What is the answer to covid?

Essentially, the term asymptomatic is not associated with time, while presymptomatic is. “If a COVID-19 test comes back positive and the patient does not have symptoms, we don’t know if they will remain asymptomatic the whole time, or develop symptoms within a day or so,” Dr. Lighter says.

When one wants to push a story. One is not contagious in an asymptomatic state. Because the CDC got caught counting asymptomatic cases as contagious, they created a new word presymptomatic to alter their data. symptomatic is the only time one is contagious. there is zero evidence to support presympomatic bullshit.
We don’t even know what questions to ask before we can ever get any answers
Try using basic common sense and stop listening to politicians, unelected bureaucrats and so called experts who are more interested in using covid to promote themselves and increase there and control over people than they are dealing with covid.

Stop listening to anyone,
Yours sincerely
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?

Well....China is to blame, and they should be forced to pay.......that won't happen, but that would only be fair for the death and destruction they caused....

Vaccines....optional, but they need to get approval too.

Masks, optional........

Kids go to school with or without masks, up to parents.

No one is fighting against dealing with this pandemic.....you guys have been given rational reasons on masks and vaccines, but you don't care......

Mike Rowe had a good statement on our current state of affairs...
Many years ago we all got herded to the gym and got vaccinated.
Everyone in school got vaccinated. No big deal. (I'm in favor of mandatory vaccinations)
Today everyone is a conspiracy theorist. The sooner we all get vaccinated the sooner we get back to normal.

Those were with long tested vaccines.....the vaccines for the chinese flew are not just new to the flu, they are experimental in all ways. They may have long term side effects that we won't know about until it is too late......

And they keep telling us the vaccines don't work with each new strain they bring out.........but the long term, unknown risks are still there.
Seriously look at the data...
I have - have you?
Can you explain how it dropped as well..
Assuming it ever actually rose or dropped, the flu-like illness would have diminished in impact & milder variants emerged as well.

This isn't rocket science.
Also why did this happen in other countries with differing age profiles...
If it did, co-morbidities, differing sanitary systems, differing cultures, access to care and other factors may have played a role - it was a stronger flu-like virus at one point.
You don't give a fuck how many people it killed,
Bizarre/baseless/irrelevant ad hominem assertion.
you just don't want to look a fool...
See above.
Explain why this never happened before at this rate...
False assertion; see prior well-documented epidemics in the mid/late sixties and late teens; these tough viruses come along once in a generation, but this one was politically weaponized, particularly by the Democrats.
So why did it stop?
See above.
Why was there similar trends to COVID deaths reported...
Makes no sense.

The mortality is in line with seasonal flu.

The mortality because of influenza is not normal but a shame. And: It existed here in Germany no seasonal influenza this year. Reason: Side effect of the wordlwide fight against covide-19. So: Existed influenza in the last season in the USA?

That is fact.


Not sure why you can't accept that. If you find data that contradicts that by all means bring it forward.

I don't know what is a trustworthy source in the USA but in Germany we registered in the season 2019/20 186,919 cases of influenza in our laboratories. In 2020/2021 it were 564 cases - that's about 0.3 %.
It's a pitty to have to see how not only republicans and democrats tear the USA (and every truth) into parts. To listen at each other could really be good.
There is no way that Republicans and Democrats can agree on anything.
The political divide is way to deep and wide.

Thanks for that video, its wisdom that one rarely hears and appreciates.
See links:

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."

See links:

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."
How about Fauci paying China's Wuhan Lab to do germ-warfare research on bat viruses via "gain-of-function" research to make them more deadly to humans? Please note that the Wuhan Lab is run by a Chinese general.
Are Fauci and the democrats responsible for the pandemic that killed 600,000+ Americans?

Don't blame "Mother Nature", blame Dr. Fauci.
Aha. I think in the moment about that it looks like that some people here confuse the growing of the delta variant within the population of the virusses - because delta is about 50% more infectious - with the panic vaccines could not help.
everything is far more infectious to a demofk. Yet, in the real world that I participate in, haven't seen any sick people. Been to stadium with 20,000 people no one sick. been in and out of restaurants and grocery stores, no sick people. Where are they at?

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