What is the answer to covid?

Wrong again. The vast majority of the spike proteins stay in the injection site, some get to they lymph nodes as expected and very few of them go anywhere else.

Sure that is the intent and it works most of the time, but about 3,000 now have been killed by spike migration.
Instead of just a sore arm muscle, if the spike migrated to the heart or brain, then the immune system starts attacking the heart or brain.
Dr. Robert Malone, the investor of mRNA vaccine techniques is the one who said these vaccines are dangers, badly designed, and almost untested.
But almost everyone agrees that using only the spike protein in these mRNA concoctions is extremely risky.
There are some quacks out there that dont like mRNA vaccines. However, I would need more than 1 unquacked doctor with some evidence.
if the spike migrated to the heart or brain, then the immune system starts attacking the heart or brain.
Nope. Your body knows your cells. It knows the spike protein too. It will kill it and leave the rest of you untouched. How do we know this? When you get the injection your body doesnt attack your arm and kill it.
Because its been trying for how ever long its been around and finally made a key. Thats what viruses do.

It not only is impossible to build a key to an ACE2 receptor by trial and error, but obviously it has never failed.
If its spike protein did not used to work, then it would have gone extinct.
Obviously coronaviruses started out as exosomes that went rogue for some reason.
That is the main belief according to all the literature.
There are some quacks out there that dont like mRNA vaccines. However, I would need more than 1 unquacked doctor with some evidence.

Dr. Robert Malone did not dislike mRNA vaccines, and that is obvious because that is what he is most famous for.
He is not against all of them, just these rushed for covid.
No, if the spike protein vax was deadly, we likely may not know for decades.
We do not at all understand how the immune system works.
If we did, then we could cure autoimmune diseases like Lupus, arthritis, diabetes, HIV, etc.
And the mRNA concoctions are extremely risky because they do not sensitize the immune system to the virus, but instead to just the spike protein, and our own exosomes normally used those same spike proteins all the time. How is that NOT going to cause our own immune system to attack our own exosomes?
With some new irritation, those with this vaccine could suddenly all start dying at any time.
It could lead to species extinction.

And no, the immune system has nothing at all to do with cell reproduction.

And yes there have been thousands of death from negative reactions to these mRNA concoctions.
The have been deaths from anaphylactic shock, swelling of the heart, blood clots in the brain, etc.

And no, herd immunity does not mean everyone gets sick.
For example, those under 18 are already inherently immune,
So are those who are asymptomatic.
So are all those who recovered.
And you don't need 100%, but only about 70% to be immune in order to eradicate the virus.
Since those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die from it than those over 70 who are dying, then we can reduce the death rate by a factor off 400, with deliberate infection of those under 40.
Early on they had Covid parties to get infected and then have the life saving plasma with anti-bodies.
Problem was too many of the infected died.
Dr. Robert Malone did not dislike mRNA vaccines, and that is obvious because that is what he is most famous for.
He is not against all of them, just these rushed for covid.
I just looked your guy up. Hes a fraud used by right wing media.

Nope. Your body knows your cells. It knows the spike protein too. It will kill it and leave the rest of you untouched. How do we know this? When you get the injection your body doesnt attack your arm and kill it.

Absolutely and completely WRONG!
Why do you think anyone is dying from covid-19, when the virus hardly does anything at all?
It is because all the deaths are cause by the over reaction by the immune system, the cytokine storm, which is essentially an autoimmune disease, where our own antibodies start macerating and killing our own healthy lung cells.

Clearly you have not read any of the literature on covid-19, and you should start reading immediately.
Here is a good start:
Dr. Robert Malone did not dislike mRNA vaccines, and that is obvious because that is what he is most famous for.
He is not against all of them, just these rushed for covid.

Yeah Malone is just a fucking quack trying to get his 15 minutes extended.

I worked in health care 30 plus years. The last 8 in a big city ER. It is just the flu. True lethality is .2%. Seasonal flu depending on the year is anywhere from .05 to .2.

I know you won't accept my answer, but those are the facts. Covid has been hyped beyond belief. Even the CDC admits 90% of the deaths they labelled as Covid deaths were those who died with Covid, not from Covid.

But hey, believe what the media tells you if you want. They're always telling the truth. :D :thankusmile:
Hyped beyond belief indeed.you got whistleblower doctors and nurses tyst have exposed the covid deaths as being entirely inflated with hospitals receiving massive payoffs to rule everything a covid death now,you get killed with a gunshot to the head,it’s covid,a fatal car accident,covid,cancer it’s a covid death.meanwhile the flu has all of a sudden dissapeared and we don’t here of any flu deaths anymore.some people just can’t accept reality it’s no more dangerous than the common flu,that it’s the vaccine that’s dangerous.
Not flaming, just curious. You seem very afraid of Covid. If you are under age 75 and in reasonably good health the odds of you dying from Covid is on par with drowning in your bath tub.

Now if you're elderly, morbidly obese, have COPD, diabetes, or CHF, then like the seasonal flu, you are at substantially higher risk.

This is not brain surgery. Covid is not the Black Plague. If you are in a higher risk group take sensible precautions. This is what should have been done to begin with. But again, the hype and misinformation has been off the charts.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: That says it all right there.
Early on they had Covid parties to get infected and then have the life saving plasma with anti-bodies.
Problem was too many of the infected died.

No, the death rate of those under 40 and not compromised is almost zero.
That is not the problem.
The problem is infection from partying is so rare that no one knew who and when infection will occur, and the pre-symptomatic can then spread it to the vulnerable, leading to unnecessary deaths. Variolation prevents that.
In terms of public policy, treat it like the flu. This shit is ridiculous.
Yeah, I never understood those idiots.

No, it makes perfect sense.
Fauci estimated that 70% need to be immune for herd immunity, and with a lethality he was told of 2%, that is 2.4 million deaths.
But if you only deliberately infect those under 40, the death rate drops by a factor of 400, so then you get only 6,000 deaths.
So if we had done that last March, we would have saved over 550,000 lives.

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