What Is Space Actually On?

So, it's magic, just like creationism.
That doesn't follow from anything I said. That's just your latest, unevidenced, unargued claim. As you have apparently abandoned your others, since they fell apart.

But I think we can safely say that you ascribe to magic the things you don't understand. It's not my job to correct that perennial error, on your part.
That doesn't follow from anything I said. That's just your latest, unevidenced, unargued claim. As you have apparently abandoned your others, since they fell apart.

But I think we can safely say that you ascribe to magic the things you don't understand. It's not my job to correct that perennial error, on your part.
And you understand this, from scruffy?

"Bonding is an example of change at the atomic level.

For example - most proteins can fold in more than one way, but there is usually a preferred configuration (which often but not always corresponds with the lowest energy state).

The act of "bending" a protein (changing it from one shape to another) is physical, it involves structural changes at the atomic level, including but not limited to stresses and torques and movements of electrons from one orbital to another."
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And you understand this, from scruffy?

"Bonding is an example of change at the atomic level.

For example - most proteins can fold in more than one way, but there is usually a preferred configuration (which often but not always corresponds with the lowest energy state).

The act of "bending" a protein (changing it from one shape to another) is physical, it involves structural changes at the atomic level, including but not limited to stresses and torques and movements of electrons from one orbital to another."
What about it, you're not making any points. All you have done here is show why what you are saying is false. You just described how the materials can be formed.

Whoops. Back to the drawing board...
What about it, you're not making any points. All you have done here is show why what you are saying is false. You just described how the materials can be formed.

Whoops. Back to the drawing board...
I reposted what scruffy said so you can explain just how it works.

It sounds like you could benefit from some combinatorics.

In biology, one must ask the very simple and basic questions. Why are there 4 bases and not 6 or 8, or 2? What benefit do 24 amino acids confer, that 12 couldn't?

The unsurprising answer is that 4 bases are the same as 4-d math in computer graphics - they "cover" the entire range of three dimensional shapes. In other words, give or take a few outliers, you can build any desired molecular (protein) "shape" using only the codons from DNA.

For example - an ion channel has structural requirements, in addition to its electrical properties (which btw are impressive on their own, the electrical gradient across a nerve cell membrane is around 100 million volts/meter). In an open state, the channel has to be big enough to let the ion through - so we commonly see proteins consisting of multiple subunits that are "pushed apart" by the ion, under the appropriate electrical conditions. These protein subunits are "globular", they're big round things that float around in the membrane - the only thing that distinguishes them is they "recognize each other", they have specific amino acid sequences that cause them to bind to themselves, which is how the subunits stay together to form an entire channel. Other than the shape of the inside of the channel, the rest of the shape of the subunits doesn't matter much, and you see this reflected medically, in terms of which mutations are deadly.

What is interesting is, you can look across the basic biochemical pathways, they are highly conserved in most or all species. Apparently, out of all the possible combinations, there are only a very few that work. And, it turns out, most of the conservation occurs around energy conversion and energy transmission. Which makes sense because the molecular shapes have to be under software control, so to speak. To be controllable they have to conform to the API of the energy delivery platform. This is why the "phosphate economy" is ubiquitous in all living organisms, and many if not most structural changes are somehow under phosphate control and influence.

It sounds like you could benefit from some combinatorics.

In biology, one must ask the very simple and basic questions. Why are there 4 bases and not 6 or 8, or 2? What benefit do 24 amino acids confer, that 12 couldn't?

The unsurprising answer is that 4 bases are the same as 4-d math in computer graphics - they "cover" the entire range of three dimensional shapes. In other words, give or take a few outliers, you can build any desired molecular (protein) "shape" using only the codons from DNA.

