What is Romney's worst liability at this point in time?

Romney's Current Greatest Liability

  • The tax havens

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His worst liability is not coming out full throttle against obama.

That's all he has been doing.

Top three entries. Which is his worst liability. Bain, tax havens, or tax returns.

Obama's bald face lies about Bain have been completely debunked so we can cross that off the list.

Tax havens are legal so that can't be a liability.

He has disclosed some tax returns and if there was even a slight error on any of his other returns, Obama's IRS would have nailed him by now.

Moving right along.

Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

From the first minute of the video above...

So when he steps up to take a stand on Abortion...he'll be going back on his word.

There are several other places where the same dichotomy can be drawn between Governor Romney's statements being on both sides of the issue.

'If I can't turn the things around, this will be a one-term proposition.'

3 years later?

'Washington is just as broken today as it was when I took office.'


It is broken.

Did you take "this will be a one-term proposition" as he wouldn't run again? No. It meant if he fucked up royally enough, he wouldn't get re-elected.

That's not a flip-flop. This is a collection, though.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUzEJiFpmsQ]Mitt Romney Flip Flop Collection - A Hilarious Video Compilation - YouTube[/ame]

It's hard for the Governor to walk back from all of those.
'If I can't turn the things around, this will be a one-term proposition.'

3 years later?

'Washington is just as broken today as it was when I took office.'


It is broken.

Did you take "this will be a one-term proposition" as he wouldn't run again? No. It meant if he fucked up royally enough, he wouldn't get re-elected.

That's not a flip-flop. This is a collection, though.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUzEJiFpmsQ]Mitt Romney Flip Flop Collection - A Hilarious Video Compilation - YouTube[/ame]

It's hard for the Governor to walk back from all of those.

Nobody knows what he stands for. He doesn't even know. He's like Texas weather. Don't like it? Wait 20 minutes, you'll hear him change his stance again.
Obama is playing gutter politics and Romney needs to be the bigger man and let Obama hang himself.

I don't agree. Oh, Obama IS playing gutter politics, no question. If Obama were a forum participant he would be considered a Fucktard of Conservaderrps proportions. But I think Romney failing to call Obama on his lies and slander hurts the Romney campaign.[/QUOTE

Good point but I don't think Romney needs to sink to Obama's level to beat him.
Another good point. On stump. When they are out talking to the people. Obama is sharing what he has done and what he intends to do. Romney is pointing at Obama. Always. He doesn't say what he intends to do. There are no specifics. And being pissed at Obama is NOT enough to win him the White House.
Today I heard Obama say it's his fault because he didn't explain his policies well enough therefore people didn't understand them. I beg to differ. People understand perfectly well what his policies are and don't WANT them.
His worst liability is not coming out full throttle against obama.

Full throttle?

I think this is the first time in my life..I've heard one candidate..call another a "liar".

But that's not really beyond the pale with conservatives. They did call John Kerry..a coward.

I didn't read about anyone calling him a coward, but I do remember calling him a traitor and a low-life bottom-feeding scumbag. And I considered those his good points.
his biggest liability is he that he doesnt capitalize on the fact that you guys think these are his biggest liabilities.
Today I heard Obama say it's his fault because he didn't explain his policies well enough therefore people didn't understand them. I beg to differ. People understand perfectly well what his policies are and don't WANT them.

Good catch. And Yes we DO understand full well what he's doing. Wrecking this Republic, and people's lives. He expects us to take welfare and foodstamps and just shut up for our transgressions while defending our Liberty.

HE is in for on RUDE awakening.
Obama is playing gutter politics and Romney needs to be the bigger man and let Obama hang himself.

I don't agree. Oh, Obama IS playing gutter politics, no question. If Obama were a forum participant he would be considered a Fucktard of Conservaderrps proportions. But I think Romney failing to call Obama on his lies and slander hurts the Romney campaign.[/QUOTE

Good point but I don't think Romney needs to sink to Obama's level to beat him.

Off of the list. Please don't be lying to yourself SO badly that you actually do not believe Romney has any liabilities. Ta.

Romney's biggest liability is Romney, followed closely by the GOP itself.

The GOP nurtures ignorance. For example, birthers. Rather than state unequivocally that Barack Obama was born in the USA, the GOP remains silent on the issue, neither confirming nor denying Obama's birthplace.

This silence speaks volumes about the complete lack of honor or integrity in the GOP. They know they have a lock on the dumbshit vote, and don't see any percentage in educating the ignorant. The dumber they keep their demographic, the better. So if you want to believe Obama was born in Kenya, go right ahead, the GOP loves you for it.

