What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Romney's Current Greatest Liability

  • The tax havens

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Thread completely jumped tracks in well under an hour.


What did you expect when the options listed are based on pure bullshit!

Bain.... not an issue.

Tax returns.....not an issue.

Flip flopping.......not an issue.

If you wish to make these issues an issue then you have to explain why issues surrounding Obama isn't valid. I. e. his lies, flips flops and refusal to release certain documents.

Some as the OP prefer to remain stuck on stupid as they put a new face on debunked accusations.
1) What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?


2) What will be Romney's next worst liability?

His VP pick
Other, his worst liability is Obama and his Supporters don't care about the Truth.

The funny part is the people who are now sucking the fuck juice out of Romney's ass are the ones who were calling him a vulture capitalist, liberal, and flip flopper during the primary process.

Sucking ass is your province, dickless.

In any event, you imbecile, the point of a primary race is to select amongst the various choices the one who will ultimately BE the standard bearer.

None of us need to have been Mitt fans then in order to find him the most acceptable choice NOW, you mindless dishonest fucking dimwit.

The label "vulture capitalist" was false then and it is false now. That's why assholes like you employ it. Mitt does have some of the attributes of a liberal, but he is still clearly more conservative than the incumbent could ever be. And like all politicians, Mitt is guilty of some reversals of his positions. But notice that this kind of shit only bothers you assholes when it isn't the incumbent doing it.

I give The ONE some credit for taking out bin Laden. But other than that, what the FUCK does that idiot incumbent have on his record to justify another term? The answer is "NOTHING." And that's why he is so very busy running FROM his own record and trying to just flat out smear his opponent.

He is an empty suit with nothing of value to offer. In fact, he represents the near certainty of more failure unless we boot him out.

Forget "hope and change." President Obama needs to be fired.

So Santorum and Newt were lying when they called him a vulture capitalist? I don't think so. He was a "bust out" artist. When you can milk a weak company to the point that you make a huge profit, while that company fails, makes you no better than a Mafia bust out artist.

As for Romney, the man is a joke. He writes an op-ed supporting Obama's health care reform, including a "mandate" that he had in fact implemented. Then he calls the mandate a tax, then has to back track and say that he didn't implement said tax, then he just admits he did implement the tax (making his prior statements about not raising taxes as governor a lie). The only significant that I can see between Obamacare and Romneycare, is Romney paid for abortions.

The bottom line is still that Newt, Little Rickie, and Paul did some great op-research on Mittens, and the man looks like an idiot. His only base support in the primaries came from the corporate wing of the GOP, and that was enough to get the nomination. Go figure.
What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Being Mitt Romney. So I guess "other."

His personal financial secrecy and Bain shennanigans are just part of the larger picture that's being (or about to be) painted. They set the stage and get the attention of the Rust Belt and others who've tangled with Romney's type before.

Ultimately I expect the flow will be:

1. This is who Romney is. A member of the unaccountable financial elite who don't give a shit about you or your family; when their interests don't align with what makes Mittens and his investors money, too bad for them.

2. This is where Romney's been. He's (briefly) been in office before and the results were mediocre. The rationale that one should overlook the negatives associated with point 1 because his ruthless success somehow translates into the public good once he's handed the public trust fails upon scrutiny.

3. This is where he's going. Circle back to point one by pointing at the upwardly redistributive policies he's embraced (e.g. his tax policies, his support of replacing Medicare with a coupon for an Aetna plan, etc). His states policy goals are the same goals he pursued in the private sector: enrich his investors and if the average American has to take one for the team in the process, so be it.

He's an unsympathetic character, and he's starting to run from his primary credential for seeking the presidency. Being Mitt Romney is his liability.

Nice note to end on, although I fully expect this shit to go on for days (with not one person on the right accurately addressing the issues with the tax havens, returns, or Bain.)

Why should we entertain your fabrications?
Plus, Romney created more jobs with Bain than Obama has with the full power of the US Gov't behind him.

