What is the answer to covid?

I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?
Their solution is the same as it is for pretty much every major issue of the day from healthcare to the working poor to gun violence to police abuse:

Fuck 'em'.
I just looked your guy up. Hes a fraud used by right wing media.

They are just deliberately misquoting him.
He did not say he invented these mRNA vaccines, but the basic mRNA methodology, which is absolutely true.

In the 1980s, while a researcher at the Salk Institute, Malone conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology, discovering that it was possible to transfer mRNA protected by a liposome into cultured cells to signal the information needed for the production of proteins.[2][3] In the early 1990s, he collaborated with Jon A. Wolff, Dennis A. Carson, and others on a study that first suggested the possibility of synthesizing mRNA in a laboratory to trigger the production of a desired protein.[4] Malone claims to be the inventor of mRNA vaccines, although credit for the distinction is more often given to later advancements by Katalin Karikó or Derrick Rossi.[5][2][6][7]

Malone has served as director of clinical affairs for Avancer Group, a member of the scientific advisory board of EpiVax, assistant professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore school of medicine, and an adjunct associate professor of biotechnology at Kennesaw State University.[8] He was CEO and co-founder of Atheric Pharmaceutical,[9] which in 2016 was contracted by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases to assist in the development of a treatment for the Zika virus by evaluating the efficacy of existing drugs.[10][11][12][13] Until 2020, Malone was chief medical officer at Alchem Laboratories, a Florida pharmaceutical company.[14]
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?

Curious truths to ponder....

FauXI's "first answers" before he changed them...

1. Masks will not stop it (fauXI admits that in a Chinese email)
2. Covid will come and go like a normal flu season

CDC says 94% of "Covid deaths" are not from Covid

Fall flu 2020 diagnosed at 3% of normal (many like me believe that the other 97% were simply lied to and told they had Covid)

Covid forces absentee ballots to be used in mass - anyone familiar with elections and results notices GOP winning 35 states both state house and senate, and Biden "winning" many of those states with miraculous late night "rallies" many consider dumps of fraud ballots not checked for lower state level races...

As of mid July, CDC says 11,900 vax deaths and 1,500 deaths of fetus by he vax. Unclear if there has been an update since. Vax is multiple shots, and apparently fails miserably to actually vaccinate...

I think fauXI's first answers were right, that everyone in the US was exposed by mid May, and since then this has been 100% pure fraud.

What to do?

Do not vax.
Do not allow yourself to be tested
Do not wear a mask
Question everyone who pushes Covid fear
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?

How about dont lose your credibility LYING to people thru the govt "spokesidiots".. It's the govt itself that CREATE conspiracies by doing and/or saying stupid and suspicious things. Also when they become HYPOCRITES and change policies 180 degrees.. Like all the Blue state leaders violating their own emergency mandates. Or Elian Gonzalez being returned to his dad in Cuba AT GUNPOINT after his mom got eaten by a shark getting him to Florida when TODAY -- Unk Sam runs the World Greatness orphanage for 10s of thousand of "unescorted minors" without any solid parental chain of custody.. Could go on about how every GREAT conspiracy theory STEMS DIRECTLY from inept, or suspicious govt action.

Right NOW -- I'm being told I need a THIRD Covid booster. This comes from a regime who TOTALLY would not include or discuss NATURAL IMMUNITY as a real scientific thing in their counts of the immune.. A govt who never told us HOW to USE a mask so that Junior in 1st grade isn't wearing the SAME ONE with only washing it every second week..

When your MESSAGING is designed for IDIOTS -- people start picking it apart.. I'm TOLD that the 3rd booster shot is "very helpful".. That makes me furious after a life in science and engineering -- a LOT of which was in medical research and product design. TO MY KNOWLEDGE no scientific study ever stopped at calling a medical intervention "very helpful".. DAMNED I'll took the booster without NUMBERS AND REFERENCES TO STUDIES...

We're all "on our own".. Govt doesn't RESPECT YOU and govt is lazy in their convincing evidence. Why are they LAZY?? Because we elect people who focus on the POWER of their position, not on their being a "servant of the public". It's a battle of memes and slogans. Has NOTHING TO DO with science. So some folks will work to figure out the real story, and OTHERS will leap to the SIMPLEST CONCLUSIONS that jet thru their minds..

Kinda like the discussions on USMB... LOL...
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?

Let people be responsible for themselves and children be children that's how. At best COVID is an exercise of control being used to reduce populations by the circumstances surrounding COVID.
Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China.

Per my theory about govt CREATING Conspiracies -- you cannot dismiss these things. Media BLACKED OUT Fauci's March 2020 comments (many interviews) where he comforted the public and said that CVID 19 "WOULD NEVER BE AS BAD HERE AS IN CHINA".. Also with the help of their techno-fascist social media gate-keepers -- BLACKED OUT ALL DISCUSSION of covid origins in Wuhan.. THIS -- creates conspiracies and refusniks. Just like it did in the old Soviet Union when THEY BLACKED OUT AND LIED about Chernobyl...

