What is the answer to covid?

Thanks for this information. I found out now that's a big big problem. In the later time (last 1/3) of a pregancy this seems to be possible ... and it is a tragedy. In Germany started a study with 2000 pregnant women - but it still seems not to exist an usable result. I hope none of this women got covid-19 and all babies are safe.
you'd abort them anyway. so that is senseless post.
I am not in any high risk group. I am not elderly, obese, or have breathing issues. I got vaxxed at my families' urging to be socially responsible. Back in April when I got the Pfizer vaccine, there was no delta variant and the story was people who were vaxxed prevented Covid spreading.

We now know that is false. ...

You (=¿we?) know what?
Considerably worse than any exposure to the hoax.
Complaints from me and others about dizziness during moderate exertion with mask on
demofks state they know the science and then don't know one ingests CO2 with a mask on. It's documented. It's called Hypoxia. They need to learn them some science.
As with everything post 2000's - you can't get good information anymore.
You can't.
As has been said and repeated - "If you do not read a newspaper or watch the news - you are uninformed. If you do - you are misinformed".
That is sadly the truth.
Everything now is tainted by politics and political shading of information.
People don't know who to believe, and what to believe.
That leads to people getting information from whatever source they can - and tending to believe what supports their preconceived belief.

The CDC can't be trusted, the President and his administration certainly can't be trusted and neither can ANY main news source.

And this is why we are where we are.
demofks state they know the science and then don't know one ingests CO2 with a mask on. It's documented. It's called Hypoxia. They need to learn them some science.
The libbies sainted moisture globules are not limited to trapping virus particulates only inside the mask
As with everything post 2000's - you can't get good information anymore.
You can't.
As has been said and repeated - "If you do not read a newspaper or watch the news - you are uninformed. If you do - you are misinformed".
That is sadly the truth.
Everything now is tainted by politics and political shading of information.
People don't know who to believe, and what to believe.
That leads to people getting information from whatever source they can - and tending to believe what supports their preconceived belief.

The CDC can't be trusted, the President and his administration certainly can't be trusted and neither can ANY main news source.

And this is why we are where we are.
BBC is the best source. Liberal bent but NOT on a mission to destroy the USA
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?

From what I have seen from the republicans since the beginning, they don't want to do anything about the virus.

They just want to roll over declare defeat and let it kill as many people as possible.
Cause the same bullshit has been touted and touted again...

I ask to explain excess deaths and they say nothing, only to come back a few days later a repeat it...

So now shout at them and show them to be the fucking fools they are..

Aha. I think in the moment about that it looks like that some people here confuse the growing of the delta variant within the population of the virusses - because delta is about 50% more infectious - with the panic vaccines could not help.
So your answer is to actually DO nothing? Ok.


They never wanted to do anything about this.

They want to roll over and declare defeat without even doing anything to defeat it. They are cowards.

They want to do nothing while hundreds of thousands die needlessly.
Aha. I think in the moment about that it looks like that some people here confuse the growing of the delta variant within the population of the virusses - because delta is about 50% more infectious - with the panic vaccines could not help.
More infectious and far less serious to lethal
Fact instead of media distributed feelings
More infectious and far less serious to lethal

I heard it's only more infectious - not more harmless or more dangerous. And mRNA vaccines help also in case of delta. Specially: In case a vaccination fails and someone gets covid-19 then this is for vaccinated people much more harmless than it is in case of people who are not vaccinated. But we are not very experienced in Germany with delta because the situation here was in the last month since delta exists relativelly relaxed.

Fact instead of media distributed feelings
I heard it's only more infectious - not more harmless or more dangerous. And mRNA vaccines help also in case of delta. Specially: In case a vaccination fails and someone gets covid-19 then this is for vaccinated people much more harmless than it is in case of people who are not vaccinated. But we are not very experienced in Germany with delta because the situation here was in the last month since delta exists relativelly relaxed.
Thank you for facts
From what I have seen from the republicans since the beginning, they don't want to do anything about the virus.

They just want to roll over declare defeat and let it kill as many people as possible.
funny you think you can control a virus you can't see. My recommendation for you is to not go out.
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For all to read.

There is no scientific data to corroborate the asymptomatic spread of COVID-19. This myth was created and promoted by Technocrat scientists to control populations and drive social engineering outcomes, including the WEF’s Great Reset. ⁃ TN Editor

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