Oh, really. He had the "full power of the US Gov't behind him."

Thread completely jumped tracks in well under an hour.


What did you expect when the options listed are based on pure bullshit!

Bain.... not an issue.

Tax returns.....not an issue.

Flip flopping.......not an issue.

If you wish to make these issues an issue then you have to explain why issues surrounding Obama isn't valid. I. e. his lies, flips flops and refusal to release certain documents.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUzEJiFpmsQ]Mitt Romney Flip Flop Collection - A Hilarious Video Compilation - YouTube[/ame]
Nope. Not when Romney winds up never being discussed, ever.

Nice try, though.

ROFLMAO Romney is all that is being discussed.

With full deflection. Not one of your crew has EVER said - oh. This could be a problem.

He has a lot of baggage from the 2008 campaign. All of the funding in the known universe won't make it go away. So all he can do is keep up with "Obama....bad" as his only appeal. You'd think for $100 gazillion dollars, the GOP could afford a better candidate than Governor Romney.

Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

From the first minute of the video above...

"I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose"--Governor Romney

"The right next step in the fight to preserve the sanctity of life is to see Roe V. Wade overturned."--Governor Romney
So when he steps up to take a stand on Abortion...he'll be going back on his word.

There are several other places where the same dichotomy can be drawn between Governor Romney's statements being on both sides of the issue.

'If I can't turn the things around, this will be a one-term proposition.'

3 years later?

'Washington is just as broken today as it was when I took office.'

Romney's biggest problem is that of all Republicans, he faces vile demagogues who openly lie. Yet in hopes of appearing to take the high road, he'll let most of it go unchallenged. democrats count on Republicans being too nice to call them on their vile demagoguery.

Just once I'd like to see Romney go on TV and say "A major issue in this nation is fucktardation. Well, Obama is a fucktard and a troll, spreading bullshit lies with his Bainther® conspiracy crap. Fight fucktardation, vote Romney."

Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

From the first minute of the video above...

"I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose"--Governor Romney

"The right next step in the fight to preserve the sanctity of life is to see Roe V. Wade overturned."--Governor Romney
So when he steps up to take a stand on Abortion...he'll be going back on his word.

There are several other places where the same dichotomy can be drawn between Governor Romney's statements being on both sides of the issue.

'If I can't turn the things around, this will be a one-term proposition.'

3 years later?

'Washington is just as broken today as it was when I took office.'


It is broken.

Did you take "this will be a one-term proposition" as he wouldn't run again? No. It meant if he fucked up royally enough, he wouldn't get re-elected.

That's not a flip-flop. This is a collection, though.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUzEJiFpmsQ]Mitt Romney Flip Flop Collection - A Hilarious Video Compilation - YouTube[/ame]
Most of the above. Romney seems so elitist and out of touch with humanity, it is hard to pin him down to any one thing outside the insincere rich boy, lacking conscience, but motivated by privilege to think that alone will grant him the presidency. Surely he has no values other than the make believe, his flip flopping makes that clear.

Private Equity: For And Against | Special Reports | The Browser

How Did Mitt Romney Get So Obscenely Rich? | The Browser

10 Things Mitt Romney's Republican Primary Opponents Said About Bain

"If Governor Romney would like to give back all the money he’s earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over his years, then I would be glad to then listen to him." Newt Gingrich

Last edited:
Uhm, 40,000,000+ unemployed, worthless US $, first credit downgrade in US history, housing markets in the shitter, record numbers of Americans on public assistance, record deficits, $16,000,000,000,000 debt, economic growth at a standstill, etc., etc.

Oh wait, that would be OBAMA.

Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

From the first minute of the video above...

So when he steps up to take a stand on Abortion...he'll be going back on his word.

There are several other places where the same dichotomy can be drawn between Governor Romney's statements being on both sides of the issue.

'If I can't turn the things around, this will be a one-term proposition.'

3 years later?

'Washington is just as broken today as it was when I took office.'