The birther issue and the GOP's response to it are really all you need to know about the GOP. They are a hollow shell of their formal selves, barely even bothering to pay lip service to their old principles any more.

Anyone who believes either party is interested in anything but keeping some old men in power to suck the very marrow from our country is fooling themselves.

Romney himself is trying to be the kind of triangulator Clinton was, except he really, really sucks at it. If they ever build a statue of Romney, it should depict him with his finger in the wind.
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President Obama’s reelection campaign has accused Mitt Romney of being a flip-flopper that changes his positions all the time. In actuality, it is the President himself who has a history of doing just that. Here is an extensive list of President Obama’s flip-flops, hypocrisies and broken promises:

Running for President

The very first flip-flop that Obama committed since running for President is actually running for the office in 2008. Obama said in 2004 that he would not run for President in the next election. Based on what has happened in the last 3 years, this is one promise that most Americans would likely prefer he had kept.


Adding Debt & Raising the Debt Ceiling

As a Senator, Obama opposed raising the debt ceiling, and said adding 4 trillion in was ”unpatriotic”. As President, he insisted the debt ceiling be raised and has added substantially more than 4 trillion to the debt.

Bush Tax Cuts

In 2008, Obama said that, as President, he would repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich. In 2010, he extended those cuts.

Capital Gains Taxes
In 2008, Obama said that, as President, he would raise taxes on capital gains and dividends for higher-income taxpayers. He has not done so.

Raising Taxes
In 2008, Obama pledged that, ”no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes. My opponent can’t make that pledge.” However, he has raised taxes on tanning, cigarettes, and those who do not purchase health insurance (regardless of income).

Read more: CLICK HERE! The Complete List of Obama Flip-Flops - President Obama - Fox Nation
Full throttle?

I think this is the first time in my life..I've heard one candidate..call another a "liar".

But that's not really beyond the pale with conservatives. They did call John Kerry..a coward.

Bullshit. The fucking idiot President called Mitt a felon.

He did? Or his campaign manager did. Because apparently, if it didn't come out of Obama's mouth, and there is no video, it didn't happen.

Ask Warbler, he'll tell ya.

There aren't too many videos of conference calls, but they are recorded.

In a Thursday conference call with reporters, Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager for the Obama campaign, said that Romney either committed a felony when he signed SEC documents for Bain Capital or he lied when he said he was not working for Bain at the time.
Romney Is a 'Felon,' Obama Is a 'Liar;' Character Attacks Intensify
President Obama’s reelection campaign has accused Mitt Romney of being a flip-flopper that changes his positions all the time. In actuality, it is the President himself who has a history of doing just that. Here is an extensive list of President Obama’s flip-flops, hypocrisies and broken promises:

Running for President

The very first flip-flop that Obama committed since running for President is actually running for the office in 2008. Obama said in 2004 that he would not run for President in the next election. Based on what has happened in the last 3 years, this is one promise that most Americans would likely prefer he had kept.


Adding Debt & Raising the Debt Ceiling

As a Senator, Obama opposed raising the debt ceiling, and said adding 4 trillion in was ”unpatriotic”. As President, he insisted the debt ceiling be raised and has added substantially more than 4 trillion to the debt.

Bush Tax Cuts

In 2008, Obama said that, as President, he would repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich. In 2010, he extended those cuts.

Capital Gains Taxes
In 2008, Obama said that, as President, he would raise taxes on capital gains and dividends for higher-income taxpayers. He has not done so.

Raising Taxes
In 2008, Obama pledged that, ”no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes. My opponent can’t make that pledge.” However, he has raised taxes on tanning, cigarettes, and those who do not purchase health insurance (regardless of income).

Read more: CLICK HERE! The Complete List of Obama Flip-Flops - President Obama - Fox Nation

You forgot his "evolution" on the campaign fianance in 08 as well.
Biggest liability.... Romneycare

I think it is that simple

True. (Even though it was a State's choice under the 9th and 10 Amendments and not meant for Federal consumption and forced on the remaining 49). [or was that remaining 56]?
Biggest liability.... Romneycare

I think it is that simple

True. (Even though it was a State's choice under the 9th and 10 Amendments and not meant for Federal consumption and forced on the remaining 49). [or was that remaining 56]?

granted it is a different situation with a state or locality trying to do this...

I still think it is his weak point
Biggest liability.... Romneycare

I think it is that simple

True. (Even though it was a State's choice under the 9th and 10 Amendments and not meant for Federal consumption and forced on the remaining 49). [or was that remaining 56]?

granted it is a different situation with a state or locality trying to do this...

I still think it is his weak point

Agreed. Achille's heel no doubt. He had better be on top of it.

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