What is the attraction of Islam?

All this anti-Muslim rhetoric is leading directly to a ban on Muslims. Many such bigots have openly stated that is what they want.

Shoot...a GOP candidate for President said "we're looking into that"...

dont worry; we can count on gay left-wing women to kiss the asses of people that would kill them.

The only ass I kiss is my wife's. I will defend my American Muslim friends from your Islamaphobia...they do the same for me with assholes like you regarding homophobia.

You don't actually know any American Muslims do you? It's much easier for you to hang on to your fear of "other" if you don't know any, I get it.

actually i know many you sad idiot. the laughable part of you left-wing losers is your own addiction to the very stereotypes you try to lecture others about. my mom married a Muslim guy. I have served in Iraq; talked to many Muslims. l lived next door to a mosque for seven years; was friends with them

try again..............................

Hey some of his best friends are Muslims! Sounds familiar......
ur right idiot; that's exactly what SHE'S SAYING!
and of course all the Muslims SHE knows are tolerant of homosexuals. what a coincidence!

you're such a loser
( I posted this in the Religion topic but thought I would post it here in my favorite place to tease right wingers too )
There is a noticeable surge in Muslims in America.

Some years back, it became fashionable among blacks --- particularly among black prisoners.
Then their women adopted the religion and were seen wearing burquas.
But not many overall.

Now I'm seeing white women wearing burqas!!

Saw one in Wal-Mart the other day.

Which makes me wonder what the attraction of Islam is --- especially why would emancipated American women voluntarily give up their freedom and allow themselves to be made into domestic sex slaves?

I can understand that, to a certain kind of " man ", there is an attraction to having their females totally subservient and being allowed ( by their religion if not by the law ) to beat them and even kill them for certain " offenses ".

But why do their women submit?

Islam preaches world conquest. As such it is just another dime a dozen collectivist entities trying to take over the world with a myriad of followers to try and get in on the action.

Christianity preaches world conquest.

If it is the brand of Christianity that Constantine sold, yes.

Funny thing is, Constantine was not even a Christian, even though it was rumored he converted on his death bed.

Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world, and refused military intervention or even political intervention.

However, Mohammad, when he was not marrying children and taking female sex slaves and converting with the sword, was just a two bit warlord.
( I posted this in the Religion topic but thought I would post it here in my favorite place to tease right wingers too )
There is a noticeable surge in Muslims in America.

Some years back, it became fashionable among blacks --- particularly among black prisoners.
Then their women adopted the religion and were seen wearing burquas.
But not many overall.

Now I'm seeing white women wearing burqas!!

Saw one in Wal-Mart the other day.

Which makes me wonder what the attraction of Islam is --- especially why would emancipated American women voluntarily give up their freedom and allow themselves to be made into domestic sex slaves?

I can understand that, to a certain kind of " man ", there is an attraction to having their females totally subservient and being allowed ( by their religion if not by the law ) to beat them and even kill them for certain " offenses ".

But why do their women submit?
With men it's having dozens of underage wives(in their early teens or younger) to molest and beat, with women? I have no idea... Maybe self hatred.
almost every left-winger that posts here regularly is a loser that lies to him or herself

clean that up for you leftard!@! ;)
There's the college girl who sort of finds religion and wants to wear the garb for a few years before she snaps out of it.

The lifelong Muslim is attracted to the simplicity. The enigmas and mysteries of the OT are steam ironed flat. The Quran works better as a cookbook. Some Christians try to treat the Bible as a recipe book, but that always leads to absurdities. So, true Christianity leads to greater richness, but also greater doubt. Islam is less challenging to understand.
libs are losers who lie to themselves

you idiot; she accused me of painting ALL MUSLIMS with a broad brush.
oh and not all left-wingers lie to themselves; but it sure does SEEM like all of the ones on these message boards do!!

try again

Post #82...

All this anti-Muslim rhetoric is leading directly to a ban on Muslims. Many such bigots have openly stated that is what they want.

Shoot...a GOP candidate for President said "we're looking into that"...

dont worry; we can count on gay left-wing women to kiss the asses of people that would kill them.

this is it Sea-tard???

where do i say "all" or "every" anywhere here? are there not people of Islamic faith that would kill you for your beliefs and sexual orientation???
YAWN. religious people are some of the strongest-willed people on the planet. people who dont believe in religion are some of the weakest-willed people, and among the many that abandon personal responsibility

where do you idiots get some of the stupidity you post???

I was going to ask you exactly that question.
YAWN. religious people are some of the strongest-willed people on the planet. people who dont believe in religion are some of the weakest-willed people, and among the many that abandon personal responsibility

where do you idiots get some of the stupidity you post???

