What is Saudi Arabia's Problem??

OPEC did this before in order to make fracking operations cost-prohibitive. Once that occurred they raised prices to higher than they had been prior to the flooding. It’s a yo-yo dynamic. Since we have become energy independent this will ultimately help consumers and shoot OPEC in the foot.
Meanwhile, pravda (MSM) will continue to spin it in order to dupe trump haters.
It is done to hurt American companies here -- yet we still allow Saudis to lead us by the nose.....why?

Either we are going to be independent or not
Our energy independence has nothing to do with this. This is about affecting the price and that’s a global thing. We have plenty of domestic supply so the supply aspect is moot.
Media is making this out to be more of a problem than it really is. You know, the people who say Bloomberg spent enough money on his campaign ads that he could have given every American a million bucks.
You know, the people who say Bloomberg spent enough money on his campaign ads that he could have given every American a million bucks.
And they kept saying it which means that everyone including those behind the scenes weren't smart enough to figure it out...btw, bloomberg was a great mayor here, the bloomberg you saw was ideological candidate that has become the norm in the party, even Biden has resisted better than bloomy did.
OPEC did this before in order to make fracking operations cost-prohibitive. Once that occurred they raised prices to higher than they had been prior to the flooding. It’s a yo-yo dynamic. Since we have become energy independent this will ultimately help consumers and shoot OPEC in the foot.
Meanwhile, pravda (MSM) will continue to spin it in order to dupe trump haters.
It is done to hurt American companies here -- yet we still allow Saudis to lead us by the nose.....why?

Either we are going to be independent or not
Our energy independence has nothing to do with this. This is about affecting the price and that’s a global thing. We have plenty of domestic supply so the supply aspect is moot.
Media is making this out to be more of a problem than it really is. You know, the people who say Bloomberg spent enough money on his campaign ads that he could have given every American a million bucks.
Fact of the matter is....when this happened under Obama (except without the market chaos we are seeing today) -- future Trumpers attacked Obama back then because of it....for some reason.....somehow...even claiming Obama should have been tougher with the Saudis...

Glad you admit that the president has nothing to with it....then...or now...

"The fact is, Saudi Arabia has little to fear from shale. Saudi Arabia’s huge reserves of conventional oil can and probably will be produced for decades after the shale boom has run its course — which the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects to happen by 2050 or so — and at much lower costs."

Is Saudi Arabia Trying to Cripple American Fracking?
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
Rush is talking about it NOW. You'd understand if only you would listen.
Good to get your information from a college drop out
The most successful men and women in America are college dropouts. College graduates depend on them for their J.O.B.
Get ready for low gas prices this summer...which means less pain at the pump and at the grocery store....this short term market downturn will be good for average folks....
This is between the two oil giants...Saudi Arabia and Russia....but their dust up is largely due to our fracking success....drill baby drill....
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??

I'm confused. What are you talking about?

All this proves, is that contrary to the long standing mythology, that Saudi Arabia and all the rest of the OPEC countries, ultimately have no control whatsoever on oil prices.

Oil prices, like all prices on everything, are a function of supply and demand in the market.

When the demand for oil drops... the price drops. And this idea that OPEC can force prices in any direction, is ridiculous. They can't.
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
Rush is talking about it NOW. You'd understand if only you would listen.
Good to get your information from a college drop out
The most successful men and women in America are college dropouts. College graduates depend on them for their J.O.B.

The Conservative media is stocked with college dropouts
Rush, Hannity, Beck, Owens
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
Rush is talking about it NOW. You'd understand if only you would listen.
Good to get your information from a college drop out
The most successful men and women in America are college dropouts. College graduates depend on them for their J.O.B.

The Conservative media is stocked with college dropouts
Rush, Hannity, Beck, Owens
And they're all wildly successful.

Look at the Bernie supporters
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
Rush is talking about it NOW. You'd understand if only you would listen.
Good to get your information from a college drop out
The most successful men and women in America are college dropouts. College graduates depend on them for their J.O.B.

The Conservative media is stocked with college dropouts
Rush, Hannity, Beck, Owens
And they're all wildly successful.

