What is scarier? burning in hell? or being reincarnated as a tortured animal?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Which version of hell is scarier?
Telling someone to go burn in hell.
(Like people's reactions to the man executed for raping and killing a helpless 6 month old baby, claiming he was drunk and didn't mean to hurt her.)

Or warning kids that if they don't
obey and do what is right,
they could be reborn in the next life
as some animal who is at the mercy
of others, and could be fried alive
like a lobster, stepped on like a cockroach, or tortured in a cage?

Would it scare people from committing adultery
if they were taught that relationship abuse creates 'bad karma'
and they could be born gay in their next lifetime and not be able to marry
and have kids without suffering judgment and harassment?

What is scarier to you?
Would it scare people from committing adultery
if they were taught that relationship abuse creates 'bad karma'

dear, teaching lies has no end other than bigger and bigger lies. People need to be taught what is true or else they get dumber and deadlier. Got it?

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