What is the answer to covid?

Some flu epidemics have killed 60,000 per month, and covid never killed over 30,000 per month.
The large 660,000 is from not letting it end by preventing herd immunity from ending it.

Virus "WW2": 407.316 deaths from 1942-1945 ~12,000 citizens of the USA per month.

So: What is in your brain? The real influenza (and not the normal cold which is often also called "flu") - is a damned dangerous and deadly infection (in a short period of a year). Last year was no influenza wave - a side effect of the fight against covid-19. And covid-19 on its own is much more deadly and destructive than influenza and nearly always active.

And you should slowly had learned what means "herd immunity". It was enough time to do so: It needs a big part of a population which is immune against a virus, so the virus has not ways to reproduce itself any longer. In this case the little rest of a population which is not able to to be immune - on whatever reason - is protected from the majority of the people who are immune (=herd immunity). The way to reach a herd immmunity is called v-a-c-c-i-n-a-t-i-o-n !!! And the very worst "vaccine" anyone is able to use for a herd immunity is the "vaccine" SARS-Co-V2 (=the virus) on its own. This "strategy" (=to surrender) produces a maximal number of sick and killed people.

Now you have excellent vaccines. So use this vaccines, because everyone will be infected and the next wave will kill many - and also hurt many for a long time. Specially the people who are not vaccinated are in great danger - but also some few people whose vaccination failed. This people would normally be protected from an "herd immunity". So vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate to create a most safe situation for everyone.

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I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?

How do you live with the flu?

Do the same. Covid is weaker than the flu. Try educating yourself first, then others. You will find that it is no worse than the garden variety flu.

Your government is lying to you, and fauci is a murderous piece of shit who should be in prison.
How do you live with the flu?

Do the same. Covid is weaker than the flu. Try educating yourself first, then others. You will find that it is no worse than the garden variety flu.

Your government is lying to you, and fauci is a murderous piece of shit who should be in prison.
You are wrong.
The Spanish Influenza has been with us for over 100 years. When did your scenario happen?
The Spanish influenza - made in the USA - killed a hundred years ago 20-100 million people worldwide and died out. Today 20-100 million would be about 100-500 million.
I've read things from well respected medical professionals which make a very compelling argument for getting the vaccine. Then I've read things from well respected medical professionals which make a very compelling argument for not getting the vaccine.

There just doesn't seem to be a consensus.

Considering that, I believe you should do what's best for you. If you want to wear a mask, wear one. I certainly won't ridicule or mock you. Hell, I've got masks in my car for when I nee to wear one. If you want to get the vaccine, get the vaccine. Personally, I think there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding the vaccine, but those are my questions, not yours. If you don't have any questions regarding it, get the vaccine. I won't ridicule or mock you. After all, I've still yet to decide what I'm going to do.

We've get so much conflicting information from so many sources, it's simply impossible to know anything for sure. And anyone who tells you they do is full of shit...
96% of Doctors are vaccinated... Is that not enough of a consensus?

There is a lot of misinformation out there and if you expose yourself to it then you are at fault... You can go to the internet and there are a bunch of people that will tell the world is flat too...

I don't mean to ridicule people but if you constantly misinform yourself then you have to take some individual responsibility...

Just look at Tucker Carlson and many on Fox... He spreads misinformation about the vaccine (and gets handsomely paid for it) while he refuses to tell you if he got himself... The owner of the station was one of the first in the UK to get the vaccine...

There is plenty of consensus from actual leading doctors and scientists in the field... Look at the credentials or the motivations of the these pseudo scientists who trying to sell alternative (mainly bullshit) remedies... They are just snake oil salesmen..

Real scientists are a lot more exact... Real Scientists will tell you that vaccine has risks but they would tell you that if they jump off a roof there is a risk they would not fall... That is the way they talk, just understand that...

Vaccine and Masks are the safest way to go... Just be reasonably careful and respect people's space... The end to this is a combination of all these things, vaccine being the most important...

Europe (were there is less misinformation) say not getting vaccinated is to be pro-lockdown...
Obviously we should just let nature take its course, like the good old days when tens of millions would die of something that could be prevented with a shot in the arm. We've accrued too much knowledge of medicine, it's time to go back and just blame everything on witches.

Too bad the immune system didn't work in 630,000 americans, oh well :laugh:
That number is false.
We could always do what we should have done from day 1. Identify those at the highest risk of serious illness or death. Isolate and offer assistance to those people for as long as necessary. Let everyone else get on with their lives. No need for mask mandates, no need for vaccines for anyone who doesn't want one. ...

