What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Romney's Current Greatest Liability

  • The tax havens

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  • Pie/cake/death

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  • Total voters
President Obama’s reelection campaign has accused Mitt Romney of being a flip-flopper that changes his positions all the time. In actuality, it is the President himself who has a history of doing just that. Here is an extensive list of President Obama’s flip-flops, hypocrisies and broken promises:

Running for President

The very first flip-flop that Obama committed since running for President is actually running for the office in 2008. Obama said in 2004 that he would not run for President in the next election. Based on what has happened in the last 3 years, this is one promise that most Americans would likely prefer he had kept.


Adding Debt & Raising the Debt Ceiling

As a Senator, Obama opposed raising the debt ceiling, and said adding 4 trillion in was ”unpatriotic”. As President, he insisted the debt ceiling be raised and has added substantially more than 4 trillion to the debt.

Bush Tax Cuts

In 2008, Obama said that, as President, he would repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich. In 2010, he extended those cuts.

Capital Gains Taxes
In 2008, Obama said that, as President, he would raise taxes on capital gains and dividends for higher-income taxpayers. He has not done so.

Raising Taxes
In 2008, Obama pledged that, ”no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes. My opponent can’t make that pledge.” However, he has raised taxes on tanning, cigarettes, and those who do not purchase health insurance (regardless of income).

Read more: CLICK HERE! The Complete List of Obama Flip-Flops - President Obama - Fox Nation

You forgot his "evolution" on the campaign fianance in 08 as well.

Follow the link, it's in there.

As well as his 2004 promise not to run for President in 2008.
Wjhere's Obama's list?
(1) Numerous broken election promises.
(2) The 8%+ faux unemployment
(3) 17-20% REAL unemployment
(4) The massive Deficit
(5) the $4T budget deficit
(6) Obaminationcare
(7) Record foreclosure rate
(8) Record BK rates
(9) Drop in AAA standing
(10) Fast and Furious
(11) Every speech Joe Biden makes
(12) Did I mention the Crap economy?
Romneys worst liability is his creepy Uncle Willard persona. A guy who is awkward and uncomfortable around average Americans. A guy whose humor and popular culture references date from the seventies.
His worst liability is not coming out full throttle against obama.

Full throttle?

I think this is the first time in my life..I've heard one candidate..call another a "liar".

But that's not really beyond the pale with conservatives. They did call John Kerry..a coward.

What's wrong with candidates stating FACTS?
Romney's biggest liability is the sheer number of stupid people who will still vote for Barry 0bama...

It comes down to turnout and enthusiasm for 0mama... It will NOT match that of 2008...
Biggest liability.... Romneycare

I think it is that simple

True. (Even though it was a State's choice under the 9th and 10 Amendments and not meant for Federal consumption and forced on the remaining 49). [or was that remaining 56]?

:cuckoo: 4 cocoa puffs

No...truth alludes you Dantoid. I have no cure for you except to wake up and pay attention. YOU remain willingly dumb.
Biggest liability.... Romneycare

I think it is that simple

True. (Even though it was a State's choice under the 9th and 10 Amendments and not meant for Federal consumption and forced on the remaining 49). [or was that remaining 56]?

:cuckoo: 4 cocoa puffs

Really, Dainty?

If you imagine that The T's analysis is erroneous, you surely must be able to offer an explanation as to how it's allegedly misguided.

Full throttle?

I think this is the first time in my life..I've heard one candidate..call another a "liar".

It's the first time in my life I've seen a sitting president engage in demagoguery where lies are floated directly by the president against his opponents.

Obama has taken presidential politics to new lows.

But that's not really beyond the pale with conservatives. They did call John Kerry..a coward.

Bush didn't. Supports may have, but Bush remained presidential. Not Obama though, he's a full blown Bainther®.
True. (Even though it was a State's choice under the 9th and 10 Amendments and not meant for Federal consumption and forced on the remaining 49). [or was that remaining 56]?

:cuckoo: 4 cocoa puffs

Really, Dainty?

If you imagine that The T's analysis is erroneous, you surely must be able to offer an explanation as to how it's allegedly misguided.


He cannot. But I'll wait alongside you for a laugh.
It is impossible to be against the Democrats and for the Republicans. Being for one is being for the other, as they are interchangeable as traitorous felons.
Drop the party politics, people! Romney is a sham! Obama is abysmal! Get over it and move on to something new. Are the Americans so lame that this is all we can come up with? Certainly not!

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