

WHERE are the pending charges from the DOJ?

When is A Grand Jury Conviening?

YOU just don't think Tick Duck. Admit it.:eusa_hand:

You're just too fucking stupid to understand an "either" statement, and preferred to lie about what Obama supposedly said. You're one real low life.
His involvement with Bain is an asset.

His so-called "tax havens" are perfectly legal.

His refusal to release documents that are not required to be released in a non-issue.

His "flip-flopping" is on par with any politician including Obama.

The other three options are nothing but pure liberal fantasy.

Perfectly legal and endearing are two different things. It's hard to run on the "we're all in this together" platform then stash your money in overseas "tax havens".

But are we not ALL in this together?

Is the wealthy not living in the same country as the middle class?

I'm not as wealthy as Mitt but I do have an overseas account. Any middle income earner can access foreign banks and establish accounts. It's not just for the uber wealthy.

Why do you fall for the class warfare mantra that Obama is pushing?
Romney 2008 in a nutshell.

I honestly believe that a great many Americans are unaware that he wants to overturn Roe v. Wade for example. How can they know?

They've been trying to revoke Roe vs Wade since it's inception. NEVER happen.

Three of the justices on the bench will be having their 80th birthdays during the next presidential term. Two of the three are likely votes to keep Roe, a third, Scalia would likely see it overturned.

I would wager that a great many Americans do not know where Governor Romney is on the question. His website says he thinks the Roe ruling should be overturned. So it stands to reason that if he gets the chance to appoint justices to the high court, he will appoint those who have his temperment.
If they couldn't get it rescinded during Bush's term of office, with HIS religious objections it ain't happing. . .EVER.:D
Other, his worst liability is Obama and his Supporters don't care about the Truth.

The funny part is the people who are now sucking the fuck juice out of Romney's ass are the ones who were calling him a vulture capitalist, liberal, and flip flopper during the primary process.

Sucking ass is your province, dickless.

In any event, you imbecile, the point of a primary race is to select amongst the various choices the one who will ultimately BE the standard bearer.

None of us need to have been Mitt fans then in order to find him the most acceptable choice NOW, you mindless dishonest fucking dimwit.

The label "vulture capitalist" was false then and it is false now. That's why assholes like you employ it. Mitt does have some of the attributes of a liberal, but he is still clearly more conservative than the incumbent could ever be. And like all politicians, Mitt is guilty of some reversals of his positions. But notice that this kind of shit only bothers you assholes when it isn't the incumbent doing it.

I give The ONE some credit for taking out bin Laden. But other than that, what the FUCK does that idiot incumbent have on his record to justify another term? The answer is "NOTHING." And that's why he is so very busy running FROM his own record and trying to just flat out smear his opponent.

He is an empty suit with nothing of value to offer. In fact, he represents the near certainty of more failure unless we boot him out.

Forget "hope and change." President Obama needs to be fired.
It is rather silly to take the opponent out of the "equation" when asking for the greatest liability of Mitt Romney.

For it is that God-forsaken opponent who is the REASON that Mitt's liabilities matter. His liabilities could impede him from the urgently needed success of the mission of defeating The ONE.

And that brings us to his greatest liability. He is running a fairly lack-luster campaign.

I and many others have said it before. But, once again, with feeling:

It is emphatically NOT enough to be the guy who is not Obama. That is crucial, but it is not in itself sufficient.

Mitt needs to put some real VOICE (and volume) to all the things that make him the candidate who deserves support for more important reasons than just defeating the incumbent.

We have already witnessed the obvious willingness of the Obama re-election team to play hard ball and dirty pool. Mitt does not have the luxury of playing this like it's anything less than a blood sport when his opponent obviously sees it as such.

It is time for Mitt to step the fuck up.

Step up and do what?
He can't really come out and state that he is for X or against Y since there is likely video or audio of him taking the opposite position in the recent past.

So more of "Obama Bad" is coming out...

That contradictory stuff only bothers you Obamaphiles when it is Mitt or any other opponent of the one who does it.

You all completely overlook, disregard, excuse and make mindless apologies for ALL of the innumerable times President Obama flips and flops.