That's a political point of view about only some values of the western world (freedom, self-rule, inviolability) - but this is not a view to this what really happens in the jungle which is called "life". People infect others.
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I'm vaccinated. No ill effects, didn't get covid, live normally. Learn from the dead...

Exactly. Same to me. And I'm sure that's their will. We all have to learn to dance on the graves of the dead. They want to see us alive and do not want to be wrong idols.
My thoughts.

If you want to get vaccinated, wear a mask, and social distance...do that.

If you want to take your chances, skip the vaccine and masks... welcome to America... you're free to do that as well.

It is your right to kill yourself - although this is obsolete for Christians - it is not your right to kill others.
I know you were sincere, and sorry about the losses of your friends. But if you look objectively at Covid and who is dying from it, overwhelmingly it is the very old and the very sick.

Any pathogen can cause an outlier immune response that than kill or do serious damage. The media attempts to cite this as the norm. It is not. It is exceedingly rare, which the mortality numbers clearly illustrate.

I have been vaxxed. I take reasonable precautions. But I have never been afraid and I see this issue very clearly. I worked in the ER during the H1N1 crisis during the Obama years. That was not hyped. It was dealt with appropriately. Covid has been hyped beyond belief.

So you are vaccinated on what reason exactly?
That number is false.
Hey fucking Moron....

We have asked time and time again to explain the Excess Deaths during the period...

Now you can continue to act like a fucking Moron or answer the question...

Nobody has done so far... You just shut the fuck up and bring up again...

Here you are again


Be a good little idiot and explain them.. Sure had hospitals full at the time with something...

Do you feel like a complete fucking idiot?
Were you the slow kid in the class?
Did the other smart kids laugh at you and this is why you are the way you are today?
It’s never ending. You morons dont get it. Some do and embrace it.

If Australia and New Zealand are locked down in martial law over 1 Covid case, then there is no way the tyrants in charge will ever loosen their grip.

The strategy "use a hammer as long as the problem is still very little" is a very good strategy. The same time you have to vaccinate your people because the shield will break down one day. Australia is ver good in thr fight against covid-19 - they wan a lot of time. And New Zealand is still "king". Now depends also in this countries everythoing on the speed of vaccinations - and this speed depends on the foresight of a still more invisible danger in this countries. Up to now both nations made a damned good job - specially because it's now winter there. We will see what will happen here in teh LOrzh in the next winter. Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate! I am curious but not sooooo curious.
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Hey fucking Moron....

We have asked time and time again to explain the Excess Deaths during the period...

Now you can continue to act like a fucking Moron or answer the question...

Nobody has done so far... You just shut the fuck up and bring up again...

Here you are again

View attachment 527862

Be a good little idiot and explain them.. Sure had hospitals full at the time with something...

Do you feel like a complete fucking idiot?
Were you the slow kid in the class?
Did the other smart kids laugh at you and this is why you are the way you are today?
Why do you cry so loud?
These mRNA concoctions are not vaccines.
They do not contain dead viruses.
Instead they just contrain a synthetic spike protein, which is very risky because our own cells often use these same spike proteins.

They (Biontech) used the key the virus is using to enter cells. That's why the vaccine is relativelly stable against variations and mutations, beause if it mutates in this region of the virus then it will probably also lose the ability to enter cells.

And why do you think existed all the tests and studies made from Pfizer in case of this vaccine in 7 different countries of the world? Exactly: To find out whether this vaccine could cause essential problems. It not causes essential problems. But for excample were not made tests with pregnant women, so pregnant women should not use this vaccine - what doesn't mean it is dangerous for pregnant women.

Nor is vaccines the way things usually get back to normal.
Instead, it is herd immunity that ends epidemics.

Did you ever try to find out what "herd immunity" really is and what this means?

Why we are preventing herd immunity makes no sense at all.

Vaccinations create herd immunity when the very most people will be vaccinated.
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This is a complex topic.
Fauci said it would take about 4-years to develop a "standard vaccine"#

When he said so we here in Germany thought about the normal time is 8-10 years. So he had been very optimistic. On the other side were we the first who made a vaccine and less than a year later it was tested and able to be produced thanks of the companies BionTech and Pfizer. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this damned good job! And not to forget: Thank you, Lord!

Trump didn't want

Donald Trump wanted something or did not want something what had nothing to do with money? That's new to me. But I never was good in the psychology of ETs.

the US and world economies to collapse so apparently supported the mRNA "vaccines"
In 10-months the US had vaccines developed, tested, manufactured, and jabs in arms, with no apparent side effects, except for the JNJ "non-mRNA" vaccine that gave a few women clots.
If the spike protein was fucked up we'd know pretty fast wouldn't we? Cellular reproduction would show some bad effects, wouldn't they?
Herd immunity means everyone gets sick and develops T-cells and anti-bodies, the vaccines mimic that w/o the getting sick part.