For example - an ion channel has structural requirements, in addition to its electrical properties (which btw are impressive on their own, the electrical gradient across a nerve cell membrane is around 100 million volts/meter). In an open state, the channel has to be big enough to let the ion through - so we commonly see proteins consisting of multiple subunits that are "pushed apart" by the ion, under the appropriate electrical conditions. These protein subunits are "globular", they're big round things that float around in the membrane - the only thing that distinguishes them is they "recognize each other", they have specific amino acid sequences that cause them to bind to themselves, which is how the subunits stay together to form an entire channel. Other than the shape of the inside of the channel, the rest of the shape of the subunits doesn't matter much, and you see this reflected medically, in terms of which mutations are deadly.

What is interesting is, you can look across the basic biochemical pathways, they are highly conserved in most or all species. Apparently, out of all the possible combinations, there are only a very few that work. And, it turns out, most of the conservation occurs around energy conversion and energy transmission. Which makes sense because the molecular shapes have to be under software control, so to speak. To be controllable they have to conform to the API of the energy delivery platform. This is why the "phosphate economy" is ubiquitous in all living organisms, and many if not most structural changes are somehow under phosphate control and influence.
So how does that relate to evolution?
So how does that relate to evolution?
Well, DNA formed via a type of evolutionary process. It formed via selection, over time. It is also at the core of evolution, as DNA codes the changes over time. If changes did not pass to future generations via DNA, there would be no evolution. And most of biology would become nonsensical. Your kids' appearances would be random, for example.
In biology, one must ask the very simple and basic questions. Why are there 4 bases and not 6 or 8, or 2? What benefit do 24 amino acids confer, that 12 couldn't?

I would never have thought to ask these questions ... the rest of my day is ruined now ... thanks for nothin' ...

4 base pairs codes for 64 possible amino acids using three bases per AA ... bare minimum to provide all the needed functions ... but that's just on Earth, and only the past 2.2B years ... I think science needs to demonstrate this on another world, but until then I think your basic Wirehaired Terrier breeders can keep using our current statement of evolution ... scientific theories are written in pencil ...

If we go to scale with the LIGO Experiment, then it's super cheap and easy to piggy-back the telescope we need to see (and take the spectrum of) distant planets ... let research continue ...

ETA: That was a mispost above and it's been deleted ... sorry about that ... new prescription and I'm still adjusting dosages ...
What argument? You are the one who needs to make an argument. Everyone else is perfectly content with evolution being a demonstrated fact.
I'm not convinced. I need it to be demonstrated better.

See my new thread titled, "Evolution Question".
I'm not convinced. I need it to be demonstrated better.
Need... what to be demonstrated better? Specifically?

You have to be specific, or nobody will know what you are talking about.

I am also going to call bullshit on this. There is nothing that could convince you. Why not just admit it? Faith is belief without evidence. Does that embarrass you, or something?
I'm not convinced. I need it to be demonstrated better.

See my new thread titled, "Evolution Question".

Then go look ... read some books ... take a chemistry class or three ... grow a garden ... when you figure out the chiral question, you'll get a Nobel Prize ... sheesh ...

If you can't deal with unanswered questions ... then stay away from science ... even if we did answer, there'll be ten more questions asked ... every time ... where would we be today if no one asked Johann Kepler "why" the Sun is the center of the known universe ...
Then go look ... read some books ... take a chemistry class or three ... grow a garden ... when you figure out the chiral question, you'll get a Nobel Prize ... sheesh ...

If you can't deal with unanswered questions ... then stay away from science ... even if we did answer, there'll be ten more questions asked ... every time ... where would we be today if no one asked Johann Kepler "why" the Sun is the center of the known universe ...
It's a charade. Same, cheap con the god-gappers ALWAYS run.
It's a charade. Same, cheap con the god-gappers ALWAYS run.

We've used the Theory of Evolution to splice into corn the digestive enzymes for caterpillars, which humans digest as regular food ... B.t. Corn ... so farmers have quit spraying their fields with dangerous pesticides polluting everything ... that's a good thing ... and something God wants ... a cleaner Earth where the Poor live, downstream from farmers fields ...

God is about love ... something science doesn't provide us ... hell, science can't even define love very well ...

What? ... Covid-19 doesn't exist? ... I'm interested, I've like to subscribe to your newsletter ...

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