What is Saudi Arabia's Problem??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
$27 a barrel?

Why aren’t I getting gas at $1 a gallon?
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
1) Trump wasnts loewer oil p[friocres. This is not ther firsrt tuime Saudi hasd helped him with this.

2) A lot of Saudi oil is from older oilfields. Some of which have a $2 / BBL cost at the wellhead. They can afford this fight

3) A lot of US oil is from newer wells and have a higher cost & lower prices could clobber US oil companies.
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??

Why are we so utterly cucked to radical Wahabi Islamists who still engage in public square beheadings, journalist/dismemberment liquefication, and a genocide in Yemen we partner with them in? How many of the 9/11 "pilots" were Saudi again?
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This is free market capitalism. What's the problem here? That's the best system in the world is it not?
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
Biff, whatever in the world made you think that the Saudis do or ever have given a damn about what US interest are? Right now, we are just the rent-a-cop supplier to them. Did they ever care during the cartel oil embargo days? How about when they funded and supplied leadership to the 9/11 attacks? We should not be in bed with them at all. Amazing how quickly people forget.
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
Rush is talking about it NOW. You'd understand if only you would listen.
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
Rush is talking about it NOW. You'd understand if only you would listen.
Good to get your information from a college drop out
Some never bothered to watch


Some can't figure out how this was engineered to SINK the economy a GLOBSL COLLAPSE you know those words most of you leftist assholes said was a conspiracy----and nnow that the LID has now been taken completely off ( biowarfare) they can now BLAME TRUMP FOR IT ALL!!!!!!! and the weak minded bitches will bite every MSM LIE about Trump annd this virus....

Children born in this post-9/11 world (18 years old and younger) have NEVER known what it’s like to live in a free nation with no surveillance and monitoring. They don’t carry cash in their wallets. They’re mostly all connected to social media and use their smartphone for just about anything. Most have been brainwashed in government schools that has scientifically molded their minds into their cultural Marxist ideals. This is their new normal. These new age kids will soon become leaders in society, business and politics. What do you suppose their perspective of life and politics will be?
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
Biff, whatever in the world made you think that the Saudis do or ever have given a damn about what US interest are? Right now, we are just the rent-a-cop supplier to them. Did they ever care during the cartel oil embargo days? How about when they funded and supplied leadership to the 9/11 attacks? We should not be in bed with them at all. Amazing how quickly people forget.

Saudi Arabia is our greatest ally and you need to take back what you said about them or face serious consequences!!!

You simply don't have the ball(s) that Saudis have.....
OPEC did this before in order to make fracking operations cost-prohibitive. Once that occurred they raised prices to higher than they had been prior to the flooding. It’s a yo-yo dynamic. Since we have become energy independent this will ultimately help consumers and shoot OPEC in the foot.
Meanwhile, pravda (MSM) will continue to spin it in order to dupe trump haters.
OPEC did this before in order to make fracking operations cost-prohibitive. Once that occurred they raised prices to higher than they had been prior to the flooding. It’s a yo-yo dynamic. Since we have become energy independent this will ultimately help consumers and shoot OPEC in the foot.
Meanwhile, pravda (MSM) will continue to spin it in order to dupe trump haters.
It is done to hurt American companies here -- yet we still allow Saudis to lead us by the nose.....why?

Either we are going to be independent or not

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