By the way: Did you ever think about to visit a psychiatric hospital and to let check the light under your skullcap? Do you say here instead to vaccinate everyone it's better to infect everyone?

IMHO the anti-vaxers are the ones delaying herd immunity. Don't they need to add the vaccinated plus those who had the disease to total those with immunity?
So say 10% had covid + 56% vaccinated = 66% with immunity. Fauci said we need at least 70%-85% to get to herd immunity.

Dr. Fauci is still right.

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Hey fucking Moron....

We have asked time and time again to explain the Excess Deaths during the period...

Now you can continue to act like a fucking Moron or answer the question...

Nobody has done so far... You just shut the fuck up and bring up again...

Here you are again

View attachment 527862

Be a good little idiot and explain them.. Sure had hospitals full at the time with something...

Do you feel like a complete fucking idiot?
Were you the slow kid in the class?
Did the other smart kids laugh at you and this is why you are the way you are today?

Here you go…..
Skydivers parachute fails dies of covid. News at 11.

Can you type with more hysterics next time?
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?
The answer is for the left to get their heads out of their asses. During mask mandates, cases continued to surge. They continued to surge until the vaccine came out. Even CDC evidence shows that while masks had a very small effect compared to the unmasked, cases still rose during mask mandates, and yet this information was not made widely available because they don't want you to know the facts and the truth.

The vaccine is now wowfully inadequate in regards to the spreading of Delta because the vaccine doesn't stop the spread of Delta, it stopped the spread of the original variants. Attacking the unmasked and the unvaccinated has always been the wrong strategy. Bullying people has the opposite effect and entrenches them even deeper. Now we've got Covid passports and many establishments only allowing in the vaccinated, who spread Delta just as much as the unvaccinated do. So, we are discriminating against the unvaccinated for no real reason because the vaccinated are spreading Delta just as much as the unvaccinated are. In fact, the left are providing the illusion that vaccine passports will work and that you are safe to go out and do whatever the hell you want with other vaccinated individuals but, yet again, the left don't want you to know that that is actually the opposite of the truth and that the vaccinated are actually spreading Delta.

We need to get off the backs of the unmasked and the unvacccinated and start harping on the truth that the vaccines do greatly reduce hospitalizations and deaths and we need to quit giving people the wrong impressions that vaccines and masks stop the spread when they don't and inform the public that it is not safe to go out (but not imposing lock downs), even if you are vaccinated or wearing masks. We also need to continue working on more vaccines and more treatments and yet realize that Trump was right all along in that the virus is what it is. Biden is now finding that out. Biden actually had no plan other than distributing the Trump vaccine, the very same vaccine that the left spent a full year on telling Americans not to get the Trump rushed vaccine.
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96% of Doctors are vaccinated... Is that not enough of a consensus?

Cite your source, please?

There is a lot of misinformation out there and if you expose yourself to it then you are at fault... You can go to the internet and there are a bunch of people that will tell the world is flat too...

I don't mean to ridicule people but if you constantly misinform yourself then you have to take some individual responsibility...

Just look at Tucker Carlson and many on Fox... He spreads misinformation about the vaccine (and gets handsomely paid for it) while he refuses to tell you if he got himself... The owner of the station was one of the first in the UK to get the vaccine...

There is plenty of consensus from actual leading doctors and scientists in the field... Look at the credentials or the motivations of the these pseudo scientists who trying to sell alternative (mainly bullshit) remedies... They are just snake oil salesmen.

I spoke to two very well respected doctors, both at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. They're both friends, so our discussions were not like a doctor was advising a patient. I spoke with one over lunch and with another on the golf course.

After talking with the guy who's pro-vaccine, I was like "Shit, of course I'm going to get it! How could I listen to that and NOT get it?"

But then after talking to the doctor who's not a fan of the vaccine, my thoughts were "Well, fuck no, how could anyone get the vaccine after hearing THAT?"

Neither is a "pseudo scientist", and neither was trying to sell me anything. Both doctors have medical pedigrees which are beyond impressive.

As for what Tucker Carlson says, why would I care? I literally never watch him. The only time I watch him is when someone posts a clip from his show here on USMB. He's meaningless to me.

Real scientists are a lot more exact... Real Scientists will tell you that vaccine has risks but they would tell you that if they jump off a roof there is a risk they would not fall...

I don't know what the fuck that's even supposed to mean, but if a "real scientist" said that to me, I'd be wary of him...

Europe (were there is less misinformation) say not getting vaccinated is to be pro-lockdown...

I'm not likely to be swayed to do anything because of what they think in Europe. Why would I care about that?

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