The Panderer in Chief is maybe one of the worst offenders.

So, let's jut be blunt. Mitt absolutely CAN and should step the FUCK UP and put voice to what he WOULD do and what he does stand for. And if the comically dishonest liberal Dumbocraps dare to try to paint Mitt as dishonest or flip-flopping, that's fine by me. The same can easily be done to the various positions taken by The ONE and ALL of the examples of his doing so should be fully aired and exploited.

And, by the way. The incumbent IS bad. He is a disaster. He cannot run on HIS record which is why he isn't even pretending to TRY to do so. He is busy running FROM his record (which is the only smart thing he can do). But he needs to be CALLED on it. Endlessly.


Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

From the first minute of the video above...

"I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose"--Governor Romney

"The right next step in the fight to preserve the sanctity of life is to see Roe V. Wade overturned."--Governor Romney
So when he steps up to take a stand on Abortion...he'll be going back on his word.

There are several other places where the same dichotomy can be drawn between Governor Romney's statements being on both sides of the issue.
What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Being Mitt Romney. So I guess "other."

His personal financial secrecy and Bain shennanigans are just part of the larger picture that's being (or about to be) painted. They set the stage and get the attention of the Rust Belt and others who've tangled with Romney's type before.

Ultimately I expect the flow will be:

1. This is who Romney is. A member of the unaccountable financial elite who don't give a shit about you or your family; when their interests don't align with what makes Mittens and his investors money, too bad for them.

2. This is where Romney's been. He's (briefly) been in office before and the results were mediocre. The rationale that one should overlook the negatives associated with point 1 because his ruthless success somehow translates into the public good once he's handed the public trust fails upon scrutiny.

3. This is where he's going. Circle back to point 1 by pointing at the upwardly redistributive policies he's embraced (e.g. his tax policies, his support of replacing Medicare with a coupon for an Aetna plan, etc). His stated policy goals are the same goals he pursued in the private sector: enrich his investors and if the average American has to take one for the team in the process, so be it.

He's an unsympathetic character, and he's starting to run from his primary credential for seeking the presidency. Being Mitt Romney is his liability.
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Other, his worst liability is Obama and his Supporters don't care about the Truth.

The funny part is the people who are now sucking the fuck juice out of Romney's ass are the ones who were calling him a vulture capitalist, liberal, and flip flopper during the primary process.

Are you talking about me? Because I never attacked Romney for "Vulture Capitalism, flip Flopping or being Liberal. then or now, and I am certainly not sucking fuck juice out of his ass now.

I think he is a terrible candidate that is likely going to lose to Obama.

However I wont sit by and let people tell bold faced lies about him just because he is not my choice. When I see some Arrogant Radicalfrom either side, like BD boop post a loaded Poll, and then proceed to talk down to anyone who answers he questions, I am going to be all over it.
What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Being Mitt Romney. So I guess "other."

His personal financial secrecy and Bain shennanigans are just part of the larger picture that's being (or about to be) painted. They set the stage and get the attention of the Rust Belt and others who've tangled with Romney's type before.

Ultimately I expect the flow will be:

1. This is who Romney is. A member of the unaccountable financial elite who don't give a shit about you or your family; when their interests don't align with what makes Mittens and his investors money, too bad for them.

2. This is where Romney's been. He's (briefly) been in office before and the results were mediocre. The rationale that one should overlook the negatives associated with point 1 because his ruthless success somehow translates into the public good once he's handed the public trust fails upon scrutiny.

3. This is where he's going. Circle back to point one by pointing at the upwardly redistributive policies he's embraced (e.g. his tax policies, his support of replacing Medicare with a coupon for an Aetna plan, etc). His states policy goals are the same goals he pursued in the private sector: enrich his investors and if the average American has to take one for the team in the process, so be it.

He's an unsympathetic character, and he's starting to run from his primary credential for seeking the presidency. Being Mitt Romney is his liability.

Your guys whole argument about him being to rich, a member of the elite, aloof is a joke. As if Obama can relate to the Average American Any Better.

Every president we have had for Generations was an Elitist. Kinda comes with the Territory.
What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Being Mitt Romney. So I guess "other."

