What is the answer to covid?

These mRNA concoctions are not vaccines.
They do not contain dead viruses.
Instead they just contain a synthetic spike protein, which is very risky because our own cells often use these same spike proteins.

Nor is vaccines the way things usually get back to normal.
Instead, it is herd immunity that ends epidemics.
Why we are preventing herd immunity makes no sense at all.
This is a complex topic.
Fauci said it would take about 4-years to develop a "standard vaccine"
Trump didn't want the US and world economies to collapse so apparently supported the mRNA "vaccines"
In 10-months the US had vaccines developed, tested, manufactured, and jabs in arms, with no apparent side effects, except for the JNJ "non-mRNA" vaccine that gave a few women clots.
If the spike protein was fucked up we'd know pretty fast wouldn't we? Cellular reproduction would show some bad effects, wouldn't they?
Herd immunity means everyone gets sick and develops T-cells and anti-bodies, the vaccines mimic that w/o the getting sick part.
IMHO the anti-vaxers are the ones delaying herd immunity. Don't they need to add the vaccinated plus those who had the disease to total those with immunity?
So say 10% had covid + 56% vaccinated = 66% with immunity. Fauci said we need at least 70%-85% to get to herd immunity.
They dont have to contain the dead virus to be a vaccine. That's the old outdated way. The mRNA replicates the spike protein the virus uses to unlock and enter the cell. Once your body develops soldiers that can spot that spike protein it attacks the virus.

But you are forgetting that the reason that ACE2 receptor exists in our cells, that the spike protein is used to open, is because our exosomes have a spike protein that the covid spike protein is mimicking.
So if you train our immune system to attack spike proteins, you run the risk of our immune system causing an autoimmune disease when it attacks our own exosomes.
That is not remotely scientific.
You can't examine 3 lungs soaked in formaldehyde and tell if the virus was more lethal.
Variants are NEVER more lethal.
Natural selection and evolution always cause variants that are more infectious but less lethal.
And the proof is that it turns out Spanish flu did not just disappear, but it simply stopped killing people.
It became less lethal.
I see you deflected and moved the goal posts in one fell swoop. :)

My claim was that it produced variants not that it became more lethal. However, you are wrong. At one point it was less lethal and then mutated and became lethal.
That is not remotely scientific.
You can't examine 3 lungs soaked in formaldehyde and tell if the virus was more lethal.
Variants are NEVER more lethal.
Natural selection and evolution always cause variants that are more infectious but less lethal.
And the proof is that it turns out Spanish flu did not just disappear, but it simply stopped killing people.
It became less lethal.
thats not yet established:

One early study assessing the risk of hospital admission in Scotland reported that hospitalization is twice as likely in unvaccinated individuals with Delta than in unvaccinated individuals with Alpha.
Eat a good diet, lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish. Personally, I eat red onions like they're apples. Drink a lot of water, stay away from processed and fast food. Catch wild trout if possible. That's all I know how to do.
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?
Fau Chi and China are precisely why we will boycott this thread.
Many years ago we all got herded to the gym and got vaccinated.
Everyone in school got vaccinated. No big deal. (I'm in favor of mandatory vaccinations)
Today everyone is a conspiracy theorist. The sooner we all get vaccinated the sooner we get back to normal.
I agree.

Don't let it go to your head.

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