What Is Space Actually On?

We've used the Theory of Evolution to splice into corn the digestive enzymes for caterpillars, which humans digest as regular food ... B.t. Corn ... so farmers have quit spraying their fields with dangerous pesticides polluting everything ... that's a good thing ... and something God wants ... a cleaner Earth where the Poor live, downstream from farmers fields ...

God is about love ... something science doesn't provide us ... hell, science can't even define love very well ...

What? ... Covid-19 doesn't exist? ... I'm interested, I've like to subscribe to your newsletter ...
Neither can poets. We have introspective self awareness, but even that is limited by our puny minds.
What is Space actually Made On?
I do not mean the atoms, energy, mass, baryonic matter, planets, dust, moons, or plasma that make up the Universe?
I mean what is holding these physical structures of mass.
I am specifically talking about what the matter is in or on.
Like if you see a painting or drawing. You look at what the drawing is of.
But what is the ink or paint on? What is the canvas made of?
The question we need to ask ourselves is what are we as mass, such as the planets, and the vacuum of space on?
For instance we are 1 astronomical unit from the Sun.
We are 150 million kilometres from the Sun.
And some would say there is nothing between the Earth and the Sun. Just a near perfect vacuum, with virtually nothing between us.
But that is not what I am asking. I am asking what is holding that vacuum. On another level what is the vacuum of 150 million miles on.
You cannot have 150 million miles of nothing. I know you will say it is a vacuum. But what is that vacuum on.
I mean if you had a mile of space on Earth. Yes it might be containing matter, such as oxygen, rocks, oceans, clouds, humans, animals, and plants. But if you had a mile of outer space. There might be a near perfect vacuum. But it is still 1 mile of space. The same distance both times.
So the thing is. Surely the 1 mile of near perfect space and 1 mile of Earth, are the same distance. So what is holding that 1 miles of space whether it be a near perfect vacuum or as on Earth containing huge amounts of matter.
The actual structure that holds 1 mile of vacuum space and 1 mile of matter, must be the same thing,
So what is that is holding the 1 mile of space and 1 mile of Earth matter.
I know the Universe contains mass, energy, matter. But what is it on?
This is a vital philosophical and scientific question.
1 mile of mass and 1 mile of space vacuum, are both the same distance. What are they both on?
It is as if we are people painted on a canvas that tells a story or landscape. On one level you can as an art critic try to explain the story that the painting is telling. But to make that work of art you must know what we are made. Are we paint, or are we layers of different paint on a canvas? And what is that canvas made of? A canvas with no paint on it, is the same distance as a canvas with a beautiful landscape or mythical scene.
What is Space on?
I see some of the members automatically label you a 'sock' meaning not worth responding to. But I am so hungry for actually discussing concepts instead of schoolyard insult fests I am going to assume you are serious here.

And your question is fascinating and I think I get the concept however difficult it is to put it into words.

As for science, centrifugal force is a constant--an object traveling at a given speed in space will continue at that speed indefinitely forever unless it strikes or is hit with something or some other force changes its speed and/or trajectory.

Gravity of larger objects is sufficient force to affect the trajectory of objects in space, i.e. asteroids, comets, planets, moons etc. The centrifugal force is sufficient to keep pulling against the gravity of the larger object and therefore an orbit is established. When the centrifugal force and gravity are equal, the objects stay the same distance apart but the smaller object will move in a circular or elliptical orbit around the larger one. According to Newton's Law, everything in space is on the move, nothing is in a stationary fixed position.

If the centrifugal force is slightly more or less than the gravitational force the smaller object will accordingly be slowly moving away or moving closer from the larger object. For instance our Earth is slowly moving away from the sun. Maybe due to centrifugal force but most scientists believe it is because the sun is gradually losing mass. Stars 'burn out' eventually as it were. (But our sun has several billion years left.)

Now what all the stars, comets, asteroids, planets, black holes, etc. are circling around is a mystery. Science doesn't have a clue. I like to think it is God but who knows?

One thing is for sure. If you mentally remove every single object--stars, planets, comets, asteroids etc.--you cannot mentally remove time or space from the equation. Those had to come from something. Again I like to think it is God.
I see some of the members automatically label you a 'sock' meaning not worth responding to. But I am so hungry for actually discussing concepts instead of schoolyard insult fests I am going to assume you are serious here.

And your question is fascinating and I think I get the concept however difficult it is to put it into words.