It is broken.

Did you take "this will be a one-term proposition" as he wouldn't run again? No. It meant if he fucked up royally enough, he wouldn't get re-elected.

That's not a flip-flop. This is a collection, though.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUzEJiFpmsQ"]Mitt Romney Flip Flop Collection - A Hilarious Video Compilation - YouTube[/ame]

You're right.

It wasn't a flip-flop.

It was an admission of failure
Most of the above. Romney seems so elitist and out of touch with humanity, it is hard to pin him down to any one thing outside the insincere rich boy, lacking conscience, but motivated by privilege to think that alone will grant him the presidency. Surely he has no values other than the make believe, his flip flopping makes that clear.

Private Equity: For And Against | Special Reports | The Browser

How Did Mitt Romney Get So Obscenely Rich? | The Browser

10 Things Mitt Romney's Republican Primary Opponents Said About Bain

"If Governor Romney would like to give back all the money he’s earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over his years, then I would be glad to then listen to him." Newt Gingrich

And just how "in touch" is President Barry Kardashian? The man is on vacation 24/7, dines on Kobe beef and hangs out with Hollyweird elitists...

Give me break.
Thread completely jumped tracks in well under an hour.


I disagree. The thread jumped the track when you gave us the choice of picking this was all penny ante stuff therefore we had to be wearing tin foil hats. You loaded the game right offf the bat.
Most of the above. Romney seems so elitist and out of touch with humanity, it is hard to pin him down to any one thing outside the insincere rich boy, lacking conscience, but motivated by privilege to think that alone will grant him the presidency. Surely he has no values other than the make believe, his flip flopping makes that clear.

Private Equity: For And Against | Special Reports | The Browser

How Did Mitt Romney Get So Obscenely Rich? | The Browser

10 Things Mitt Romney's Republican Primary Opponents Said About Bain

"If Governor Romney would like to give back all the money he’s earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over his years, then I would be glad to then listen to him." Newt Gingrich

Exactly. If he would just, for fucking once, own his own, he MIGHT stand a shot. If it becomes a pattern, he could win this.

He's not going to win with his preppie smirk going "Maybe." when asked if he'd be releasing his returns, as all Presidential candidates have done since George Romney set the standard.

Just saw this, :rofl:

Washington (CNN) -- Mitt Romney has steadfastly refused to release more than two years of tax returns despite mounting pressure from the Obama campaign ... Maybe he could retroactively give his concession speech now.
Obama is playing gutter politics and Romney needs to be the bigger man and let Obama hang himself.

I don't agree. Oh, Obama IS playing gutter politics, no question. If Obama were a forum participant he would be considered a Fucktard of Conservaderrps proportions. But I think Romney failing to call Obama on his lies and slander hurts the Romney campaign.
Obama is playing gutter politics and Romney needs to be the bigger man and let Obama hang himself.

I don't agree. Oh, Obama IS playing gutter politics, no question. If Obama were a forum participant he would be considered a Fucktard of Conservaderrps proportions. But I think Romney failing to call Obama on his lies and slander hurts the Romney campaign.

Yep. Romney needs to step it up a few notches.

Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

From the first minute of the video above...

"I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose"--Governor Romney

"The right next step in the fight to preserve the sanctity of life is to see Roe V. Wade overturned."--Governor Romney
So when he steps up to take a stand on Abortion...he'll be going back on his word.

There are several other places where the same dichotomy can be drawn between Governor Romney's statements being on both sides of the issue.

'If I can't turn the things around, this will be a one-term proposition.'

3 years later?

'Washington is just as broken today as it was when I took office.'


You're citing the Governor Romney Playbook...if I were the governor, that is exactly what I would air 24/7 for the next 100 days. Carpet bomb every swing state with that message....over and over.

All smack aside, I don't think the Governor can look anyone in the eye and state what he stands for and expect them to believe it. And what he does believe (at times when he does take such a stand), isn't all that popular with the undecideds anyway. :lol:

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