Look at the Bernie supporters
It is not hard to make a fortune shoveling hate to conservatives
OPEC did this before in order to make fracking operations cost-prohibitive. Once that occurred they raised prices to higher than they had been prior to the flooding. It’s a yo-yo dynamic. Since we have become energy independent this will ultimately help consumers and shoot OPEC in the foot.
Meanwhile, pravda (MSM) will continue to spin it in order to dupe trump haters.
It is done to hurt American companies here -- yet we still allow Saudis to lead us by the nose.....why?

Either we are going to be independent or not
The market is global. That is how the price is set. Our sufficient domestic supply deters global interruptions.
OPEC did this before in order to make fracking operations cost-prohibitive. Once that occurred they raised prices to higher than they had been prior to the flooding. It’s a yo-yo dynamic. Since we have become energy independent this will ultimately help consumers and shoot OPEC in the foot.
Meanwhile, pravda (MSM) will continue to spin it in order to dupe trump haters.
It is done to hurt American companies here -- yet we still allow Saudis to lead us by the nose.....why?

Either we are going to be independent or not
Our energy independence has nothing to do with this. This is about affecting the price and that’s a global thing. We have plenty of domestic supply so the supply aspect is moot.
Media is making this out to be more of a problem than it really is. You know, the people who say Bloomberg spent enough money on his campaign ads that he could have given every American a million bucks.
Fact of the matter is....when this happened under Obama (except without the market chaos we are seeing today) -- future Trumpers attacked Obama back then because of it....for some reason.....somehow...even claiming Obama should have been tougher with the Saudis...

Glad you admit that the president has nothing to with it....then...or now...

"The fact is, Saudi Arabia has little to fear from shale. Saudi Arabia’s huge reserves of conventional oil can and probably will be produced for decades after the shale boom has run its course — which the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects to happen by 2050 or so — and at much lower costs."

Is Saudi Arabia Trying to Cripple American Fracking?
Obama is completely moot in this because he opposed fracking and fracking is what leveraged the global price in our favor. What Obama did do was to manipulate the market and drive prices up by his reimposition of drilling restrictions.
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
Rush is talking about it NOW. You'd understand if only you would listen.
Good to get your information from a college drop out
The most successful men and women in America are college dropouts. College graduates depend on them for their J.O.B.

The Conservative media is stocked with college dropouts
Rush, Hannity, Beck, Owens

Yeah, and all of them have hired college grads.
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
How long before the SA leader is able to keep his head attached?
Oil prices crash by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war - CNN

Does Saudi Arabia know how far America has went on a limb to call them "the good muslims"?? I mean it would be a so much easier world if we could simply say all muslims are evil and should be destroyed -- but noooooo, Saudi Arabia has to have all of this oil, so now we gotta kiss their ass....Trump even sent US soldiers there to protect their oil -- we even helped them out with slaughtering tens of thousands in Yemen -- and they still keep acting like this??

"Oil prices suffered an historic collapse overnight after Saudi Arabia shocked the market by launching a price war against onetime ally Russia. US oil prices crashed as much as 34% to a four-year low of $27.34 a barrel as traders brace for Saudi Arabia to flood the market with crude in a bid to recapture market share. The shock to oil also rattled stock markets, which were already in a panic because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Market in Asia plunged during Monday trading, while US futures recorded massive declines. In Europe, the FTSE 100 (UKX) plunged 8.5%, with BP (BP) down 20%, while Germany's DAX (DAX) was down 7.4% and Italy's main index fell 7%."

Someone needs to tell that prince guy that this isn't the time to get into a pissing match with Putin -- the markets are under enough stress already -- I mean, can't he just detain more of his relatives, maybe kidnap another US journalist and hack him up for kicks, something simple -- why fuck with the markets like this??
Wow. You can't beat this ignorance..
Wow. You can't beat this ignorance..
So are you saying we don't give absolute deference to Saudi Arabia because of their oil??

Are you saying that if Iran decided to kidnap and murder a US based journalist (especially a white one) -- we would have right-wingers trying to minimize it and in some cases, justify it?

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