What is the answer to covid?

This is a complex topic.
Fauci said it would take about 4-years to develop a "standard vaccine"
Trump didn't want the US and world economies to collapse so apparently supported the mRNA "vaccines"
In 10-months the US had vaccines developed, tested, manufactured, and jabs in arms, with no apparent side effects, except for the JNJ "non-mRNA" vaccine that gave a few women clots.
If the spike protein was fucked up we'd know pretty fast wouldn't we? Cellular reproduction would show some bad effects, wouldn't they?
Herd immunity means everyone gets sick and develops T-cells and anti-bodies, the vaccines mimic that w/o the getting sick part.
IMHO the anti-vaxers are the ones delaying herd immunity. Don't they need to add the vaccinated plus those who had the disease to total those with immunity?
So say 10% had covid + 56% vaccinated = 66% with immunity. Fauci said we need at least 70%-85% to get to herd immunity.
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No, if the spike protein vax was deadly, we likely may not know for decades.
We do not at all understand how the immune system works.
If we did, then we could cure autoimmune diseases like Lupus, arthritis, diabetes, HIV, etc.
And the mRNA concoctions are extremely risky because they do not sensitize the immune system to the virus, but instead to just the spike protein, and our own exosomes normally used those same spike proteins all the time. How is that NOT going to cause our own immune system to attack our own exosomes?
With some new irritation, those with this vaccine could suddenly all start dying at any time.
It could lead to species extinction.

And no, the immune system has nothing at all to do with cell reproduction.

And yes there have been thousands of death from negative reactions to these mRNA concoctions.
The have been deaths from anaphylactic shock, swelling of the heart, blood clots in the brain, etc.

And no, herd immunity does not mean everyone gets sick.
For example, those under 18 are already inherently immune,
So are those who are asymptomatic.
So are all those who recovered.
And you don't need 100%, but only about 70% to be immune in order to eradicate the virus.
Since those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die from it than those over 70 who are dying, then we can reduce the death rate by a factor off 400, with deliberate infection of those under 40.
No, you haven't.
Big Brother erased it from his memory to fight misinformation

You can get the jab so when you do catch it you will have some defense against it.

You won't have a defense specifically for the virus, but against the spike protein, which is used by many other benign objects like your own exosomes.
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?
I suggest people just simply look after themselves and manage their own life in the best way they feel fit, and those wishing to control others should wind their neck in.

If someone feels the need to stay in and have their food shopping delivered, good for them. Get a vaccine of not, their choice. Same with masks.
Thats false. We would know pretty quickly as the body destroys the spike protein so their is nothing left to cause any problems.

The sensitivity to the spike protein is life long, and that is a mistake because our own body has and uses its own spike proteins.
Our own bodies produce spike proteins all the time.
Why else would all our cells have ACE2 receptor sites that accept spike proteins only?
The sensitivity to the spike protein is life long, and that is a mistake because our own body has and uses its own spike proteins.
Our own bodies produce spike proteins all the time.
Why else would all our cells have ACE2 receptor sites that accept spike proteins only?
You obviously dont know what you are talking about. Our bodies DO NOT produce covid 19 spike proteins.
Pretty easy. Since the mRNA is a copy of the Covid virus spike protein and not what humans produce it wont attack or exosomes.

The covid virus spike protein is identical to our own exosome spike proteins.
In fact, they theorized that coronaviruses came about by some of our own exosomes mutating and going rogue.
The spike protein is attached to the virus so your body destroys it. Without that spike protein the virus cannot enter the cell. Its like trying to open a locked door without the key.

The mRNA vaccines have no virus so the spike proteins are free floating, and have been known to migrate to the heart or brain, causing death from the immune system attacking where ever the mRNA spike protein ends up.
And if the mRNA vaccines attack the virus spike protein, it is quite likely they will eventually attack the exosome spike proteins, and we all die.
You obviously dont know what you are talking about. Our bodies DO NOT produce covid 19 spike proteins.

Yes our bodies DO produce covid spike proteins.
Why else would covid produce that spike protein if it did not mimic the ones our own bodies produce?
The mRNA vaccines have no virus so the spike proteins are free floating, and have been known to migrate to the heart or brain, causing death from the immune system attacking where ever the mRNA spike protein ends up.
And if the mRNA vaccines attack the virus spike protein, it is quite likely they will eventually attack the exosome spike proteins, and we all die.
Wrong again. The vast majority of the spike proteins stay in the injection site, some get to they lymph nodes as expected and very few of them go anywhere else.
Who told you that one and why did you believe them?

Dr. Robert Malone, the investor of mRNA vaccine techniques is the one who said these vaccines are dangers, badly designed, and almost untested.
But almost everyone agrees that using only the spike protein in these mRNA concoctions is extremely risky.

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