I was going to ask you exactly that question.

i get mine from reality dummy. specifically what of what i've posted dont you agree with???
( I posted this in the Religion topic but thought I would post it here in my favorite place to tease right wingers too )
There is a noticeable surge in Muslims in America.

Some years back, it became fashionable among blacks --- particularly among black prisoners.
Then their women adopted the religion and were seen wearing burquas.
But not many overall.

Now I'm seeing white women wearing burqas!!

Saw one in Wal-Mart the other day.

Which makes me wonder what the attraction of Islam is --- especially why would emancipated American women voluntarily give up their freedom and allow themselves to be made into domestic sex slaves?

I can understand that, to a certain kind of " man ", there is an attraction to having their females totally subservient and being allowed ( by their religion if not by the law ) to beat them and even kill them for certain " offenses ".

But why do their women submit?

Islam preaches world conquest. As such it is just another dime a dozen collectivist entities trying to take over the world with a myriad of followers to try and get in on the action.

Christianity preaches world conquest.

Jesus preached peace. Mohammed ruled by the sword and killed while taking sex slaves.
The type of western woman who goes into hard core militant Islam of her own will is the same person who would have gone to Jonestown or got themselves ready for the Comet Hale-Bopp with the Heavens gate cult. Its a weakness of personality, and a susceptibility to being told what to do.

What you describe is equally applicable to any religion. Why you narrowly focus your scorn on a select few is a reflection of yourself.
Apparently some women enjoy being enslaved. Just like the Democrats.
I don't think that the secular Left is attracted to Islam as much as they just hate Christianity. They appear to have convinced themselves that modern day Christianity is every bit as bad as modern day Islam, and since they also hate this nation's history and all of its obvious ties to Christianity, they have clearly chosen sides.

Imagine the (probably subconscious) mental gymnastics it takes to equate those two modern day religions. But that's what they've done, and it appears to be real.
The type of western woman who goes into hard core militant Islam of her own will is the same person who would have gone to Jonestown or got themselves ready for the Comet Hale-Bopp with the Heavens gate cult. Its a weakness of personality, and a susceptibility to being told what to do.

What you describe is equally applicable to any religion. Why you narrowly focus your scorn on a select few is a reflection of yourself.

um maybe because they are the ones responsible for most of the beheading, mass murders, ethnic cleansing, historical artifact-destroying, female genital mutilation.....etc stories you hear about going on RIGHT NOW?

JUST throwing that out there..................

lol :9:
( I posted this in the Religion topic but thought I would post it here in my favorite place to tease right wingers too )
There is a noticeable surge in Muslims in America.

Some years back, it became fashionable among blacks --- particularly among black prisoners.
Then their women adopted the religion and were seen wearing burquas.
But not many overall.

Now I'm seeing white women wearing burqas!!

Saw one in Wal-Mart the other day.

Which makes me wonder what the attraction of Islam is --- especially why would emancipated American women voluntarily give up their freedom and allow themselves to be made into domestic sex slaves?

I can understand that, to a certain kind of " man ", there is an attraction to having their females totally subservient and being allowed ( by their religion if not by the law ) to beat them and even kill them for certain " offenses ".

But why do their women submit?

People like being told what to do. It makes life easier, provides security. People like having lots of things they have to do in their daily life, routines, like praying etc. It gives people purpose, especially people who can't really think for themselves.
( I posted this in the Religion topic but thought I would post it here in my favorite place to tease right wingers too )
There is a noticeable surge in Muslims in America.

Some years back, it became fashionable among blacks --- particularly among black prisoners.
Then their women adopted the religion and were seen wearing burquas.
But not many overall.

Now I'm seeing white women wearing burqas!!

Saw one in Wal-Mart the other day.

Which makes me wonder what the attraction of Islam is --- especially why would emancipated American women voluntarily give up their freedom and allow themselves to be made into domestic sex slaves?

I can understand that, to a certain kind of " man ", there is an attraction to having their females totally subservient and being allowed ( by their religion if not by the law ) to beat them and even kill them for certain " offenses ".

But why do their women submit?

The main attraction is that it is a much more "color blind" religion than Christianity or Judaism. It's also less "structured" and more spiritual.
Jesus preached peace. Mohammed ruled by the sword and killed while taking sex slaves.

"Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword."

-Matthew 10:34

Sword pierces the soul. One must take up the cross which kills ones old way of life. Through this, peace follows. Of course you thought Jesus came along preaching death by the sword but that was incorrect...or you were just trying to make both equal....which is incorrect also.

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