As for science, centrifugal force is a constant--an object traveling at a given speed in space will continue at that speed indefinitely forever unless it strikes or is hit with something or some other force changes its speed and/or trajectory.

Gravity of larger objects is sufficient force to affect the trajectory of objects in space, i.e. asteroids, comets, planets, moons etc. The centrifugal force is sufficient to keep pulling against the gravity of the larger object and therefore an orbit is established. When the centrifugal force and gravity are equal, the objects stay the same distance apart but the smaller object will move in a circular or elliptical orbit around the larger one. According to Newton's Law, everything in space is on the move, nothing is in a stationary fixed position.

If the centrifugal force is slightly more or less than the gravitational force the smaller object will accordingly be slowly moving away or moving closer from the larger object. For instance our Earth is slowly moving away from the sun. Maybe due to centrifugal force but most scientists believe it is because the sun is gradually losing mass. Stars 'burn out' eventually as it were. (But our sun has several billion years left.)

Now what all the stars, comets, asteroids, planets, black holes, etc. are circling around is a mystery. Science doesn't have a clue. I like to think it is God but who knows?

One thing is for sure. If you mentally remove every single object--stars, planets, comets, asteroids etc.--you cannot mentally remove time or space from the equation. Those had to come from something. Again I like to think it is God.
"They had to come from something"

Says who? Perhaps the whole of the universe has always existed.
Perhaps something can come from nothing. But my sense of logic rejects that concept where the universe is concerned.
Understandable. But realize that the "common sense" of our puny brains is of limited use. Logic can also tell us something cannot be both a particle and a wave. Yet the only accurate model shows it is so.
Understandable. But realize that the "common sense" of our puny brains is of limited use. Logic can also tell us something cannot be both a particle and a wave. Yet the only accurate model shows it is so.
True. But until we have an accurate model of the origin of the substance of the universe, we'll just have to wonder and hypothesize.
Absolutely. What we cannot It's just give up and say god did it.
I never give up. I figure we humans know a teensy fraction of all there is to know. But to you who recently repeatedly told me I know nothing of science :) , I do think God is a reasonable explanation for how it all came to be. There are so many things I still want to know, but most of it I figure I'll have to wait until I can ask somebody who knows and that is unlikely to be here on Planet Earth.
I do think God is a reasonable explanation for how it all came to be.
Then you are misguided. That doesn't explain anything at all.

You can similarly say evolution is God's work and God's plan. But you will have explained exactly nothing and will understand nothing about evolution as a result of that belief.
Then you are misguided. That doesn't explain anything at all.

You can similarly say evolution is God's work and God's plan. But you will have explained exactly nothing and will understand nothing about evolution as a result of that belief.
Bingo. Your statement here is so unscientific I don't know where to begin. But it is what it is. Have a pleasant day as I prefer not to go down that road with you again. It's just too dumb. (At the risk of being rude.)
Then go look ... read some books ... take a chemistry class or three ... grow a garden ... when you figure out the chiral question, you'll get a Nobel Prize ... sheesh ...

If you can't deal with unanswered questions ... then stay away from science ... even if we did answer, there'll be ten more questions asked ... every time ... where would we be today if no one asked Johann Kepler "why" the Sun is the center of the known universe ...
Maybe what I'm after is why others believe in evolution. If they do, they should be able to explain how it works. For example, can they explain what causes atoms and molecules to change so different tissues can form? This should be fundamental stuff.
Then go look ... read some books ... take a chemistry class or three ... grow a garden ... when you figure out the chiral question, you'll get a Nobel Prize ... sheesh ...
Is there a science book that tells us why we are so keen to preserve the unfit? Seems to me that contradicts the basic premise of evolution.
Your statement here is so unscientific I don't know where to begin
Because you cannot actually argue this false claim. So you won't begin or end or even try. We both know this.

My statement was not only scientific, it demonstrates the reason science was invented in the first place.

Because saying "God done did it" explains NOTHING.
Actually you are, if you say "god did it" and walk away. That's precisely what you are doing.
We study it, we don't walk away. Lots of scientific progress before the ToE. Sadly, we've gone over the edge regarding human health. What God built into our bodies has been compromised by evolutionary medicine. We are now nothing more than walking drug stores unable to function naturally.
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There is nothing g to study in "god did it".

That scientific progress was due to science. Not theology.
Scientific study can be done without the ToE, in spite of what is said. I myself have made one of the most important scientific discoveries in history without using the Bible or the ToE. (Of course, coming from an unaccredited source it has no value.) :(

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