Worst part of all this is sliming an entire innocent species of anteater who CANT sue for libel and slander.. THIS GUY was NOT the "missing link" in Covid jumping to humans.. And his/her/Ze/Thee/Dum reputation is ruined for the rest of existence..

I am certainly not getting a third booster.
The second one had me sick for weeks, the worst illness I ever had.
I would rather have gotten covid-19.
Does it really come down to we gotta just let the fire burn out?

No, you want to accelerate it as quickly as possible, so the virus gets too greedy and uses up all the easy local hosts, so than has to die off.
This could have been done in 2 weeks last March, and saved 550,000 lives.
I am certainly not getting a third booster.
The second one had me sick for weeks, the worst illness I ever had.
I would rather have gotten covid-19.
Yes I did my part with two shot Moderna and bad off 1 day on 2nd
Now we’ve learned since May what CDC doesn’t know which makes their overreach into housing more egregious . It also allows me to exercise the Liberty of declining to be experimented upon .any further.
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?

Its just a matter of vaccination now;

As with nearly all other things, we have proven we're not adult enough to follow any rules that will remotely inconvenience us.
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic? ...

Use masks! Make as many vaccinations as possible now!

Possibly many people who are not vaccinated will get serios problems if in winter will come a new wave - which will on the other side not come, if the very most people are vaccinated. If the very most people in the whole world will be vaccinated then it will be over. Bye bye covid-19.

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Its just a matter of vaccination now;

As with nearly all other things, we have proven we're not adult enough to follow any rules that will remotely inconvenience us.

So -- you dont need numbers or studies to sign up for a THIRD booster in the same 9 months? That's a LOT OF FAITH in govt that NEVER screws up -- right? Just telling you a 3 shot is "very helpful" is ALL YOU NEED...

You dont have any sense of self-preservation do you? Or curiosity or original thought?

THEY OWE US MORE THAN THAT.. We dont want to be treated like toddlers. That's all..
They are just deliberately misquoting him.
He did not say he invented these mRNA vaccines, but the basic mRNA methodology, which is absolutely true.

In the 1980s, while a researcher at the Salk Institute, Malone conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology, discovering that it was possible to transfer mRNA protected by a liposome into cultured cells to signal the information needed for the production of proteins.[2][3] In the early 1990s, he collaborated with Jon A. Wolff, Dennis A. Carson, and others on a study that first suggested the possibility of synthesizing mRNA in a laboratory to trigger the production of a desired protein.[4] Malone claims to be the inventor of mRNA vaccines, although credit for the distinction is more often given to later advancements by Katalin Karikó or Derrick Rossi.[5][2][6][7]

Malone has served as director of clinical affairs for Avancer Group, a member of the scientific advisory board of EpiVax, assistant professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore school of medicine, and an adjunct associate professor of biotechnology at Kennesaw State University.[8] He was CEO and co-founder of Atheric Pharmaceutical,[9] which in 2016 was contracted by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases to assist in the development of a treatment for the Zika virus by evaluating the efficacy of existing drugs.[10][11][12][13] Until 2020, Malone was chief medical officer at Alchem Laboratories, a Florida pharmaceutical company.[14]

First off -- the vaccine tech does not simply transport the CV mrna fragment into random cells. It's injected into muscle tissue to trigger an immune reaction and have the white cell army clean it up and store the antibody memory of how they did that.. For the tiny amount of mRNA material that is injected, it's not a big "clean-up"..

THis is diff than using HUMAN mRna and introducing it into specific cells to produce unique proteins.. What Malone STARTED was the whole idea of treating certain illnesses where the human tissue in an organ has STOPPED or SLOWED natural production of some protein.. There ARE FDA cleared therapies that TAKE this route right now..

From what I've read on Malone, he's objecting MORE to the fact that CDC screwed up the data collection and storage SO BADLY -- that it's difficult (or impossible) to research certain theories about pregnancy, fertility, platelet and other blood side effects, etc..

Haven't heard him LINK to any physiological or chemical mechanisms that concern him..
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?

Too late now, but we should have vaccinated only the very, very old and the very, very sick to prevent them from getting severe illness and unleashed early treatment on everyone else.

If you think we didn't do that for any OTHER reason than the Pharmas need their $$$ you're hopelessly naïve.

Because right now, the vaccines are breeding variants. Any vaccines that are not "sterilizing" will do this. Many, many scientists who were not muzzled were saying this from the jump. It's not the unvaccinated doing this; it's the vaccines. So now comes the never-ending loop of more and more boosters with these dangerous spike proteins that will do God knows what.

But believe this: Big Lies only last for so long.

These vaccines Afghanistan moment is coming. Trust that. And just like what we're seeing now, when the Big Lie crumbles and scales fall from eyes, the finger pointing and blame gaming will start. And the stories of vaccine injuries will be manifest.

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