What is the answer to covid?

) - is a damned dangerous and deadly infection (in a short period of a year). Last year was no influenza wave - a side effect of the fight against covid-19. And covid-19 on its own is much more deadly and destructive than influenza and nearly always active.
it is not more dangerous. you can't prove it is. Why spout such nonsense on a message board?
If you get a cold. A cold heals in a week and with a doctor in 8 days. But influenza and covid are really hard.
do you have experience? I'd like to know.

Or, did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express?

I had chest congestion that took two months to leave my body 20 years ago. You're just a goofball. How was the stay?

Ever have bronchitis?
They (Biontech) used the key the virus is using to enter cells. That's why the vaccine is relativelly stable against variations and mutations, beause if it mutates in this region of the virus then it will probably also lose the ability to enter cells.
need a vaccine to mutate. the proof is out there and will set you free. Stay in Germany,
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?
Democrats need to stop weaponizing what is basically the flu.

You're welcome. :)
Cause the same bullshit has been touted and touted again...

I ask to explain excess deaths and they say nothing, only to come back a few days later a repeat it...

So now shout at them and show them to be the fucking fools they are..
Excess deaths (if they're happening) would be caused by what is basically a flu coinciding with the oldest Boomers turning 75.

You're welcome.
They (Biontech) used the key the virus is using to enter cells. That's why the vaccine is relativelly stable against variations and mutations, beause if it mutates in this region of the virus then it will probably also lose the ability to enter cells.

And why do you think existed all the tests and studies made from Pfizer in case of this vaccine in 7 different countries of the world? Exactly: To find out whether this vaccine could cause essential problems. It not causes essential problems. But for excample were not made tests with pregnant women, so pregnant women should not use this vaccine - what doesn't mean it is dangerous for pregnant women.

Did you ever try to find out what "herd immunity" really is and what this means?

Vaccinations create herd immunity when the very most people will be vaccinated.
As for Pregnant Women, they have not found any bad side effects of giving it to Pregnant Women so far... But they have had plenty new born babies with COVID...

This is about risj and a new born with COVID offers a lot more risks than a vaccine... This is about risk management and vaccine is far the safer for all groups especially with Delta..
So you are vaccinated on what reason exactly?

I am not in any high risk group. I am not elderly, obese, or have breathing issues. I got vaxxed at my families' urging to be socially responsible. Back in April when I got the Pfizer vaccine, there was no delta variant and the story was people who were vaxxed prevented Covid spreading.

We now know that is false.

I do not regret getting vaxxed, but left on my own I probably would not have done so. I was mandated for years to get the flu shot every year because I worked in a hospital ER. About every other year I got the flu anyway.

It's a crap shoot. I do not fault anyone's personal decision to either get the shot or not. However, if you are in a high risk group you are definitely taking chances.
The answer is for the left to get their heads out of their asses. During mask mandates, cases continued to surge. They continued to surge until the vaccine came out. Even CDC evidence shows that while masks had a very small effect compared to the unmasked, cases still rose during mask mandates, and yet this information was not made widely available because they don't want you to know the facts and the truth.

The vaccine is now wowfully inadequate in regards to the spreading of Delta because the vaccine doesn't stop the spread of Delta, it stopped the spread of the original variants. Attacking the unmasked and the unvaccinated has always been the wrong strategy. Bullying people has the opposite effect and entrenches them even deeper. Now we've got Covid passports and many establishments only allowing in the vaccinated, who spread Delta just as much as the unvaccinated do. So, we are discriminating against the unvaccinated for no real reason because the vaccinated are spreading Delta just as much as the unvaccinated are. In fact, the left are providing the illusion that vaccine passports will work and that you are safe to go out and do whatever the hell you want with other vaccinated individuals but, yet again, the left don't want you to know that that is actually the opposite of the truth and that the vaccinated are actually spreading Delta.

We need to get off the backs of the unmasked and the unvacccinated and start harping on the truth that the vaccines do greatly reduce hospitalizations and deaths and we need to quit giving people the wrong impressions that vaccines and masks stop the spread when they don't and inform the public that it is not safe to go out (but not imposing lock downs), even if you are vaccinated or wearing masks. We also need to continue working on more vaccines and more treatments and yet realize that Trump was right all along in that the virus is what it is. Biden is now finding that out. Biden actually had no plan other than distributing the Trump vaccine, the very same vaccine that the left spent a full year on telling Americans not to get the Trump rushed vaccine.

On Spreading:

  • Data so far suggests efficacy rates of more than 67 percent for the J&J vaccine, 72 to 95 percent for the Moderna vaccine, and 42 to 96 percent for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
As for masks, are you saying Surgeries should be preformed without masks now.

Also since you have been so informative, could you please post your qualifications and experience in epidemiology..
Excess deaths (if they're happening) would be caused by what is basically a flu coinciding with the oldest Boomers turning 75.

You're welcome.
Seriously look at the data... Can you explain how it dropped as well..

Also why did this happen in other countries with differing age profiles...

You don't give a fuck how many people it killed, you just don't want to look a fool...

Explain why this never happened before at this rate...

So why did it stop?
Why was there similar trends to COVID deaths reported...
On Spreading:

  • Data so far suggests efficacy rates of more than 67 percent for the J&J vaccine, 72 to 95 percent for the Moderna vaccine, and 42 to 96 percent for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
As for masks, are you saying Surgeries should be preformed without masks now.

Also since you have been so informative, could you please post your qualifications and experience in epidemiology..
I'm saying that masked people spread the virus and the vaccinated spread the virus. We will never be able to get ahead of the eight ball until the left figure this out, which I don't know if they are capable of. They bury their heads in the sand and blame it all on Republicans, Trump supporters, the unmasked, and the unvaccinated. They come up with Covid passports and have many places now where they only let in the vaccinated, seemingly totally unaware that a bunch of vaccinated people together is actually a superspreader event.
Insanity being offered of redoubling the already failed vaccination. The insane suggested remedy-get more of what did not work and let’s see if this works. Doing same thing over again and expecting different results shows complete loss of thought function
Then there is the virtue signaling and submission to wearing masks. Masks make it much easier to track by satellite who are the drones of compliance .
As for Pregnant Women, they have not found any bad side effects of giving it to Pregnant Women so far... But they have had plenty new born babies with COVID...

Thanks for this information. I found out now that's a big big problem. In the later time (last 1/3) of a pregancy this is possible ... and it is a tragedy. In Germany started a study with 2000 pregnant women - but it still seems not to exist an usable result. I hope none of this women got covid-19 and all babies are safe.

This is about risj and a new born with COVID offers a lot more risks than a vaccine... This is about risk management and vaccine is far the safer for all groups especially with Delta..
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