What is the attraction of Islam?

The attraction of Islam is the same as the attraction of Christianity...

some sort of prospect of salvation.

the difference is that Christianity holds the person responsible for his sins. Islam rewards them with virgins in the afterlife.
Fuck the millions of law-abiding gun owners Muslims! We must ban all guns Muslims!

I think you're veering off the train tracks again. This thread is about how attractive islam is.
Just pointing out the hypocrisy of bigots and wondering why their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

You gun Muslim control freaks are using the exact same illogic as people who want to ban guns.

Your arguments are interchangeable.
Not really.

You are relying on the idea that many are calling to ban Muslims in general.

Aside from a very select few bigots here and there this is not being called for at all. Your comparison is a massive fallacy.
The attraction of Islam is the same as the attraction of Christianity...

some sort of prospect of salvation.
There is a big difference though: most Christian sects do not demand that the woman give up equality where most or the time Islam does.

That puts a pretty damn big wrench in the idea in general. Perhaps the question should be why someone would be attracted to Islam over the myriad of other options on the table that do not remove ones freedoms. It is a valid if somewhat loaded query.
It's the religion of Peace that encourages the devout to kill non believers in barbaric ways and feel good about it....
The attraction of Islam is the same as the attraction of Christianity...

some sort of prospect of salvation.
There is a big difference though: most Christian sects do not demand that the woman give up equality where most or the time Islam does.

That puts a pretty damn big wrench in the idea in general. Perhaps the question should be why someone would be attracted to Islam over the myriad of other options on the table that do not remove ones freedoms. It is a valid if somewhat loaded query.

Interestingly, the US has never had a female president, but the Muslim nation of Pakistan has had a female Prime Minister.
( I posted this in the Religion topic but thought I would post it here in my favorite place to tease right wingers too )
There is a noticeable surge in Muslims in America.

Some years back, it became fashionable among blacks --- particularly among black prisoners.
Then their women adopted the religion and were seen wearing burquas.
But not many overall.

Now I'm seeing white women wearing burqas!!

Saw one in Wal-Mart the other day.

Which makes me wonder what the attraction of Islam is --- especially why would emancipated American women voluntarily give up their freedom and allow themselves to be made into domestic sex slaves?

I can understand that, to a certain kind of " man ", there is an attraction to having their females totally subservient and being allowed ( by their religion if not by the law ) to beat them and even kill them for certain " offenses ".

But why do their women submit?

A lot of them were recruited to ISIS, so apparently they believe in the whole 72 virgins crap. And some women and young girls were promised that they'd be treated like queens. Either way, it's mentally ill people who buy into it.
It is a fundamentalist religion
You can marry many woman
You have a lot of power over them
You can kill them and your children when they go against islam.
You don't have to think about logic, science or much of anything.
Life is simple
The attraction of Islam is the same as the attraction of Christianity...

some sort of prospect of salvation.
There is a big difference though: most Christian sects do not demand that the woman give up equality where most or the time Islam does.

That puts a pretty damn big wrench in the idea in general. Perhaps the question should be why someone would be attracted to Islam over the myriad of other options on the table that do not remove ones freedoms. It is a valid if somewhat loaded query.

Interestingly, the US has never had a female president, but the Muslim nation of Pakistan has had a female Prime Minister.

I am sure you had a point here.
The attraction of Islam is the same as the attraction of Christianity...

some sort of prospect of salvation.
There is a big difference though: most Christian sects do not demand that the woman give up equality where most or the time Islam does.

That puts a pretty damn big wrench in the idea in general. Perhaps the question should be why someone would be attracted to Islam over the myriad of other options on the table that do not remove ones freedoms. It is a valid if somewhat loaded query.

Interestingly, the US has never had a female president, but the Muslim nation of Pakistan has had a female Prime Minister.

I am sure you had a point here.

It is a fundamentalist religion
You can marry many woman
You have a lot of power over them
You can kill them and your children when they go against islam.
You don't have to think about logic, science or much of anything.
Life is simple

Christianity is a fundamentalist religion.
'What is the attraction of Islam?'

They seem to be winning, and NOT getting your head cut off, being burned alive, or locked in a cage that is lowered into water where you will drown?!
It is a fundamentalist religion
You can marry many woman
You have a lot of power over them
You can kill them and your children when they go against islam.
You don't have to think about logic, science or much of anything.
Life is simple

Christianity is a fundamentalist religion.
...and that's pretty much where the comparison ends.

My theory about why liberals 'F*' with Christians and NOT Muslims is because Liberals know that Christians are the REAL TOLERANT religion. Christians will take the abuse, they'll turn the other cheek, and they'll even pray for you when you do them wrong. They know if they wrong Muslims, they'll cut your head off, suicide bomb your ass, burn you alive, lock you in a cage and lower you into water to drown, etc.....
It is a fundamentalist religion
You can marry many woman
You have a lot of power over them
You can kill them and your children when they go against islam.
You don't have to think about logic, science or much of anything.
Life is simple

Christianity is a fundamentalist religion.
...and that's pretty much where the comparison ends.

My theory about why liberals 'F*' with Christians and NOT Muslims is because Liberals know that Christians are the REAL TOLERANT religion. Christians will take the abuse, they'll turn the other cheek, and they'll even pray for you when you do them wrong. They know if they wrong Muslims, they'll cut your head off, suicide bomb your ass, burn you alive, lock you in a cage and lower you into water to drown, etc.....

Did American Christians 'turn the other cheek' as a reaction to 9/11?
All this anti-Muslim rhetoric is leading directly to a ban on Muslims. Many such bigots have openly stated that is what they want.

Shoot...a GOP candidate for President said "we're looking into that"...
It is a fundamentalist religion
You can marry many woman
You have a lot of power over them
You can kill them and your children when they go against islam.
You don't have to think about logic, science or much of anything.
Life is simple

Christianity is a fundamentalist religion.

fundamentalist Christians arent beheading people and turning a whole region of the planet into a savage wasteland idiot

try again...................
Women must really like the female circumcision bit.

According to the principles of conservative Christians, female circumcision as a religious practice is protected by the 1st Amendment.
Really? Where the hell do you come up with this stuff? Look cabbie, you're not really sharp, we know that. Still, are you really trying to defend female circumcision?!

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