His personal financial secrecy and Bain shennanigans are just part of the larger picture that's being (or about to be) painted. They set the stage and get the attention of the Rust Belt and others who've tangled with Romney's type before.

Ultimately I expect the flow will be:

1. This is who Romney is. A member of the unaccountable financial elite who don't give a shit about you or your family; when their interests don't align with what makes Mittens and his investors money, too bad for them.

2. This is where Romney's been. He's (briefly) been in office before and the results were mediocre. The rationale that one should overlook the negatives associated with point 1 because his ruthless success somehow translates into the public good once he's handed the public trust fails upon scrutiny.

3. This is where he's going. Circle back to point one by pointing at the upwardly redistributive policies he's embraced (e.g. his tax policies, his support of replacing Medicare with a coupon for an Aetna plan, etc). His states policy goals are the same goals he pursued in the private sector: enrich his investors and if the average American has to take one for the team in the process, so be it.

He's an unsympathetic character, and he's starting to run from his primary credential for seeking the presidency. Being Mitt Romney is his liability.

Nice note to end on, although I fully expect this shit to go on for days (with not one person on the right accurately addressing the issues with the tax havens, returns, or Bain.)
His involvement with Bain is an asset.

His so-called "tax havens" are perfectly legal.

His refusal to release documents that are not required to be released in a non-issue.

His "flip-flopping" is on par with any politician including Obama.

The other three options are nothing but pure liberal fantasy.

Perfectly legal and endearing are two different things. It's hard to run on the "we're all in this together" platform then stash your money in overseas "tax havens".

But are we not ALL in this together?

Is the wealthy not living in the same country as the middle class?

I'm not as wealthy as Mitt but I do have an overseas account. Any middle income earner can access foreign banks and establish accounts. It's not just for the uber wealthy.

Why do you fall for the class warfare mantra that Obama is pushing?

The only people that are fooled by Obama are people that dont' have anything, have never owned and run a business, never had any money to protect and so they are clueless about how business works.
From your article:

So which is it? Is he a felon or a liar? You're fucking lying post misrepresents what's at issue.

How can that be when Romney has shwon all he required to?

WHERE are the pending charges from the DOJ?

When is A Grand Jury Conviening?

YOU just don't think Tick Duck. Admit it.:eusa_hand:

You're just too fucking stupid to understand an "either" statement, and preferred to lie about what Obama supposedly said. You're one real low life.

No I understand perfectly what Obama's inference is. I ask for proof...there Is none...YOU on the other hand side with the severity of the charges with ZERO proof.:eusa_hand:

I told you about that bong water son.
Thread completely jumped tracks in well under an hour.


What did you expect when the options listed are based on pure bullshit!

Bain.... not an issue.

Tax returns.....not an issue.

Flip flopping.......not an issue.

If you wish to make these issues an issue then you have to explain why issues surrounding Obama isn't valid. I. e. his lies, flips flops and refusal to release certain documents.
They've been trying to revoke Roe vs Wade since it's inception. NEVER happen.

Three of the justices on the bench will be having their 80th birthdays during the next presidential term. Two of the three are likely votes to keep Roe, a third, Scalia would likely see it overturned.

I would wager that a great many Americans do not know where Governor Romney is on the question. His website says he thinks the Roe ruling should be overturned. So it stands to reason that if he gets the chance to appoint justices to the high court, he will appoint those who have his temperment.
If they couldn't get it rescinded during Bush's term of office, with HIS religious objections it ain't happing. . .EVER.:D

Well, there are several reasons for that:

Bush appointed 2 justices.

CJ Roberts replaced O'Connor who was a vote to stay Roe. So there is one more vote to overturn than there was before (apparently).

Alito (Bush's other appointment) was a replacement or another vote to overturn.

The next four years will see 3 of the justices turn 80; soon they will be retiring and/or passing on. The next presidential term will be able to leave a lasting mark on the court for a generation. It would be preferable, in my view, to have justices that favor a woman's right to reproductive choice.
Obama doesn't lie or flip-flop, he 'evolves'...

Romney's biggest liability?? His personality.

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